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《外研版七年级下英语课件ppt.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版七年级下英语课件ppt.ppt(65页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1Unit 1 Whose bag is this?1. To learn to talk about the lost and found 2. To learn to use the possessive pronouns: whose, my, mine, our, ours, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, their, theirs3. To learn some key words and useful expressions 4. To read the words correctly Objectives:Words: crayon, era

2、ser, gloves, wallet, mine, yours, hersPhrases: Welcome back, first of all, a lot of, be careful with, from now onPatterns:Whose bag is this?Its mine.Whose tapes are these/they?Theyre mine.Whose watch is this?Its Bettys.ReviewWords and expressionscrayoneraserglovewalletwatchwhosefirst of alllosefindl

3、ost and found boxn. 蜡笔蜡笔n. 橡皮擦橡皮擦n. 手套手套n. 钱包钱包n. 表表; 手表手表pron. 谁的谁的 首先首先, 第一第一v. (lost) 失去失去v. (found) 发现发现; 找到找到 失物招领箱失物招领箱Words and expressionsmineyourstapepurpleherscarefulbe careful withonfrom now onhere is/arepron. 我的我的(东西东西)pron. 你你(们们)的的(东西东西)n. 录音带录音带; 录像带录像带adj. &n. 紫紫(红红)色色(的的)pron. 他的他的(

4、东西东西)adj. 仔细的仔细的; 认真的认真的 小心小心(对待对待)adv. 从某时刻起从某时刻起 从现在开始从现在开始 在这儿在这儿Words and expressionsWhat color is his cap?Yellow.What color are your caps?Our caps are purple.Whose bananas are those?They are our bananas.hishisbikeWhats this?Whose bag is this? Its a bag.My name is Du Xiwei. Its my bag.Its mine.I

5、ts _.Du XiweisWhose bag is this?Du Xiwei1 Match the words from the box with the pictures.bag crayons eraser football gloves wallet watch 1234765Listen and answer the questions.1 Is the football Tonys?2 Are the crayons Bettys?3 Whose gloves are these?2Yes, it is.No, they arent.They are Bettys. “Tonys

6、” 意为意为“汤姆的汤姆的”,其构成方式是在,其构成方式是在名词后面加名词后面加“s”,是名词所有格的一种形式。是名词所有格的一种形式。 *当可数名词以当可数名词以s结尾时,其名词所有格形式是名词结尾时,其名词所有格形式是名词后加后加“ ”。 如:如:Teachers Day 教师节教师节 注意:注意:Kate and Lucys room 凯特和露西的房间凯特和露西的房间(两人共有的房间两人共有的房间););Kates and Lucys rooms 凯特凯特的房间和露西的房间(的房间和露西的房间(两人各自的房间两人各自的房间)。)。 另外,另外,of 短语也可以用来表示所属关系。如:短语也

7、可以用来表示所属关系。如: a map of China 一幅中国地图一幅中国地图小明在班上捡到一只钢笔,想找小明在班上捡到一只钢笔,想找到失主,但如何用英语说呢?到失主,但如何用英语说呢? Help:Whose pen is it?Is it your pen?Yes, its my pen/its mine.No, its not my pen/its not mine.1. 2. Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on. 从现在开始请大家小心保管自己的物品。 “be careful with” 意思是“小心”,此时

8、的be cafeful 等同于 look out. Please be careful with your money. “from now on” 表示“从现在开始”。e.g.: From now on, students need much more time to rest.Pharses first of all 首先首先lost and found失物招领箱失物招领箱a lot of/lots of大量,许多大量,许多a lot很,非常很,非常Monkeys like eating bananas a lot. 辨析:watch,look,look at与see1、watch是及物动

9、词,意思是“观看;注视”,常用来指看电视、看球赛、看戏等。2、look为不及物动词,单独使用,用以引起对方的注意。3、look at是由动词look和介词at组成的词组,后面可以带宾语,侧重“看”的动作。4、see为及物动词,意为“看见”,侧重“看”的结果。1. First of all, come and look in the lost and found box! 首先,来看一看失物招领箱。首先,来看一看失物招领箱。 First of all 是在介绍准备讲的几件事情的是在介绍准备讲的几件事情的 第一件事情。用于强调次序。第一件事情。用于强调次序。 First of all, let m

10、e introduce myself to you. 首先,让我作个自我介绍。首先,让我作个自我介绍。 First of all, clean the surface that you are going to paint. 首先,把要刷涂料的表面弄干净。首先,把要刷涂料的表面弄干净。 2. Whose bag is this? 这是你的书包吗这是你的书包吗?Its mine. 这是我的。这是我的。whose是是“谁的谁的”意思,做疑问代词可单独意思,做疑问代词可单独使用,也可以修饰名词。如:使用,也可以修饰名词。如:Whose bike is this? Whose skateboard i

11、s this? mine意为意为“我的我的”, 是名词性物主代词是名词性物主代词, 名词名词性物主代词有:性物主代词有:mine, hers, his, ours, theirs, its等,在句中做主语、宾语、和表语,后面等,在句中做主语、宾语、和表语,后面不需要接任何名词。如:不需要接任何名词。如:This football is theirs.这个足球是他们的。这个足球是他们的。2. Whose tapes are these? 这些录音带是谁的?这些录音带是谁的? whose一般是就物主代词或名词所有格提问。一般是就物主代词或名词所有格提问。 1) 提问部分作定语提问部分作定语时,用时

12、,用“Whose 名词名词一般疑问句?一般疑问句?”结构。如:结构。如: Its my shirtWhose shirt is it? 这是我的衬衫。这是我的衬衫。这是谁的衬衫?这是谁的衬衫? 2) 提问部分作表语提问部分作表语时,用时,用“Whose +一一般疑问句?般疑问句?”结构。如:结构。如: The shirt is mine.这件衬衫是我的。这件衬衫是我的。 Whose is the shirt?这件衬衫是谁的?这件衬衫是谁的?出现在本课里的类似句子还有:出现在本课里的类似句子还有:Whose gloves are they?Theyre mine!Are these crayon

13、s yours?Yes, they are and this eraser too.Is it yours too, Daming?No, it isnt. I think its Bettys.Yes, its hers.3. Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on.各位同学,从现在开始请大家小心保管各位同学,从现在开始请大家小心保管好你们的物品。好你们的物品。Hes careful with his work. 他工作很仔细。他工作很仔细。Be careful with the vase, it is valuabl

14、e. 这花瓶很贵这花瓶很贵, 小心点。小心点。be careful 后接介词后接介词with。with后接名词后接名词或动名词或动名词, 表示做某事时很小心或仔细。表示做某事时很小心或仔细。如:如: lost和和found分别是动词分别是动词lose和和find的过去分的过去分词形式,过去分词可以修饰名词作定语,词形式,过去分词可以修饰名词作定语,lost在这里意为在这里意为“丢失的丢失的”,found意为意为“找找到的到的”,它们作定语修饰名词,它们作定语修饰名词box。lost and found box失物招领箱失物招领箱find & lose find和和lose都可作及物动词,后面可

15、直接接都可作及物动词,后面可直接接宾语。宾语。find的意思是的意思是“发现;找到发现;找到”,lose的的意思是意思是“失去;丢失失去;丢失”。它们是一对反义词。它们是一对反义词。如:如: I find an eraser on my desk. 我在我的课桌上发现一块橡皮。我在我的课桌上发现一块橡皮。 People often lose things when theyre travelling or when theyre in a hurry. 人们在旅行中或是勿匆忙忙时经常丢东西。人们在旅行中或是勿匆忙忙时经常丢东西。 根据括号中所给汉语填空。根据括号中所给汉语填空。 1. She

16、cant _ (找到找到) her gloves. She often _ (丢失丢失) things. 2. I _ (丢失丢失) my wallet yesterday; I cant _ (找到找到) it everywhere.Practicelosefindlostfindlook for look for是一个动词短语,意思是是一个动词短语,意思是 “寻寻找找”。由于。由于for是介词,所以后面要接名词或是介词,所以后面要接名词或代词作宾语,代词作宾语,look for sth.意为意为“寻找某物寻找某物”,使用时注意,使用时注意,look for不能分开使用。如:不能分开使用。如

17、: I can help you look for the wallet. 我可以帮你找钱包。我可以帮你找钱包。 They are looking for their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many other things. 他们正在寻找他们的电话、照相机、手表、他们正在寻找他们的电话、照相机、手表、电脑和其他许多东西。电脑和其他许多东西。(由于本句中的时态是由于本句中的时态是现在进行时态,所以要将动词现在进行时态,所以要将动词look变为现在变为现在分词形式,即分词形式,即looking。)辨析辨析 find和和look for的用

18、法的用法 find和和look for 都有都有“找找”的意思,但含义不的意思,但含义不同。同。find 强调强调“找找”的结果,而的结果,而look for 强调强调“找找”的过程。的过程。如:如: He is looking for his bike. 他在找他的自行车。他在找他的自行车。 Im looking for my watch, but cant find it. 我在找我的手表,但是找不到。我在找我的手表,但是找不到。 I hope you will soon find your lost ring. 希望你尽快找到丢失的戒指。希望你尽快找到丢失的戒指。请根据所给汉语意思,完成

19、下列英语句子,每请根据所给汉语意思,完成下列英语句子,每空词数不限。空词数不限。 1. 最后,我在床底下找到了那本书。最后,我在床底下找到了那本书。 I _ that book under the bed in the end. 2. 你在找什么?你在找什么? What are you _? 我在找我的自行车。我在找我的自行车。 Im _ my bike foundlooking forlooking forPracticePractice3. 你昨天找到李明了吗?你昨天找到李明了吗? Did you _ Li Ming yesterday? 没有。我们到处找了,但没有找到他。没有。我们到处找

20、了,但没有找到他。No,we _ him everywhere,but didnt _ him findlooked forfind here is / are 这儿有这儿有, 在这儿在这儿(用于刚找到某人或某物时)(用于刚找到某人或某物时),是一个完是一个完全倒装句结构。全倒装句结构。当主语为代词时当主语为代词时,用部分用部分到装。到装。如:如: Here is the address. 这是那里的地址。这是那里的地址。 Here is an apple. 这儿有一个苹果。这儿有一个苹果。 Could you give me an orange? Here you are.3. Heres

21、a purple wallet! 这儿有个紫色钱包。这儿有个紫色钱包。4. Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on. 从现在开始请大家小心保管自己的物品。 “from now on” 表示“从现在开始,从此以后, 今后”。e.g.: From now on, I will begin to write my book. 从现在起,我将开始写我的书了。从现在起,我将开始写我的书了。 From now on, I will try to do better. 从现在起我要尽量做得好些。从现在起我要尽量做得好些。 Welcom

22、e back! please be careful with from now on.3 Listen and read.Listen and read.Whose bag is this? 它是谁的包呢?它是谁的包呢? Oh, sorry! Its mine. 哦,不好意思,是我的!哦,不好意思,是我的! 这是由疑问词这是由疑问词whose引导的一个特殊疑问句。引导的一个特殊疑问句。whose意为意为“谁的谁的”,表示所属关系,在句中既可,表示所属关系,在句中既可单独使用,也可与名词连用;其答语用名词性物单独使用,也可与名词连用;其答语用名词性物主代词或名词所有格。如:主代词或名词所有格。如

23、: Whose T-shirt is this? = Whose is this T-shirt? Its hers. / Its Sallys.名词性物主代词A: Whose bananas are these?B: They are its bananas. They are its.A: Whose shoes are those?B: They are our shoes. They are ours.A: Whose apples are these?B: They are their apples. They are theirs.A: Whose toys are those?B

24、: They are your toys. They are yours.Lingling crayonsDaming glovesTony tapesBetty walletMs Li watchMatch the people with their things.3careful hers mine purple tape yoursMs Li: Linglings bag is in the lost and found box. The crayons are(1)_too. Damings (2)_and Tonys(3)_wallet are here.Is the watch(4

25、)_, Daming? Please be (5)_with your things! And whose gloves are these? Oh sorry. Theyre (6)_.herstapepurpleyourscarefulmineComplete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.5Is this your cap? Is this cap yours? Is this your cap?No, its not mine. =No, its not my capyours=your cap

26、mine=my capIs this cap yours?Oh, yes. Its mine. =Oh, yes. Its my cap.=我的我的 mine = my + n.你的你的 yours = your + n.他的他的 his = his + n.她的她的 hers = her + n.它的它的 its = its + n.我们的我们的 ours = our + n.你们的你们的 yours = your + n.他们的他们的 theirs = their + n. 数数 类类 人人别别 称称 单单 数数 复复 数数第一第一人称人称第二第二人称人称第三第三人称人称第一第一人称人称第

27、二第二人称人称第三第三人称人称形容形容词性词性myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名名词词性性minehishersitsoursyours theirs汉语汉语我的你的他/ /她/ /它的我们的你们的他/ /她/ /们的/ back bag thank/e/ eraser name/ / wallet watch6Pronunciation and speakingWork in pairs. Ask and answer.- Are the crayons Bettys?- No, theyre not hers. Theyre Linglings.用自己的文具做道具,用

28、自己的文具做道具,用以上句型两人一组编对话。用以上句型两人一组编对话。A: Whose bag is it?B: Its mine.A: Is this your bag?B: Yes, its my bag./its mine. No, its not my bag./ its not mine.本课时主要句型和词组本课时主要句型和词组课后回顾课后回顾1. Whose bag is this? Its mine. 2. Is it yours too, Daming? No, it isnt. I think its Bettys.3. Whose tapes are these? They

29、re mine.4. Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on.mine 我的我的 hers 她的她的 his 他的他的 yours 你的你的, 你们的你们的 theirs 他们的他们的 ours 我们的我们的Whose . is this?Is this your . ?课后回顾课后回顾本课时主要句型和词组本课时主要句型和词组一、根据首字母完成单词。一、根据首字母完成单词。1. He coloured the picture with a p_ c_.2. Tony likes black w_.3. These g_

30、are not m_, theyre y_.4. W_ pencil is this?5. I cant find my English book, it would be in the l_ and found box!urplerayon allet ine loves ourshoseost注注: word : word 文档文档点击此处链接点击此处链接Quiz二、用方框中单词的正确形式填空。二、用方框中单词的正确形式填空。My names Rebecca. This is _ bag. There are many things in it. These crayons are _.

31、Heres a brown wallet. Heres my friend name “Mike”. The wallet is _. Lily gives me a watch. _ gloves are these? They are not _. Oh, its _. his mine Betty whose my my mine Whose mine Bettys his 三、根据汉语提示完成句子。三、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 失物招领箱里有很多支蜡笔。失物招领箱里有很多支蜡笔。 There are _ _ _ _ in the _ and _ box.2. 从现在开始从现在开始,

32、他要尽量画得好些。他要尽量画得好些。 _ now _, he will try to draw better.3. 那只手表不是我的,是那只手表不是我的,是Lily的。的。 The watch isnt _, its _. a lot of crayons lost foundFrom on mine Lilys4. 请保管好你的东西。请保管好你的东西。 Please be _ _ your things. 5. 这盒磁带很棒。你听了吗?这盒磁带很棒。你听了吗? This is a great _. Have you heard it?6. 这个足球是我们的。这个足球是我们的。 The _ i

33、s _. careful with tape football oursI. 根据所给汉语正确拼写单词。根据所给汉语正确拼写单词。 1. Where is my red crayon? I cant _ (找到找到) it. 2. There are two _ (录音带录音带) on the desk. 3. Is Lucys new bike _ (紫色的紫色的)? 4. My mother wants to buy _ (手套手套) for my birthday. 5. Can I use your _ (橡皮擦橡皮擦)?Exercisesfindtapespurplegloveser

34、aser II. 从方框中选出合适的单词或短语完成句从方框中选出合适的单词或短语完成句子,每个单词或短语只能用一次。子,每个单词或短语只能用一次。 1. I dont have a _. What time is it? 2. You are not good at maths, so study hard _. 3. Look! There is a bird in our classroom. _ bird is it? from now on, whose, mine, careful, yours, first of all, watch, herswatchWhosefrom now

35、 on4. Please be _ with your things. Dont lose them. 5. My sister doesnt have a football, so the football is not _. 6. _, come and look at the blackboard. 7. Your bag is very big but _ is very small. 8. My gloves are new and red. What about _, Sam?carefulhersFirst of allmineyoursThink about what weve

36、 just learnt today.Study without reflection is a waste of time.After the classIts time to stop the class for you to look back in silence.Writing- look at the picture and write “Lost and Found”. Lost and found .1. To preview the new words and expressions in Unit 22. To preview the passage in Unit 2Homework 1. Remember all the new words and expressions weve learned today;2. Write something about your family by using words weve learned today.


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