2019-2020同步译林英语选修十一新突破课时分层作业:2 Word power & Grammar and usage .doc

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《2019-2020同步译林英语选修十一新突破课时分层作业:2 Word power & Grammar and usage .doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步译林英语选修十一新突破课时分层作业:2 Word power & Grammar and usage .doc(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、课时分层作业(二).单词拼写1People consider (狐狸) as clever but sly animals.2The tribesmen were armed with (矛) and shields.3He is busy (除草) in the garden.4The message travels along the (神经) to the brain.5He likes to watch a (魔术师) performing tricks.6But the (铸铁制的) rail by the side should be European in style.7Your

2、 invention is clever,but not (实用)8Its known that the price (包括) postage charges.9The reports conclusions were already (熟悉的) enough to the government.10These are leather goods of high (质量)【答案】1.foxes2.spears3.weeding4.nerve5magician6.castiron7.practical8.includes9familiar10.quality.单句语法填空1It is dange

3、rous (cross)the straits in such weather.2We must be (practice)and work out the cost before we make a decision.3We get 2,000 yuan a month,bonuses (include)4Many of the stories are (base)on rumour.5Return to your place and get on your work.6The name you just mentioned sounds familiar me.7He as well as

4、 I (be)satisfied with the result.8It was hard (see)his face because of the cowl he was wearing.9I rang you but couldnt get 10Every schoolboy is familiar these facts.【答案】1.to cross2.practical3.included4based5.with6.to7.is8.to see9through10.with.阅读理解With courses on David Beckham and Harry Potter on of

5、fer at famous universities,it comes as no surprise that students are now able to learn the art of the perfect selfie(自拍)The concept of taking selfies gained great popularity.It soon exploded on the Internet,and people started crazily to take images that had them as the primary item of focus.The tren

6、d became so popular that it even inspired a song,“Selfie”by The Chainsmokers,which racked up 267 million views on YouTube.In fact,Twitter declared 2014 as “the year of the selfie”Just like the art of photography can be studied and improved,City Literary Institute, a wellknown college in London,felt

7、it needed to educate people on the fine art of taking the perfect selfie and officially started to offer a firstever course on that.The foursession course will cost 132(106 for seniors) ,but the fee wont even include a free selfie stick,a tool that is rapidly gaining acceptance for serious selfietak

8、ers.It is open to all enthusiastic and selfobsessed photographers.As part of the new course,selfabsorbed photographers will be taught “valuable life skills” to prepare themselves to face a world which could present a photo opportunity at any point.Apart from offering the muchneeded but seldomsought

9、guidance on the best angles and lighting,the course promises to improve your critical understanding of the “selfie”There will also be a brief exploration into the concepts of “identity,selfhood and memory” as well as the opportunity to “develop new ideas to make your photography more relevant to you

10、r aims”But the selfie enthusiasts must be prepared to share their photos,as organizers said a critique(评论) of students work would form an important role in the learning process.【语篇解读】本文介绍了英国伦敦的一所著名大学开设了一门新的课程教学生如何完美地自拍。1Learning to take selfies at universities isnt a surprise because Ataking selfies

11、 is popular nowadaysBmany people take photos crazilyCthe perfect selfie has exploded on the InternetDcourses on some famous persons have been offered【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的“With courses on David Beckham and Harry Potter on offer at famous universities,it comes as no surprise”可知,一些著名的大学提供了关于名人的课程,所以开设自拍的课程

12、不足为奇,故选D。【答案】D2City Literary Institute offers courses on taking selfies to Aattract people to study thereBteach people to master the artCfollow the latest fashionDbe the first to offer such courses【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段中的“felt it needed to educate people on the fine art of taking the perfect selfie”可知,该大学提

13、供自拍课程是因为它感觉有必要教人们掌握自拍这门艺术,故选B。【答案】B3What can be inferred about the course in the passage?AIt makes students get to know the concept of beauty.BIt offers the steps on how to take photos.CStudents taking the course are likely to take better selfies.DStudents critical understanding of selfies is promis

14、ed to improve.【解析】推理判断题。根据第五段内容可知,经过学习,学生将学到重要的摄影技巧。此外,课程还将对“身份、自我以及记忆”的概念进行简单的探讨,还有机会发展出新思路从而让每个学生的拍摄更贴近自己的目标。由此可推知,这门课程可能会提高学生的自拍技巧,故选C。【答案】C4Who can have access to the course on taking selfies?AAnyone who shows passion for taking selfies.BAnyone who is a fulltime student of the college.COnly youn

15、g photographers who are interested in it.DOnly those who are good at taking photos.【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段的最后一句“It is open to all enthusiastic and selfobsessed photographers”可知,该课程对所有爱好自拍的人开放,故选A。【答案】A.完形填空A man wanted to make an investment(投资)An idea struck him:“Why dont I plant a small mango tree and enjo

16、y the benefits when it grows into a big one?” So he went to the 1 ,bought a small tree and took it home.To the pride of his family,he 2 it in the center of his 3 He read everything about 4 a mango tree.He got up early every morning,for he was determined to supply the tree with all the necessary nutr

17、ients.He watered it, 5 it with manure(粪肥),and took good care of its leaves by removing those 6 ones.He made sure the tree received enough care.Many times he sat and 7 the beauty of the growing tree while dreaming about the 8 mangoes that the tree would 9 His mind was always filled with the wish to t

18、aste the first fruit of the tree.Years went by 10 .now,he had a big tree with its leaves shining and healthy,its bark healthy and hard.It was a big attraction 11 it decorated his whole garden.Then one day he noticed a small bud(花蕾),which in a couple of days grew into a beautiful 12 Now he could 13 w

19、ait for the fruit so he started to increase his supply of nutrients and care.Then one day the tree let out its first producta small green fruit.The man was so 14 He waited for a few more weeks till the fruit grew in 15 The day came when he decided to 16 the first fruit of the tree.He 17 the tree,pic

20、ked the fruit and then came his 18 The fruit was not like what he expected.It was hard,big and round.He was puzzled.He was sad.Seeing this,his 19 came and asked him what happened.He told them that the fruit from his tree was not what he wanted.When the neighbours heard this,they did not know whether

21、 to 20 or comfort him,for what he planted years ago was not a mango tree.We can only reap(收获)what we plant.【语篇解读】一个人想发财,突发了要栽植一棵芒果树的想法。想不到结出的不是芒果这个人很是失望。原来他栽的不是棵芒果树。 1A.cityBfarmCmarket Dshop【解析】考查语境选词。city “城市”;farm “农场”;market “市场”;shop “商店”。由后面的bought a small tree可知购买树苗应该是在“市场”。【答案】C2A.grew Bmove

22、dCplanted Dthrew【解析】考查动词。grow “种植”;move “移动”;plant “栽种”;throw “扔/丢掉”。买芒果树苗回来后将其“栽”在花园里。故选C项。 【答案】C3A.garden BhouseCvillage Dyard【解析】考查名词。garden “花园”;house “房子”;village “村庄”;yard “院子”。B、C两项可轻易排除。D项易错选,但根据第四段最后一句“it decorated his whole garden”可知选A项。【答案】A4A.buying BimprovingCkeeping Draising【解析】考查动词。bu

23、y“购买”;improve“改进,提高”;keep“保持,饲养(动物)”;raise “养殖,种植,增加”。此处raise a mango tree指维护、管理芒果树。故选D项。【答案】D5A.decorated BequippedCserved Dsupplied【解析】考查动词。decorate “装饰”;equip “装备,武装”;serve “服务,供应”;supply “提供”。此处是为果树施肥,应使用supply A with B,故选D项。 【答案】D6A.green BredCwhite Dyellow【解析】考查形容词。果树管理,需要剪去老叶子枯萎的叶子。枯萎的叶子会变黄,而

24、green leaves属于好叶子。red leaves只是有些树有,一般是秋天才有,也是即将死去的叶子,但秋天不需要剪枝。white leaves很少见,显然A、B、C三项可排除。故选D项。【答案】D7A.admired BdrewCgreeted Doperated【解析】考查动词。admire “欣赏,赞美”;draw “画画”;greet “打招呼,欢迎”;operate “操作,管理”。根据接下来的“dreaming about, His mind was always filled with the wish to taste the first fruit of the tree

25、”可知,那个人是经常坐在树下“赞赏”树长得漂亮,并展望着早日品尝其结的芒果,故选A项。【答案】A8A.beneficial BexpensiveChealthy Dtasty【解析】考查形容词。beneficial“有益的”;expensive “昂贵的”;healthy “健康的”;tasty “可口的,美味的”。根据句意,这个人是展望早日品尝果树结的“可口的”芒果,故选D项。【答案】D9A.bear BburstCdeserve Dmake【解析】考查动词。bear“生育,结果实”;burst “爆裂,突发”;deserve “值得”;make “制造”。此处是指果树“结果实”,使用bea

26、r,故选A项。【答案】A10A.immediately BquicklyCnarrowly Dsuddenly【解析】考查副词。immediately “立即,马上”;quickly “迅速地,快”;narrowly “勉强地,狭窄地”;suddenly “突然”。根据接下来的“now,he had a big tree”可知,这一天到来了,说明时间过得很快,故选B项。【答案】B11A.because BifCthough Dwhen【解析】考查连词。because表示原因,if表示条件,though表示让步,when表示时间。此处前后为因果关系,it decorated his whole

27、garden是原因;It was a big attraction为结果,故选A项。【答案】A12A.flower BfruitCleaf Dnut【解析】考查名词。flower“花朵”;fruit “水果”;leaf “叶子”;nut “果仁”。根据常识可知,先是长出花蕾(a small bud),然后花蕾长成flower,花粉受精后才会结出果实,故选A项。【答案】A13A.always BhardlyCnever Dstrangely【解析】考查副词。always “总是,始终”;hardly “几乎不”;never“从不”;strangely “奇怪地”。cant/hardly wait

28、 for意为“迫不及待”,这个人等不及要品尝芒果树结出的果实,故选B项。【答案】B14A.greedy BhappyCnervous Dsad【解析】考查形容词。greedy “贪婪的”;happy “快乐的”;nervous “紧张的”;sad “悲伤的”。果树总算结出了第一批果实,这个人显然非常“喜悦”,故选B项。【答案】B15A.age BlengthCsize Dwidth【解析】考查名词。age“年龄”;length “长度”;size “尺寸,大小”;width “宽度”。这个人又等了几周,以便让树上的果实“长大点”,果子不像他所期盼的那样,故选C项。【答案】C16A.observ

29、e BsellCsteal Dtaste【解析】考查动词。observe “观察,观看”;sell“卖”;steal“偷”;taste “品尝”。这个人一直期待的是“品尝”自己栽的果树上结出的果实,故选D项。【答案】D17A.climbed BcutChid Dkilled【解析】考查动词。climb “爬上”;cut “砍伐”;hide “躲,收藏”;kill“杀死”。这个人感觉树上的果实应该成熟了,决定“爬到树上”去摘下来吃,故选A项。【答案】A18A.anxiety BcheersCdisappointment Dopinion【解析】考查名词。anxiety “焦虑”;cheers “

30、欢呼声”;disappointment “失望”;opinion “观点,看法”。根据接下来“The fruit was not like what he expected.It was hard,big and round.He was puzzled.He was sad.”可知,这个人摘下树上的果实品尝后,很是“失望”,果子不像他所期盼的那样,故选C项。 【答案】C 19A.children BfriendsCneighbours Drelatives【解析】考查名词。根据最后一段中的“When the neighbours heard this”可知选C项neighbours “邻居”。children “孩子”;friends “朋友”;relatives “亲戚”。【答案】C20A.complain BlaughCmotivate Dsupport【解析】考查动词。complain “抱怨”;laugh “笑”;motivate “激励”;support “支持”。邻居们听完这个人的诉苦后,不知道是该“笑”他还是安慰他,因为他几年前栽的树不是芒果树。故选B项。【答案】B


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