牛津深圳版八年级英语下册《Unit 8 life in the future》课件:Grammar.ppt

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1、Unit 8,Grammar,Life in the future,We use the past continuous tense to talk about actions that were happening at a particular time in the past.,Work out the rulesWe form the past continuous tense with _ or _ + the ing form of the main verb.,was,were,Linda was helping at a charity event last Saturday.

2、 Read her schedule and complete the sentences below using the past continuous tense.,At 7:30, Linda was getting ready to go out.At 8:30, she _At 9:30, she and some friends _At 12:30, they _At 16:30, she _At 17:30, she _,was travelling on the underground.,was buying food in the market.,were having lu

3、nch.,was meeting a friend in a tea shop.,was going home on the underground.,We can also use the past continuous tense to talk about two actions happening at the same time in the past.,Super-smart is a smart computer and Ultra-smart is a smart robot. Look at their notes about what they did on Wednesd

4、ay and complete the paragraph below.,While Super-smart (1) _ from the supermarket, Ultra-smart (2) _ for Jacky. While Super-smart (3)_ _for Davids family, Ultra-smart (4) _ with Jackys son.While Super-smart (5)_Chinese, Ultra-smart (6) _.,was ordering food,was making a new hydrogen car,was playing t

5、ennis,was teaching David,was making lunch.,While Super-smart (7) _ _in the garden, Ultra-smart and Jacky (8) _While (9) _ with David, (10)_ afternoon tea.,were playing football.,Super-smart was reading stories,Ultra-smart was making,C In pairs, talk about what you were doing last weekend. Use the ta

6、ble below to help you.,Exercises,1.He _ (not work) at that time.2.When the teacher _ (come) in, they _ (talk) loudly.3.What _ you _ (read) last night?,wasnt working,came,were talking,did read,4.His mother _ (return) while he _ (do) his homework.5.My father _ (watch) TV while my mother _ (cook).,retu

7、rned,was doing,was watching,was cooking,Exercise:,Mary _ a dress when she cut herself. A. made B. is making C. was making D. makes 2. As she _ the newspaper, Granny _ asleep. A. read; was falling B. was reading;fell C. was reading; was falling D. read;fell,3.The reporter said that the UFO _ east to

8、west when he saw it. A. was traveling B. traveled C. had been traveling D. was to travel,4. I _ my breakfast when the morning post came. A. had B. had been having C. have been having D. was having,用动词的适当形式填空(一般现在时、过去时、将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时)1. She _ (do) her homework this time yesterday.2. The teacher _ (h

9、elp) his students with their lessons now.3. He _ (make) progress every day.4. She _ (read) a story-book at seven yesterday evening.5. It _ (rain) hard now.6. The students _ (get) ready for the picnic these days.,was doing,is helping,makes,was reading,is raining,are getting,7.They _ (visit) the scien

10、ce museum next Monday.8.Look, they _ (play) video games.9.We _ (do) some cleaning at that time.10._ the students _ (like) learning English?11._ you _ (have) a good time last Sunday?,will visit,are playing,were doing,Do,like,Did,have,12. _ he _ (study) English from 7 to 9 last night?13. Listen, she _ (sing).14. He _ (not work) in the factory these days.15. Its eight oclock. The students _ (have) an English lesson.,Was,studying,is singing,isnt working,are having,


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