2019-2020学年高中英语unit4 making the news sectionⅢgrammar教学案版本:人教版必修5.doc

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1、Section Grammar倒装句课前语法感知.教材语法感知教材原句Here comes my list of “dos” and “donts” . Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.Only then did I begin my work on designing a new bridge.Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the informa

2、tion you need to know.探究发现(1)倒装句有两种情况:一种为完全倒装;一种为部分倒装。例句为完全倒装;其余为部分倒装。(2)否定副词(如:never, neither, nor, little, hardly等)位于句首时,句子常用部分倒装。例句就属于这类情况。(3)only后接状语(可为单个副词、介词短语,也可为从句)位于句首时,句子常用部分倒装。如:例句。.真题语法感知1(2018全国卷)Diets have changed in Chinaand so too its top crop.答案:has该句中含有一个倒装句。当前面的句子是肯定句时,用“so助动词主语”表

3、示“某人/物也”。助动词的选用根据前面句子的谓语动词来判断。2(2017全国卷)Little I know that I would discover my love for ASL.答案:did含有否定意义的词Little置于句首时,句子用部分倒装,由语境可知,此处描述过去的事情,故应用did。3(2017天津高考)Patient I was, after about 15 minutes, my camera scanning the sun and reviewing the shot I would eventually take, I grew frustrated.答案:as当as

4、表示“尽管”引导让步状语从句时,句子用部分倒装,即将表语提前。4(2016江苏高考)Not until recently they encourage the development of touristrelated activities in the rural areas.答案:didnot until位于句首时,句子需用部分倒装结构。此处指过去所发生的动作,需用一般过去时,故答案为did。句意:直到近期,他们才开始在农村地区鼓励发展与旅游有关的活动。课堂合作探究在英语中,主语和谓语的语序通常是主语在前,谓语在后。但有时为了强调句子的某一部分或其他原因,谓语需要全部或部分移到主语的前面,

5、这种语序叫倒装。而倒装语序又分为完全倒装和部分倒装。一、完全倒装把整个谓语提到主语前面就称为完全倒装。主要有以下几种情况:1当句子的谓语是go, come, run等动词和be动词,句中又有表示方位的副词(there,here,up,down,out,in,away等)或时间副词(now, then等),且主语是名词时。Out rushed the boys when the bell rang.铃声一响男孩们就跑了出来。2表示地点的介词短语置于句首且句子的主语是名词时。In the middle of the town stands a tower.小镇中央矗立着一座塔。3such作表语,置

6、于句首,意为“就是如此”时。Such were his words at the party yesterday.这就是他昨天在晚会上说的话。4作表语的形容词、分词或介词短语置于句首时,要用“表语系动词主语”结构。Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys.这些货物中有圣诞树、花、蜡烛和玩具。Growing all over the mountain are wild flowers.漫山遍野长满了野花。5there be 表示“存在”时,其中be也可以换成appear, exist, lie, live, re

7、main, seem, stand等动词。There stands a temple on the top of the mountain.山顶上有一座庙。名师点津(1)在完全倒装句式中,谓语动词的数要与后面主语的数一致。(2)完全倒装句的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则主谓语序不变。【即景活用1】单句写作Autumn coming, the leaves.秋天来了,树叶落了。 , an easygoing girl.这就是海伦,一个很随和的女孩。Under that tree reading a book.那棵树下坐着一位年轻的姑娘,正在读书。To my great surprise,

8、there at the door trembling in wet clothes.让我很吃惊的是,门口站着一个女孩,浑身颤抖,衣服湿透了。 into the air.弓箭直射向空中。答案:down fallSuch is Helensits a young girlstood a girlUp went the arrow二、部分倒装由于语法和修辞的原因将助动词(包括系动词、情态动词等)提到主语前面,这种倒装称为部分倒装,部分倒装主要有如下几种情况:1表示否定意义的词或短语放在句首时:此类词或短语主要有:not, never, seldom, little, hardly, rarely,

9、 by no means, at no time, in no case, in no way, under no circumstances, on no condition等。Never in my life have I heard such a thing.我还从未听过这样一件事。2not until和“only状语(副词、介词短语、状语从句)”位于句首时,主句的主语和谓语要部分倒装。Not until I reached home did I find that I had lost the wallet.我回到家才发现钱包丢了。Only then did I fully under

10、stand what my father said.直到那个时候,我才完全明白父亲所讲的话。名师点津(1)not until .句型中前面的从句不倒装,后面的主句用部分倒装。(2)only后接句子主语,而非状语时,不用倒装。Only he can understand me.只有他能理解我。3表示“也(不)”的so/neither/nor 位于句首表示前面的情况也适用于另一个人或物时用部分倒装,形成“so/neither/nor助动词/情态动词/be主语”结构。(2017全国卷)My entire family is hearing, and so are all my friends.我的家

11、人都听力正常,我的朋友们也是。My father doesnt smoke; nor/neither does her father.我父亲不吸烟,她的父亲也不吸烟。名师点津“so助动词主语”表示“也一样”,而“so主语助动词”表示“的确如此”。He likes football and so does his brother.他喜欢足球,他的弟弟也喜欢。David has made great progress recently.So he has, and so have you.戴维最近取得了很大的进步。的确如此,你也一样。4not only . but also . 引导两个并列分句,

12、not only置于句首时,not only所在的分句需用倒装,but also所在的分句不用倒装;而neither . nor . 引导两个并列分句,且neither, nor分别位于句首时,两个分句都需要倒装。Not only did Bolt win the gold medal at the mens 200 m, but his teammates also won the silver and the bronze medals in the same race together.不仅博尔特获得了男子二百米的金牌,而且他的队友也一起在同一个比赛中分别获得了银牌和铜牌。Neither

13、 did I like the book, nor did I want to read it.我既不喜欢这本书,也不想读这本书。5某些含有否定词的连词结构:如no sooner . than, hardly .when, scarcely .when等,把no sooner, hardly, scarcely置于句首时,主句要倒装,从句不倒装。Hardly had I sat down when I heard my phone ringing.No sooner had I sat down than I heard my phone ringing.我刚坐下,我的手机就响了。6在结果状语

14、从句中,so后接形容词、副词或such后接名词位于句首时,其后用部分倒装。So suddenly did he catch the disease that the whole family was at a great loss.他突然患病,全家人全然不知所措。Such an honest boy is he that we all love him!他是一个多么诚实的孩子,我们都喜欢他!7当as表示“尽管”,引导让步状语从句时,句子要部分倒装,将形容词、名词或动词原形提前。Housewife as/though she is, she knows a lot about law.尽管她是个

15、家庭主妇,她却通晓法律。名师点津形容词或副词提前时前面一般不加very一类的修饰语;名词提前时前面一般不加冠词;though可用该倒装用法,但although无此用法。8在含有had/were/should的虚拟条件句中可以省略if,将had/were/should放在主语之前,构成部分倒装。Had I had time yesterday I would have helped you.昨天我要有时间的话,我早就帮你忙了。Were she my friend, I would ask her for help.如果她是我的朋友,我会向她求助。9may 表示祝愿时,需将may放在主语前。May

16、 you have a good holiday!祝你假期快乐!【即景活用2】单句写作 he reached home than the bell rang.他一到家铃声就响了。He can swim and I.他会游泳,我也会。Not until the teacher came in stop talking.直到老师进来学生们才停止讲话。So sensitive and caring all the relatives love her very much.她是如此善解人意、关心他人以至于所有亲戚都十分喜欢她。 regular exercise is, its never a good

17、 idea to exercise too close to bedtime.尽管定期锻炼是很重要的,但是快要睡觉的时候锻炼不是一个好主意。After that we never saw her again. Nor her.在那之后我们再也没有见过她,也没收到她的信。At no time this secret. 你绝对不应该告诉她这个秘密。Only with the help of the local guide .只有在当地向导的帮助下,那些登山者才能得以获救。答案:No sooner hadso candid the studentsis she thatImportant as/th

18、oughdid we hear fromshould you inform her ofwere the mountain climbers rescued课后演练提能基础题.单句语法填空1Only after a year of friendly discussion Ms Garza finally say yes.答案:did2It was terribly cold last winter. it was. I have never experienced such a cold winter season in my life.答案:So3So buried (be) she in

19、doing her homework that she didnt notice it got dark outside.答案:was4Hot the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.答案:as/though5Not only he come, but he saw her.答案:did.单句写作1 (我不仅对感兴趣) making a personal schedule to make sure I fit everything into my day, but I

20、also think it might prevent me from overworking.答案:Not only am I interested in2John talked with me for about an hour yesterday. Never (我听到) him talk so much.答案:had I heard3Out there, in the midst of the snow, (坐着一位妇女) in long, yellow clothes.答案:sat a woman4 (要不是) for the free tickets, I would not ha

21、ve gone to the cinema so often.答案:Had it not been5Not until he retired from working three years ago (他才考虑) having a holiday abroad.答案:did he consider能力题.阅读理解AThe media provides us with the observations and experiences from which we build up our personal understanding of the world and how it works. M

22、uch of our view of reality is based on media messages. The media, to a great extent, gives us our sense of reality.Freedom of the media carries with it certain responsibilities of honesty, fairness, accuracy and accountability. The power of the media to create and destroy human values comes with gre

23、at responsibility.The media is powerful in the political system, having great influence on politics and on forming social change. The power is to decide who will communicate what to whom. Television can greatly influence the election of a national leader on the basis of his or her image.Professional

24、 journalists do have a code of ethics. Journalists make a judgment about whats safe and appropriate to report, which often involves difficult choices. German sociologist Max Weber distinguishes between “ethics of conviction” and “ethics of responsibility”. According to the latter (ethics of responsi

25、bility), journalists must take into account the foreseeable consequences of their reporting, and the impact it will have on society. The former, on the other hand, asks journalists to tell the truth, regardless of the consequences. According to Weber, both ideas of ethics should be considered.Withou

26、t doubt, information is power, and the big owners of the mass media are very powerful people. Television and radio stations, newspapers, magazines, and websites are, largely, owned and controlled by profitmaking businesses. It is not strange that their ideas will get promoted at times.It is my view

27、that such power and responsibility should never be left in the hands of a few. I believe it is our responsibility as concerned citizens to make sure we are not merely passive viewers, readers or listeners. Together we can have a huge influence on the media by making our views known.1Whats the first

28、paragraph mainly about?AResponsibilities of the media.BInfluence of the media.CHistory of the media.DProblems of the media.答案:B段落大意题。由第一段内容可知,人们对现实的观察体验和观点都是基于媒体提供的信息,因而此段主要说明媒体对公众的影响。故选B。2We can learn from the third paragraph that .Athe media is more interested in politics than other fieldsBforming

29、 social change is the main duty of the mediaCthe great power of the media is controlled by political figuresDthe media can affect politics by forming political figures images答案:D推理判断题。由第三段首句可知该段论述媒体在政治上所发挥的作用,结合最后一句所举的例子,可知D项切题。3What can we conclude based on the passage?AThe mass media should be own

30、ed by the government.BThe media industry has developed into a new age in recent years.CIn most cases, journalists are more powerful than the owners of the media.DThe media tends to promote the ideas of the owners of profitmaking businesses sometimes.答案:D细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后两句可知D项切题。4In the writers opinio

31、n, citizens should .Atrust the mass mediaBbecome an influence on the mediaCknow how the media worksDtry to report news themselves答案:B推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“we are not merely passive viewers . , we can have a huge influence on the media by making our views known”可知作者的观点是反对媒体由少数人控制,大众应该发表自己的观点来影响媒体舆论。故选B。B(20

32、19山东省济宁一中高三第一次调研考试)Skeptics are strange a lot. Some of them refuse to admit the serious threat of human activities to the environment and they are tired of people who disagree with them. Those people, say skeptics, spread nothing but bad news about the environment. The “ecoguilt” brought on by the d

33、iscouraging news about our planet gives rise to the popularity of skeptics as people search for more comforting worldviews.Perhaps that explains why a new book by Bjorn Lomborg received so much publicity. That book, The Skeptical Environmentalist, declares that it measures the “real state of the wor

34、ld” as fine. Of course, another explanation is the deep pockets of some big businesses with special interests. Indeed, Mr Lomborgs views are similar to those of some industryfunded organizations, which start huge activities through the media to confuse the public about issues like global warming.So

35、it was strange to see Mr Lomborgs book go largely unchallenged in the media though his beliefs were contrary to most scientific opinions. One national newspaper in Canada ran a number of articles and reviews full of words of praise, even with the conclusion that “After Lomborg, the environmental mov

36、ement will begin to die down.”Such onesided views should have immediately been challenged. But only a different review appeared in Nature, a respected science magazine with specific readership. The review remarked that Mr Lomborgs “preference for unexamined materials is incredible”A critical eye is

37、valuable, and the media should present information in such a way that could allow people to make informed decisions. Unfortunately, that is often inaccessible as blocked by the desire to be shocking or to defend some special interests. People might become halfblind before a world partially exhibited

38、 by the media. Thats a shame, because matters concerning the health of the planet are far too important to be treated lightly.5According to the passage, which of the following may be regarded as “skeptics”?APeople who agree on the popularity of “ecoguilt”BPeople who dislike the harmful effect of hum

39、an activities.CPeople who disbelieve the serious situation of our planet.DPeople who spread comforting news to protect our environment.答案:C推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“Some of them refuse to admit the serious threat of human activities to the environment and they are tired of people who disagree with them.”可知,一些怀

40、疑主义者拒绝承认人类行为对环境的严重威胁。C项“People who disbelieve the serious situation of our planet.”内容与之相符,故C项正确。6Which of the following can be a reason for the popularity of Lomborgs books?AThe book challenges views about the fine state of the world.BSome big businesses intend to protect their own interests.CThe au

41、thor convinces people to speak comforting worldviews.DIndustryfunded media present confusing information.答案:B推理判断题。根据第二段第三句及最后一句“Indeed, Mr Lomborgs views are similar to those of some industryfunded organizations, which start huge activities through the media to confuse the public about issues like

42、global warming.”可知,Lomborg写的书很受欢迎是因为他的观点和很多受到工业资助的组织一致,背后有大的企业在维护他们的利益,用Lomborg的观点来混淆视听,故B项正确。7The author mentioned the review in Nature in order to .Afind fault with Lomborgs bookBvoice a different opinionCchallenge the authority of the mediaDpoint out the value of scientific views答案:B推理判断题。根据第四段内容

43、及关键信息“But only a different review appeared in Nature”可知,Lomborg如此片面的观点本应该一出现就立即受到质疑,自然杂志认为Lomborg更喜欢在书中使用未经检验的材料,因此他的观点是难以相信的。作者提出自然杂志是为了表达不同的观点,故B项正确。8What is the authors main purpose in writing the passage?ATo show the importance of presenting overall information by the media.BTo warn the public o

44、f the danger of halfblindness with reviews.CTo blame the medias lack of responsibility in information.DTo encourage the skeptics to have a critical eye.答案:A主旨大意题。根据最后一段第一句“A critical eye is valuable, and the media should present information in such a way that could allow people to make informed deci

45、sions.”可知,作者认为新闻媒体要有批判性的眼光,应向人们客观全面地呈现信息,故A项正确。.语法填空(2019四川谢洪中学期中)There was a time when, if a lady got into a crowded bus or train, a gentleman would immediately stand up and offer his seat 1 her. But now, he will probably look out of the window or hide behind his newspaper, 2 (leave) the lady stand

46、ing 3 someone else gets off. You cant entirely blame men for their change in manners. 4 (go) are the days when women could be referred to the weak. A whole generation has grown up demanding equality with men in jobs, in education and in social life. Hold a door for some women and you are likely 5 (get) an angry lecture on treating women as weakling


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