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《中考补全对话教学.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考补全对话教学.ppt(23页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、中考补全对话中考补全对话 专题复习专题复习一、试题形式一、试题形式提供一个情景,从中抽去一些句子,要求提供一个情景,从中抽去一些句子,要求学生根据对话的内容在空白处填入适当的句子,学生根据对话的内容在空白处填入适当的句子,使对话完整,合乎情景。使对话完整,合乎情景。二、能力要求二、能力要求能就熟悉的题材,按提示的情景进行表述能就熟悉的题材,按提示的情景进行表述和表达;运用和表达;运用日常交际用语简表日常交际用语简表中所列内中所列内容,就熟悉的话题进行交流。容,就熟悉的话题进行交流。三、考查重点三、考查重点重点掌握话题:谈论将来、谈论过去、购重点掌握话题:谈论将来、谈论过去、购物、看病、问路、打

2、电话、提建议物、看病、问路、打电话、提建议.根据下面对话中的情景,在每空中填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。A: Good afternoon, John!B: 1_, Li Wei.A: I hear you are going to Kunming for a winter holiday.B: Yes, Ill go next week.A: 2_?B: Its neither too cold nor too hot. Its warm there.A: 3_.B: Thank you.Good afternoon Whats the weather like I m sure yo

3、u will have a good time Have a good timeHave a good journey A: Hi, Peter! How are you today?B: 1_. And you?A: Im OK. Are you free tomorrow?B: 2_?A: Were going to the park. 3_?B: Of course. Id like to go with you. 4_?A: We are going to meet at the school gate at one oclock. Please be there on time.B:

4、 OK. Thank you.Fine, (Im fine.) Thank you. Yes, why? Yes, whats up? Would you like to go with us?When and where shall we meet? A: Dad. I cant find my socks. 8_?B: Let me see. Are they white?A: Yes. 9_?B: I saw them in our sitting-room just now. You may go and get them.A: Oh! Here they are!B: You sho

5、uld put your things away.A: 10_.Have you seen them Where did you see them? Yes, I will. OK, I will. OK, I wont do that again. 如何完成补全对话?如何完成补全对话? 1 扫视对话,扫视对话,搜集话题相关句型把握时态搜集话题相关句型把握时态 2 上下求索上下求索,结合上下句内容来考虑,结合上下句内容来考虑 3 就地取材就地取材,借上下句句型结构来写句子,借上下句句型结构来写句子 4 避难就易,避难就易,避生就熟避生就熟以免出现更多错误以免出现更多错误 4 入乡随俗入乡随俗,

6、注意中西语言文化差异,注意中西语言文化差异 5 言之有物言之有物,不要只填,不要只填oh, wow, well 等等等等【连线中考连线中考】A: Thank you for your advice. _?B: Its nearly 7:50. Hurry up, or well be late for school.: I agree. _ ?: At the gate of our school at nine in the morning.: OK. See you then.: Hello!: Hello! 1._Jane?: Sorry, 2._ at the moment. Whos

7、 that speaking?: 3_ Tony, Janes classmate. Im calling to tell her something important. 几个常见的话题模式几个常见的话题模式购物购物:要买的东西:要买的东西-选(颜色、款式、大小)选(颜色、款式、大小)- 试穿(用)试穿(用)-选定选定-谈价钱谈价钱-嫌贵嫌贵-降价降价 接受或另选它种接受或另选它种约会约会:要做的事:要做的事-确定地点、时间确定地点、时间-早或迟早或迟- 确定另一时间确定另一时间-同意同意问路问路:要去的地方:要去的地方-近或远近或远-近(步行怎么走)近(步行怎么走) -远(乘什么交通工具)

8、远(乘什么交通工具)-所需的时间所需的时间谈旅行谈旅行:要去(去了)的地方要去(去了)的地方-去的原因去的原因-去的去的 时间时间-呆多久呆多久-将做(做了)什么将做(做了)什么- (祝愿)(祝愿) 谈打算谈打算 (将来)(将来)(Mrs. White and Zhang Tao are talking on the playground.)A: Good afternoon, Mrs. White! I havent seen you for a long time.B: Good afternoon, Zhang Tao! 1 .A: Fine, thanks. And you? B: I

9、m fine, too. School term is nearly over. 2 . A: Im going to take courses in a summer school. B: 3 . A: English and computer. B: 4 .A: Because English and computer are getting more and more important in our life. B: 5 . I hope you will work hard at them.A: Thank you! Ill do my best.How are you (doing

10、)What are you going to do (during the holidays) ?What courses/subjects are you going to take/study/choose ?Why do you take/study/choose them ? I think so/I agree (with you) /you are right .What are you going to do (during the holidays)?What are you doing (during the holidays)?What will you do (durin

11、g the holidays)?What do you want to do (during the holidays)?What do you plan to do (during the holidays)?What would you like to do (during the holidays)?Whats you plan ( for the holidays)?谈过去谈过去A:Hi, Zhang Lan. You look so nice in the red skirt.B:Thank you very much.A: 1_? B:In Qingdao. A:Qingdao?

12、2_? B:Last week. I went there with my family.A: 3_? B:For a whole week. We went sightseeing in many places.A:We all know the beaches of Qingdao are very beautiful. 4_? B:Yes. When I was lying on the beach, I felt so cool and relaxed.A: 5_ . B:Im sure youll love it.Where did you buy itWhen did you go

13、 there/ to QingdaoHow long did you stay thereDid you go thereI hope/wish to visit it one dayA: Hello, Betty. The examination is over. What are you going to do tomorrow?B: Im not sure.1._?A: I want to go to the Science Museum. B: Why do you want to go there?A: 2._.B: That sounds interesting.A: 3._?B:

14、 Yes, Id love to.A: Great! Im sure well have a great time.B: 4._? I want to take some photos.A: Im afraid you cant. We are not allowed to take photos inside the museum.B: Got it. Oh,5._?A: At the gate of the museum. Be sure to get there before 9 oclock. B: OK. See you then.How about /What about you?

15、 What are you going to do? What do you want to do? Whats your plan?Because there is / there will be . Because I want to go to ., Would you like to go with me Can/May/Could I take a camera with me where shall we meet 谈建议谈建议A:Good morning, sir. 1_?B:Id like to buy a white shirt. Do you have any white

16、shirts?A:Yes. 2_? B:I want Size M. A:Here you are.B:Can I try it on?A:3_. Is it all right?B:Yes, I like it very much. 4_?A: 280 yuan.B:Thats a bit expensive. Do you have any other kind? I want a cheaper one.A:What about this one? Its only 150 yuan.B:OK. 5_ . Heres the money.A:Heres the change. Goodb

17、ye,sir.购物购物Can/May I help you/ What can I do for youWhat size do you want/ wear/ needYes/ Sure/ Of course/ CertainlyHow much is it/ Whats the priceIll take it生病、看病生病、看病M: Good morning, doctor.W: Good morning, Jack. You dont look well. 1._?M: I have a sore throat. W: Have you got a fever?M: 2._. My t

18、emperature is a little high.W: When did it start?M: 3._.W: Did you have any medicine?M: No, I didnt. 4._.?W: You should drink some tea with honey, and take the medicine. You will feel better soon.M: 5._W: Youre welcome.Whats wrong with youYes (, I have). It started two days ago. /What should I do? /

19、 Thank you (very much). /打电话Kate: Hello! 1_?Mrs. Read: Im sorry Ann isnt here right now. 2_?Kate: This is Kate.Mrs. Read: She isnt back yet.3_?Kate: Thats very kind of you. Im calling to ask her if she is free tomorrow. Its March 12th, Tree Planting Day tomorrow. And 4_.Mrs. Read: I think shell be v

20、ery glad to join you.Kate: Well meet at the school gate at 7:00. 5_.Mrs. Read: OK. Ill let her know.Kate: Many thanks. Goodbye.Mrs. Read: Goodbye.May I speak to Ann, please? Whos that (speaking)? Can I take a message we are going to plant trees. Please tell her to be there on time. 问路A: Excuse me, I

21、 want to go to the library. 1_ ?B: Go down this street and turn right at the second crossing. Go up the road to the end, youll find it.A: 2_?B: Its about 1,000 meters away from here.A: Oh. Thats quite a long way.B: Yes. Youd better take a bus.A: 3_?B: You can take the No.5 bus. Itll take you there.A

22、: 4_?B: It takes about fifteen minutes.A: 5_.B: Its a pleasure.Where is it? /How far is it (from here)? Which bus should I take? How long does it take me to get there Thank you very much. 河南中河南中考补全对话的特点:考补全对话的特点: 1、形式上、形式上 补全整个句子,有一定难度。补全整个句子,有一定难度。 2、模式上、模式上 多由一个话题纵横深入展开。多由一个话题纵横深入展开。 3、内容上、内容上 谈论最

23、近国内外的重大事情。谈论最近国内外的重大事情。 4、时态上、时态上 多谈打算,注意将来时结构。多谈打算,注意将来时结构。(be going to do /be doing /will do/ want to do/would like to do / plan to do) A: Hi, Bill! Youre reading the novel again.B: Yes, Tom. Ill never be tired of it.A: 1_?B: Three times. Every time I read it, I can always learn something new.A: R

24、eally? 2_?B: Charles Dickens. I think he is a great English writer. What about you?A: 3_. He is also my favorite foreign writer. Please let me have a look at it.B: OK, here you are! What do you think of this novel?A: 4_. I havent seen such a novel for long. Where did you buy it?B: In the Rose Booksh

25、op.A: I dont know where it is. 5_?B: No. Only 10 minutes walk from here, next to the Peoples Cinema.A: Oh, I see. Im going there to get one, too. Thank you!B: Youre welcome! How many times have you read it Who wrote it So do I / Me, too. Its exciting / wonderful / great. Is it far from here 易错分析易错分析

26、(误)What do you want?(正)What can I do for you?(析)“What can I do for you? /Can(May) I help you?” 常用于售货员等招呼顾客时使用,让人觉得体贴,亲切。但中国人喜欢以对方为中心来考虑问题,常说:“你要买什么?”受母语的影响,一些同学会说:“What do you want?”,这是不妥当的,因为“What do you want?” 在英语中往往表示一种不友善甚至近乎挑衅的语气,相当于汉语的 “你想干什么?”这样说话会使顾客竞相避之。 (误)(误)-Whats the problem?- Ive got a

27、 headache.(正)(正)- Whats wrong with you?- Ive got a headache.(析(析)“Whats wrong with you?” 是询是询问对方身体状态如何问对方身体状态如何, “ Whats the problem?” 而是问对方遇到了什么麻烦。而是问对方遇到了什么麻烦。 (误) - Heres the money.- Heres your jacket.(正) - Heres the money.- Thank you.(析)当顾客递给店员钱时常会说 “Heres the money.”(给您)这句话,按照英语的习惯店员会说非常感谢,而中国人

28、的习惯答语是给您这件衣服或下次再来。 这样,同学们很容易用母语来思考英语问题,但这不符合英语的交际习惯。A: Hi, Wei Hua. Will you go to Li Leis birthday party this weekend?B: 1_. And you? A: Me too. But this is my first time to go to a party in China. 2_? B: You can wear a T-shirt and jeans. And dont forget a gift.A: 3_?B: For a boy, a toy or a book i

29、s OK. Oh, I will buy him a gift tomorrow. Why not go with me?A: Good idea. 4_? B: How about meeting at 9 oclock tomorrow, at No. 5 bus stop near my home?A: 5_. What about 3 oclock in the afternoon?B: OK.See you then.提建议提建议Yes, I will/ Sure/ Of courseI dont know what I should wear/ Can you tell me what to wearWhat should I buy for him/ What to buy?When and where should we meetIts too early/ Lets make it later


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