九年级英语上册 Module 4 Unit 8 Surprise endings Period 1课件 .ppt

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1、Unit 8,Oxford English,Module 4 A taste of literature,Period 1,Getting readyReading (1),Surprise endings,Getting ready,1,Look at the cartoon and answer the questions.,What is Lo doing? He is looking at his present. What is Hi doing? He is thinking about the good old days. What do Los words mean? They

2、 mean he loves the gift. They can also mean he loves his life at the moment.,What do you know about ?,2,People in the West usually give gifts to others on special days. Match their gift-giving times in the box with the pictures below. Write the words in the blanks.,Christmas,Mothers Day,weddings,bir

3、thdays,graduation,What gifts do people give to others on different days? When do we usually give gifts to others? What do you usually do when you receive gifts? How do you feel when you receive gifts?,Discuss the questions below.,Before you read,3,Look at the picture, the title and the first paragra

4、ph of the short story on page 115. Then answer the questions below.,1 When did the story take place? On the day before Christmas./On Christmas Eve.2 Why did Della count her money? Because she wanted to buy a present.3 What was Dellas problem? She could not afford a present.,The day before Christmas,

5、Della and Jim,Della wanted to buy a gift for her husband but she only had one dollar and eighty-seven cents.,Read the first two paragraphs of the story and complete the table below.,If you were Della, what would you do?,4,Divide the story into three parts and summarize the main idea of each part.,Th

6、e main idea of the story,Part 1:,Part 2:,Part 3:,(Paragraphs 12):The background information of the story.,(Paragraphs 38): Della sold her hair and bought her husband a watch chain.,(Paragraphs 917): Jim sold his watch and bought a set of combs for Della.,The day before Christmas,Della and Jim,Skim t

7、he story and complete the table below.,Della wanted to buy a gift for her husband but she only had one dollar and eighty-seven cents.,Della sold her hair to buy a watch chain for Jim.,Jim and Della both sold their most valuable possessions to buy gifts for each other.,5,C1 The words in italics expla

8、in the meanings of some words on page 115. Find these words to complete the sentences. Change their forms if necessary.,Vocabulary,1 At night, there are too many stars in the sky to _. (calculate the total number) (line 3)2 Paul always rode the bus although he could _ a car. (have enough money to bu

9、y) (line 5)3 Jane _ through the newspaper for the story about her school football team. (tried to find by looking carefully) (line 15)4 Tom heard the steps of his father _, so he rushed to open the door. (finally) (line 16)5 Everyone was seated when the teacher _ the exam papers from her bag. (took something out) (line 23),count,afford,searched,at last,drew,H,Homework,1. 模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读课文。2. 抄写单词和短语:gift,graduation,count, afford,present,search,draw;at last。3. 三人一组,分角色朗读主阅读篇章,准备在 下节课上表演。4. 完成综合练习册第133页Reading A的练习。,


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