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《机楼参观路线及中英文解说词(中英文).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《机楼参观路线及中英文解说词(中英文).doc(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。


2、境优美,设施完善,服务周到,安全快捷。机场跑道长3600米,宽 60米,共有1条跑道、1条滑行道、7条联络道、33个停机位,其中近机位17个,远机位16个。机场配有国际先进的通信导航与二次雷达空中交通指挥系统,可满足B747400机型全重起降。到2005年止,美兰国际机场共开通航线95条,其中国内航线84条、地区航线2条、国际航线9条,与56个城市通航。2005年旅客吞吐量达到702.74万人次,在中国民用机场中排名前十位。2、续建工程概况各位来宾,现在我们来到的是刚建成启用的候机楼续建部分。为改善硬件设施,满足航权开放后旅客吞吐量激增的需求,美兰国际机场本着“符合海南热带海洋气候、突出人文旅

3、游环境、经济可靠”的实施方案,于2003年年底开始兴建,建成后候机楼总面积已经达9.93万M2 , 站坪总面积达38.4万平方米,可以保障年旅客吞吐量930万人次的需要,使美兰国际机场的运营能力得到进一步提升。美兰国际机场航站楼及站坪续建工程建设坚持“以人为本”的规划理念,融现代建筑“时尚、美观、绿色、环保、节能、低成本”的特色于一体,充分利用海南日照时间长、四季恒温的气候特点,大量运用“错开、通透”的点式玻璃外墙、百叶窗和敞开式夹层通道等先进技术,在大大降低运营成本的同时,给旅客以舒适的视觉感受,为旅客营造了自然、清新的氛围,人、建筑与自然和谐共生的关系得到淋漓尽致的展现,在装饰风格上,突显



6、客提供了便利的就餐和购物环境。我们现在所处的位置,就是新开辟的候机大厅旅客商业购物区,这是一个较集中的商业网点,可为候机旅客提供从日用百货、服装、海南特产等国内外知名品牌到餐饮、食品等中外饮食服务,使国内旅客不出国门就可以享受到国际同类产品的优惠价格。其他购物点分布在一楼到达区内和二楼隔离区内,另在远机位还设有餐车,经营中式食品、西式套餐及各种小吃烘烤食品20个品种及咖啡、热饮、茶等各种饮料,能满足中外旅客候机和接客时的饮食需要。6、开敞式第六塔帽 各位来宾,我们现在来到的是候机楼的续建工程斜指廊交会处的开敞式第六塔帽,这里周边采用的是自然通风的建筑风格,两侧的百叶窗根据天气的变化可开可合,符


8、湛蓝天空下,与明快通畅的新航站楼交相辉映,显得亲切、和谐、自然。8、敞开式旅客到达夹层通道 各位来宾,我们现在通过的是旅客到达敞开式夹层通道,它设计简洁通透,极富海南热岛人文特色,使旅客一下飞机就能领略到海南清新的空气、明媚的阳光和美兰人热情的气息。这种设计可以让来琼的旅客充分融入自然,形成一种心灵的交流。同时,充分利用有利的海南气候和日照通风条件,无制冷和无长时间照明消耗,达到环保节能的目的。9、自动步道走廊各位来宾,我们现在来到的是旅客自动步道走廊,这里长200米,采用平行自动扶手步道,两个步道分别长50米,顶部采用贝壳灯饰,具有浓郁的海洋气息。10、国内到达厅出口各位来宾,国内到达厅位于


10、印象。谢谢,再见! 13、穿插解说部分机场整体绿化美化各位来宾,当您进入美兰国际机场,沿着进场路来到航站楼的时候,您会置身于优雅的环境中,这里会使你有一种赏心悦目,流连忘返之感,这些都得益于机场科学的设计、因地制宜的规划和机场园丁们的辛勤管理。海口美兰机场园林环境按航空港不同功能区进行设计划分,主次分明,协调统一。在环境绿化美化的植物配置上,充分利用海南气候温暖、四季如春的优势,选择海南乡土树种如大王棕、唐棕、椰子树、单干鱼尾葵等为基调,以常绿为主,结合少量落叶开花乔木,配置四季不同花期的花卉、灌木,利用大面积开阔草坪映衬,形成一个层次分明、四季有别的自然景观,力求创造一个简洁、明快的优美环境

11、。 目前,美兰机场的绿化覆盖率已达可绿化面积的99.6%以上。176万平方米的绿地内,选用了观赏植物近200种,其中乔木18种,花灌木119种,单是棕榈科植物就有26种之多。突出热带风情是机场绿化设计招标时的一个首要条件,这是机场管理者始终追求的一个目标。太阳能园林灯 美兰国际机场充分利用海南日照条件,在续建的园林工程设计中设置了太阳能园林灯。这种灯无电力消耗,采用太阳能环保能源,使它与周围环境溶为一体。每年可以节约电力开支近3万元!H股在香港联交所上市2002年11月18日,海南美兰机场股份有限公司2.017亿股H股在香港联交所挂牌上市,标志着美兰机场的现代企业制度改革试点任务圆满完成,美兰


13、航总局的全面审计,成为我国首批通过航空保安审计的试点单位;被中央文明委授予“全国文明单位”光荣称号;被中国质量协会评为“全国用户满意企业”等。三、英文解说词1. Prologue (general introduction of Meilan International Airport)Ladies and Gentlemen: Good morning (Good afternoon/ Good evening). Welcome to Meilan International Airport. It was officially opened on the 25th May 1999.Th

14、e airport is 25 kilometers from downtown Haikou, and covering an area of 583 hectares. It was constructed in accordance with ICAO category 4E standards, with the title of “Garden Airport”. Meilan International Airport has the perfect facilities to serve the passengers, including one runway, one taxi

15、way, 7 connecting taxiways and 33 gate positions on the apron. Among these gate positions, there are 17 contact gates and 16 remote stands. The airport is equipped with advanced communication and navigation facilities of ILS CAT II, and is capable of accommodating landing and takeoff of Boeing 747-4

16、00 aircraft.By 2005, Meilan International Airport has operated more than 95 routes, including 84 domestic routes, 2 regional routes and 9 international ones. Direct connections are available from Meilan Airport to 56 destinations. In 2004, it has served 7.5 million passengers and become the 8th larg

17、est airport in China.2. About the expansion of terminal buildingLadies and Gentlemen, now we come to the newly built terminal, which just has been completed and used. Meilan International Airport improves the hardware facilities to meet the requirements of an increasing number of passengers and carg

18、o, since received 3rd; 4th and 5th traffic rights. Corresponding to the tropic marine climate, the outstanding humanity tourism environment, and reliable economic in Hainan, Meilan International Airport started to build by the end of 2003, and its operational capabilities have got great improvement

19、after completed. Today, the total area of the terminal and apron already reaches to 99,2 000 sq m 3 and 8,4000 sq m 3 respectively, and which can entirely ensure the demand of yearly 9.3 million passengers .The construction of expansion adopts the programming ideal of “human-centered”, and here all

20、kinds of features, such as fashion, greenness, environment-protect, are melt into a new architectural style. It makes full use of the condition of sunshine and the superiority of the warm climate in Hainan, and mostly adopts the new technology, such as glass outside-wall, opening outer windows and o

21、pen arrival mezzanine level. It fully reduces the operational cost of unit area, meanwhile it also creates harmonious surroundings between human and nature. Especially the components of decoration are full of Hainan local characteristic, displaying the tourist culture of Hainan. The new terminal sho

22、ws the development ideal of harmoniousness and simpleness, which advocated by the leaders of HNA Group. Therefore, it can be looked as the apotheosis of modern airport.3. The domestic departure hallHere we come to the domestic departure hall built at the first phase. It is in the frame of modules. T

23、he design of the pagoda-like roof has its origin in the bamboo hats of the Li Nationality, which riches in national and local features. The decoration of the whole terminal building highlights the tropic amorous feelings with simple and bright color. There are courtyard, stream and landscape outside

24、 the terminal, which highlights the district characteristics that flowers blossom and trees are in full leaf all the year round in Hainan. It also creates harmonious surroundings between human and nature. There are 23 check-in counters in the domestic departure hall for passengers check in.4. The se

25、curity check pointThis is the domestic security check point. Because the tourist group occupies a large proportion in the passenger structure, the passengers are too many in the peak hours. So we increase 12 security check counters, 36 check-in counters, and the total number of each is 19 and 68, hi

26、ghly increase the speed of passengers go through the security check passage.5. The domestic waiting hall and commercial centerIn order to improve the management of restaurants and shops, Meilan International Airport has cooperated with SSP (Select Service Partner), the famous global tourism catering

27、 supplier, and DFS(Duty Free Shop), the largest airport duty free company and famous global retail organization. The total area for commerce rental is around 3500 square meters. Many restaurants and shops were opened successively, such as “Spices”, “Hainan Welcome Caf”, “Ajisen Ramen”, “Coconut Caf”

28、 and “Hainan Market”, etc. All of them provide high quality and quantity service for international and domestic passengers. It also advances the image of Meilan Iinternational Airport globally. At the same time, it provides convenience restaurants and shopping environment to the passengers. Now, we

29、are in the new shopping center of the new terminal. This is concentrative shopping area, which provides general merchandise, clothing, special local product of Hainan and also famous and popular international products. It could satisfy domestic passengers consume international products at the same l

30、ow price aboard.Other shops distribute in the arrival hall on the first floor and sterile area on the second floor. Even more, the trolleys are set on the remote stand, providing Chinese or western style foods, 20 species of snack and drinks, such as coffee, hot drinks, tea, etc. It could satisfy th

31、e needs of all passengers.6. The sixth open tower of the terminal Now we are in the sixth open tower of the terminal, where the oblique pier meets. It adopts the naturally ventilative building style. The shutters on each side can be open or closed according to the changes of weather, which accords w

32、ith the theory of international popular environment protection, saving energy, and humanity, has the strong regional features. According to surveying and accounting, this kind of design can make fully use of the tropic monsoon climate of Hainan more than half year. It not only makes for ventilation,

33、 but also saves energy, which can save nearly 3.5 million expenses every year.7. The new fixed boarding bridgeThis is the new fixed boarding bridge. It adopts domestic advanced transparent boarding bridge with the type of shears, which was designed and produced by Shenzhen Zhong Ji Tian Da Air harbo

34、r limited company. It was made according to our demands, so its model and function are unique. This fixed boarding bridge change the way that adopts the domestically common seal with air conditional. Further more; it fits the upper shutter, part of movable window, and the stagger glass outside-wall

35、together. These measures take great advantage of Hainan climate, and create the natural and fresh atmosphere for passengers. This design not only saves the energy of air conditional in the corridor bridge, but also reduces the operated cost. With the keynote of white, the boarding bridge looks harmo

36、nious with the terminal. 8. The open arrival mezzanine levelLadies and Gentlemen, now we are going through the open arrival mezzanine level. It is designed simply and airily, and filled with Hainan feature. Passenger will be appreciated by flesh air, the beautiful sunshine in Hainan and the hospital

37、ity of Meilan. This kind of design would lead the passenger fully join into the natural, and promote the soul communication. At the same time, it reaches the goal of the environment protection and energy saving by fully takes advantage of Hainan favorable climate, sunlight and ventilation.9. The aut

38、omatic escalade corridorWe are now coming to the passenger corridor, which is 200 meters long. There are two parallel automatic escalades with the handrails. Both of them are 50 meters long. With the shell lights on the top, the corridor is full of strong sea atmosphere.10. The baggage claim area an

39、d exit of domestic arrival hallThe domestic arrival hall is on the first floor of the terminal building. It is divided into two parts, baggage claim area and area for greeters. There are two famous travel agencies in the arrival hall, which can supply high quality service to our passengers. There is

40、 a bus station shuttling from Meilan International Airport to urban district for the passenger at the gate of the arrival hall. Outside the arrival hall is the large ecological parking lot, which has 614 parking area.11. The newly built VIP loungeThis is the newly built VIP lounge. There are 13 busi

41、ness VIP rooms available, and one of them could be used for News Presentation Room. The total area of New VIP lounge is 2700 square meters. The aboriginal culture of Hainan Island is introduced into the decoration of VIP lounge. Especially the components of decoration are full of Hainan local charac

42、teristic, such as silver, carving, baldachin tattoo, etc. All of them display the tourist culture of Hainan, and the passengers will be impressed deeply by the passion and pureness of Hainan.12. The endLadies and Gentlemen, thats the end of our visit. We hope the visit can impress you deeply. Thank

43、you, and goodbye.13. Miscellaneous The whole greening of Meilan International Airport When you come to Meilan International Airport and place yourself in such graceful surroundings, you are sure to find the scenery pleasing to both your eye and mind. You may get carried away and forget to leave. Its

44、 due to the scientific design and suitable planning of the airport in accordance with local conditions. Whats more, our gardeners put in a lot of hard work in management. The garden environment of Haikou Meilan International Airport is designed and divided on the basis of different functioning areas

45、 of the airport, which distributes primary and secondary ones both correctly and harmoniously. As for the choice of plants, we take full advantage of the superiority of the warm climate, selecting hainans native species such as King palm, Coconut palm and so on, for the main stream which is evergree

46、n, coupled with a few fallen leaves and blossom trees. Moreover, corresponding flowers and bushes are put in light of seasons. As you can see, large area of lawn sets off a natural view of clear layers and distinctive seasons. Thats what we want to create for you - a simple but beautiful environment

47、. Now, the plant cover rate of the airport has attained 99.6 percent of the possible place. Plants which can be viewed nearly reached 200 types in our green land with the total area of 1,760,000 square meter, including 18 kinds of trees, 119 kinds of bushes and flowers, among which palm plants are 2

48、6 kinds. One of the first considerations of inviting public bidding in garden design is to protrude the features of the tropics. This is also a constant goal pursued by the administrators of the airport. The solar garden light Meilan International Airport makes full use of the condition of sunshine

49、in Hainan and adopts the solar garden lights in the construction design of the extensional garden project. Such lights consume no electricity but use the clean solar energy and act as an indispensable part of the surroundings. In addition, almost 30,000 of electricity expenses are saved each year. Being a public company on the Stock Exchan


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