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《(整理版高中英语)必修9Unit1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(整理版高中英语)必修9Unit1.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、必修9 Unit 1.用所给单词的适当形式填空1White is the_(convention) color of a wedding dress in western countries.答案conventional2It is not a physical but a_(spirit) hurt to her for us to take away her baby.答案spiritual3. I have forgotten the exact number. There were_ (approximate) 300 people at the spot.答案approximatel

2、y4. All the children were _(fascinate) by the wonderful game.答案fascinated5. A gymnast has to make many _(adjust) in his movement before he can perform well.答案adjustment.根据中文提示完成以下句子1噪音快到我们无法忍受的地步了Noise_ where we cant put up with.答案is going to the point2他们呼吁图书馆假期开放。They _during the vacation.答案urge th

3、at the library be kept open3他不胜任这样的高级职位。He_ such a senior position.答案is not fitunfit for4和他讨论这些事情是在浪费时间。_ such matters with him.答案Its a waste of time discussing5他的腿受伤了,因此不能参加比赛了。He injured his leg,_couldnt compete every week.答案and therefore.完形填空()阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C、D项中,选出最正确选项。I was on a

4、bus one March evening. The driver didn t_1_to start the bus soon because it was not yet_2_.A middleaged woman got on. Tired and sad, she told her story_3_,not to anyone in particular. On her way to the station, half of her_4_was stolen. The other half was hidden under her blouse, so she_5_still had

5、some left. A few minutes later, she stopped crying, but still looked _6_.When all the seats were taken, the driver started the engine. The conductor began to collect fares(车费). When she came to an old man in wornout clothes, he _7_that he had spent all his money when he had accidentally got on a wro

6、ng bus and now he was trying to go home. On hearing this, she ordered the old man to get off the bus. The old man was almost in tears as he begged her to let him take the bus home. The driver took the conductor s side and repeated the conductors _8_.The woman was watching the incident.When the drive

7、r and the conductor raised their voices at the old man,she interfered (干预)“Stop _9_him! Cant you see hes only trying to get home?“He doesn t have any money ! the driver _10_.“Well, that s no _11_to throw him off the bus, she insisted.Then she reached inside her blouse, took out her remaining money,

8、and handed it to the conductor. “Heres his fare and mine. Just stop giving him a _12_time.All heads turned to the woman. “It s only money, she shrugged.She rode the rest of the way home_13_a happy smile, with the money she d lost earlier forgotten.On the road of life, the help of strangers can_14_ou

9、r loads and lift our spirits. How much sweeter the_15_will be when we make it a little smoother for others !解读:在公交车上,一位丢了钱的妇女帮助一位老人付了车费,并因此感到快乐。由此告诉我们一个道理:帮助他人时自己也能从中得到快乐。1. A. tryB. careC. decide D. intend解析根据句意,车里面人还没坐满,所以司机不想开车。想要做某事用intend。答案D2. A. empty B. fullC. crowded D. ready解析根据句意,车里面人还没有坐

10、满,表示满用full。第二段首句也有暗示。答案B3. A. tearfully B. seriouslyC. carefully D. calmly解析根据后文stop crying可知她说话的时候在哭,所以用tearfully。答案A4. A. fare B. possessionC. money D. wealth解析根据下文,此处是表示她一半的钱被偷了。后有提示。答案C5. A. strangely B. happilyC. secrbtly D. fortunately解析钱被偷走一半,还有一半藏在衣服里面(没有丢),所以,这里表示“幸运地留下了一些(钱)。答案D6. A. unsat

11、isfied B. weakC. unhappy D. excited解析虽然不哭了,但是看上去仍然不快乐,用unhappy。答案C7. A. explained B. declaredC. admitted D. found解析下文他说他上错车了,钱全用完了,所以现在没钱支付车费。这是他对没钱支付车费的一种解释,所以选A。答案A8. A. request B. actionC. suggestion D. command解析司机也重复着售票员的“命令。答案D9. A. attacking B. botheringC. blaming D. wronging解析她要求司机和售票员不要再让那个老

12、人不安了。这题比拟容易错选blaming,但司机他们只是要求老人下车,并没有责备他,也没资格责备。答案B10. A. warned B. whisperedC. shouted D. repeated解析根据语境,司机和售票员的声音此时应是更高了,故用shout“大声说。答案C11. A. problem B. needC. matter D. reason解析仅仅因为老人没钱就要求他下车是没有理由的。所以选择D。答案D12. A. busy B. coldC. hard D. fearful解析不要再让那个老人感到为难了。答案C13. A. giving B. wearingC. takin

13、g D. forcing解析在接下来的旅途中,她的脸上“带着愉快的微笑。答案B14. A. move B. increaseC. lighten D. carry解析最后对文章进行总结:在我们人生的旅途中,来自陌生人的帮助可以减轻我们的负担,振作我们的精神。答案C15. A. world B. journeyC. smile D. friendship解析当我们在前进的道路上帮助他人的时候,前进之路会变得多么惬意。答案B.阅读理解A(,E)Successful people in international business understand the cultures of other c

14、ountries and learn to change their practices in different cultures. They understand the importance of avoiding business decisions based on misconceptionsmistaken ideas.One cause of misconceptions is ethnocentrism, the belief that ones own cultures way of doing things is better than the way of other

15、cultures. Its ethnocentrism that leads to failure in international business. To avoid ethnocentrism, its necessary to study the different elements (组成局部) of culture:language, values and attitudes, and customs and manners.LanguageA knowledge of the local language can help international business peopl

16、e in four ways. First, people can communicate directly.Second, people are usually more open in their communication with someone who speaks their language. Third, an understanding of the language allows people to infer meanings that are not said directly.Finally, knowing the language helps people to

17、understand the culture better.Values and AttitudesValues are peoples basic beliefs about the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. An attitude is a way of thinking or acting. Values and attitudes influence international business. For example,many people in the United States believe that

18、chocolate from Switzerland is better than chocolate from other countries, and they buy a lot of it.Customs and MannersCustoms are common social practices. Manners are ways of acting that the society believes are polite. For example, in the United States, it is the custom to have salad (色拉) before th

19、e main course at dinner, not after. Its not acceptable to talk with food in mouth at table. Failure to understand the customs and manners of other countries will bring difficulty selling their products. Orange juice as a breakfast drink of an American company in France doesnt sell well because the F

20、rench dont usually drink juice with breakfast.语篇解读成功的国际商人之所以能取得成功,一个重要原因是他们能够理解不同的民族文化,并能够根据不同的文化而改变自己的行为。针对如何防止每个人心中由来已久的“民族优越感,文章就态度和价值观及风俗习惯等几方面提出了建议。1A knowledge of the local language allows international business people_.A. to be more open with their customersB. to communicate without outside h

21、elpC. to express their thoughts indirectlyD. to have a better idea of their own culture解析事实细节题。由第三段中的First,people can communicate directly.可知此题选B。答案B2The act of many people buying chocolate of Switzerland shows the role of_.A. mannersB. valuesC. attitudes D. customs解析推理判断题。由Values and Attitudes这一局部A

22、n attitude is a way of thinking or acting.可知答案为C。答案C3What would be the best title for the text?A. Misconceptions in BusinessB. Basic Beliefs in BusinessC. International Business CultureD. Successful International Business解析主旨大意题。第二段是文章的主题段,由本段可知此题选C。答案C4The authors purpose of writing this article is

23、 to tell people_.A. how to take a right attitude in businessB. how to avoid misunderstandings in businessC. how to use a local language in businessD. how to act politely and properly in business解析推理判断题。由第二段可知作者的写作意图是针对如何防止每个人心中由来已久的“民族优越感提出建议,故此题选B。答案BB(,C)“Get your hands off me , I have been stolen

24、, the laptop,a portable computer, shouted. That is a new solution to laptop computer theft: a program that lets owners give their property a voice when it has been taken.The program allows users to display alerts on the missing computer s screen and even to set a spoken message. Tracking software fo

25、r stolen laptops has been on the market for some time, but this is thought to be the first that allows owners to give the thief a piece of their mind.Owners must report their laptop missing by visiting a website, which sends a message to the model: a red and yellow “lost or stolen sign appears on it

26、s screen when it is started.Under the latest version(版本) of the software, users can also send a spoken message.The message can be set to reappear every 30 seconds, no matter how many times the thief closes it. “One customer sent a message saying,You are being tracked. I am right at your door , said

27、Carrie Hafeman, chief executive of the company which produces the program, Retriever.In the latest version, people can add a spoken message.For example, the laptop s speakers will say: “Help, this laptop is reported lost or stolen. If you are not my owner, report me now.The Retriever software packag

28、e, which costs $ 29.95 but has a free trial period, has the functions of many security software programs.Owners can remotely switch to an alternative password if they fear that the thief has also got hold of the access details.If a thief accesses the internet with the stolen laptop, Retriever will c

29、ollect information on the internet service provider in use, so that the police can be alerted to its location.Thousands of laptops are stolen every year from homes and offices, but with the use of laptops increasing, the number stolen while their owners are out and about has been rising sharply.Othe

30、r security software allows users to erase data remotely or lock down the computer.语篇解读随着社会的开展,使用手提电脑的人越来越多,而盗窃手提电脑的行为也变得猖獗。本文介绍了一种新版本的电脑软件,电脑拥有者能够在程序中输入声音,一旦电脑被盗,只要被翻开,它就会有规律地提醒盗贼,电脑不是他的,或者帮助主人发泄愤怒。5The expression “to give the thief a piece of their mind can be understood as“_A. to give the thief an

31、 alert mindB. to express the owners anger to the thiefC. to remind the thief of his conscienceD. to make the thief give up his mind解析细节推理题。根据文章第一段中的“Get your hands off me,I have been stolen和下文第四段中的“You are being tracked.I am right at your door.可推测出被盗者是很生气的,他通过电脑软件设计出的言语来表达自己的愤怒。所以答案选B。答案B6Different

32、from other security software, Retriever can_.A. record the stealing processB. help recognize the lost laptopC. lock down the computer remotelyD. send a spoken message解析细节理解题。根据文章第五段第一句话“In the latest version,people call add a spoken message.可知D项正确。A项没有提及;B项的recognize表述错误;C项不是这种新的平安程序所特有的,故答案为D。答案D7O

33、ne function of the program is that it allows the owner to_at a distance.A. change some access details for switching on the laptopB. turn on the laptop by using the original passwordC. operate the laptop by means of an alternative passwordD. erase the information kept in the stolen laptop解析细节理解题。根据文章

34、第六段的最后一句话“Owners can remotely switch to an alternative password if they fear that the thief has also got hold of the access details.可知A项正确。答案A8Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of the passage?A. With no Retriever, thousands of laptops are stolen every year.B. A new software pro

35、vides a means to reduce laptop theft.C. Retriever has helped to find thieves and lost computers.D. A new program offers a communication platform with the thief.解析主旨大意题。这篇文章主要介绍了一种新的电脑软件,它可以提供多种平安程序,使得电脑偷盗者无处藏身,从而减少电脑被盗。A项太绝对了;C项只是文章的一个小的方面,并不是主题;D项表述错误,不符合文章的意思。答案B.话题写作训练根底写作请根据以下提供的信息,用英语给某杂志社写一篇关于

36、“撑杆跳女皇伊辛巴耶娃的简介。【写作内容】NameYelena IsinbayevaDate of birthJune 3,1982Place of birthRussiaLife and Achievements、两次荣获奥运金牌;奥运会上创造了的室外世界记录;2009年2月15日创造了5米的室内世界记录,那也是她的第26个世界记录;515岁时,练体操,但最终因身高原因转练撑杆跳;练撑杆跳6个月后,就在1998年的世界青年运动会上以4米的成绩夺冠;从来没有停止前进的脚步,下一个目标是赶上布勃卡(Sergei Bubka),那意味着她还要再打破9次世界记录。【写作要求】请使用5个句子表达全部内

37、容。参考词汇:撑杆跳运发动Polevaulter体操运发动gymnast【参考范文】Born on June 3,1982,Russian polevaulter Yelena Isinbayeva won gold medals in and Olympics.Isinbayevas current world records are 5.05 m outdoors,a record Isinbayeva set at the Beijing Olympic Games,and 5.00 m indoors,a record set on February 15,,which is Isin

38、bayevas 26th world record.From the age of 5 to 15,Isinbayeva trained as a gymnast,but finally she left the sport because as she grew she was considered too tall to be competitive in gymnastics.Six months after having taken up polevaulting she won her first major victory at the age of 16 during the 1998 World Youth Games with a height of 4.00 m.Isinbayeva never stops moving on,her next goal is to catch up with her idol,polevaulter Sergei Bubka,which means another 9 world Necords for her.


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