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1、2021年考研英语考试真题卷(6)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.It is implied in the second paragraph that Greeks still doubt_A:A the comment made IOC membersB:B centenary of their first national anniversaryC:C the hosting right of 1996 Olympic GamesD:D the 2003 failure

2、of the International Olympic Committee2.“Sending men into space” is quoted to_A:A exemplify absurd conductsB:B prove the strength of an average nationC:C report the rapid development of aeronautical scienceD:D survey the current exploitation of the extraterritorial conditions3.The authors attitude t

3、oward the official assertion is_A:A approvalB:B ambivalenceC:C denialD:D confusion4.Which of the following could be the best title of text?A:A Great sport, great feat.B:B Greek Sport Events。C:C Pity about the misspent billions.D:D Money can make the mare go5.Text 4Foreigners are a hot topic in Brita

4、in. Opinion polls consistently rate asylum and immigration as one of voters main concerns, and right-wing parties of varying degrees of extremism have been profiting by playing up the threat to the British way of life posed by a flood of unwashed foreigners。So a report published this week by the UNH

5、CR will make welcome reading for the government. It shows asylum applications to industrialized countries falling sharply, continuing the downward trend of the past three years. But one statistic will be of special significance: while Britain was the most popular rich-country destination in 2003, it

6、 has now fallen into second place behind France。So whats behind the drop in applications? One reason is simply that there are fewer asylum-seekers. The UNHCR reckons that, in the first half of 2004, the number of people seeking sanctuary in rich countries fell by 22% compared with the same period la

7、st year. Part of the drop is due to the removal of unpopular governments; IraA:Downing Street No.10 will benefit from_B:A a recently released accountC:B a consistent opinion pollD:C the right-wing partiesE:D a flood of unwashed foreigners6.Hannah Wards remarks are quoted to_A:A clarify the welcome r

8、eading by UNHCRB:B emphasize the awareness of public anxietyC:C indicate the cause of application diveD:D categorize the stowaways and cargo shipments7.The term “work” in Line 2, paragraph 6 denotes_A:A functionB:B improvementC:C publicityD:D visibility8.It can be inferred from the text that voters

9、simply care_A:A a hot topicB:B varying degrees of extremismC:C the number of immigrantsD:D a flood of high-tech scanning machines9.Which of the following could be the best title for the text?A:A Asylum applications.B:B A worldwide decline。C:C A messy system.D:D From flood to trickle。10.Directions:Re

10、ad the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text 1For every Chad Hurley or Mark Zuckerberg there are many Sathvik Krishnamurthys. The first two are the young entrepreneurs behind YouTube and Facebook, respec

11、tively, who are striking it rich in Silicon Valleys current Web boom. Mr. Hurley last year sold video site YouTube to Google for more than $1.7 billion just 19 months after the companys founding, netting him a personal fortune valued at more than $340 million. Mr. Zuckerberg has built social-network

12、ing site Facebook into a start-up valued at $15 billion in less than four years。Then there is Mr. Krishnamurthy. Plenty of wannabe Silicon Valley entrepreneurs expect to land on a spectacular path to success, but most end up with stories akin to his. Mr. Krishnamurthy is the 39-year-old chief execut

13、ive of Voltage Security, a start-up that makes security software. He will tell you that the real name oA:A demonstrate the capabilities of the ambitious entrepreneursB:B display the rapid growth of websitesC:C illustrate the fierce competition between Google and FacebookD:D reveal the triumph attain

14、ed by some CEOs。11.The second paragraph is intended to convey_A:A other tech CEOs struggleB:B the mishaps of Mr. KrishnamurthyC:C the coming contest of Silicon ValleyD:D the deficiency of security software12.The phrase “sloggingout” in Line 5, paragraph 2 most probably denotes_A:A record with detail

15、sB:B work with difficultyC:C obscure with pretextD:D set free commercial talents13.The remarks by Mr. Gullicksen indicate_A:A his apprehension of the tech start-upsB:B the potential of pep talksC:C the worst predicament a CEO may encounterD:D the side-effects of private encouragement14.It can be inf

16、erred from the last paragraph that the typical status in the market place is_A:A emergence of superstars and sloggersB:B the limited number of short-term juicy transactions or dealingsC:C with draw of most burnt-out entrepreneursD:D the grueling and protracted asset evaluation by the federal governm

17、ent15.Text 2Even today in the modern, developed world, surveys show that parents still prefer to have a boy rather than a girl. One longstanding reason why boys have been seen as a greater blessing has been that they are expected to become better economic providers for their parents old age. Yet it

18、is time for parents to think again. Girls may now be a better investment。Girls get better grades at school than boys, and in most developed countries more women than men go to university. Women will thus be better equipped for the new jobs of the 21st century, in which brains count a lot more than b

19、rawn. In Britain far more women than men are now training to become doctors. And women are more likely to provide sound advice on investing their parents nest egg: surveys show that women consistently achieve higher financial returns than men do。Furthermore, the increase in female employment in the

20、rich world has been the main driving force of growth in the past couple of decades. Those women have contributed more to gloA:A The history of the developed countries。B:B The importance of sex。C:C The preference of grandparents。D:D The development of juveniles。16.The word “brawn” in Line 3, paragrap

21、h 2 most probably means_A:A raceB:B diplomaC:C colorD:D muscle17.The authors attitude toward womens prospect can he described as_A:A pessimisticB:B cautiousC:C skepticalD:D desperate18.It can be inferred from the text that countries the world over still fail to recognize the driving force of women i

22、n_A:A exploiting the natural resourcesB:B contributing inadequate solutionsC:C building up a well-off living conditionD:D ranking many economic woes19.The reduction of rest period by women is mentioned to_A:A shed light on negative social externalitiesB:B refute some peoples worryC:C cast doubt on t

23、he mixed evidenceD:D confirm the higher birth rates20.n.跛子,残疾人 v.使跛,使残疾A:crisisB:crippleC:cruiseD:例句The accident crippled him for life.这次事故使他终身残废。21.n.(pl.crises)危机,紧要关头A:criticizeB:criticC:crisisD:例句When a crisis comes they have gone. 当危机来临时, 他们已经走了。22.n.(pl.criteria或criterions)标准,尺度A:criticismB:cr

24、iticalC:criterionD:例句What criteria do you use when judging the quality of a students work?你评定学生功课好坏时用什么作标准?23.n.批评家,评论家A:crudeB:criticC:criterionD:例句That would put blood in the eye of his critics. 那会使得批评他的人更加恼火。24.adj.批评的,评论的;危急,紧要的;临界的A:criticismB:criticalC:criticizeD:例句We are at a critical time in

25、 history.我们正处在历史的危急时刻。25.n.评论性的文章,评论;批评,指责,非难A:criticismB:criticizeC:criticD:例句Some youth today do not allow any criticism at all. 现在有些年轻人根本指责不得。26.v.批评,评论A:criterionB:cruiseC:criticizeD:例句He feel himself criticize. 他感到自己挨了批评。27.adj.至关重要的,决定性的A:criticalB:crucialC:criticD:例句Its a crucial decision. 这是

26、一个极其重要的决定。28.adj.天然的,未加工的;未熟的;粗鲁的,粗野的A:crisisB:criterionC:crudeD:例句Last night a cargo ship collided with a tanker carrying crude oil.昨晚一艘货轮与一艘载着原油的油轮相撞。29.v.巡航;以节省燃料的速度前进 n.乘船巡游A:criticB:cruiseC:crippleD:例句They will go cruising in the Mediterranean. 他们将在地中海上巡游。30.n.起重机,鹤A:criminalB:creativeC:craneD:

27、例句Crane is a kind of bird with very long legs and neck. 鹤是一种腿和脖子都很长的鸟。31.v./n.碰撞,坠落,摔坏 n.失败,瓦解;爆裂声A:criminalB:creativeC:crashD:例句The plane crashed shortly after takeoff. 飞机起飞后不久便坠毁了。32.v./n.爬行,蠕动;缓慢(的)行进A:craneB:crawlC:credentialD:例句We learn to crawl before we learn to walk. 我们学会走路之前先要学会爬。33.adj.有创造

28、力的,创造性的A:creativeB:crewC:crashD:例句He is a very creative musician. 他是一个非常有创造力的音乐家。34.n.凭证,(pl.)国书,证明书A:cricketB:criminalC:credentialD:例句Be a part of this exciting, growing profession by gaining your CAPM credential. 获得CAPM认证,您就能加入这振奋人心的,蓬勃发展的职业。35.v./n.信用,信任 n.信用贷款,赊欠;名誉,名望A:creditB:creativeC:craneD:

29、例句This store does not give credit. 本店概不赊欠。36.v.爬,爬行;(植物)蔓延A:creditB:creepC:craneD:例句The dog crept under the car to hide.狗爬到汽车下藏着。37.n.全体船员,全体乘务员A:creepB:crewC:creditD:例句The plane crashed, killing all its passengers and crew. 飞机失事了, 所有乘客和机组人员都遇难了。38.n.板球;蟋蟀A:creditB:cricketC:criminalD:例句Baseball and

30、cricket differ. 棒球与板球不同。39.n.罪犯,刑事犯 adj.犯罪的,刑事的A:criminalB:crewC:credentialD:例句He is a habitual criminal. 他是一个惯犯。40.n.(英国)郡,(美国)县A:courtyardB:couponC:countyD:例句The county voted the measure down. 全郡投票否决了该项议案。41.n.证明持券人有某种权利的卡片,票证,赠券A:couponB:craftC:courtyardD:例句Tear off this coupon and use it to get

31、25p off your next jar of coffee. 撕下这张优惠券, 用它再买一瓶咖啡可省25便士。42.n.法院,法庭;宫廷,朝廷;院子;球场A:countyB:courtC:couponD:例句The court is very dirty. 这个院子非常脏。43.n.谦恭有礼;有礼貌的举止(或言词)A:countyB:courtesyC:cowardD:例句They didnt even have the courtesy to apologize. 他们也不道个歉, 真没有礼貌。44.n.院子,庭院,天井A:courtyardB:courtC:crackD:例句This

32、building has a beautiful courtyard. 这所房子有一个漂亮的院子。45.n.懦夫,胆怯者A:cradleB:cowardC:courtesyD:例句I was basically a dreadful coward. 从根本上说, 我非常胆小怕事。46.n.螃蟹,蟹肉A:crackB:cowardC:crabD:例句All the shops on the seafront had crab for sale. 海滨地区的全部商店都出售蟹。47.n.裂纹,缝隙;破裂声 v.(使)破裂,砸开A:crackB:cowardC:courtyardD:例句But at

33、last the shells cracked, one after another.最后, 蛋壳一个接着一个地裂开了。48.n.摇篮;发源地A:cowardB:courtC:cradleD:例句The child slept soundly in her cradle. 那孩子在摇篮里睡得很熟。49.n.工艺,手艺,技巧;飞机,飞船A:courtB:craftC:cowardD:例句He acquired the craft of wood carving in his native town. 他在老家学会了木雕手艺。50.v.贿赂,收买 adj.腐败的,贪污的,堕落的A:cosmicB:corruptC:counterD:例句The official led a corrupt life. 这个官员过着堕落的生活。第17页 共17页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页


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