【走向高考】(天津 山东专用)高中英语一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 Module2 Developing and Developed Countries 外研版必修3.doc

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【走向高考】(天津 山东专用)高中英语一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 Module2 Developing and Developed Countries 外研版必修3.doc_第1页
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【走向高考】(天津 山东专用)高中英语一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 Module2 Developing and Developed Countries 外研版必修3.doc_第2页
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《【走向高考】(天津 山东专用)高中英语一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 Module2 Developing and Developed Countries 外研版必修3.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【走向高考】(天津 山东专用)高中英语一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 Module2 Developing and Developed Countries 外研版必修3.doc(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Module 2Developing and Developed Countries.单词拼写1_(饥饿)can cause diseases as well as death.2The Green Revolution is playing a major role in reducing _(贫困)in developing countries like Angola.3Work hard and you will achieve your _(目标)4By comparing details,the police found the _(相似性)of the two cases.5A g

2、roup discussion in class provides a chance for children to _(交流)views and ideas.6It is our hope that all the children can be _(教育)in a happy atmosphere.7_(不幸的是),all the passengers on board were killed because of the air crash.8The fast _(发展)of China is changing the way the world understand it.9He sq

3、ueezed his way into a_(拥挤的)bus.10Whether a man is successful or not can be _(衡量)in many ways.答案:1.Hunger2.poverty3.goal4.similarity5.exchange6.educated7.Unfortunately8.development9.crowded10.measured.完成句子1我把我的录音机给你,那你用什么交换呢?What would you give me _ my recorder?2玛丽睡着了,头靠着他的肩膀。Mary fell asleep _.3到目前为

4、止,我们在治理污染方面取得了很大进步。Up to now, we _ in dealing with pollution.4. 在高三,为了进入大学每个学生都在努力。In Senior 3, every student is _ to go to college.5她生气地离开了。这是因为他男朋友的话伤害了她。She left angrily. _ what her boyfriend said hurt her.答案:1.in exchange for2.with her head against his shoulder3.have made great progress4.making

5、great efforts5.This was because.单项填空1_the midterm examination approaching,some students began to show some signs of anxiety.ABecauseBAsCWith DAlthough答案:C考查介词和连词用法。句意:随着期中考试的临近,一些学生开始表现出焦虑的迹象。with在句中构成with复合结构,在句中充当状语。because,as,although均为连词,引导状语从句。2(2012杭州模拟)The room _10 meters across is large enou

6、gh foir a single man to live in.Ameasuring BmeasuresCto be measured Dmeasured答案:A考查非谓语动词用法。句意:这个10米宽的房间足够一个人居住。句中的measure为不及物动词,表示事物的长、宽、高等是多少,不能用于被动语态和进行时态,作定语要用现在分词。故本题正确答案是A。B项为谓语动词形式,如将选项改为which/that measures也正确;C、D两项为被动形式不正确。3(2012东北师大附中模拟)Jenny,what would you like to have for lunch,pizza,pasta

7、 or sushi?_I have a good appetite.ASounds good. BYoure so considerate.CIts up to you. DIt depends.答案:C考查情景交际。根据对话中的I have a good appetite.可以判断,第二个说话人对午饭吃什么东西并不介意,因此选Its up to you(随你的便,由你来定)符合句子语境;Sounds good用于同意对方提出的观点或意见,意为“听起来不错”;Youre so considerate你真是想得太周到了;你真是太体贴人了;It depends视情况而定。4(2012聊城模拟)Th

8、e dictionary is _ to my translation,but that one is _.Aa great help;helplessBa great help;of no useCimportant;of few importanceDvery helpful;of no any use答案:B考查of抽象名词的用法。句意:这本字典对于我的翻译非常有帮助;而那一本就没有什么用处。a great help意为“得力的帮手,非常有帮助”;of no use没有用的;A项中的helpless意为“无助的”;few不修饰抽象名词;of no any use结构有错误,故只有B项完全

9、正确。5Though bought several years ago, the car is still in good _.Asituation BconditionCstandard Dposition答案:B句意:虽然是好几年前买的,但是这辆车的状况仍然很好。in good condition“状况良好”。situation“形势”;standard“标准”;position“位置”。6Last night he saw two dark _ enter the building, and then there was the explosion.Afeatures BshapesCf

10、igures Dimages答案:C由句意可知,此处指两个黑影进了大楼。feature“特征,特色”;shape“外形”;figure“人物,人影”;image“形象”。7In China,the Midautumn Festival is a good chance for family gettogether under the full moon,a _for happiness and prosperity.Asignal BcelebrationCfeature Dsymbol答案:D考查名词词义。句意:在中国,中秋节的圆月象征着幸福和繁荣,是家人团聚的好机会。symbol象征;符合

11、语境。signal信号,标志;celebration庆典,庆祝;feature特色,特征。8Into the dark apartment _,who was quite surprised when everyone shouted“happy birthday”Adid David walk BDavid walkedCDavid did walk Dwalked David答案:D考查完全倒装句。句意:戴维走进了漆黑的房间,当所有人都喊“生日快乐”时,他非常惊讶。句子的前半部分是题干的主句部分,是一个以介词短语into the dark apartment开头的句子,故要用完全倒装,故正

12、确选项为D。9Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise._,our minds are developed by learning.ALikely BSimilarlyCProbably DGenerally答案:B考查副词词义。句意:身体是靠锻炼强壮的,同样,大脑是靠学习开发的。similarly同样地,类似地;符合语境。10We were given _ great surprise when he said he would leave _ office soon.A/; the B/; /Ca; / Dthe; the答案:C考查冠词

13、。句意:他说他不久就要辞职,这很让我们惊奇。此句中的surprise是可数名词,表示“意想不到(或突然)的事”,所以此处要用不定冠词修饰;leave office意为“辞职”。11That river _ 250 kilometres long and 60 metres wide.Ameasures Bis measuredCcalculates Dis calculated答案:A句意:那条河长250千米,宽60米。measure这里为系动词,意为“量起来(有多长或多宽)”。calculate一般要用作及物动词,后接宾语,意为“计算”。12Could you help me to _ wh

14、at expenses are when taking a trip in Europe?Amake for Blet inCpick up Dfigure out答案:D句意:你能帮我计算出在欧洲旅行一趟需要多少费用吗?make for“促成”;let in “允许进入”;pick up“拾起来;偶尔获得”;figure out“计算出”。13Life was hard for his family. _,the company he worked in closed down,which put the family in an even worse situation.AUnfortun

15、ately BUnimportantlyCInconveniently DUncomfortably答案:A考查副词辨析。句意:他的家境比较艰辛。不幸的是,他工作的公司倒闭了,这使得这一家庭陷入了更糟糕的境况。unfortunately不幸地;unimportantly不重要地;inconveniently不方便地;uncomfortably不舒服地。14The police say that they will offer a $50,000 _ for any information that helps them find the killer.Aincome BfeeCbill Dre

16、ward答案:D考查名词辨析。句意:警察说他们将为任何有助于找到杀人凶犯的信息提供50 000美元的酬金。reward报酬,赏金;income收入;fee费用;bill账单,票据,钞票。15You can stick to your own point of view,but in my opinion its not worth the _you will make.Astrength BenergyCeffort Duse答案:C考查名词辨析。句意:你可以坚持你的观点,但是依我看来,你所做出的努力不值得。make effort做出努力;strength体力,力量,优点,长处;energy精

17、力,能量;use使用。故选C。.阅读理解AThere are many times I feel close to going crazy in Beijing. The overhooting horns and the dangerous driving of local drivers are slowly driving us cyclists to extinction, here in the bicycle capital of the world.What keeps me conscious is my weekly session with some of Beijings

18、 warmest souls. We meet at the English corner in the Chaoyang Library. There, all topics are open for discussion. We usually talk about family and business, two Chinese priorities across all age groups, Ive discovered. There are always plenty of requests to explain European religion and culture. Som

19、e, however, like one of my older students, 80yearold Mr Gou, prefer to sing in English.Lately weve talked about the 60th anniversary celebrations and Im lucky in the diversity of ages that I get a good sample of what Chinas thinking. Most look forward to the time off, some have been inconvenienced (

20、by their offices being shut to make way for rehearsals) and some worry about the cost of it.I sometimes feel that even a 60yearold China is still not very well known or understood. Foreign friends with little time to spare on business and tourist visits to Beijing complain about the similar things:a

21、ggressive driving, bad air and a lot of ostentatious displays of wealth such as big cars, paunches and loud shirts.Its a shame, because those are the conspicuous minority. To know Beijing you have to make an effort to meet and talk to majoritythe likes of retired Doctor Rose, who runs the English co

22、rner, or Mr Tang, the retired railway station inspector. These are friendly, knowable folks with all the patience possible to explain and share China with a curious foreigner. I feel very lucky to have them to talk and listen to.Theyll likely neveror rarelystep into a Starbucks. Their means are mode

23、st and they dont have any flashy cars to park on the footpath. No, but theyll teach you priceless, disappearing Beijing knowledge and crafts. Theyll invite you to eat jiaozi and play shuttlecock. And on October 1, I marked the big 60th birthday with them, the ordinary, kind people of Beijing.1Who ru

24、ns the English corner according to the passage?ATang. BRose.CMr Gou. DThe writer.答案:B细节理解题。从倒数第二段的第二句可知答案。2Which of the following is TRUE of Beijing?AThe drivers in Beijing drive terribly.BPeople at the English corner talk about European religion and culture every day.CForeign friends spare no time

25、on business in Beijing.DOnly when you talk to people can you know Beijing better.答案:A细节理解题。从第一段的第二句可知:北京司机危险的车技使人们逐渐不再骑自行车。故选A项。3What can we learn about the 60th anniversary celebrations?AThe writer can predict what Chinas thinking.BMost people think the 60th anniversary celebrations worthless.CSome

26、 people may be concerned about sideeffects of the 60th anniversary celebrations.DPeople will teach you priceless, disappearing Beijing knowledge and crafts.答案:C细节理解题。从第三段最后的“.some have been inconvenienced (by their offices being shut to make way for rehearsals) and some worry about the cost of it.”可

27、知答案。4The underlined word “ostentatious” in Paragraph 4 means _.Ajealous BexpensiveCcheap Dshowy答案:D猜测词义题。从本句的“big cars, paunches and loud shirts”可知是对财富的炫耀。故选D。5Which of the following is the best title of the passage?AHidden Treasure BProud PeopleCPriceless Love DPotential Ability答案:A主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了只有通

28、过多和人们交流和沟通,才能真正了解北京,故题目Hidden treasure“暗藏的珍宝”,符合文章内容。BThe Japanese economy is at a standstill, Japans government has said, as concerns about the strong yen continue to grow. The recovery in the economy was “pausing”, the Cabinet Office said in a monthly statement.It is the most negative that the gov

29、ernment has been about the economy in nearly two years. The rising yen and a slowdown in global demand for Japanese exports were blamed for the setback.In recent months, the government has insisted that the economy is “picking up”. But it said it now expected the economy to remain weak for some time

30、, with “weakening” exports being a chief concern. It said shipments to Asia in particular were becoming weaker, further hitting exporters that are already suffering from the strong yen.The yen remains near a 15year high against the US dollar, despite the financial interference (干预) in the currency m

31、arkets last month for the first time in six years.Japanese Prime Minsiter Naoto Kan (菅直人) has also passed a $63 billion stimulus (刺激) package in an effort to protect exporters who have seen the poor exchange rate eat into their profits. At the close of markets in Tokyo, the yen was trading at 81.44

32、yen to the dollar, just off the high of 81.27 yen.“If the economy turns out expected, we may end up describing the current situation as a soft patch,” one of the government officials said, “But if it comes under further downward pressure, it could end up slipping into recession (衰退)”日本经济陷于停滞,日元的不断升值

33、和出口量的下降是造成这种现象的主要原因。6The Japanese government think the current back economy situation is partly due to _.Athe decline of the strong yenBthe unsatisfactory exportsCthe governments mistaken policyDthe decline in the quality of goods答案:B事实细节题。由文中第二段中的“The rising yen and a slowdown in global demand for

34、Japanese exports were balmed for the setback”以及第三段中的“But it said it now expected the economy to remain weak for some time, withweakning exports being a chief concern”可知日元的不断升值和出口量下降导致了经济停滞,故B项正确,A项错在decline。7In recent months, the government has a(n) _ attitude towards the economy situation.Ashocking

35、 BnegativeCoptimistic Daggressive答案:C推理判断题。由文章第三段以及最后一段内容可知,日本政府对经济的复苏持乐观态度。8From the passage we know the government has taken measures mainly to _.Aprotect the foreign marketsBprotect profits of its exportersCmonitor the yen exchange rateDstimulate domestic demands答案:B事实细节题。由文章第五段第一句中的“.also passed

36、 a $63 billion stimulus (刺激) package in an effort to protect exporters who have seen the poor exchange rate eat into their profits.”可得到答案为B。9The passage could probably be found in _.Aa government white paperBa science fictionCa travel journalDa newspaper report答案:A推理判断题。根据文章内容可判断这是一篇关于日本经济的政府文件,故选择A项。8


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