简历模板大全 --客服代表.doc

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1、霸象文化-Edward Orwell123 Blake Street Anaheim, CA 54321 (321)555-9999 JOB OBJECTIVE Sales Representative focusing on business-to-business account developmentHIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATIONS History of representing organizations with professionalism and enthusiasm Experience with business-to-business accoun

2、t development and outside sales, including prospecting, cold calling, and presenting sales programs Adept at maintaining a positive atmosphere in the workplace and resolving problems with calm and grace. A hard-working team member who gets along well with everyone.PROFESSIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS2006pre

3、sent General Motors Club, Anaheim, CA Customer Care Representative Recognized by management for often meeting the weekly sales quota and for superior service to the company. Trained new customer care reps to sell-up by clearly communicating membership benefits and promotions. Generated new prospects

4、 and cultivated excellent long-term relationships with members, using a friendly approach to questions and problems. 20032006 Main Avenue Library, Santa Barbara, CAAssistant Librarian Assisted patrons with various levels of technical ability to use the librarys computer screens to navigate the libra

5、ry system. Showed the extreme patience and interest when answering questions and helping patrons with forms processing.EDUCATION / LICENSE Ongoing coursework in International Studies Anaheim University, Anaheim, CA High School Diploma, Anaheim, CA Valid California State Drivers LicenseEdward Orwell1

6、23 Blake Street Anaheim, CA 54321 (321)555-9999 求职意向 客服代表个人资质 良好的职业素养,沉着稳重,诚实正直 在快速的工作环境中善于沉着应对大量的客服电话接打工作 工作勤奋并善于团队协作 工作努力,优秀的团队合作者职业成就2006年至今 通用汽车俱乐部,加州 客户维护代表 通过客服呼叫中心对大量的客户进行维护管理,持续跟踪客户并最终为客户提出解决方案 培训新客户维护代表,使其将俱乐部会员制度提供的利益和促销清晰地传递给客户 运用友善的方式来为会员答疑解惑,培养优质长期的客户关系 20032006 主干道图书馆,圣巴巴拉,加州助理图书管理员 协助不同水平的浏览者使用电脑系统来检索图书馆信息 在处理图书馆浏览者的表格写过程中表现出极大的耐心和兴趣教育背景/执照 国际关系课程在读 Anaheim 大学, 加州高中毕业证,加州加州驾驶执照


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