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《过去完成时讲解、全解ppt课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《过去完成时讲解、全解ppt课件.ppt(26页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、过去完成时变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分主语主语+had + 动词的过去分词动词的过去分词 (done)构成:构成: 写出下列动词的过去完成时形式写出下列动词的过去完成时形式(5/1)be _ see_begin _ sing_bring_ open_had beenhad seenhad begunhad sunghad broughthad opened变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部

2、分定义:定义:它表示动作发生的时间是它表示动作发生的时间是“过去的过过去的过去去”。表示过去某一时间可用。表示过去某一时间可用by, before等构成的短语,也可用等构成的短语,也可用when,before等等引导的从句或者通过上下文表示。引导的从句或者通过上下文表示。1.在老师进入教室前在老师进入教室前, 李磊擦了黑李磊擦了黑 板板.LiLei _ (clean) the blackboard before the teacher came into the classroom.had cleaned2. 当我们到那儿时火车已经离开了。当我们到那儿时火车已经离开了。The train _

3、(leave) when we arrived there.had left表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生的动作或存在的状态。的动作或存在的状态。变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分1. cleaned the blackboard2. closed the window nowhad cleaned the blackboardclosed the windowShe had cleaned the blackboard before she clos

4、ed the window.After she had cleaned the blackboard , she closed the window.过去的过去过去的过去过去过去现在现在变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分drank waterhad run out of breath1. ran out of breath2. drank waterHe had run out of breath before he drank water.After he had run out of br

5、eath, he drank water. now过去的过去过去的过去过去过去现在现在变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分1. ate an apple2. slept nowhad eaten an applesleptShe had eaten an apple before she slept.After she had eaten an apple , she slept.过去的过去过去的过去过去过去现在现在变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电

6、任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 2. played ping pong1. did his homework now played ping ponghad done his homeworkHe had done his homework before he played ping pong.After he had done his homework , he played Ping pong.过去的过去过去的过去过去过去现在现在变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分

7、 Millie ran back to school because she had left her magazine in the classroom.What happened first? a. Millie ran back to school. b. Millie left her magazine in the classroom.变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 Simon left school late because the football game had star

8、ted late.What happened first? a. Simon left school late. b. The football game started late.变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分Finish Part A3Today, I watched Roman Holiday with my friends. Kitty was the first one to arrive at the cinema. When Millie and I _ (arrive),

9、Kitty _ (buy) the tickets already. Simon and Daniel came next. Before Simon and Daniel _ (come), Millie and I _ (go) to get some drinks. Then all five of us waited for Amy outside the cinema. Before Amy_ (arrive), we _ (finish) our drinks. When we _ (enter) the cinema, the film_ already _ (start). L

10、uckily, we didnt miss much.arrivedhad finishedhad goneenteredarrivedhadstartedhad boughtcame变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分过去完成时的否定形式:过去完成时的否定形式:过去完成时的疑问形式:过去完成时的疑问形式:肯定回答:肯定回答:否定回答:否定回答: 主语主语had nothadnt+ p.p.+其它其它. Yes,主语主语+had.Had+主语主语p.p.+其它其它? No,主语主语+had +

11、not.变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分用所给动词的正确形式填空用所给动词的正确形式填空(10/1)1.The poor girl never saw her grandpa because he _ (pass away) before she was born.2. She_ already_ (clean) the blackboard before I entered the classroom.had passed awaycleanedhad变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输

12、电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分句型转换句型转换 (10/1) He had stood up before he cleaned the window. _ he had stood up, he cleaned the window. His father went to Beijing. He arrived home. (用用before合并句子合并句子)1. His father_ _ _ Beijing before he _ home.Afterhad gone toarrived变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器

13、、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分按要求改写下列句子按要求改写下列句子(5/1)Simon had finished his homework before he watched TV. 否定句:否定句:疑问句:疑问句:肯定回答:肯定回答:否定回答:否定回答:Simon hadnt finished his homework before he watched TV. Had Simon finished his homework before he watched TV?Yes, he had.No, he hadnt.变电

14、站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分选择题选择题(10/1) Millie_ some Chinese before she came to China. A. learned B. has learned C. learnt D. had learned She _ the first runner-up prize in a beauty contest before she _an actress. A. have won, became B. had won, become C. had w

15、on, became D. has won, became 变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分翻译题翻译题(101)1. 在我们到达电影院之前,电影已在我们到达电影院之前,电影已经开始了经开始了2. 踢完足球之后我买了瓶果汁踢完足球之后我买了瓶果汁The film _ _ _ we _ to the cinema._ I _ _ football, I _ a bottle of juice.hadbeforegotbegunAfterhadplayedbought变电站电气主接线是指变电站的

16、变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分用所给动词的正确形式填空用所给动词的正确形式填空(10/1)1. He_ (turn off) the lights before he left the classroom.2. _ your parents _(have) lunch when you arrived at home?had turned offHadhad变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分变电站电气主接线是指变电站

17、的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分过去完成时的结构:过去完成时的结构:过去完成时的用法:过去完成时的用法:过去完成时的否定形式:过去完成时的否定形式:过去完成时的疑问形式:过去完成时的疑问形式:主语主语had nothadnt+ p.p.+其它其它.Had+主语主语p.p.+其它其它?主语主语had + p.p.+其它其它.强调强调过去过去某一个动作发生在某一个动作发生在另一个动作另一个动作前前常常用过去完成时态。常常用过去完成时态。变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。

18、变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分1.We started to learn English 5 years ago.一般过去时一般过去时表示在表示在过去过去某时发生的动作或存某时发生的动作或存在的状态。在的状态。2. We have learned English for 5 years.现在完成时现在完成时表示的动作发生在表示的动作发生在 过去,但侧重对过去,但侧重对现在产生的结果或造成的影响,与现在有关。现在产生的结果或造成的影响,与现在有关。其结构为:其结构为:“助动词助动词 have(has)+过去分词过去分词”5 years ago now 5 years ago

19、have learned now变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 过去完成时过去完成时表示在过去某个时间或动表示在过去某个时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作或存在的作之前已经发生或完成了的动作或存在的状态,状态,即即“过去的过去(过去的过去( past-in-the-past )”。 过去完成时过去完成时的的概念与结构特点概念与结构特点: past in the pastpast now变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电

20、力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分We had learned English 4 years by last year.5 years ago last year nowhad learned变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分综合时态填空:1. We _ ( learn ) 2000 English words since we came to this school. The teacher said we _ ( learn ) 2000 English words since then.

21、 We _ ( learn ) 500 words last term. We _ ( learn ) 2000 words by the end of last term.2. He _( have ) a meeting next week.He _ ( have ) a meeting two weeks ago. He told me he _ ( have ) a meeting two weeks before.3._ you _ ( be ) to the Great Wall? The teacher asked if you _ ( be ) to the Great Wal

22、l?have learnedhad learnedlearnedhad learnedwill havehadhad hadHave beenhad been变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分4. I _ ( finish ) my homework when my father got home yesterday. I _ ( finish ) my homework at 10 last night.5. The film _ ( begin ) when I got to the ci

23、nema. The film _ ( be ) on for 10 minutes when I got to the cinema.6. My brother _ ( study ) in this school for three years before he joined the army.7. He locked the door after he _ ( clean ) the classroom.8. A: _he still _ ( do ) his homework when you _ ( get ) home yesterday? B: No, he _ already

24、_ ( do ) it when I got home.had finishedfinishedhad begunhad beenhad studiedcleanedWas doing gothad done变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分Homework Make up some sentences using Past perfect tense .1.2. Finish other exercises on the paper.变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分Thank you for your listening!Bye-bye!


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