牛津深圳版八年级英语下册《Unit 8 life in the future》课件:Reading.ppt

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《牛津深圳版八年级英语下册《Unit 8 life in the future》课件:Reading.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津深圳版八年级英语下册《Unit 8 life in the future》课件:Reading.ppt(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 8,Reading,Life in the future,Which of the following sentences are probably about the future, and which are about the present? Tick () the boxes.,There are hotels on the Moon.Our hotels use a lot of energy.Your fridge can order food for you.Most people use hydrogen cars.,Now Future,What will lif

2、e be like in the future? In pairs, discuss the following questions.,1. What will hotels be like?,2. What will houses be like?,3. What will cars be like?,Look at the pictures and the headings of the Internet posts on page 115. Then tick the descriptions that match the pictures.,The hotel looks like a

3、 very large fish.The hotel is built on a mountain.There is a robot helper in the house.The CJ3 has a wide window at the front.The CJ3 does not have any wheels.,It is in the shape of a whale. 它的形状就像一只鲸鱼一样。,in the shape of 的形状,2. In the bathroom, your medicine cupboard is connected to your doctors com

4、puter.在浴室里面,你的药品柜是和你的医生的电脑连接在一起的。,be connected to 与.相连接,3. I would certainly recommend Forever Green Houses to my friends.我当然会推荐“常绿房子”给我的朋友们。,recommend sth. to sb. 推荐某物给某人,我强烈推荐这本书给你。I strongly recommend this book to you.,4. The hydrogen in the car is mixed with oxygen from the air to make electrici

5、ty for the car.汽车里的氢气和空气中的氧气混合在一起从而为汽车制造电力。,be mixed with 与混合,5. Now, with the new technology in my CJ3, Im helping protect the environment.,with 表伴随,help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事help sb. with sth. 帮助某人某物,The words in italics are from the internet posts on page 115. Circle the correct answers to com

6、plete these sentences.,The shape of something is _.what it is made of b. its outside form2. If something happened recently, it happened _.a. not long ago b. a long time ago,3. To satisfy people means to make them _.angry by not giving them what they wantpleased by giving them what they want4. When t

7、hings are mixed, they _.are put togetherdo not go together,5. Relax means to _.do something with a lot of energyrest while doing something fun,Complete the conversation with the words from the box. Change their forms if necessary.,certainly electronic shape technology while,Matt: Ive decided to buil

8、d a space hotel when I grow up.Nelson: Really? What will the hotel be like?,Matt: Itll be in the (1) _ of a star. And itll use solar energy to run its (2) _ parts, so itll be environmentally friendly. With this (3) _, the hotel will also be able to move from place to place, like a spaceship.Nelson:

9、What else will it have?Matt: Therell be a,electronic,shape,technology,communicate with your family and friends on Earth (4) _ youre staying in the space hotel. Do you like my idea?Nelson: (5) _. Id recommend it to all my friends!,Certainly,while,D1 Below are some questions about the Internet posts o

10、n page 115. Answer the questions. Write Y (Yes) or N (No).,Y,N,Y,N,Y,It is August 2050. Some people are writing about hotels, houses and cars on the Internet.The following(1)_(be) their posts.The Hotel Whale is built under the water. It is in the shape of (2)_ whale. This hotel has 50 bedrooms, a ca

11、fe and a shopping centre. (3)_ (visit) can watch the fish outsidetheir bedroom window.They never get (4)_(bore).,are,语法填空,a,Visitors,bored,Forever Green Houses are bothgreenandsmart. There is glass outside the houses. Heat is held under the glass and is then used as energy (5) _each house. In the ba

12、throom, your medicine cupboard (6) _(connect) to your doctors computer. In the kitchen, your smart fridge tells the supermarkets computer when you need more food. Everyone will be satisfied (7)_Forever Green Houses.,for,is connected,with,The CJ3 is a new type of hydrogen car. The hydrogen in the car

13、 is mixed with oxygen from the air(8) _(make) electricity for the car. The CJ3 has an electronic map and is driven by a computer.You tell the computer (9)_ you want to go. Then you sit back and relax as the car takes you there.The CJ3 is (10)_(friend) to the environment.,to make,where,friendly,The end,


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