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1、4A Module 1 Getting to know youUnit 1 Meeting new peopleContentM1 U1 Look and Learn (P3) (Period1)Aims1. To use the key words in the context. e.g. eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty.2. To use numbers to express ones age,

2、student number, etc.3. To use numbers to guess the prize of things.Language focus1. To use the words and phrases.Teaching aidsPPT, etcProceduresStepTeachers activityStudents activityPurposePre-task preparation1. Warming up.2. Sing a song: 3. Ask questions:What can you see?How many Indian boys in the

3、 song?Can you count to ten?4. Play a counting game and review the numbers .1. Warming up.2. Sing a song.3. Answer questions:I can seeThere are ten Indian boys.Yes, I can4. Count the rectangles and try to spell the words of numbers.有趣的歌曲将学生带入轻松的英语学习氛围。通过师生言语交际巩固已有知识积累,为新授作铺垫。While-task procedure1. In

4、troduce: eleven1) Add a rectangle and ask:How many rectangles now? 2) Have the Ss fill in the blanks: _l_v_n.3) Ask and answer:A: How many rectangles?B: There are eleven.2. Introduce: twelve1) Show a picture of a clock and ask: What number can you see?2) To elicit: twelve3) Try to say: Its twelve oc

5、lock.3. Introduce: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.(1) Show the number 13 and have the Ss listen and fill in the blanks: th_ _ teen(2) Show 7+7=and have the student answer.Teach: fourteen.(3) a. Show three hands and have the Ss count the fingers.T: How many finger

6、s? b. Have the Ss listen and choose: A. fifteen B. fiveteen(4) a.Show the numbers and have the Ss fill in the blamks:16 _ _ _teen17 _ _ _ _ _teen18_ _ _ _teen19 _ _ _ _teenb. Do quick response4. Introduce: twenty, twenty-one(1) a. Show the note of twenty and ask: What number is it?b. Teach: twenty(2

7、) T: Twenty and one is twenty-one.Teach:twenty-one(3) Show the numbers and have the Ss say in English.e.g.,245. Introduce: thirty, forty, fiftyShow the numbers and teach the words.(1) Teach: thirty(2) Teach: forty Show :fourty Replace fourty with forty.(3)Teach: fifty(4)Show some people and have the

8、 Ss guess the age of them.How old is he/she?1. Learn: eleven1) Look and answer:There are eleven.2) To fill in the blanks.eleven3)Ask and answer.2. Learn: twelve1) Look and answer.I can see2) Learn the word.3) Try to say.3. Learn: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.(1

9、) Look , listen and fill in the blanks: thirteen(2) S:Seven and seven is fourteen.Read and spell.(3) a. Look and answer: There are fifteen fingers.b. Listen and choose: A(4) a.Look and try to fill in:sixteenseventeeneighteennineteenb. Quick response4. Learn: twenty, twenty-one(1)Look and answer:It i

10、s twenty.b. Learn: twenty(2)Learn: twenty-one(3) Look and say.Eg,.twenty-four5. Learn: thirty, forty, fifty(1) Learn: thirty(2) Learn: forty (3)Learn: fifty(4)Look and guess:Shes/Hes通过填入所缺字母,使学生更易发现和记忆元音字母e在同一个单词中的不同发音,渗透语音教学。钟表的呈现使学生发现12个数字中12是个新词,激发学生学习兴趣。数字13到19有一定规律性,便于学生记忆,其中fifteen和eighteen稍微有

11、别于其他单词。通过比较使学生更快记忆。20元纸币的呈现带给学生一种新鲜感,使学生在趣味中学习新内容。40的表达,学生容易混记成fourty,通过呈现再否定使学生记忆正确的表达法forty。Post-task activity1. Ask students to read the words.2. Quick response.3. Play a guessing game: How much is it/are they?1. Read the words.2. Quick response.3. Play a guessing game:Its/Theyre猜价格的游戏带动学生的积极性,使学

12、生在活跃的环境中有充分的言语交际的机会。Assignment1. Read and copy the new words 2. Count the things around us.板书设计Unit 1 Meeting new peopleeleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty.教学反思 ContentM1U1 Look and say (P2)& Ask and answer (Period 2)Aims1

13、. To use modelled sentences to introduce a persons name. Eg. His/ Her name is2. To use the modelled sentences to introduce a persons age. Eg. Shes twelve.3. To use formulaic expressions to introduce a person to others or take leave. Eg. This is my sister. See you.Language focusTo use modelled senten

14、ces to introduce a persons name. Eg. His/ Her name isTeaching aidsPictures, word cards, cassette player, media etcProceduresStepTeachers activityStudents activityPurposePre-task preparation1. Sing a song2. Review the numbers.1) Quick response.T show the numbers.2) Ask and answer.Eg. How much is six

15、plus nine? How old are you? How old is your mother? What is your telephone number? How much is your bag? What is your student number?.1. Sing the song together.2. Review the numbers.1) Say the numbers quickly.2) Answer the questions.Ask and answer in pairs.通过教师的引导,带领学生复习数字,并且通过师生、生生问答的形式,打开学生的思维,把数字

16、与现实生活紧密联系起来,提高学生使用英语表达的能力,同时也为下面新授做铺垫。While-task procedure1. To teach: classmate1) Invite a new student to stand up. Ask the students: Is she your sister/ friend/ classmate?To elicit: classmate2) Show the word card and ask S to read the word several times. classmate3) T: Who is this? This is my clas

17、smate.4) T: The student sits beside you is your deskmate.2. To teach: Her/ His name is1) Invite one student to stand up. Ask: Whats your name?Ask other students: Whats his/ her name?Write the Key words on the blackboard.2) Show the masks of the book.Ask: Whats his/ her name?3) Prompt the Ss to intro

18、duce a classmate/friend/ deskmate.3. Teach: Look and say1) Ask Ss to enjoy the flash and answer the questions.Who is Peters classmate?How old is Sally?How old is Paul?2) Show Picture 2T: Who is this? Whats her name? How old is she?Let the Ss act as Peter.3) Listen and follow.1. To learn: classmate1)

19、 Listen and answer.2)P: classmateRead one by one.3) Ask and answer.4) Read: deskmate2. To learn: Her/ His name is1) S1: My name isSs: His/ Her name is2) Ask and answer.3) Try to say: This is myHis/ Her name is Hes / Shes (age).3. Learn: Look and say1) Listen and answer.To learn the word: only2) Lear

20、n Picture 2Answer.Act as Peter.3) Listen and follow.结合实际,教师通过一般疑问句的问答,使学生在回答中作出判断并引出新词。运用已经学过的句型操练新授单词。适当增加单词输入量,教给学生一定的构词规律。结合班级中学生的实际情况,进行师生、生生间的对话与交流。举一反三,鼓励学生积极交流。活学活用,通过变换操练,鼓励学生自主学习。播放flash,通过学生仔细观察,认真倾听,获取有效信息,回答教师问题。在理解对话内容的基础上,模仿语音语调,使学生养成纯正的英语。Post-task activity1. Have the students role-pl

21、ay the dialogue in groups of four.2. Do Ask and answer on Page 31) Play the cassette.2) Play the cassette again.3) Ask the Ss to talk about their friends.1. Act out the dialogue.2. Learn Ask and answer.1) Listen and answer.2) Listen and repeat.3) Try to talk about one friend.,对子操练,增加语言实践的机会。在模仿课本内容的

22、基础上联系自己身边的人物进行介绍,体现英语的实用性。Assignment1. Introduce your family members, using This is His/Her names 2. Write about one of your classmates.引导学生养成课外自主学习英语,交流英语的习惯。板书设计Module 1 Getting to know youUnit 1 Meeting new peopleclassmate This is my His / Her name is Hes/ Shes 教学反思ContentM1U1 Say and act A new c

23、lassmate (Period 3)Aims1. To use modelled sentences to introduce a persons age and student number. Eg. Her student number is sixteen.2. To use formulaic expressions to introduce others. Eg. This is your3. To use formulaic expressions to greet new people and respond to greetings. 4. To use modelled s

24、entences to introduce a persons age. Eg. Shes ten years old.5. To use the modelled sentences to introduce ones name and age.Eg. My name is ImLanguage focusTo use modelled sentences to introduce a persons age and student number. Eg. Her student number is sixteen.Teaching aidsPictures, word cards, med

25、ia etcProceduresStepsTeachers activityStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Sing a song. 2. Play the counting game.Show some items on the PPtLet the Ss count and answer.T: How many?3. Review the dialogue of Page 2.1. Sing together.2. Count the items and answer:Ss: There are3. Make a new d

26、ialogue and act out it.跟本课学习内容相关的歌曲把学生快速带入英语学习氛围中。数数游戏,复习本单元数字,为后续学习作铺垫。While-task procedure1. Teach: Listen and enjoy 1) T: Two children meet in the park. Lets enjoy the flash. 2) T: Whats the boys/ girls name?3) Play the flash again.4) Ask Ss say and act in pairs.5) Ask Ss to make a new rhyme in p

27、airs.Eg. Hello, Hello,My name is . What about you?/ Nice to meet you, 2. To teach: student number1) T point to one student and say: This is He is a student. You are students.2) T: This is He is a student. His student number is 3) T: Whats your/ his/ her student number?3. Teach: Say and act1) T: Have

28、 you got a new classmate? Kitty has a new classmate. Lets listen and enjoy the flash. 2) Ask: Whats Kittys new classmates name? How old is she? Whats her student number? How old is Kitty? What is Kittys student number?3) Play the flash again.4) Ask Ss read.1. Learn: Listen and enjoy1) Enjoy the flas

29、h.2) Ss: His / Her name is3) Listen and follow.4) Say and act.5) Make a new rhyme with their own names.2. To learn: student number1) Listen and read: student2) Try to say: student number3) Answer: My/ His/ Her student number is Work in pairs.3: Learn: Say and act1) Enjoy the flash.2) Answer the ques

30、tions.Learn: years old3). Listen and follow.4) Read by themselves.先听后学,使学生养成良好的听音模仿的习惯。听后回答问题,及时反馈听力效果,提高学生有效获取信息的能力。用自己的名字自编儿歌,使学生边学边用,学以致用。联系生活实际学习词组“student number”,在操练过程中,不断变换人称,使学生不仅关注自身,也关注身边的同学。师生谈话中自然引出课题,带着问题欣赏动态的flash对话,有目的地搜索有效信息,理解文本内容。Post-task activity1. Ask the students to role-play t

31、he dialogue in groups of three.2. T: Kitty invites Jill to her home and introduce Jill to her mother.1. To role-play the dialogue to the class.2. Make a new dialogue in groups of three.小组表演,增加语言实践的机会。根据文本扩充情景,为学生创设运用语言的机会,也体现课堂学习的延续性。Assignment1. Listen and read after the tape.2. Introduce one class

32、mate “This is His/Her names His / Her student number is ” to your parents and write down.引导学生养成课外自主学习英语、交流英语的习惯。板书设计M1 U 1 Say and actA new classmatestudent This is number His / Her name is Hes/ Shes years old. His/ Her student number is 教学反思ContentM1U1 Look and read Jill (P4) & Learn the sound (Per

33、iod 4)Aims1. To use modelled sentences to describe a persons likes. Eg. She likes reading.2. To use the modal verb can to describe a persons abilities. Eg. She can play basketball.3. To identify the pronunciation of -sk in words such as desk and mask. Eg. desk, mask.Language focus1. To use modelled

34、sentences to describe a persons likes. Eg. She likes reading.2. To use the modal verb can to describe a persons abilities. Eg. She can play basketball.Teaching aidsMutimedia, word cards, picturesProceduresStepTeachers activityStudents activityPurposePre-task preparation1. Say the rhyme of P6.2. Dail

35、y talk.Eg. Whats your/ his/ her name/ student number? How old ? Is your student number? What can you do?3. Play a game T: He is tall and thin. Hes ten years old. His student number is 12. He can run. He likes singing. Whats his name?1. Say together.2. Ask and answer.3. Listen and guess.Play the game

36、 in groups of four.在师生,生生问答中,复习巩固原有句型,提高学生用英语交流的能力。通过听一听,猜一猜的游戏,激发学生兴趣,有效复习有关年龄、学号、外貌的描述。While-task procedure1. To teach: He/ She lives near our school.1) Show a map.T: Where is our school? Where is your home?To elicit: near our school2) Teach: near 3) T: Where do you live? How do you go to school?I

37、 live near our school.I walk to school.( I go to school on foot every day.)4) T: Where does XX live? How does he/ she go to school?5) Show some pictures.2. Teach: Look and read1) Play the flash.2) Show True or false.3) Ask Ss to listen again and answer questions.What is Kittys new classmates name? H

38、ow old is she? Where does she live?How does she go to school every day? What does she like doing? What can she do? 4) Show the whole passage.5) Fill in the blanks.Eg. We have a new _. _ name is Jill3. Teach: Learn the sound.1) Play the flash.2) Ask Ss to think of more words with the sound.3) Show th

39、e rhyme.1. To learn: He/ She lives near our school.1) Look at the map and answer.2) Read: near3) Ask and answer.4) Try to say: He/ She lives near our school. He/ She walks to school every day.5) Work in pairs.2. Learn: Look and read1) Listen and enjoy.2) Do True or false. Check the answers.3) Listen

40、 and answer the questions.Her name isShe is years old.She livesShe goes to schoolShe likesShe can4) Read the passage.5) Read and fill in the blanks.3. Learn: -sk 1) Read : -sk desk mask2) Say more words. Eg. ask, task, disk3) Read the rhyme.通过学校周边地图,使学生直观了解学校的地理位置,自然引出near,并可根据实际拓展far 师生问答中学习新词和句型,能

41、教给学生不同的说法。从第一人称过渡到第三人称是个难点,运用图片进一步强化记忆,进行巩固性操练。通过动态媒体的欣赏,学习课文,运用判断题的形式,检验学生对文章的理解程度。师生就文章内容进行问答,使学生在理解的基础上,进一步运用关键句型交流信息。填入所缺的词完成句子,检验学生写的能力。在学会正确发音的基础上,训练学生辨音的能力,再进行发音举例。Post-task activities1. Fill in the blanks.Eg. My _ is Jill. Im Kittys classmate. Im _ years old. I live _ our school.2. Ask Ss to

42、 introduce themselves.1. Fill in the blanks.2. Use the key words to introduce.文本再构,以第一人称出现,让学生根据课本内容填空,不仅能检验学生不同人称描述的灵活运用,而且为第二环节自我介绍提供范例。Assignment1. Read after the tape.2. Use the key words to write about a friend.板书设计M1 U1 Look and read Jillnear She/ He lives live She/ He walks to.walk She/ He li

43、kes She/ He can教学反思ContentRevision Period 5Aims1. To review some words and expressions: eleven, twelve, thirteen2. To review the sentences:A. 物主代词用法:His/Her name is B. 数字在不同语境中的用法。C. 语音-sk。Language focusTo introduce a persons name, age and student number.Teaching aidsword cards, exercises, etcProceduresStepTeachers activityStudents activityPurposePart 11. Sing a number song.2. Show the numbers.11, 12, 133. Daily talk.Teacher asks some questions: How old are you?How old is your mother?Whats your student number?Whats his/her student number?Whats your telephone number?How many stude


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