2019-2020同步译林英语选修十一新突破讲义:Unit 3 Section Ⅲ Word power & Grammar and usage .doc

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1、Section Word power & Grammar and usage rank v把分等级;列为;使排成行;分属某类(教材P38)My name is Victoria Brown,and last year I was ranked number 59 on a list of the worlds most successful people.我叫维多利亚布朗,去年我在全世界最成功的人士中排名第59。The tasks have been ranked in order of difficulty.按照困难程度对工作进行了分类。They ranked high in their c

2、lass.他们是班上的优等生。rank high/low 处于高位/地位低下rank second,third,etc. 排名第2、第3 等rank according to 根据排列rank n. 地位;社会阶层;军衔;排;横列;行列in rank 在地位上These subjects ranked low for most students.多数学生不重视这几门课。He is in the first rank of university teachers.他是一流的大学教师。完成句子孩子们是根据学习能力分级的。The children were academic ability.他的地位

3、比我高。He is higher than I am.该公司在食品制造商中名列第2。The company among food manufacturers.【答案】ranked according toin rankranks second (教材P38)In my opinion,I possess certain qualities that have helped me succeed.依我看来,我有能帮助我成功的优点。(1)possess vt.拥有,持有;具有;占有;支配,控制I do not possess a television set.我没有电视机。He did not p

4、ossess a sense of humour.他没有幽默感。be possessed of拥有,获得possession n. 持有in possession of 拥有,占有(主动意义)in the possession of 为所占有(被动意义)take possession of 占有,拥有,夺取He is possessed of great wealth.他拥有巨大的财富。He was found in possession of dangerous drugs.他被发现藏有危险药品。用适当的介词填空He was possessed great selfconfidence.Th

5、e old house is now the possession of the government.You cant take possession this diamond necklace.【答案】ofinof(2)quality n品德,品性;质量,品质;特点,特色These are leather goods of high quality.这些是高质量的皮革制品。Sympathy is his best quality.同情心是他最好的品质。have quality质量好;有水平of good/high quality 上等的;优质的of poor quality 劣质的;劣等的

6、the quality of life 生活质量The goods are of poor quality.这些货物质量不好。Advances in technology would,it was hoped,improve the quality of life.人们曾希望科技的进步能够提高生活质量。完成句子这些器材质量好,用处大。The equipment is and very useful.我认为他们有素质,现在他们也更加自信了。I think they ; they also have some confidence now.一检查我就找出了这些质量低劣的货物。On examinat

7、ion I found the goods 【答案】of good qualityhave qualityof poor quality go wrong 发生故障,出毛病;出错,犯错误;出现问题,遇到困难(教材P38)The first one is perseverance this means I never give up,even when things go wrong.首先是毅力这意味着我从不放弃,即使在情况变糟时。My watch keeps going wrong.我的手表不断地出毛病。If you do what she tells you,you wont go wron

8、g.你要是按照她说的做,就不会出错。go表示“变化”时,常和有关颜色的形容词连用,此时一般不用get,如go red/white/pale;表示人或事物的情况变坏时,也一般多用go,如go mad/deaf/blind/ sour/bad等。He went pale at the news.他听到这个消息时脸色变得苍白。The woman has gone mad.那女人疯了。完成句子我的头发日渐花白。My hair is 在热天,水果会很快变质。Fruit quickly in hot weather.如果你不注意保护视力的话,你会变瞎的。If you dont take care of y

9、our eyesight,you will 【答案】going greygoes badgo blind (教材P38)I feel confident that I can achieve anything if I work hard to make things happen.如果我努力做一些事情,我确信我能成功。(1)confident adj.确信的,有自信心的He is quite confident that he will pass the driving test.他很自信他能通过驾驶考试。Dont be too confident in your own opinion.不

10、要对自己的看法太自信。a confident leader 有信心的领导者be confident about/in 对有信心be confident of 确信可以be confident that. 确信We are confident about the future.我们对未来充满信心。Im fully confident of winning the title.我对赢得冠军信心十足。完成句子我们确信可以成功。We success. We we will succeed.我对今晚的比赛不是很有把握。I am not very tonights game.【答案】are confide

11、nt of;are confident thatconfident about(2)achieve v取得,获得;实现,达到;完成The scientist achieved much success.那位科学家取得了很大的成功。You will achieve your ambition if you work hard.如果你努力,你的抱负是可以实现的。achieve ones goal/ambition/purpose实现某人的目标/抱负/达到目的achieve success 获得成功achieve a victory 获得胜利achievement n. 成就;成绩;功绩;达到;完成

12、a great achievement 一项伟大的成就They achieved some victories despite these setbacks.尽管受到这些挫折,他们还是取得了一些胜利。Altogether,our achievements are very great.总而言之,我们的成绩是很大的。完成句子他实现了成为老板的宏愿。He to become a boss.他之所以取得成功是他努力的结果。He because he was a hard worker.首次飞越大西洋是一项伟大的成就。Flying across the Atlantic for the first t

13、ime was 【答案】achieved his ambitionachieved successa great achievement even though/if 即使;尽管(教材P38)I always try to be energetic and enthusiastic,even though I may be tired or busy.我总是精力充沛和热情的,即使我可能是疲劳或忙碌的。Even though/if I fail,Ill keep trying.我纵然失败,也会继续努力。Ill finish the work on time even though/if I sh

14、ould meet with great difficulty.即使遇到巨大困难我也要按时完成工作。在主从句主语一致而且从句中有be动词形式时,可以省略从句主语和be动词,使用“even if/though非谓语动词”的形式。even though中的though不能用although来替换。Will you go to his birthday party tomorrow night?你明晚会去参加他的生日聚会吗?No,even if/though (I am) invited.不,即使受到邀请也不去。【提示】even though/if,although,though,as,while,

15、no matter疑问词,疑问词ever,从属连词不能和表示转折的并列连词but,however连用,但可以和副词yet,still等连用。完成句子即使要失败十次,我也绝不灰心。I wouldnt lose heart .即使明天下雨,我们也决不改变计划。 ,we wont change our plan.【答案】even if/though I should fail ten timesEven if/though it rains tomorrow make a point of 重视;强调;特别留意做,必定(教材P38)Every day,I make a point of saying

16、 hello to all my staff and spending time listening to their ideas and opinions.每天我都照例向我的全体员工问好,并且花费时间聆听他们的主意和想法。Father makes a point of going to bed before ten.父亲必定在10点前睡觉。She made a point of sending a birthday present to her best friend.她特意为她最好的朋友寄去了生日礼物。on the point of 即将;正要的时候there is little/no p

17、oint in doing 做某事没有意义point of view 观点;见地;立场at this point 这时候,此时此刻to the point 切题,中肯I was on the point of going to bed when you rang.你打电话的时候我正要睡觉。There is no point in doing so.这样做毫无意义。完成句子我始终重视帮助别人。I always a hand to others.现在抱怨已完全没有用了。Theres absolutely complaining now.我正要打电话给你。I was telephoning you.

18、【答案】make a point of givingno point inon the point of sense n感官;感觉;意识;意义(教材P39)Finally,a sense of humour will always keep me and people around smiling.最后,幽默感将会使我和周围的人一直保持微笑。Im afraid I havent got a very good sense of direction,so I easily get lost.恐怕我的方向感很差,因此我容易迷路。He has a sense that someone is stan

19、ding behind him.他有一种有人站在他后面的那种感觉。the sense of sight/hearing/smell/taste/touch视觉/听觉/嗅觉/味觉/触觉 a sense of duty/humor/direction/hunger 责任感/幽默感/方向感/饥饿感make sense 有意义,有道理make sense of 理解,明白,懂得sense vt. 意识到,感觉到He has an acute sense of smell.他嗅觉灵敏。That sentence doesnt make sense.这个句子说不通。I sense that you wou

20、ld rather not go.我觉得你最好还是别走。完成句子狗有非常灵敏的嗅觉,经常被用来搜寻地震中的幸存者。Dogs have a very good and are often used to search for survivors in the earthquake.他很有幽默感。He has a good 我把信读了两遍,但还是不解其意。Ive read the letter twice,but I cant it.【答案】sense of smellsense of humormake sense of survivor n幸存者;生还者(教材P41)Doctors and n

21、urses are on the scene to give oxygen and other medical supplies to survivors.医生和护士在现场给幸存者吸氧和其他医疗救治。There are only a few survivors from the original team.最初的队员只剩下几名了。The plane crashed in an area of dense jungle,there were no survivors.飞机坠落在一个丛林茂密的地区,无人生还。survive v生存;幸存,生还;比活(或存在)的时间长A survive B A比B活

22、得长survive (from) sth. 幸免于;从中挺过来survive on 靠存活下来survival n. 幸存;残存物Most parents expect that their children will survive them.大多数父母都希望子女能够比他们自己长寿。Very little has survived from this period of history.这段历史时期遗留下来的东西很少。用survivor的适当形式填空They on roots and berries at that time.It must have been terrible for th

23、ose The ceremony is a from preChristian times.【答案】survivedsurvivorssurvival英语委婉语(euphemism)英语委婉语的使用,使得人们巧妙地避开了语言中的禁忌语,传达了说话者的思想,也丰富了英语语言本身和英国文化,从而令英语更加生动自然,妙趣横生。英语委婉语一般可分成两大类:传统委婉语(traditional euphemisms)和文体委婉语(stylistic euphemisms)。所谓传统委婉语亦称是与禁忌语密切相关的。像生、病、死、葬、性、裸、拉、撒等禁忌事物,如果直接表达,那就是禁忌语,给人的感觉是粗鄙,生硬

24、,刺耳,无礼。反之,如果间接表达,这就是委婉语,给人的印象是典雅,含蓄,中听,有礼。所谓文体委婉语,实际上是恭维话、溢美之词,与禁忌语并无关系。英、美(尤其是当代美国人)在交际过程中,为了表示礼貌,为了避免刺激对方,或是为了争取合作,有时会采用夸饰的手法,对一些令人不快的事物以美言相称。委婉语使用的范围十分广泛:例1“死亡”的委婉语在英语里,表达“死”的委婉语很多,最常用的有:pass away(过世),to go west(归西天),tick the bucket(翘辫子),turn up ones toes(伸脚趾),to go to sleep(长眠),to be no more(没了,

25、不在了),to close ones eyes(闭眼),to lay down ones life(牺牲),to expire(逝世),to breathe ones last(咽气),to end ones day(寿终),to pay the debt of nature(了结尘缘),to cross over to the other side(去世),to go to the happy hunting ground(去世)等。例2“贫穷”的委婉语汉语中有“拮据”、“手头紧”、“囊中羞涩”等表示贫困,英语中表示“贫穷”的委婉语有:badly off(短缺的),less well off

26、(不太宽裕的),indigent(缺少钱物的),down on ones luck(时运不济),hard up for money(缺钱),in difficulty(处于困境)。而havenots(不富有的人)或a man of modest means(财产不多的人)或negative saver(积蓄为负值的人)都是“穷人”的婉称。美国对收入低于生活标准的个人或家庭的补助也被称作“税”,即“逆所得税”(negative income tax)。贫穷落后的国家可说成developing countries(发展中国家)或the Third World(第三世界)。例3“老”的委婉语年龄是西

27、方国家的一个敏感话题,可用多种委婉形式表达“老”,如:senior citizen,people in advanced years,elderly people,third age,to feel ones age,mature等。“养老院”称为a rest home,私立养老院是a nursing home。由于英汉文化的差异,一种语言中的委婉表达在另一种语言中找不到相对应的表达方式,甚至连相近的表达也没有。例如汉语中有贵校,寒舍,惠存,贱内等的表达,英语中没有。这主要是因为汉语文化中,人们常使用谦词来表示对对方的礼貌与尊敬,而西方人难以理解汉语文化中的这种谦虚心理,因此英语中也不存在相对应的委婉的表达。英汉语言中的委婉语涉及社会生活的各个方面,是各自文化的具体表现,在交际过程中起到了举足轻重的作用。因此我们在日常的语言学习中,一定要注意委婉语的积累和使用。避免不必要的误会,以便达到成功的交际,这是语言学习的最终目的。


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