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1、九年级英语Unit 3 The Great Lakes Lesson 1012人教四年制版【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容:本周我们将学习第四册第三单元“五大湖中第10课剩下的内容及11和12课。Unit 3 The Great Lakes Lesson 1012二. 重点、难点:一语言点1. These people set up a lab called the Great Lakes Environ-mental Research laboratory .这些人建立了一个五大湖环境调查研究实验室。set up成立、建立、竖起、设置eg .A new reading room will

2、be set up in our school . 我们将要建立一座新阅览室。The villagers will set up a new factory this year . 村民们今年要建立一个新工厂。Road signs were set up to prevent people from losing their ways . 竖起了路标以防止人们迷路。2. After they had studied the Lakes ecosystem , they found that the pollution was killing the Lakes .他们在研究过五大湖的生态系统之

3、后,发现污染正在吞噬着五大湖。1study在此表示“研读,攻读,研究。Im studying how children learn to speak . 我正在研究儿童是如何学习说话的。He is studyingfor a degree inmedicine . 他正在攻读医科的学位。2kill除了表示“杀死、弄死之外,还可以作“破坏,减弱;扼杀某人或某事物;消磨时间等解。eg .Careless driving kills ! 开车大意危及生命!The disease kills many people in poor countries every year . 这种疾病在贫困国家每年夺

4、去很多人的生命。The water in the river kills most living things .那河里的水能毒死大多数生物。My flight was delayed , so I killed time reading a book .我那趟航班误点了,我只好看书消磨时间。3. They have found out how the Lakes influence the weather in the world 他们已经查明五大湖是如何影响世界的天气了influence影响,感化1v.Dont let other people influence your decisio

5、n . 不要让其他人影响了你的决定。What influenced you so much ? 是什么对你影响如此大呢?What do you think influenced him to do it ? 你认为是什么促使他做那件事的?2n. He has a strange influence on me . 他对我有一种奇妙的影响。The teachers influence made him a better student . He is a good influence on me . 他对我是一个有好影响的人。4. If the Great Lakes dried up , th

6、e whole world would feel it . 如果五大湖干涸了,全世界都会受影响。1这个句子所表达的是与事实相反的假设,是虚拟语气的一种用法。英语中经常使用虚拟语气,虚拟语气有许多情况。在条件句中,要说明某事现在不大可能发生时,条件句用一般过去时,而主句用would+动词原形。eg .If I were you , I would go with him . 如是我是你,我就和他一块去。在虚拟语气中be动词过去式一般来讲一律用were2句中dry up表示“干涸。其中up与动词连用,可表示:完全地。例如:eat up吃光,finish up完成。还可以表示完善地,如tie up扎

7、紧,lock up锁好。eg .The sun will soon dry up the wet clothes . 太阳很快就会把湿衣服晒干。You can dry up your hands with the machine . 你可以用这台机器把你的手烘干。5. Many areas would become deserts and many animals would lose their homes and maybe die out .许多地区都会变成沙漠,许多动物都会失去家园并可能会濒于灭绝。die out灭绝,完全消失eg .How did the dinosaurs die

8、out ? 恐龙是怎么灭绝的?We used to believe that capitalism would soon die out . 我们过去常认为资本主义制度很快就会灭亡。6. I waited and waited until finally a bright scene came on . 我等了又等,最后总算等到银幕上出现了明亮的画面。1scene场面,场景;事发地点The first scene of the play is the kings palace . 剧中的第一个场景是王宫。Please think of a scene in which you are in t

9、rouble .请想出一个使你陷入困境的场景。The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene . 港湾中的船只构成了美丽的景色。The scene of the novel is in Scotland . 小说中的事是在苏格兰发生的。2come on降临,到来;进行;生长;进步Its getting colder , winter is coming on 天渐渐冷了,冬天来了。Fear came on her when all the lights suddenly went out . 当所有的灯突然熄灭时,她感到一阵恐惧侵袭上来。His

10、French has come on a lot . 他的法语进步很大。The garden is coming on nicely . 这个花园里的花草茂盛。Come on ! Well be late for the theatre . 快点!我们去戏院要迟到了。7. I hadnt had dinner because I was already running late . 我没有吃晚饭,因为我已经迟到了。此处,run用作系表动词,它的后面跟一个形容词,表示“变成,变得一般表示不好或消极的状况。8. It didnt exactly sound like her , but then

11、she was eating some popcorn .这声音听着不太像是她的,但那时她正吃着爆米花。sound like听起来像某种声音二语法小结:前面三个单元主要复习了英语当中的8个根本时态、状语从句以及过去分词作表语和定语的一些用法。这里仅对过去分词再作一个简单的复习。过去分词是非谓语动词的一种形式,表示动作的被动与完成,在句中作定语、状语、表语和宾语补足语。1. 过去分词作表语:过去分词作表语总是在系动词之后,构成系表结构,表示主语所处的状态。He seems displeased . 他好似不太满意。The river is badly polluted . 这条河污染很严重。Th

12、e shop is closed . 商店关门了。2. 注意过去分词作表语与被动语态的区别。被动语态是强调一个动作,而过去分词作表语那么是表示主语的特征或所处的状态。eg .The cup is broken . 杯子是破的。过去分词作表语,表状态The cup was broken by my little sister . 这杯子是我小妹妹打破的。被动语态3. 过去分词作定语1过去分词作定语有两种含义,一是表示被动,二是表示完成。eg .destroyed houses 被毁坏的房子表示被动the risen sun升起的太阳表示完成broken window打碎的玻璃fallen lea

13、ves落叶2过去分词作定语的位置,单独过去分词放在所修饰名词之前,过去分词短语作定语放在所修饰名词之后,其作用相当于一个定语从句。Polluted air and water are harmful to peoples health .被污染的空气和水对人体有害。People are busy rebuilding the houses destroyed in the fire . 人们正忙着重建在火中被毁的房子。3过去分词作定语与定语从句的关系。eg .The womanwho isdressed in red is my teacher .The questionwhich isdis

14、cussed is very important . 讨论的问题很重要。【模拟试题】一. 词型转换:1. We must pay attention to wild animals because many of them are in danger of dieout .2. It befour years since we learnEnglish at school .3. Im sorry troubleyou .4. you receivea letter from your father recently ?5. Theres a student callOwen in our c

15、lass .6. Tell him what eatthis evening .7. They decided that they goto the park if it not rainthe next day .8. Tom said he never hearof that .9. By the end of last week we visitabout ten factories in this city .10. What foreign language teachin your school ?二. 用适当的介词、副词填空:1. Youre just time for the

16、football match .2. Its being on an ocean .3. We should learn each other .4. It is important to pay attention the ecosystem of our world .5. The Great Lakes are the largest bodies of fresh water the world .6. The Great Lakes are the US and Canada .7. Ever then , people have lived beside the Lakes .8.

17、 If the Great Lakes dried , the whole world would feel it .9. Fish will die without water .10. When spring comes , flowers start to come .三. 单项选择:1. The ship before he arrived . He had to wait for the next . A. set off B. had set off C. would set off D. will set off2. The teacher told us to the word

18、 ecosystem in the dictionary . A. look for B. find out C. look up D. find3. There are books in the library .A. a great deal ofB. a large number of C. a great amount ofD. a great plenty of 4. I could understand what the foreigner said when he spoke and clearly . A. widely B. slowly C. quickly D. easi

19、ly 5. woman over there is popular teacher in our school . A. A , an B. The , a C. The , the D. A , the6. He is better than me . A. in maths B. to draw C. at tennis D. on the farm 7. , I the newspaper .A. So far ; didnt read B. By the end ; wont readC. At the end ; havent readD. So far ; havent read8

20、. He liked to white shirts in summer . A. put on B. take off C. dress D. wear 9. Tom is young , but he many foreign countries . A. has been to B. has gone to C. went to D. has been 10. The story .A. sounds like funnyB. sounds to be funC. sounds like funD. sounds fun 11. I didnt find anyone the book

21、away . A. take B. to take C. taking D. taken12. We saw him his homework from 7:00 to 9:00 last night . A. do B. doing C. to do D. done 13. When I arrived , the Greens supper . A. was having B. had had C. had D. have had14. There is not for me to sit the car .A. a room , in front of B. rooms , in the

22、 front of C. any room , in the front ofD. any room , in front of 15. What sport will you at the school sports meeting ? A. join B. join for C. attend D. take part in四. 完型填空:It was already late when we started 1 for 2 next town 3 . According to the map , it was about fifteen miles 4 on the other 5 of

23、 the hills . We felt sure that we 6 find a place to spend the night at darkness 7 . Soon 8 we left , but 9 there were no other cars on the roads 10 we drove quickly along the narrow road that led to the hills . As we climbed 11 , it became colder and a heavy rain began to fall , 12 it difficult at t

24、imes to see the road clearly . I asked Joan to slow down . After 13 for about twenty miles , there was still no 14 of the town , which was marked on the map . We were beginning to get 15 . Then 16 warning , the car stopped . We had run 17 of gas . 18 we had very 19 to eat with us , only 20 few cakes

25、 , we decided to spend the night in the car .1. A. offB. upC. outD. in2. A. aB. anC. theD. one3. A. whichB. whereC. whatD. who4. A. farB. awayC. upD. long5. A. sideB. asideC. partD. line6. A. willB. canC. oughtD. would7. A. fallB. fallsC. fellD. fallen8. A. afterB. laterC. beforeD. behind9. A. great

26、lyB. suddenlyC. luckilyD. speedily10. A. asB. becauseC. forD. since11. A. highB. higherC. topD. height12. A. madeB. letC. lettingD. making13. A. travelB. to travelC. traveledD. traveling14. A. signB. signalC. pictureD. warning15. A. pleasedB. excitedC. worriedD. worrying16. A. withoutB. withC. forD.

27、 on17. A. inB. outC. awayD. off18. A. AlthoughB. BecauseC. UnlessD. When19. A. muchB. manyC. fewD. little20. A. a B. thatC. thisD. the 五. 阅读理解:Sociologists社会学家, working in western countries , have found that a large number of women wished they had been born men . The number is said to be as high as

28、60% in Germany .“ Women often wish they had the same chances as men have , and still think it is still mens world , said Dr James Helen , one of the sociologists who did the study .Many men say that they have more duties than women . A man has to make money to support his family and to make importan

29、t decision , so it is right for men to be paid more . Some are even against their wives working at all . When wives go out to work , they say , the home and children cannot be taken good care of . If women take full-time jobs , they wont be able to do what they are best at doing : making a nice home

30、 and bringing up the children .Some women disagree . They say they want to get out of their homes and to have freedom to choose between work and home life . Women have the right of equal pay and equal chances平等时机. Anne Harper has a very good job . She also believes in “ womens liberation解放 . “ I don

31、t wish I were a man . She says , “ and I dont think many women do . But I do wish people would stop treating us like second-class people . At work , for example , we usually do the work that men do but get paid less . There are still a lot of jobs only to men-usually they are the best ones . If you

32、are a man , you have a much better chance of living a wonderful life . How many women scientists are there or engineers ? 1. Many men think .A. women cant do what men canB. men have to work much harder than womenC. men can make money more easily than women D. womens duty is mainly to do housework at

33、 home2. Some women have different ideas . They say that .A. women need chances to go out of the home more oftenB. women want more freedom in deciding the kind of life they wantC. if women are given equal pay , they can do everything instead of men D. women are no longer interested in taking care of

34、their homes 3. Anne Harper didnt wish to be a man .A. because she believed in “ Womens Liberation B. but she wished to get the same job as men C. because she had got a good job D. but she wished to be treated the same as a men4. Anne Harper thought that .A. women should live a better life than men B

35、. women should be really liberated C. women should be given better jobs than men D. women should live a more wonderful life than men 5. Which of the following is not true according to the passage ?A. There are more men scientists , engineers than women ones .B. Women are second-class people , so the

36、y shouldnt live a better life .C. Women do the same jobs as men , but get paid less than men .D. There are some best jobs that women have few chances to take . 【试题答案】一.1. dying 2. ishas been, learned 3. to trouble 4. Have received 5. called 6. to eat 7. would go , didnt rain 8. had never heard9. had visited 10. is taught二.1. in 2. like 3. from 4. to 5. in 6. between 7. since 8.up9. out 10. on , out三. 15 BCBBB610 CDDAC1115 ABBCD四. 15 CCABA610 DCACA1115 BDDAC1620 ABADA五. 15 DBDBB


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