外研一起小学英语五下《Module4Unit 1 Did you read them》word教案 (2).doc

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1、外研社(一起)五年级英语下册Module 4 Unit 1 Did you read them? 第一课时Teaching aim and demandUsing Ability task:Students learn how to offering and accepting presents.Basic Demands:Vocabulary:fine, send, sent, chocolateReview:get, season Sentences:(1)I sent you a Maths game. Did you get it? (2)I sent you English book

2、s. Did you read them?(B) RevisionI sent you American chocolates. Did you eat them?Teaching difficulties: The pronunciation of “return”, and the using way of the verb past tense: eat-ate 、are-were、send-sent And the Did you? sentence.Teaching aidsTape recorder, photos, word cards, PPT.Teaching process

3、Step 1 warming-up 1. Greeting.2. Lets review the expressions on the phone.Step 2 Presentation1. Lead in-GameT: goS: wentT: seeS: saw.Then Ss bounce the ball into air, while try to use their body tokeep it up in the sky and say past tense verbs as more as possible. 2. Practice the expressions on the

4、phoneT: Ive got a present. My friend sent it to me.(Lead out new words “sent”)Step 3 Game1 (Happy face and Sad face)S1: hold Happy face and Sad face.S2: Face to the blackboard.S3: Show the verb cards to all the other studentsOthers: ask “Did you”S1 show a face, and S2 guess and answer. If he guesses

5、 right, the game will go on, if not T ask another S to instead of him.Step 4 Main Sentences(1) sent you a/an !(2) Did you ?Step 5 Sentences Practicee.g.: T:My friend sent me an/some English book(s).Ss: Did you read it/ them?Step 6 Learn the text.(1) Listen to the cassette and point.(2) Listen and re

6、peat then T will ask some questions.Q1: What present did grandma send?Q2: Did Daming play Maths game? Q3: Did Daming eat chocolates?Q4: Did Daming read the English books? (3) Explain some words and important sentences for Ss.Step 7 Homework(1)Listen and read the text 3 times.(2)Write the new words.

7、(5words)Module 4 Unit 1 Did you read them? 第二课时Teaching aim:Extend the using of main sentences (1) sent you a/an !(2) Did you ?Teaching content:(1) Students make a role play with the main points.(2) Help Ss try to recite the text.(3) Do the exercise on the Activity Book.Teaching procedure:Step1 Warm

8、ing up:(1)Lets act the text (2) BINGO Game (to review the verbs) (3) Use those verbs to change them past tenseStep2 Role PlayT: I want a student to do dialogue with me.Lets act out the dialogue on the blackboard.Daming: Ni hao!Grandma: Daming. Its Grandma.Daming: Hello, Grandma. How are you?Grandma: Im fine thanks. Daming I sent you a Maths game. Did you play it? Daming: Yes Grandma. Thank you.Step 3 Do the exercise on Activity Book about Module4 Unit1Step 4 Homework(1) Try to remember the new words, prepare to have a dictation.(2)Translate the English sentence into the Chinese.


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