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《希望小学五年级英语优质课件精选——《Hobbies》.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《希望小学五年级英语优质课件精选——《Hobbies》.ppt(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、,Hobbies,执教教师:XXX,Welcome!,Unit 3Hobbies,My Information Card,Name : Shi CunpengFavourite sport:Favourite colour:Hobbies:,play badminton,white,collect stamps (集邮),a stamp,a ship,a ship stamp,a flower stamp,hot,复数,hobby,hobbies,(业余爱好),Practice,A: Do you have any hobbies?B: Yes, I do. I like ,Why?,Beca

2、use Bens hobby is collecting stamps.,Does Ben have many beautiful stamps?,Yes, he does.,What is he doing now ?,Hes showing his stamps to his classmates.,Read and answer:,class,make,classmate(同学),mate,Ben is showing his stamps to his classmates, _and _.,Mike,Yang Ling,2.What stamps does Mike like ?,H

3、e likes the ship stamp.,3.What stamps does Yang Ling like ?,She likes flower stamps .,1.What stamps does Ben like collecting ?,He likes collecting Chinese stamps .,Read and answer:,4.What stamps does Bens brother like collecting?,He likes collecting animal stamps .,Bens hobby is c Chinese stamps . H

4、e has m beautiful stamps. Now, he is s his stamps to his c , Mike and Yang Ling . Mike likes the s stamp. Yang Ling likes f stamps . She thinks they are b .Bens brother likes collecting a stamps.,Fill in blankets,ollecting,any,howing,lassmates,hip,lower,eautiful,nimal,Read and learn the new words:Le

5、arning tips(温馨提示): 1.Read the text and circle the new words. 边读边圈出文中的生词或者不理解的词句 2. Discuss with your partner and try to understand the meaning according to the context. 根据上下文,和同桌讨论理解生词的意思,Whats Mikes hobby?,Whats Helens hobby?,He likes taking photos .,She likes cooking and growing flowers.She can co

6、ok nice food and grow beautiful flowers.,Whats Yang Lings hobby ?,She likes making clothes.,Read and answer:,Taking photos,Cooking andgrowing flowers,Making clothes,Fill in blanks:,Their hobbies:Bens hoppy is c stamps. He has many C s . Theyre b .Yang Ling likes f stamps. But Mike likes a s stamp .

7、Bens brother likes c s ,too. He likes collecting a stamps. Mikes hoppy is t photos. Mikes sister,Helen doesnt like t p .She likes c and g flowers. She can cook n food and grow b flowers . Yang Ling likes m c .She can makep clothes.,ollecting,hinese,tamps,eautiful,lower,hip,ollecting,tamps,nimal,aking,aking,hotos,ooking,rowing,ice,eautiful,aking,lothes,retty,Homework:1.Read Part A after the tape three times.2.Preview(预习) Part B and C.,Byebye!,谢谢观看,请指导,


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