五年级下册英语教案-Unit 2At home重大版.doc

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1、第 1 页Unit 2 At homeLesson 1 教案教案1 教学目标教学目标 来源来源:1. 知识目标:a. Be able to listen/speak/read and write the four skills words: reading a book, watching tv ,eating, cooking dinnerb. Be able to use the sentence structure “what are you doing?” “im.” freely.来源:学。科。网2. 能力目标:a. To develop the Ss abilities of li

2、stening, speaking, reading and writing.b. Encourage the Ss to communicate with foreigners about their abilities by using the new words and the sentence structure by asking and answering.21cnjyc.To develop the Ss self-study ability and creative ability.3. 情感目标a. to develop students a good habit of do

3、ing housework.2 学情分析学情分析 本课是选自重大版小学英语五年级下 unit 2 At Home 第一课时内容。本节课的教学重点是让学生能听、说、认读、书写有关动词短语,掌握四会词组:reading a book, watching tv, cooking dinner, eating,并能结合句子使用:what are you doing? I am.经过第一单元的学习,学生能用有关家务的词组进行描述。由于本单元的难点是现在进行时以及动第 2 页词 ing 的构成规则。这对于小学五年级的学生掌握起来有很大的难度。因此在本课教学中我采用以旧引新、由简到难的教学方法,从词到句,运

4、用听、说、看、自学、小组活动等方式让学生能够在听、说、读、写技能上有更进一步的发展。在新知的呈现方式上,我避免了单调枯燥的方式,这种方式使学生处于被动学习的地位,我采用的是简笔画引出本节课词组的原形,激发学生的学习兴趣。接着通过观看动画视频,由此引出动词 ing,由易到难、循序渐进的让学生接触本节课的重难点.3 重点难点重点难点 a. Be able to listen/speak/read and write the four skills words: reading a book, watching tv ,eating, cooking dinner.来源:b. Be able to

5、use the sentence structure “what are you doing?” “im.” freely.24 教学过程教学过程 活动 1【导入】一 warm up 1.Greeting: Warmly greeting with the Ss来源:ZXXK2.Do some actions :i can sing, i can dance, i can laugh.(课前热身,活跃课堂氛围)3.lets chant:what can you do 活动 2【讲授】二.presentation and practice 1. Task 1: Ask students to g

6、uess what can teacher do(让学生猜老师能做什么,为本节课的重点学习做铺垫 )第 3 页1. Draw the pictures of the new words(通过简笔画引出本节课要学习的动词短语,改变新知呈现方式,激发学生兴趣)2. Task 2: watch a video and remember what did they say(让学生带着问题观看动画视频,通过学生熟知的动画呈现出本节课句型 what are you doing? I am .此时有动词原形变成动词 ing 形式,由简到难,利于学生掌握理解)3. Task 3: lets play: tea

7、cher and students play the roles of preasent goat and big big wolf,act their conversation by using the sentences.(师生扮演喜洋洋与灰太狼,创设有趣的情景,给学生更多的机会来交流。接着通过小组竞赛的形式比赛对话,操练句型并激发学生的学习积极性)ww w-2-1-cnjy-com4. Task 4:Game: woodman :say the words and do the actions ,when teacher says woodman ,students must keep

8、still.(2-1-c-n-j-y(通过游戏的方式操练句型,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生动起来)6. Task 5: Lucky eggs: each group has three times to choose lucky eggs(通过信息差让学生运用所学知识进行交流,避免了机械操练的无聊乏味)来源:ZXXK活动 3【练习】三 consolidation 1.Taks 6: watch a qq chant of Stanley and Lucy, and fill in the blanks第 4 页(通过观看聊天视频,然后根据视频谈话的内容将作业补充完整,让学生对单词的掌握从听说过渡到书写)22. Task 7:find rules in groups.(在小组合作的活动中,训练孩子的听,说,读,写技能。)活动 4【作业】四.summary and homework 1Review What we have learnt in this lesson.2. make a assessment


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