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《2022年新目标英语七级下UnitIwanttobeanactor.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年新目标英语七级下UnitIwanttobeanactor.docx(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 新目标英语七年级下Unit 4 I want to be an actor. Period 2 刘台庄试验学校 张小松 一、指导思想与理论依据 激发和培育同学学习英语的爱好,使同学树立自信心,养成良 好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习方法,发挥自主学习的才能和合作 精神,使同学把握肯定的语言综合运用才能,提倡体验、实践、参 与、合作与沟通的学习方式和任务型的教案途径,在课堂中渗透情 感训练,真正做到 “为了一切的同学,为了同学的一切”;二、教材分析本单元主要是讲职业;这是其次课时 听说课的教案;这节课主要让同学在复习巩固上节课的几个职业的基础上,让同

2、学们了 解更多的在他们身边的职业,学会用英文表达各种职业,能流利地 询问他人的职业,与同学沟通自己的初定目标,并且给出理由;使 每个同学确立自己抱负的职业,让同学们明白职业无贵贱:“三百六 十行,行行出状元 ”的道理;并且升华为 “世上无难事,只怕有心 人,一切皆有可能 ”的情感训练:只要他们现在努力学习,最终都能 实现自己的抱负;三、学情分析同学在第一课时已经学习了shop assistant, doctor, actor, reporter, policeman, waiter, bank clerk, student 这几个职业的名称,及 What does he do .的句型;四、教

3、案目标1 / 9 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学问与才能 : 1.Teach the new words: dangerous,cleaner, writer, singer, dancer, worker, runner, swimmer, player, coach,computer programmer, vet, astronaut. 2.Teach the expressions: What do you do . What does she do . What do you want to be.

4、What do you think of the jobs. 3.Get the students to describe different kinds of jobs. 4.Get the students to ask all kinds of jobs. 5.get the students to have their own occupation dreams. 情感态度 : 1.Arouse the students interests in different jobs.2.Get students to know everything is possible if they w

5、ork hard. 3.Get the students to know the importance of every job. 五、教案重点和难点 Key points: 2. She is as What do you want to be . Why . 3. I want to be a Because itTeaching difficulties: 4. Train students listening skill.5. Train students to talk about jobs using the target language. 六、教案流程示意2 / 9 名师归纳总

6、结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 9 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 流程一 导入新课 搜集身边同学的获奖照片及作品来导入新课,让同学发觉他们 自己身上的闪光点,为将来有目标的挑选职业有了初步的方向 流程二 讲授新课Section A 2a +2b+2c, 流程三 嬉戏Section B 1a+1b+1c 采纳简笔画的形式让同学猜职业,让同学明白职业特点 流程四 布置作业 Make a survey and write. 教案过程 教案环节老师活动 预设同学行为设计意图 Step 1:warming-up Sing a song : I am a fine mu

7、sician.听力强化训练 Unit 4 (用一首与职业相关的歌热身,切入主题,并伴有 留意力马上被吸引;)Step 2: Lead in flash 的动画课件,同学的Show some photos or pictures that the students ever drew or won the prizes. S1: Do you know who it is. S2:It s3 / 9 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - S1: Does she sing well drew well.S2: Yes, s

8、he does. T: I think so. They are all the pride of our class. I think they can be good singers and painters. Do you agree with me.(搜集身边同学的获奖照片及作品来导入新课,让同学发觉他们自己身上的闪光点,为将来有目标的挑选职业有了初步的方向;)Step 3 Pairwork: S1:What does he do . S2: He is a an T: now let s learn more jobs around us. Show many flash pictu

9、res about jobs actor、actress、writer、nurse、cleaner、postman、runner、swimmer、player、coach Model :show the pictures of workers and cleaners. T: What does she do . Ss:. T: What do you think of their job. and dirty hard Ss: It s very tired T: Yes, but I think their jobs are also very great宏大and important重要

10、. Do you think so . (通过这些职业的问答来让同学能够明白职业无贵贱;)Model 2: show a picture of Tai Lihua. S1: What does she do . S2: She is a dancer. S1:What do you think of her job. S2: It s very hard. S1: Why . S2: Because she can t speak and hear. 4 / 9 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 9 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - T: So I th

11、ink nothing is impossible.没有什么不行能; 通过千手 观音演员之一邰丽华的经受来训练同学“ 台上一分钟,台下十年功” ,只要付出总有回报的道理;Show an old saying : There are three hundred and sixty trades and every trade has its master. 三百六十行,行行出状元;通过谚语的学习 来训练同学努力奋进;Step 4 enjoy music Look at a documentary about Beijing Olympic Games and listen to a song :

12、 I believe I can fly. We are all proud of it. So everything is possible. Nothing is impossible, if we put our heart into it.世上无难事,只怕有心人;I believe you can fly. Lets say three times :I believe I can fly .But what do you do now. Ss: Work hard.(看着兴奋人心的奥运宣扬片,听着催人 奋进的歌曲 I believe I can fly., 此刻同学们都坚信只要有付出

13、,自己 肯定能行; Step 5.A guessing game Do pairwork : 1.采纳简笔画的形式让同学猜职业,让同学明白 职业特点 S1: What do I want to be . S2: You want to be a2. One does an action of a job seeing the ppt, the other guesses . 5 / 9 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - a doctor, a nurse, a reporter, a singer, a painte

14、r, a student, a teacher, a dancer etc. 仿照秀使同学们倍感爱好,既加深了同学对单词的记 忆,又锤炼了同学的说; step 6 Listening :Section A 2a,2b Talk about the pictures first, then listen and check the answer. step 7A game For students a group : Two students make a dialogue.: S1: What do you want to be .S2: I want to be a One student

15、write the sentence: She wants to be a Another student put the things put on their bodies.通过前面几个步骤 in-put 的铺垫,这个环节应当是同学的out-put,是本节课的高潮,用贴画的嬉戏来考察同学听、说、写和动手的综合才能 Step 8 Match Section B 1a Step 9 Make a survey Group work: ask the others in your group : want to be . Why. What do you Then reporter: In my

16、 group , I want to be Because it s 通过 小组合作产生信息差 ,使同学间相互明白并增加彼此的友情 Step 10 Summary T: What do we learn in this class. He She is a 6 / 9 S1:What does he she do . 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - S2: What do you want to be . I want to be . Why. Because it s S3: What does he want

17、to be . He wants to be a S4:两句谚语:S5: many jobs:S6:动词变名词可加 er, or, ress, ian, man, ist ,双写 er. -er teacher ress waitress 双写 -er runner -or actor -man policeman -ian musician -ist artist Homework : Make a survey and write. relation job want to be why father mother In my family , I am a student. I want

18、 to be a . Because it s .My father is a . He wants to be . 板书设计 Unit 4 I want to be an actor. What does he do . He is a What do you want to be. I want to be a Why . Because its cleaner hard, tired, important 7 / 9 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 9 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - actor actress exciting, fun, d

19、angerous policeman Policewomandangerous, noble reporter interesting, dangerous dancer singer hard, fun doctor nurse difficult , dangerous, noble runner swimmer player coach hard ,tired student teacher hard, busy shop assistant waiter busy, tired bank clerk boring worker hard, tired 教案反思 Unit 4 其次课时的

20、教案主要是让同学树立正确的职业抱负;教 案活动始终遵循任务型教案的教案理念,以同学为学习的主体,以任务为中心,在运用语言完成任务的过程中来学习,体会和把握语 言;自始自终贯穿了以交际为目的的原就(在做中学,在学中 用);在教案过程中,关注同学的生活实际和生活体验,让其贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近时代,树立以同学为本的思想,提倡同学参 与、体验、亲身实践、独立摸索、合作探究,从而实现教案方式和学习方式的转变;1. 通过简笔画和猜职业的嬉戏,既激发了学习的爱好,又让学 生把握了职业名称的读法及拼写;一举两得,寓教于乐;8 / 9 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 9 页精选学习资

21、料 - - - - - - - - - 2. 对教材的编排稍作改动,把section B 的 1a,1b,1c形容词先提上来上,符合同学对职业的认知规律,显得顺理成章;3. 增加了课外单词的教案,假如仅限于Section A 1a的单词是完全不能适应现在同学对学问的渴求;所以,兼复习与新授,增加了 平常同学熟识的职业名称的学习;让能走的走,背出前面的单词;会跑的跑,可以对四周职业有所明白;会飞的飞,能描述所学的职业的特性;4. 课前的任务布置很好的帮忙完成了课堂上的两个任务的完 成;特殊是同学得奖作品及照片的预备,符合中同学争强好胜表现 欲强的心理;5. 采纳合作小组形式高效地完成学习任务;不足:1. 简笔画第一组可先做示范,接下来同学竞赛便更简单进行;2. 由于该课容量大,评判只能课后进行,在接下来的一节课前 公布各组分数,并提出建议;3. 第三课时的课前任务没有布置,连接不上;4. 合作小组中仍是存在差生不敢大胆说的问题;9 / 9 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页


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