新闻报道篇章学习 美国阿拉巴马教堂枪击事件 语法填空 词块翻译 翻译练习 原稿--高考英语一轮复习.docx

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新闻报道篇章学习 美国阿拉巴马教堂枪击事件 语法填空 词块翻译 翻译练习 原稿--高考英语一轮复习.docx_第1页
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新闻报道篇章学习 美国阿拉巴马教堂枪击事件 语法填空 词块翻译 翻译练习 原稿--高考英语一轮复习.docx_第2页
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《新闻报道篇章学习 美国阿拉巴马教堂枪击事件 语法填空 词块翻译 翻译练习 原稿--高考英语一轮复习.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新闻报道篇章学习 美国阿拉巴马教堂枪击事件 语法填空 词块翻译 翻译练习 原稿--高考英语一轮复习.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、主题:美国最新枪击案(语法填空+词块学习+语法结合词块句子翻译)一、语法填空A single gunman opened fire inside a suburban Alabama church Thursday evening, killing two people and wounding a third at a small group meeting before 1. _ into custody, authorities said.The attack occurred at Saint Stephens Episcopal Church in the Birmingham su

2、burb of Vestavia Hills, said Police Capt. Shane Ware. He said dispatchers got a call at around 6:20 pm 2._(report) an active shooter there.Ware said a suspect was detained and there was no threat to the community at this time. Police declined to identify the suspect or the victims, or provide furthe

3、r details on the attack, saying another briefing was planned Friday.3._ an earlier news conference, Ware had said one person was killed and two 4. _ hospitalized. The churchs website listed a Boomers Potluck for Thursday night. There will be no program, simply eat and have time for fellowship, the f

4、lyer read.Thursdays shooting took place just over a month after one person was killed and five others injured when a man opened fire on parishioners at a church in Southern California. It also comes nearly seven years to the day after an avowed white supremacist killed nine people during Bible study

5、 at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina.In Vestavia Hills, investigators remained at the scene hours past nightfall,5. _ yellow police tape cordoning off the church complex and emergency police and fire vehicles with flashing lights blocking the route to the church.The FBI, US Marshals

6、Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco and Explosives dispatched agents to the scene. Nearby, people huddled and prayed.The Rev. Kelley Hudlow, an Episcopal priest in the Diocese of Alabama, told broadcast outlet WBRC that the shooting had stunned上 the church and the community at large

7、.It is shocking. Saint Stephens is a community built on love and prayers and grace and they are going to come together, she said in a live interview with the station.People of all faiths are coming together to pray to hope for healing. She said supportive messages were coming in from all over the US

8、 and the world. We need everybody out there. Pray, think, meditate and send love to this community because we are going to need all of it, she said.There have been several high-profile shootings in May and June, starting with a racist attack on May 14, 6. _ killed 10 Black people at a supermarket in

9、 Buffalo, New York.The following week, a gunman massacred 19 children and two adults at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. On Saturday thousands of people rallied in the US and at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., 7._ (renew) calls for stricter gun control measures.Survivors of mass shootin

10、gs and other incidents of gun violence lobbied legislators and testified on Capitol Hill earlier this month.Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey issued a statement late Thursday lamenting 8. _ she called the shocking and tragic loss of life at the church. 9._ she said she was glad to hear the suspect was in custod

11、y, she wrote: This 10. _ never happen in a church, in a store, in the city or anywhere.Vestavia Hills is a residential community just southeast of Birmingham, one of Alabamas two most populous cities.答案1. Being taken2. reporting3. at4.other 5. with6. which7. To renew8. WhatAlthoughWhile Though10. Sh

12、ould二、词块翻译(填入文章标黄的英语词块)当局教堂出现拒绝拘留新闻发布会停留,逗留使震惊事件,案件哀悼答案当局authorities教堂church出现occurred拒绝declined拘留detained新闻发布会briefing停留,逗留remained使震惊stunned事件,案件incidents哀悼Lament三、句子翻译(语法/句型结合所学词块)1. 你在这儿逗留越久,你就越有可能被发现,这会让所有找不到你的人震惊的。(the morethe more)2. 他一出现新闻发布会上,我就拒绝了所有的邀请,立即开始调查这个事件。(the moment)3.不久人们就会开始为死者哀

13、悼,无论嫌疑人是否已被拘留。(it wont be long before)答案:1. the longer you remain here, the more likely you are to be spotted, which will stun everyone who can find you nowhere.2. I declined all invitations and started investigation into this incident the moment he occurred on the briefing.3. It wont be long before

14、 people started to lament the dead, whether suspects are detained or not.四、新闻原稿Alabama church shooting kills 2, wounds 1; suspect heldA single gunman opened fire inside a suburban Alabama church Thursday evening, killing two people and wounding a third at a small group meeting before being taken int

15、o custody, authorities said.The attack occurred at Saint Stephens Episcopal Church in the Birmingham suburb of Vestavia Hills, said Police Capt. Shane Ware. He said dispatchers got a call at around 6:20 pm reporting an active shooter there.Ware said a suspect was detained and there was no threat to

16、the community at this time. Police declined to identify the suspect or the victims, or provide further details on the attack, saying another briefing was planned Friday.At an earlier news conference, Ware had said one person was killed and two others hospitalized. The churchs website listed a Boomer

17、s Potluck for Thursday night. There will be no program, simply eat and have time for fellowship, the flyer read.Thursdays shooting took place just over a month after one person was killed and five others injured when a man opened fire on parishioners at a church in Southern California. It also comes

18、 nearly seven years to the day after an avowed white supremacist killed nine people during Bible study at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina.In Vestavia Hills, investigators remained at the scene hours past nightfall, with yellow police tape cordoning off the church complex and emergen

19、cy police and fire vehicles with flashing lights blocking the route to the church.The FBI, US Marshals Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco and Explosives dispatched agents to the scene. Nearby, people huddled and prayed.The Rev. Kelley Hudlow, an Episcopal priest in the Diocese of A

20、labama, told broadcast outlet WBRC that the shooting had stunned the church and the community at large.It is shocking. Saint Stephens is a community built on love and prayers and grace and they are going to come together, she said in a live interview with the station.People of all faiths are coming

21、together to pray to hope for healing. She said supportive messages were coming in from all over the US and the world. We need everybody out there. Pray, think, meditate and send love to this community because we are going to need all of it, she said.There have been several high-profile shootings in

22、May and June, starting with a racist attack on May 14 that killed 10 Black people at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York.The following week, a gunman massacred 19 children and two adults at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. On Saturday thousands of people rallied in the US and at the National Ma

23、ll in Washington, D.C., to renew calls for stricter gun control measures.Survivors of mass shootings and other incidents of gun violence lobbied legislators and testified on Capitol Hill earlier this month.Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey issued a statement late Thursday lamenting what she called the shocking

24、and tragic loss of life at the church. Although she said she was glad to hear the suspect was in custody, she wrote: This should never happen in a church, in a store, in the city or anywhere.Vestavia Hills is a residential community just southeast of Birmingham, one of Alabamas two most populous cities.学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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