【中英文对照的英语诗歌阅读】 中英文小说对照阅读.doc

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1、最新【中英文对照的英语诗歌阅读】 中英文小说对照阅读英语诗歌作为一种文学作品,而且是一个民族语言的精髓,为我们提供了输入语言的一种不可多得的素材。下面是小编带来的中英文对照的英语诗歌阅读,欢迎阅读!中英文对照的英语诗歌阅读篇一假如音乐是爱情的粮食,节选自第十二夜,莎士比亚If music be the food of love, play on;假如音乐是爱情的食粮,那么奏下去吧;Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting the appetite may sicken, and so die.尽量地奏下去,好让爱情因过饱噎塞而死。That strain ag

2、ain! it had a dying fall.又奏起这个调子来了!它有一种渐渐消沉下去的节奏。O, it came o'er my ear like the sweet sound, that breathes upon a bank of violets, stealing and giving odour!啊!它经过我的耳畔,就像微风吹拂一丛紫罗兰,发出轻柔的声音,一面把花香偷走,一面又把花香分送。Enough, no more. Tis not so sweet now as it was before.够了!别再奏下去了!它现在已经不像原来那样甜蜜了。O spirit of

3、 love! How quick and fresh art thou, that, not with standing thy capacity receiveth as the sea, nought enters there, of what validity and pitch soe'er, but falls into abatement and low price, even in a minute.爱情的精灵呀!你是多么敏感而活泼;虽然你有海样的容量,可是无论怎样高贵超越的事物,一进了你的范围,便会在顷刻间失去了它的价值。So full of shapes is fan

4、cy that it alone is high fantastical.爱情是这样充满了意象,在一切事物中是最富于幻想的。中英文对照的英语诗歌阅读篇二情人眼里出西施My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips' red;我情妇的眼睛一点不像太阳;珊瑚比她的嘴唇还要红得多:If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.雪若

5、算白,她的胸就暗褐无光,发若是铁丝,她头上铁丝婆娑。I have seen roses damask'd, red and white, but no such roses see I in her cheeks;我见过红白的玫瑰,轻纱一般;她颊上却找不到这样的玫瑰;And in some perfumes is there more delight than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.有许多芳香非常逗引人喜欢,我情妇的呼吸并没有这香味。I love to hear her speak, yet well I know that

6、 music hath a far more pleasing sound;我爱听她谈话,可是我很清楚音乐的悦耳远胜于她的嗓子;I grant I never saw a goddess go; My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:我承认从没有见过女神走路,我情妇走路时候却脚踏实地:And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare as any she belied with false compare.可是,我敢指天发誓,我的爱侣胜似任何被捧作天仙的美女。中英文对照的英语诗歌阅读篇三From

7、 The Princess by Lord Alfred Tennyson公主节选,作者:丁尼生Now sleeps the crimson petal, now the white;深红的花瓣睡着了,然后是白色的;Nor waves the cypress in the palace walk;桕树也不在舞摆于宫苑小径;Nor winks the gold fin in the porphyry font:金鱼也不再炎眼于斑岩圣钵:The firefly wakens: waken thou with me.萤火虫醒来:唤醒了你和我。Now droops the milkwhite peac

8、ock like a ghost, and like a ghost she glimmers on to me.乳白色的孔雀幽灵般消沉她,又幽灵般地向我闪着微光。Now lies the Earth all Danae to the stars, and all thy heart lies open unto me.缀满星辰的苍穹笼罩着如达娜厄般恬息着的大地,而你的心儿整个地向我开启。Now slides the silent meteor on, and leaves a shining furrow, as thy thoughts in me.流星悄然掠过,留下一道光亮辙印,犹似你留

9、予我的思虑。Now folds the lily all her sweetness up, and slips into the bosom of the lake: so fold thyself, my dearestthou, and slip into my bosom and be lost in me.百合敛起她的全部芳馨潜入湖泊的中心:我的爱,你也这样敛起自己吧潜入我的心,随后迷失踪影。中英文对照的英语诗歌阅读篇四To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell致羞怯的情人作者:安德鲁?马维尔Had we but world enough, and t

10、ime, this coyness, Lady, were no crime.如果我们的世界够大,时间够多,小姐,这样的羞怯就算不上罪过。We would sit down and think which way to walk and pass our long love's day.我们会坐下来,想想该上哪边去散步,度过我们漫漫的爱情天。Thou by the Indian Ganges' side shouldst rubies find: I by the tide of Humber would complain.你会在印度的恒河河畔寻得红宝石:我则咕哝抱怨,傍着洪泊

11、湾的潮汐。I would Love you ten years before the Flood, and you should, if you please, refuse till the conversion of the Jews.我会在诺亚洪水前十年就将你爱,你如果高兴,可以一直说不要,直到犹太人改信别的宗教。My vegetable love should grow Vaster than empires, and more slow;我植物般的爱情会不断生长,比帝国还要辽阔,还要缓慢;An hundred years should go to praise thine eyes

12、and on thy forehead gaze;我会用一百年的时间赞美你的眼睛,凝视你的额眉;Two hundred to adore each breast; But thirty thousand to the rest;花两百年爱慕你的每个乳房,三万年才赞赏完其它的地方;An age at least to every part, and the last age should show your heart;每个部位至少花上一个世代,在最后一世代才把你的心秀出来。For Lady, you deserve this state, nor would I love at lower r

13、ate.因为,小姐,你值得这样的礼遇,我也不愿用更低的格调爱你。But at my back I always hear Time's winged chariot hurrying near; And yonder all before us lie Deserts of vast eternity.可是在我背后我总听见时间带翼的马车急急追赶;而横陈在我们眼前的却是无垠永恒的荒漠。Thy beauty shall no more be found, Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound My echoing song:你的美绝不会再现芳踪,你大理

14、石墓穴里,我的歌声也不会回荡:Then worms shall try That long preserved virginity, And your quaint honour turn to dust, and into ashes all my lust:那时蛆虫将品尝你那珍藏己久的贞操,你的矜持会化成灰尘,我的情欲会变成灰烬:The grave's a fine and private place, but none, I think, do there embrace.坟墓是个隐密的好地方,但没人会在那里拥抱,我想。Now therefore, while the youth

15、ful hue sits on thy skin like morning dew, and while thy willing soul transpires at every pore with instant fires.因此,现在趁青舂色泽还像朝露在你的肌肤停坐,趁你的灵魂自每个毛孔欣然散发出实时的火焰。Now let us sport us while we may, and now, like amorous birds of prey, rather at once our time devour thanlanguish in his slow-chapt power.此刻让我

16、们能玩就玩个尽兴;此刻,像发情的猛禽宁可一口把我们的时光吞掉,也不要在慢嚼的嘴里虚耗。Let us roll all our strength and all our sweetness up into one ball, and tear our pleasures with rough strife thorough the iron gates of life:让我们把所有力气,所有甜蜜,滚成一个圆球,粗鲁狂猛地夺取我们的快感冲破一扇扇人生的铁栅栏:Thus, though we cannot make our sun stand still, yet we will make him run.这样,我们虽无法叫太阳驻足,却可使他奔跑向前。看了“中英文对照的英语诗歌阅读”的人还看了:1.中英文对照爱情诗歌阅读2.英语小诗歌英汉对照欣赏3.英语小诗歌英汉对照4.中英文对照外国诗歌鉴赏5.关于双语英文诗歌阅读推荐访问:英语诗歌中英文对照的英语诗歌阅读中英文对照诗歌朗诵 第 7 页 共 7 页


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