九年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 4 Problems and advice Period 4课件 .ppt

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1、Period 4,Module 2 Ideas and viewpoints,Oxford English,Unit 4,Problems and advice,Listening,1,A Listen to Ben calling a radio programme to ask for advice. Then decide whether the following sentences are T (True) or F (False).,in the afternoon,ashamed,unfriendly,got off the train when it reached his s

2、tation,Sunny,underground,alone,same,another,followed,got off,ashamed,safe,seat,B Listen to the recording again and complete the notes below. Write one word in each blank.,2,Talk time,What is the boys problem? His parents control every part of his life.What is the girls advice for him? He should tell

3、 his parents how he feels.,Listen to the conversation. Then answer the questions.,征求建议:My problem is that What would you do in my situation?What can I do to make it right?,给予建议:I think/believe it is (not) important/proper/right/fair to In my opinion, you must remember that I think you should Why not

4、 do ?How about (doing) ?,Read the conversation below and practise it in pairs. Pay attention to the words in blue.,Speak up,3,You can also choose one of the following situations:S1 saw a child fall off his bike in the park but did not know what to do to help the child.S2s friend forgot to pay for th

5、e things he/she took from the local shop yesterday.S2 is worried that his/her friend spends too much time playing computer games.,In pairs, make conversations according to the situations below. You may use your own situations.,H,Homework,模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读Talk time部分的对话。两人一组,自创情境,运用征求和给予建议的表达方法编制对话,准备在下节课上表演。完成综合练习册第54至56页Listening and speaking的练习。,


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