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《外研版七年级上册英语ppt课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版七年级上册英语ppt课件.ppt(52页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 monkey zebragiraffe elephant panda bear lion tiger ReviewRead the words and expressions loudly.new wordsbear elephant giraffe lion monkey n.熊熊n.象象n.长颈鹿长颈鹿n.狮子狮子n.猴子猴子panda tiger zebra zoo guide n. 熊猫熊猫 n.老虎老虎 n.斑马斑马n.动物园动物园 n.导游导游new wordsanimal such as such as n.动物动物adj.这样的,如此的这样的,如此的prep.如同,像如同,像

2、一样一样 比如比如new wordscome come from different country other vi.来来来自来自adj.不同的不同的n.国家;故乡国家;故乡adj.其他的其他的new wordsdangerous ugh also plant look adj. 危险的危险的 int. 啊,哎呀啊,哎呀 adv. 也;而且也;而且 n. 植物植物 vt.看,瞧看,瞧new wordslook at tall leaf sure bamboo 看看 adj.高的高的 n.叶子叶子 adv.当然;的确当然;的确n.竹竹 new wordscute shall them adj.

3、可爱的可爱的 aux. 好吗?要不要好吗?要不要? pron. 他们;它们;她他们;它们;她们们new wordswhich over there pron.哪哪/那一个那一个prep.越过;在越过;在上方上方adv.在那里;往哪里在那里;往哪里new wordsover there funny call 在那边,在那里在那边,在那里 adj. 有趣的有趣的 vi. 把把叫做;称呼叫做;称呼为为new words1Lookatthepicture.Whatcanyousee?bear elephant giraffe lion monkey panda tiger zebra zoo2 Lis

4、ten and check () the words you hear in Activity 1.bear elephant giraffe monkey panda tiger zebra zoo3Listenandread.Guide: Welcome to Beijing Zoo. The zoo has many kinds of animals, such as bears, zebras, giraffes and pandas. They come from many different countries and they eat different food. Here a

5、re the lion.Tony: Do lions eat meat?Guide: Yes, they do. They eat other animals. Theyre dangerous!Lingling: Ugh! And what about bears? Do they eat meat?Guide: Yes, they do, but they also eat plants.Tony: Look at this elephant. Its very tall. Does it eat meat?Guide: No, it doesnt. It eats plants.Ling

6、ling: Do pandas eat plants?Guide: Sure. They love bamboo.Lingling: Are there pandas here? Theyre my favourite animals. Theyre cute. Shall we go and see them?Guide: Yes, lets go. Can you see Lingling?Tony: Shes in front of you!Guide: No, Lingling the panda!Lingling: Which is Lingling the panda?Guide:

7、 Shes the black and white animal over there. Look! There she is!Lingling: Thats very funny. Her name is Lingling too!Tony: Is there a panda called Tony?AnimalsThings they eatLionsBearsElephantsPandasmeat (other animals) meat and plants plants bamboo, plants and leavesThere are (1) other / many anima

8、ls from different (2 ) country / countries in Beijing Zoo, (3) such / which as bears, giraffes and pandas. The lions are (4) funny / dangerous because they eat meat. 你能总结出什么呢你能总结出什么呢 主语是主语是第三人称单数的行为动词第三人称单数的行为动词的的一般现在时否定形式是在行为动词前加一般现在时否定形式是在行为动词前加doesnt (does not ),这时这时要注意把谓语动要注意把谓语动词还原为动词原形词还原为动词原形

9、。试比较肯定与否定句中行为动词形式的变化试比较肯定与否定句中行为动词形式的变化:肯定:肯定:He gets up very early.否定:否定:He doesnt get up very early. 如果要问别人如果要问别人是否经常做某事是否经常做某事,我们要,我们要 采用下面的表达方式:采用下面的表达方式:Does the panda eat meat?熊猫吃肉吗熊猫吃肉吗?No, it doesnt. 不,它不吃。不,它不吃。Does it eat bamboo? 它吃竹子吗?它吃竹子吗?Yes, it does. 是的,吃。是的,吃。从以上例子可以看出,从以上例子可以看出,行为动词

10、的第三行为动词的第三人称单数一般现在时疑问形式是在人称单数一般现在时疑问形式是在句首加助动词句首加助动词does ,而加,而加does之后之后,后面的谓语动词像否定句一样也,后面的谓语动词像否定句一样也要用原形要用原形。试比较试比较:肯定:肯定:He gets up very early. 他起床很早。他起床很早。疑问:疑问:Does he get up very early?肯定句:肯定句:主语主语+动词的第三人称单数形式动词的第三人称单数形式否定句:否定句:主语主语+doesnt +动词原形动词原形疑问句:疑问句:Does+主语主语+动词原形?动词原形?肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes, 主语主

11、语+does.否定回答:否定回答:No, 主语主语+ doesnt.现在把行为动词第三人称单数的各种现在把行为动词第三人称单数的各种句式总结如下:句式总结如下: 肯定肯定 否定否定 疑问疑问 回答回答He speaks good English.She lives in the city. The dog likes apples.He does not (doesnt) speak good English Does he speak good English?Yes, he does.No, he doesnt.She does not (doesnt) live in the city.

12、 Does she live in the city?Yes, she does.No, she doesnt. The dog does not (doesnt) like apples. Does the dog like apples? Yes, it does.No, it doesnt. Complete the sentences.1.The zoo _ (have) 5,000 animals.2.I _ (like )visiting the zoo.3.The tiger _ (not eat) grass.4.Elephants _ (be) very big animal

13、s.5.Polar bears _ (not have) very long necks.6. We _ (like) the panda.7.A camel _ (not often drink).haslikedoesnt eataredont havelikedoesnt often drink5 Listen and repeat.dangerous favouritethereheresure e i u 6 Listen and choose s or z. 1. lives 2. comes3. loves 4. likes7 Work in pairs . Ask and an

14、swer questions about the animals in Activity 3 .A: Does the bear eat meat ?B: Yes, it does.A: Does the tiger eat bamboo?B: No, it doesnt. It eats meat8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about animals.A: Whats your favourite animals? Does it eat plants?B: Yes, it does.A: Does it come from China

15、?B: Yes, it does.A: Is it the panda?语法聚焦语法聚焦行为动词的一般现在时行为动词的一般现在时(四四) 1.当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词要用相应的第三人称单数形式。动词要用相应的第三人称单数形式。其变化规则为其变化规则为:(1)一般动词直接在后面加一般动词直接在后面加s。likelikes喜欢喜欢(2)以以s,x,ch,sh结尾的动词,后面加结尾的动词,后面加es。kisskisses吻吻 watchwatches观看观看(3)以辅音字母以辅音字母+o结尾的动词,一般结尾的动词,一般加加es构成。构成。gogoes去去语法聚焦语

16、法聚焦(4)以辅音字母以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,结尾的动词,变变y为为i再加再加es构构studystudies学习学习(5)特殊变化形式特殊变化形式 havehas 有有2.否定句否定句主语是第三人称单数时,行为动词的否主语是第三人称单数时,行为动词的否定形式用助动词定形式用助动词doesnt,再将行为动词还原为动词原形。再将行为动词还原为动词原形。结构为结构为:主语主语+doesnt+动词原形动词原形+其它。其它。 He likes tigers.(肯定肯定)他喜欢老虎。他喜欢老虎。 He doesnt like tigers.(否定否定)他不喜欢老他不喜欢老虎。虎。语法聚焦语法聚焦3.一

17、般疑问句一般疑问句(1)does放句首,再将句中行为动放句首,再将句中行为动词还原为动词原形,结构为词还原为动词原形,结构为: Does +主语主语+动词原形动词原形+其他?其他? 语法聚焦语法聚焦(2)回答回答 肯定回答肯定回答:Yes, 主语主语+ does.否定回答否定回答:No, 主语主语+ doesnt. Does your father like sports?你爸爸喜欢运动吗?你爸爸喜欢运动吗? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. 1. The zoo has many kinds of animals, such as bears, zebras, g

18、iraffes and pandas.这个动物园有许多动物,比这个动物园有许多动物,比如熊、斑马、长颈鹿以及熊如熊、斑马、长颈鹿以及熊猫。猫。back (1)many意为意为“许多许多”,后接,后接可数名词的复数形式。可数名词的复数形式。 They have many children.他他 们有许多孩子。们有许多孩子。(2)such as 意为意为“比如,例如比如,例如”,用于举例。用于举例。I love vegetables , such as carrots , beans and potatoes.我喜欢蔬菜,比如胡萝卜、我喜欢蔬菜,比如胡萝卜、豆子和土豆。豆子和土豆。 2. They

19、 come from many different countries and they eat different food.他们来自许他们来自许多不同的国家,并且吃不同多不同的国家,并且吃不同的食物。的食物。 (1)come from (= be from) 意为意为“来自来自”。backShe comes/is from the USA.她她来自美国。来自美国。 (2)different是形容词,意为是形容词,意为“不不 同的同的”,后跟可数名词,后跟可数名词复数形式。复数形式。Theyre in different classes.他他们在不同的班级。们在不同的班级。 be diffe

20、rent from不同于不同于 Our school is different from your school.我们学校与你们我们学校与你们学校不同。学校不同。3. Look at this elephant.看这头看这头大象。大象。look作动词,意为作动词,意为“看看”,后,后接名词或代词时要加介词接名词或代词时要加介词at,意为意为“看看”。【辨析辨析】look at,see,read与与watchback (1)look at意为意为“看看”,强调看,强调看的动作,但不一定能看得见的动作,但不一定能看得见或看得清楚。或看得清楚。(2)see表示表示“看见,看到看见,看到”,强,强调看

21、的结果。调看的结果。Look at the picture. What can you see?看这幅图,你能看到看这幅图,你能看到什么?什么?(3)read意为意为“读,阅读,朗读读,阅读,朗读”。I like reading books.我喜欢读书。我喜欢读书。(4)watch意为意为“观看观看”,常指,常指“聚精会神地去看、去观察聚精会神地去看、去观察”。Lets watch TV.我们看电视吧。我们看电视吧。 1.Shall we go and see them?去看看它们行吗?去看看它们行吗?Shall I/We.?意为?意为“好吗?好吗?/行吗?行吗?”用于征求别人的同意。用于征求别人的同意。Shall I go swimming this afternoon, mum?妈妈,我今妈妈,我今天下午可以出去游泳吗?天下午可以出去游泳吗?back2.Look! There she is!看!她在看!她在那儿!那儿!该句为倒装句,其正常语序为该句为倒装句,其正常语序为: Look! She is there!在英语中,在英语中,副副 词词there,here放句首,常用倒装。放句首,常用倒装。Look!Here they are!看!它们看!它们在这里!在这里! back


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