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《2022河北PMP资格认证考试考试真题卷.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022河北PMP资格认证考试考试真题卷.docx(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022河北PMP资格认证考试考试真题卷本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.你是一个大型安装项目的项目经理。这个项目涉及200个潜在的项目干系人。下列哪一项是你的最佳选择?()A筛选掉一些项目干系人,因为干系人太多B询问项目管理办公室谁是重要干系人C收集对项目有重大影响的干系人的需求D收集所有干系人的需求2.公司总经理刚刚委任你为项目经理,并请你起草项目章程。你从总经理那里得到了项目工作说明书,了解到项目的时间很紧。你也知道公司等级森严、权力距离很大。针对这种情况,制定项目章程的



4、判断技术D焦点小组技术6.项目管理是一种先进的管理方法。以下关于项目管理的说法都是正确的,除了()。A总是涉及到具体的产品、服务或成果B是一种独特而有效的企业运营方式C具有跨职能协调使用资源的能力D把整个项目划分成若干个阶段进行监控7.A detailed project schedule can be created only after creating the ().Aproject budgetBwork breakdown structureCproject management planDdetailed risk assessment8.During project execut

5、ion, the customer authorizes and funds a scope change which requires a major change in the schedule. The baseline schedule ().Anow becomes the new schedule, including the changes, and the original baseline is disregardedBis still the original baseline but annotated to reflect that a change has taken

6、 placeCis amended to reflect the scope change, but the original baseline is still maintained for post-project reviewDis meaningless since every schedule update changes the baseline9.Being the project manager in a software project which is currently initiated, you want to assess high level risks. Wha

7、t should you do ?()ADevelop a preliminary scope statement and document initially identified risks in this document.BIdentify and analyze risk events using qualitative and quantitative techniques.CDevelop contingency plans and fallback plans in case the original plan proves Wrong.DDiscuss the risks d

8、ocumented in your risk register with the project key stakeholders.10.以下各项都是工作包的性质,除了()。A工作分解结构第六层的要素B通常可以在80小时以内完成C便于足够详细地估算成本与持续时间D可以进一步分解为活动11.以下关于运营与项目的关系的描述都是正确的,除了()。A项目需要运营提供业务环境和资源支持B项目的可交付成果可能改变现有的运营工作C项目的开始与结束阶段都直接与运营工作相连D由于项目是逐渐结束的,所以项目与运营之间的界限通常比较模糊12.控制范围过程旨在()。A监督项目的范围状况,管理范围基准的变更B确保所有工

9、作都被完成,并在此基础上尽量多做一些工作C监控范围变更可能给项目进度、成本和质量带来的影响D确保只有得到授权的人才有资格提出范围变更请求13.You do not expect the types of variances that have occurred on the project to date to continue. If BAC=300, ETC=275, PV=300, AC=200, EV=250, and CPI=1.25, what is the EAC ?()A240B250C475D15014.You are taking over a project and de

10、termine the following: Activity B has an early finish(EF)of day 3, a late finish(LF)of day 6, and an early start(ES)of day 2. Activity L is being done by a hard-to-get resource. The cost performance index(CPI) is 1.1 and the schedule performance index(SPI)is 0.8. Based on this information, what woul

11、d you be more concerned about ?()AFloatBResourcesCCostDSchedule15.资源平衡是一种常用的网络分析方法。在以下哪种情况下,必须进行资源平衡?()A出现了负的浮动时间B出现了资源分配不均衡C出现了资源的超负荷D出现了资源剩余16.以下关于“滚动式规划”的说法都正确,除了()。A滚动式规划是项目管理计划逐渐细化和深入的方法B关注所要取得的结果,一次完成全部规划工作C规划是需要多次重复进行的连续过程D与项目的渐进明细性质密切相关17.根据赫兹伯格的激励理论,能起激励作用的是()。A提高工资B让员工参与管理C提供良好的福利待遇D促进员工之间

12、的良好关系18.Which of the following is true regarding estimation ?()APERT is superior to CPMBPERT estimates are better than Monte Carlo simulationCCPM uses 3 estimates on a task(pessimistic, optimistic and most likely)DMonte Carlo simulation uses PERT formula19.在一个公路施工项目中,最近出现了返工的情况,导致项目经理非常担心项目的不一致性成本。项


14、宜写进公开的干系人管理策略文件中。应该由谁来分析和判断哪些信息应该包括在公开的干系人管理策略中?()A高级管理层B项目经理C项目干系人D项目经理与项目干系人23.下列哪一项完成后才能编制详尽的项目进度计划?()A项目管理计划B工作分解结构C项目人力资源计划D项目成本预算24.In your project, you want to monitor and control project processes associated with initiating, planning, executing and closing. This will help you take corrective

15、 or preventive action to control project performance. In this context, what should you do first ?()AReview all project forecastsBDetail all the activities of project team members involved in executing administrative closure for the projectCReview the project management plan and work performance info

16、rmation for your projectDManage project risks25.项目的控制图显示,最后10个部件的尺寸全部超过控制上限。项目经理应该怎么做?()A为偏差寻找非随机原因B对这些部件进行返工C立即停产D按ISO9000标准进行过程改进26.The following are the internal rate of return(IRR)for different projects.Project A: 5%, project B: 25%, project C: 30%, project D: 99%.Which is the best project ?()AP

17、roject A.BProject B.CProject C.DProject D.27.Cost of quality is the total cost of all efforts to achieve product/service quality, and includes all work to ensure conformance to requirements. All of the following are costs that are incurred EXCEPT ().Acost of poor qualityBopportunity costCexternal fa

18、ilure costDappraisal cost28.为了满足进度计划的要求,需要寻找承包商立刻介入项目。项目准备时间非常有限,而且团队成员都忙于其他工作,没有时间准备采购文件。经讨论,决定使用以前曾多次合作过的一家公司。在这种情况下,项目经理首要的担心在于()。A选择承包商的标准B承包商从事本项目的资格C承包商与公司某些人之间的串通D承包商不愿意承接本项目29.项目管理计划中通常不包括()。A进度基准B人力资源计划C干系人管理策略D配置管理计划30.A () is a pre-contract agreement that formally establishes the intent o

19、f one party to buy products or services from another party and establishes some preliminary consideration in order to reserve resources for the anticipated contract.Aseller initial responseBmemorandum of understandingCletter of intentDletter contract31.When checking the calendar of a team member to

20、schedule a meeting, you see she has scheduled a meeting with a key stakeholder that you were not informed of. The BEST approach would be to ().Aavoid mentioning it to the team member but continue to watch her activitiesBnotify your boss about the problemCaddress the concern with the team member'

21、s bossDaddress the concern with the team member32.以下哪个文件用于指导项目的执行、监控和收尾?()A项目进度计划B项目文件C项目管理计划D干系人管理策略33.你负责的项目已经完成70%的进度,但成本与基线有重大偏差,且已超出可恢复的范围。根据成本偏差情况,团队提出了成本基准变更请求,并已取得变更控制委员会的批准。作为这个变更的结果,以下所有文件都需要相应更新,除了()。A范围基准B完工尚需绩效指数C项目管理计划D组织过程资产34.一名项目经理正在管理一个大型的水电站建设项目,该项目涉及到9个承包商,他们分别涉及引水洞的开挖、大坝的浇注、电站设计

22、、设备供应、咨询服务等领域,并且有国际承包商也参与其中。在该项目上管理采购,你能给这位项目经理的最好建议是什么?()A对每一个合同派一名专职合同管理人员B管理好不同承包商之间的界面C要求每一个卖方指派专人负责该合同履行D对每一个合同的风险进行管理35.During a project the scope of a product purchased on a cost reimbursable contract has increased. In the contract the fee to cover the contractors indirect costs and allow a p

23、rofit is calculated as 20% of the direct costs. What is most likely to be true ?()AThe contractor's indirect costs will increase and the customer's payment for them will increase, too.BThe contractor's indirect costs will increase but the eLlstomer's payment for them will not increas

24、e.CNeither the contractor's indirect costs nor the customer's payment for them will increase.DThe contractor's indirect costs will not increase but the customer's payment for them will increase.36.买方通常比较喜欢用固定总价合同。买方确定了某个项目的固定总价,并邀请某个承包商来签约。经过测算,承包商发现这个价格远低于他的成本。买方的项目经理在了解了这一情况之后,应该()

25、。A不与该承包商签约B与该承包商一起讨论,并向发起人报告成本将会超出预算C与该承包商一起讨论,建议承包商在项目完成后再提出成本补偿要求D不理会该承包商的情况,与他签约37.When deciding which project to select,().Aselect the project with higher life cycle costBselect the project with lower life cycle costCselect the project with higher sunk costDselect the project with lower sunk cos


27、.你正在负责一个为期3年的项目,项目团队成员来自几个职能部门,在矩阵式组织之下开展工作。项目执行一直都符合计划。今天,你突然得知从事活动D的成员已经去休假,而活动D还没有完成。为了不影响项目进度,你不得不紧急聘请了一个外部人员在活动D的最晚结束日期之前完成了活动D,造成活动D的成本超出原定预算。你应该怎么办?()A要求请假成员承担活动D的成本超支B重新评价项目沟通管理计划C使用管理储备来支付活动D的成本超支D要求节约活动E的成本,以弥补活动D的超支42.Companies and institutions most commonly hire project management leader

28、s with ().Aa strict standing in negotiatingBexperience in tricking business partnersCintegrity and expertiseDa strong link to local traditions43.项目正在进展之中,项目经理正与质量保证部门一起,致力于提高干系人对于项目将要满足质量标准的信心。在开始该过程之前,他们需要拥有下述所有文件,除了()。A过程改进计划B质量控制测量结果C质量管理计划D质量审计报告44.在项目执行过程中,项目团队需要按项目沟通计划的要求召开项目状态评审会议。为了使会议有效进行,沟

29、通计划要求相关成员在预定的状态评审会议之前2天提交项目进展情况报告。尽管他们过去都严格按计划执行,但这次却直到状态评审会议之前4小时才提交了报告。你粗略地看了一下报告,发现其中有几处严重的错误。你应该()。A照常召开状态评审会议,并在会议上指出这几处错误B要求团队纠正错误,并推迟状态评审会议C查明是谁引起的错误,并加以处罚D照常召开状态评审会议,并看看其他人能否发现这几处错误45.在涉及采购管理的项目中,卖方通常需要根据合同来编制()。A合同工作分解结构B合同工作说明书C建议书D采购文件46.Which of the following is the best use of lessons l

30、earned ?()APlanning record for the current project.BTo impress the senior management.CInforming the team about what mistakes team has made.DHistorical information for future projects.47.The software development project is not going well. There are over 30 stakeholders, and no one can agree on the pr

31、oject objectives. One stakeholder believes the project can achieve a 30 percent improvement while another believes a 50 percent improvement is possible. The project manager thinks a 10 percent improvement is more realistic. What is the BEST course of action ?()AMove forward with the project and look

32、 for more information later to settle the issue.BAverage the numbers and use that as an objective.CPerform a feasibility analysis.DAsk the sponsor to make the final decision.48.In order to speed up a project, you made a decision to fast-track a phase currently performed with five team members and an

33、other one which was planned to begin in four weeks time with another five team members. Which of the following activities should you do first ?()AMake sure that all exit criteria of the consecutive phase have been met to ensure the flow of communications in a team situation which is more complex by

34、a factor of 2.BMake sure that all entry criteria of the previous phase have been met by planning and performing a phase gate meeting to assess technical aptness.CMake sure that all exit criteria of the previous phase have been met by planning and performing a phase gate meeting to assess technical p

35、erformance.DRestructure your team and delegate tasks in order to ensure the flow of conmunications in a team situation which is more complex by a factor of 4.5.49.洗衣粉生产企业需要每天对包装好的洗衣粉进行重量检测。要求的重点是每袋1公斤,允许的偏差范围为10克。在今天所生产的1万袋洗衣粉中,进行随机抽样检查,发现99%的产品在可接受的重量范围内。这种抽样检查属于()。A变量抽样B属性抽样C自由抽样D比例抽样50.应该在项目的哪个阶段识别干系人?()A启动B规划C执行D监控第21页 共21页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页


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