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1、九年级英语Unit 5 Mainly revision Lesson 1820人教四年制版【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容本周我们将学习第四册第五单元“总复习中的第18课至20课的内容Unit 5 Mainly revision Lesson 1820二. 重点、难点1. He put a finger in his mouth , tasted it and smiled , looking rather pleased . 他把一个指头放到嘴里,尝了一尝,笑眯眯地,显出一副相当得意的样子。1looking rather pleased:此处“looking为“动词-ing结构作为伴随状语

2、使用,表示主语在做其他动作时伴随出现的神态或情况。eg.She sat in the armchair , reading a book . 她坐在扶手椅上,看着书。She sat before a mirror , combing her hair and singing songs . 她坐在镜子前,梳着头,唱着歌。They went into the park , talking and laughing . 他们边说边笑地走进公园。2rather副词,意为“在一定程度上,颇,相当常用于修饰形容词,含有贬义。eg.The book is rather easy . 这本书太简单。We a

3、re having rather cold weather for June . 在6月,这样的天气未免有点冷。rather用于比拟级之前,意为“的多This hotel is rather more expensive than that one . 这家旅馆的收费比那家贵的多。My sister is rather better today . 我姐姐今天好多了。rather常与too连用,意为“太This book is rather too difficult for the children to read . 这本书对于孩子来说太难了。rather与形容词连用,用于不定冠词之前或之

4、后,用于定冠词之后。a rather surprising result / rather a surprising result 一个非常令人惊讶的结果2. Each of us dipped a finger into the mixture and sucked it . 我们每一个人都把一个手指浸入混合物并吮吸一下。1suck vt. 吸吮The doctor sucks the poison out of the wound for the patient . 医生为病人吸出伤口的毒液。The boy often sucks milk through a straw. 这个男孩经常用

5、吸管吸牛奶喝。The baby always sucks the water slowly . 这个婴儿总是慢慢地吸水喝。2mixture n. 混合物Air is a mixture , not a compound of gases . 空气是多种气体的混合物,不是化合物。Tianjin is a mixture of old and new buildings . 是新、旧建筑物的混合体。Youll feel much better if you take some cough mixture . 你如果吃一些治咳嗽的合剂,就会感觉好很多。3. Instead of smiling ,

6、we all made faces . 我们不但没有笑,反而每人都扮了一个鬼脸。instead of在此处为介词短语,意为“代替,而不是,“作为某人/物的替换。instead of后面的事物往往是不做的,没有的。后面接名词,代词或动词-ing形式。eg.I stayed at home all day instead of going to work . 我整天呆在家里而没去上班。另外,instead作为副词,意为“代替,替换。eg.I didnt go to work . Instead , I stayed at home all day . 我没去上班,而是整天呆在家里。Our car

7、has something wrong . Shall we go there by bus instead ?我们的汽车出毛病了,咱们坐公共汽车好吗?4. but the finger I put into my mouth was not the one I had dipped into the cup . 但是,我放进嘴里的手指并不是我浸入杯中的那根手指。这句话中出现了两个定语从句它们分别是I put into my mouth和I had dipped into the cup,都省略了关系代词that / which,分别修饰the finger和the one。5. What i

8、mpressed me most in Xian was the Terra Cotta Warriors . 在给我留下最深印象的是兵马俑。impress vt. 使某人印象深刻His friends was impressed with his efficiency . 他的工作效率很高,他的朋友很敬佩。The Great Wall greatly impressed foreign visitors . 长城给外国游客留下了很深的印象。Her beauty impressed him very much . 她的美丽给他留下了深刻的印象。impress的句词为impression“印象6

9、. Once upon a time , there lived a poor farmer in a village . 从前,在一个村庄里住着一个贫穷的农民。once upon a time意为“从前,用于讲故事开头。又如“long long ago“很久之前,也可在讲故事时使用。there lived表示“有、“住着。属there be结构,类似的还有there stands。例如:Once upon a time , there lived a king . 从前有一位国王。 There stands a house on the hill . 在山上有座房屋。7. He looked

10、 around in all the junk that littered the ground for a long time , but still could not find it . 他在散落在地上的垃圾中翻找了许久,但还是没有找到。1look around 环视四周2句中的that littered、the ground是一个定语从句,修饰先行词junk。that在从句中充当主语,不可以省略。3litter一词可做动词,也可以做名词,表示“垃圾。8. When he looked at the ground around him , he found it much cleaner

11、 than the rest of the roadside . 看着自己周围的那片地方,他发现这里比路边其余的地方要干净许多。find在这句话中接了cleaner作宾语补足语,其中的it注意不是形式宾语,而是真正的宾语,与之前学的find后接it做形式宾语和不定式做真正宾语的结构不同。试比拟:I find it very important to learn English . 我发现学习英语很重要。此句中it做find的形式宾语,important为宾语补足语,不定式to learn English是真正宾语。此外还要注意find的其他句型:find+宾语+adj. / n.做宾补,fin

12、d也可接doing作宾补。eg.At last , we found him a good boy . 最后,我们发现他是个好孩子。I found her singing in the room just now . 我刚刚发现她在屋子里唱歌。9. Soon all the land he passed looked green and lovely , and the farmer was pleased to look at it . 很快他经过的那局部上地看起来都绿油油的很可爱,而且这个农民看着它也很快乐。1句中he passed为定语从句,省略了引导从句的词that,因为它在从句中做p

13、assed的宾语。2look在句中用作系表动词,表示“看起来,后面加形容词“green和“lovely做表语。3be pleased to do sth. 做很快乐 be pleased with sb. / sth. 对感到满意 The teacher was very pleased with the result . 10. Then he ordered the people of his kingdom to follow the farmers example . 随后,他命令全国人民向这位农夫学习。1order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 He ordered

14、his men to fire . 他命令手下的人开火。 The doctor ordered her to stay in bed . 医生叫她在床上养病。2follow ones example 以为典范 We should follow her example to be ready to help others . 我们应该学习她乐于助人。set a good example to sb. 为别人树立好典范She set a good example to us . 她为我们树立了好典范。example 构成的其他短语:become an example for sb. 成为某人的典范

15、for example 例如【模拟试题】一. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. My first teacher told us about the importantof observation in his first lesson . 2. He had a strange way of makehis class liveand interesting . 3. We all tasted the mixand it tasted .well4. What impressionme most in Xian was the Terra Cotta Warriors . 5. The fil

16、m is and Im in it . Which film you ?interest6. Before long the king came ridealong the road . 7. I think observation is a good way to do an experiment success.8. He said he was truesorry about it . 9. English is also spoken by the people liveoutside England . 10. He is a driver . He always drives ve

17、ry and never makes mistakes .care二. 按要求进行句型转换1. I will forget my first chemistry teacher .改为否认句 2. Each of them dipped a finger into the mixture and sucked it .改为反意疑问句 3. The mixture tasted very terrible .改为感慨句 4. My brother has to get up early every morning .改为一般疑问句 5. The river is between 400 and

18、1000 metres wide .就划线局部提问 三. 短语英汉互译1. 献出生命 2. 急需 3. 以某人为典范 4. 从前 5. 颐和园 6. give sb. a reward 7. have a headache 8. take an interest in 9. make faces 10. look rather pleased 四. 单项选择1. do you think is the best singer in your school ?A. Which B. Whom C. Who D. What2. I think English is more important t

19、han science . . I think science is more important .A. Yes , I think so B. No , Im not C. I agree with you D. I really cant agree with you 3. Theres a girl long hair under the tree . A. has B. to have C. with D. in4. Jim worked so these days that he could have a good rest . A. hard , hard B. hard , h

20、ardly C. hardly , hardly D. hardly , hard5. Hainan lies the south of China . A. in B. on C. at D. to6. What is the flight number of their plane for the U.S.A ?A. leave B. leaves C. leaving D. left7. Teacher:Jane , please tell them not to telephone me after 10 . Jane:OK . Hi , you guys . .A. Not to p

21、hone me after 10 . B. Not to phone her after 10 .C. Dont to phone the teacher after 10 . D. Dont phone the teacher after 10 . 8. My best friend is a tall boy think glasses and always black . A. wearing , wearing B. wears , wearingC. with , in D. with , wearing9. Lets go fishing , ? Its such a nice d

22、ay . A. will we B. wont you C. shall we D. dont we10. Here are some dos and donts , , do the teacher tells you to do . A. first of all , what B. first of all , thatC. at the first , what D. at the beginning , that11. The workers of the company , who have very strict orders , must have their long hai

23、r while at work . A. tied back B. to tie back C. tying back D. tie back12. You cant imagine when they received these nice Christmas presents . A. how they were excited B. how excited they wereC. how excited were they D. they were how excited13. Why did you go to town yesterday ? a dictionary . A. Bu

24、y B. Buying C. To buy D. For buying14. I spent a pleasant hour with my friends . What about you ? It took me two hours my homework . A. talking , finishing B. talking , to finishC. to talk , to finish D. to talk , finishing15. He had wanted to come into the room without being seen , but that morning

25、 the room was quiet . A. usual B. as usual C. usually D. as usually五. 完型填空Everyone talks about weather . Many people think they cant 1 what the weather is going to be 2 . But they hardly 3 with each other . People often look for what they 4 . When a farmer needs 5 , he looks for 6 to show that its g

26、oing to rain . He wont believe anything 7 . When friends have a picnic on a cloudy day , they 8 the weather is going to be 9 quickly . 10 everyone listens to the weather report . But it sometimes doesnt tell us just what we need . 1. A. make B. tell C. name D. change2. A. likeB. fineC. aboutD. above

27、3. A. hearB. talkC. moveD. agree4. A. wantB. makeC. changeD. have5. A. milkB. teaC. waterD. food6. A. somethingB. nothingC. the weathermanD. weather report7. A. tooB. elseC. eitherD. others8. A. thinkB. hopeC. believeD. call9. A. sunnyB. windyC. cloudyD. rainy10. A. MaybeB. HardlyC. NoD. Never六. 阅读理

28、解Since the earliest times , trees have always been very useful and important to man who made use of them in many ways . Even today trees continue to serve man in so many ways . Trees provide man with fruits and building in the form of wood . Without trees it would be impossible to build houses , boa

29、ts and even bridges . Furniture家具such as tables , chairs and beds are made of wood . In the tropics热带地区where it is very hot all through the year, trees protect man from the terrible heat . They are also used in preventing good and rich top soil from being washed away during heavy rains which are so

30、common in the tropics . In there were no trees or vegetation植被of some kinds to hold back the soil with their roots soil , heavy rains would wash the rich surface外表soil that is so important and necessary to agriculture农业. The result is that the land becomes a desert . There are so many desert areas i

31、n the world . A long time ago these desert areas must have been very rich fertile丰产的areas , but since our ancestors祖先in the past hadnt enough knowledge about science of nature , they cut down all the trees in the areas where they lived and never planted new ones . By and by , the rich surface soil w

32、as blown away and washed away by strong winds and heavy rains . In the end the land was turned into useless deserts where nothing could grow . 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。1. According to the passage .A. ancient man did know how to make use of trees B. trees are not as useful now as they used to be C. trees we

33、re more useful in the past than they are nowD. men have always found trees very useful2. The phrase “ top soil means .A. useless soil which is of no use for agricultureB. soil on the surface of the earth which is good for agricultureC. soil found under the earth which is found under roots of treesD.

34、 dry soil in desert areas which is bad for agriculture3. According to the passage , some desert areas were once .A. lands with good soil B. covered by ice and snowC. very cold D. very dry and useless4. If there were no trees , .A. the land would become more fertileB. heavy rains would clean the trop

35、icsC. the rich top soil couldnt be held backD. there would be no agriculture at all5. Form the passage , we know that .A. man can do nothing to keep the balance of natureB. man may take no notice of the balance of natureC. man must do his best to keep the balance of natureD. the balance of nature is

36、 unimportant to man【试题答案】一.1. importance 2. making ; lively 3. mixture ; good4. impressed 5. interesting ; interested ; interests 6. riding7. successfully 8. truly 9. living 10. careful ; carefully ; careless二.1. I wont forget my first chemistry teacher . 2. Each of them dipped a finger into the mix

37、ture and sucked it , didnt they ?3. How terrible the mixture tasted !4. Does your brother have to get up early every morning ? 5. How wide is the river ?三.1. devote ones life 2. in great need of 3. follow ones example4. once upon a time 5. the Summer Palace 6. 报偿某人7. 头痛 8. 对某方面感兴趣 9. 做鬼脸 10. 看起来相当快乐四.15 CDCBA 610 CDCCA 1115 ABCBB五.15 BADAC 610 DBCAA六.15 BCBAA


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