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1、高考英语历年真题含答案解析1._ the Chinese have been to Beijing.译文. 不是所有的中国人都去过北京。 A. None of B. All C. Not all D. No答案:C。 not 与all, every, both等词连用,表示部分否定。2.He thought the painting was of little _, so he let me have it for only ten pounds.译文. 他认为这幅画不值价,他就让我只给十镑给买走了。 A. cost B. value C. price D. expenses 答案:B。 va

2、lue = the proper or fair price 价值。3.Id rather have some wine, if you dont mind.-_.译文. 你如果不介意的话,我想来点酒。不介意的,你想干嘛干嘛。 A. No, youd better not B. Not at all, anything you want C. Thank you all the same D. Yes, but not good答案:B。 情景英语。实际情况为不介意。4.Ill help you _.译文. 我将给你尽可能多的帮助。 A. as much as I can B. as poss

3、ible as I can C. as many as possible D. as many as I can答案:A。 asas possible= asas one can该句种的意思表示更多的帮助,而帮助是不可数的。5.Gone forever _ when we used foreign oil.译文. 我们使用洋油的时代已一去不复还了。 A. the days are B. the days were C. are the days D. were the days答案:C。 gone are the days when. 是一个句型:.的日子已一去不复还了。6.I _ ten m

4、inutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.译文. 给我使分钟的时间考虑是否拒绝这个帮助。 A. gave B. was given C. was giving D. had given答案:B。 考查动词give的用法。give sb. sth ,该句中还差个宾语,故用被动形式。7.So far, several ships have been reported missing _ the coast of Bermuda Island.译文. 据报道,到目前为止,好几艘船在Bermuda Island附近失踪了。 A. off B.

5、 along C. on D. around答案:A。 此处off为介词,表示和有一定距离。8._that shes by law old enough to get married, I dont see how you can stop her.译文. 我明白按法律她到了该结婚的年龄,但不明白你如何能阻止她。 A. Having seen B. To see C. Seeing D. Seen答案:C。 现在分词表伴随,动作由主语发来的。9.We found Marys brother to have _ more story books than Anns.译文. 我们发现玛丽哥哥的故事

6、书比安利哥哥的多得多。 A. much B. too much C. by far D. far 答案:D。 far修饰比较级。10.Why does Ling Ling look so unhappy? -she has_ by her classmates.译文. -怎么这样不高兴呀?-她被班上同学嘲笑了。 A. laughed B. laughed at C. been laughed D. been laughed at答案:D。 动词laugh是不及物动词,表示嘲笑得在后面加上介词at。11.The factory is five kilometers _ from his hous

7、e.译文. 工厂离他的家大约五公里左右。 A. so far B. or so C. far D. way答案:B。 or so左右12.Do you like these, Mr Lee?- No, show me _.译文. -Mr Lee,你喜欢这些吗?-不,给我看看另外的吧。 A. another B. other one C. some others D. other ones答案:C。 从第一句中我们可以判断是复数;而other ones指代不明白。 13.We have spent _ money on English books.译文. 我们花了许多钱在买英语书上。 A. a

8、great deal of B. a good many C. a plenty of D. a number of答案:A。 money是不可数名词,只有a great deal of可以修饰它。14.Tom tried to make his parents _ by making faces.译文. Tom想用装怪像的方法使他的父母高兴。 A. pleased B. pleasing C. please D. to please答案:A。 及物动词的过去分词表示状态。15.Though _, many laws of nature exist.译文. 尽管没有被发现,但是许多自然规律是存

9、在的。 A. not having been discovered B. having not been discovered C. not having discovered D. having not discovered答案:A。 连词加现在分词短语作状语;此句等于:Though the laws of nature have not been discovered 16.My parents always let me have my own _ of living.译文. 我的父母让我有自己的生活方式。 A. way B. method C. manner D. fashion答案:

10、A。 way of living生活方式。17.Many of the sporta were the same _ they are now.译文. 以前的许多运动和现在的一样。 A. from B. with C. as D. of 答案:C。 the same as 固定搭配,和一样,表示类似。18.To all of you _ the praise for the success.译文. 成功的表扬应该属于你们大家。 A. belongs to B. belong to C. belongs D. belong答案:C。 倒装句:the praise for the success

11、belongs to all of you.19.This book is _ than that one. I dont like either of them.译文. 这两本书都不好,我都不喜欢。 A. no better B. less than C. much better D. not better答案:A。 no more than 两个都不,not more than不如,解题在I dont like either.20.The classroom _ 30 feet long.译文. 教室量起来有三十英尺长。 A. measures B. is measured C. has

12、D. has length答案:A。 measure, weigh, number, wash, sell, drink, pay, wear, keep, prove等词都可以用主动形式表示被动意思。21.Rather than _ on a crowded bus, he always perfers _ a bike.译文. 他总是宁愿骑自行车而不愿挤公共汽车。 A. ride; ride B. riding; ride C. ride; to ride D. to ride; riding答案:C。 prefer to do sth. rather do sth.结构。22.As I

13、became older, I came to like _ things.译文. 随着我年龄的增长,我越来越喜欢纯朴的东西。 A. more and more simple B. more simpler and simpler C. much simpler ans simpleer D. more and more simpler答案:A。 比较级 and 比较级, 表示越来越来 。23.My father has done a lot of reading and writing _ the year.译文. 我的父亲在这段时间做了大量的阅读和写作。 A. over B. for C.

14、 at D. on答案:A。 over 强调在某一段时间内反复发生的事;只表示一段时间,强调时间的长度。24.I can t see the words on the blackboard clearly.- Why, your eyes need _ perhaps you need _ glasses.译文. -我不看不清黑板上的字。-啊,你的眼睛需要检查或许你需要戴眼镜。 A. to examined, to wear B. to examine ,to wear C. to be examined, to wear D. examining, wearing答案:C。 need一词作实

15、意动词表示需要,一般用动名词的主动形式或者不定式的被动形式表示被动意思。25. _ are the days when the teachers were looked down upon .译文. 瞧不起老师的年代已一去不复返了。 A. Gone B. Go C. To go D. Going答案:A。 固定句型:gone are the days when。26._ once is better than to hear a hundred times.译文. 百闻不如一见。 A. Seen B. You see C. See D. To see答案:D。 不定式的比较级,不定式符号不能省

16、略。27.What do you think of the opinion? - None has given me _ piece of advice.译文. -你认为这个意见如何?-没有人能够给我比这更好的建议了。 A. a better B. a best C. the best D. the better答案:A。 a piece of 固定搭配。28.You know that widely reading helps _ your knowledge so I cant help _ the housework every day.译文. 你知道广泛地阅读有助于丰富你的知识,所以我

17、不能够帮你每天做家务了。 A. an large, doing B. to rich, to do C. add, to D. add to, doing 答案:B。 cant help doing sth. 表示忍不住,禁不住;cant help to do sth.表示不能帮助29.The meeting _ tomorrow afternoon is about _ rid of pollution.译文. 明天要举行的会议是关于制止污染的问题。 A. held, to get B. to be held; getting C. to hold; to get D. being held

18、; getting答案:B。 不定式作定语表示将来和目的;介词后面跟动名词作宾语。30.Henry cant attend the party _ at Toms house at present because he is preparing the speech at the party _ at Maries house tomorrow.译文. Henry不可能出席今天在汤姆家举行的舞会,因为她在准备明天在 Marie家舞会上的演讲。 A. held; being held B. to be held; to be held C. to be held; held D. being h

19、eld; to be held答案:D此题考查现在分词的被动式和不定式的被动式作定语的情况;前者表示正在进行,后者表示还未发生。31.Alice, why didnt come yesterday? -I _, but I had an unexpected visitor.译文. -阿莉思,你昨天为什么没来呢?-我本打算来的,单来了一位不速之客。 A. had B. would C. was going to D. did答案:C。 would 只表示纯粹的将来;be going to打算,计划。32.Staying up is bad _ you , but getting up earl

20、y is good _ your health.译文. 熬夜对你不好,而早起对你的健康有益。 A. for, for B. to , for C. to, to D. for, to答案:B。 固定搭配。be bad to ; be good for33.Everyone working on Sunday will have _ pay doubled.译文. 每一个周六加班的人都会得到加倍的工资。 A. its B. their C. ones D. one答案:B。 everyone做主语其物主代词用their;one作主语时用ones。34.The sun shines brightl

21、y in the sky_ us light and heat.译文. 天上的艳阳给我们光和热。 A. that give B. having given C. to give D. giving答案:D。 现在分词短语表示伴随。35._ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.译文. 无论谁最后一个离开房间都得关掉灯。 A. Anyone B. The person C. Whoever D. Who答案:C。 主语从句中缺主语;同时表示强调故用whoever。36.It may rain, but I shall go out _

22、.译文. 也许会下雨,但无论无何我要出去。 A. somehow B. anyhow C. somewhat D. anywhere答案:B。 anyhow 副词,无论无何。37.No sooner _ they rushed out into the street.译文. 一听到这个消息他们就跑到街上去了。 A. did they hear the news than B. had they heard the news than C. did they hear the news when D. had they heard the news when答案:B。 no sooner tha

23、n结构。no sooner引导的部分要用完成时态,而且要部分倒装。38.What made you so upset? -_ my house _ saying goodbye.译文. 什么使你不安呀?Jim离开我家时没说再见。 A. Jim left; without B. Jims leaving; instead of C. That Jim left; without D. Jim leaving; instead of答案:C。 该句的回答是一个省略句,还原就是:That Jim left my house without saying goodbye made me upset.句

24、子后面的相同部分省略了。39._ was the Saturday , we were facing.译文. 这就是我们面临的周六。 A. So B. Such C. What D. It 答案:B。 代词用法。再如:Such is your future home.40.Are there any English Story books for us students in the library?-There are only a few, _.译文. 图书馆里有适合我们学生的英语书吗?如果有的话,也是不多。 A. if any B. if there C. if some D. if h

25、as答案:A。 any以及它的合成词一般用于疑问句41.According to the time table , the train for Beijing_ at seven oclock in the evening .译文. 根据时刻表,到北京的火车是在晚上7点发车。 A. leaves B. has left C. was left D. will leave答案:A。 火车时刻表是固定的,只用一般现在时态。42.The little boy is dirty from head to foot because he_in the mud all morning.译文. 这个小男孩一

26、身脏,是因为在淤泥中玩了一天。 A. has played B. is playing C. has been playing D. was playing答案:C。 从is dirty from head to foot和all morning判断应用C表示一直在玩。43.As she _ the newspaper, Granny _ asleep.译文. 在她读报的时候,Granny睡着了。 A. read ; was falling B. was reading; fell C. was reading; was falling D. read; fell答案:B。 fall asle

27、ep是一个系表结构,不能用进行时态。44.Do you know our town at all?- No, this is the first time I _ here.译文. -你了解我们城市吗?-不了解,这是我第一次到这儿。 A. was B. have been C. came D. are coming答案:B。 It(this) is the time that. 在这个句型中从句要用完成时态。45.None of the students watched the teacher_.译文. 没有一个学生在认真听老师讲课。 A. careful enough B. enough c

28、arefully C. carefully enough D. enough careful答案:C。 enough作为副词,在修饰副词,形容词时要后置。46.You should follow doctors suggestion when _ the medicine.译文. 在你吃药的时候,应该按照医生的话去做。 A. to take B. taking C. take D. you will take答案:B。 现在分词短语做状语,等于when you are taking the medicine。47.The students _ busily when Miss Brown we

29、nt to get a book _ in the office.译文. 学生在忙着做作业,这时Miss Brown去办公室拿她丢在那儿的一本书。 A. had written; left B. were writing; has left C. had written; had left D. were writing; had left答案:D。 第一个空表示动作正在进行;第二个空表示的动作发生在第一个动作之前。48.Its nice _ me with my lessons.译文. 谢谢你帮助我学习功课。 A. of you to help B. for you to help C. o

30、f you helping D. for you helping答案:A。 在该句型中如果主句中的形容词是表示逻辑主语的特点,那么介词就的用of,反之就用for。49.The boy pretended _ his homework, when his parents came back home.译文. 他的父母回家的时候这个男孩假装在做作业。 A. to do B. do C. doing D. to be doing 答案:D。 用进行时态表示正在做什么。50.You cant _ until tomorrow morning after the blood examination.译文

31、. 直到明天上午查血后,你才可以吃喝。 A. not only eat but also drink B. either eat or drink C. neither eat nor drink D. both eat and drink答案:B。 该句中有否定词not,就只有用either or结构。51.How is_ going with you?- So so.译文. -你近况如何?-就那样。 A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing答案:A。 everything在这里是一切的意思。52. _ a good insulato

32、r(绝缘体) , rubber is often used in cables.译文. 作为良导体,橡胶常用作电缆。 A. Having been B. To be C. Be D. Being答案:D。 现在分词短语表原因。53. _ Sunday, rather than _ at home, I preferred _.译文. 由于是星期天,呆在家里不如出去旅游。 A. It being; stay; to travel B. Being; to stay; to travel C. shavings been; stay; travel D. It was; to stay; trav

33、elling答案:A。 It being Sunday是独立主格结构,相当于Because it was Sunday作原因状语;后两空考查prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.的倒装结构。另外,此处独立主格结构中的it作逻辑主语不可以省略。54.Both the Summer and Winter Olypics _ every four years.译文. 春冬两季奥运会都是每四年举行一次。 A. hold B. are hold C. are held D. is held答案:C。 主谓一致问题,bothand引起的短语做主语谓语用复数;此句的主语不

34、能发出动作故用被动语态。55.Dont trouble to see me _ the door I know my way out.译文. 用不着麻烦你送我到门口,我知道出去的路。 A. to B. in C. off D. outside 答案:A。 see sb. to 送某人到什么地方。56.Are you pleased with what he has done?-Not in the least. It couldnt be _.译文. 你对他所做的工作满意吗?一点也不满意。没有比这个更糟的了。 A. so bad B. much better C. any worse D. t

35、he best答案:C。 否定词与比较级连用表最高级含义。57.I advised that he _to the hospital at once, but he insisted that he quite well then.译文. 我建议把他立即送到医院去,可他坚持说他觉得很好。 A. be sent; was feeling B. was sent; felt C. be sent; feel D. should be sent; should feel答案:A。 taste,sound,feel,look,smell与形容词连用表示某人或某物的一种状态58. _ the two o

36、ceans the Pacific is _ .译文. 在这两个大海中,太平洋是最大的一个。 A. In; the large B. For; larger C. Of; larger D. Of, the larger答案:D。 在两个当中的比较级,要用介词of。59.He was so angry at all _ I was doing _ he walked out.译文. 他对我所做的一且都感到气愤以至于他离开了。 A. that; that B. what; that C. that; what D. which; what答案:A。 sothat结构中含有一个定语从句。60.Th

37、e news sounds _.译文. 这个消息听起来令人鼓舞。 A. Encouraging B. encouraged C. encourage D. to encourage 答案:A。 sound是连系动词,现在分词作表示表示主语的特征。61. _ she did was right. So everyone always believed(in)her.译文. 无论她做什么都是对的。所以人们总是信任她。 A. What B. Whatever C. How D. When答案:B。 whatever表示强调。62.Its impossible for all the people t

38、o get jobs because _of them are not fit for them.译文. 不可能人人都有工作,因为并非所有的工作都适合他们。 A. none B. all C. not all D. every one答案:B。 气候适合某人,match sb./sth.与相配,be suitable与适合。63.She thought I was talking about her daughter, _, in fact, I was talking about my daughter.译文. 他认为我在谈论她的女儿,事实上,我在谈论我自己的女儿。 A. whom B. w

39、here C. which D. while 答案:D。 while 连词,有而,却,表示对比。64.I felt _ tired, but he didnt stop _.译文. 我感到相当疲倦,然而他却没有停止学习。 A. little, to read B. rather, studying C. fairly, studying D. few, to study答案:B。 rather表示相当一般用于贬义;stop后面只能接动名词表示停止做什么。65._ school were you at last year? Centre School.译文. -去年你在哪所学校读书?中心校。 A

40、. What B. Which C. That D. Where答案:B。 问那一所学校,应该用which。66.The stranger tried his _ to get along _ with the new neighbours.译文. 陌生人尽力与她的新邻居相处好。 A. best; well B. best; good C. better; best D. good; better答案:A。 固定搭配try one best尽力; get along well with 与相处好。67.My old schoolamte has just arrived, but I didn

41、t know he _ until yesterday.译文. 我的老同学刚到,可我知道昨天才知道他要来。 A. will come B. was coming C. had coming D. comes答案:B。 come用于进行时态,表示将要发生什么。68.The prisoner of war wished to be _. Ten years later, he _ free and regained his _.译文. 这战犯希望得到自由。十年后他被释放了重获自由。 A. free; was set; free B. freely; was set; freedom C. free

42、; set; freedom D. free; was set; freedom答案:D。 free自由,空闲,免费; set free 释放;freedom自由的名词。69.By the end of this year, we _ 2000 English words.译文. 到本年尾,我们将记住2000个单词。 A. will learn B. would learn C. have learned D. will have learned答案:D。 在有by the end of 引导的短语中,句子的时态要用完成时态。70.Our family _ always _ love and

43、understanding.译文. 在我们家庭中总是充满的爱和理解。 A. was rich; on B. is rich; in C. is riching; in D. riched; by答案:B。 be rich in固定搭配,充满着。71.Young Lee learned some English when she stayed in America, and last year she _ herself Japanese.译文. Young Lee当她在美国住的时候学了一点英语,去年她又自学了日语。 A. kept on teaching B. went on teaching

44、 C. kept on to teach D. went on to teach答案:D。 Go on to do sth. 继续做另外一件事;go on doing sth.=go on with sth.继续做某事(接着原来的做)。72.I hadnt expected James to apologize but I had hoped _ me.译文. 我没有期望James向我道歉,但我希望他会给我打电话。 A. him calling B. that he would call C. him to call D. that he call答案:B。 用expect, hope,wis

45、h等词的过去完成时态表示原打算做什么。73.Dont forget the day _ you were received into the Youth League.译文. 不要忘了你入团的那一天。 A. when B. that C. at which D. where答案:A。 定语从句,the day在从句中充当时间状语。74.Do you have clothes _? Ill wash them for you. -No, thank you. I will wash them myself.译文. -你有衣服要洗吗?我帮你洗。-谢谢,我要自己洗。 A. to be washed B. to wash


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