北师大版八年级英语上册课件:Unit 3 Faster,Higher,Stronger Lesson 7 Time to Exercise (2).ppt

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北师大版八年级英语上册课件:Unit 3 Faster,Higher,Stronger Lesson 7 Time to Exercise  (2).ppt_第1页
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1、北师大版初中英语八年级上册Unit 3 Faster, higher, strongerLesson 7Time to exercise(第二课时),Do you remember who they are and what they are talking about?,According to Mike, can you rate these sports from 1 to 5? (1=very easy , 5=very hard)Read after tape and underline the reasons.,2,4,5,1,3,Sit-ups are easier than p

2、ush-ups.Running is easier.Its even harder than sit-ups and push-ups!Its easier than any of these sports.,What do these sentences mean?,Do they have something in common?,What do the red words mean?,Sit-ups are easier than push-ups.Running is easier.Its even harder than sit-ups and push-ups!Its easier

3、 than any of these sports.,What does “than” mean?,Comparatives,Look at the examples and complete the table with comparatives.,higher,later,fitter,heavier,Write the correct form of the words.,fast You can run _ than most students. Youre really _.easy Playing baseball is _. Bob thinks playing baseball

4、 is _ than playing basketball.,faster,fast,easy,easier,BigA tennis ball isnt _, but its _ than a table tennis ball.HighThe short girl can jump_ , but the tall girl can jump _.StrongThat boy is _. Hes _ than most of the players on the football team.,big,bigger,high,higher,strong,stronger,If you try h

5、ard to do exercise in PE class, what will your body be next year?,Lets know some kids.,Complete the writing with comparatives.,The kids were good during PE class. Tim is much _ than last year. So is Tina. The running team did well. They all ran_ than last week. Some students are _ than last year. Th

6、ey cant climb the rope now. A few students are _ , too. I gave them some homeworksit-ups.,stronger,faster,weaker,heavier,If you want to do exercise, where can you go?,Sports centres.,Look at the table and talk about the two sports centers.,Compare the two sports centers.Which sport center do you want to join? Why?,Pronunciation: statements,When we make statements, our voices go down at the end of the sentences.Statement: I often go skating.,


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