Instructional Design 教学设计.ppt

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1、Instructional Design 教学设计,首都师范大学诸凌虹,The teaching and learning process,Willingness UnderstandingApplication,Tell me, I just forget.Show me, I only remember.Involve me, I will learn.,Objectives,DefinitionStagesPractice,What is Instructional Design?,Instructional Design is the systematic process of tra

2、nslating general principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials and learning activities.,教学设计,教学设计是教师依据教育教学理论,为了达到某阶段教学目标,根据受教育者认知结构,对教学课程、教学内容、教学组织形式、教学方法和需要使用的教学手段进行的策划。,教学设计与传统教案,传统教学中的备课,教师更关注的是如何将教材规定的知识“教”给学生,因此教案中所谓的教学方法更多的是教师单方面构思出的“教”的方法,而忽略学生“学”的方法,它体现了以教师为中心

3、的教学理念。,教学设计与传统教案,教学设计旨在为学生创设丰富的教学情境,以培养学生的学习兴趣,激发学生的学习动机,同时要设计出学生易于理解并能调动学生积极主动参与的教学方式,将学生的被动学习方式转变为主动学习方式。,教学设计与传统教案,教学理念:教师中心-学生中心课堂焦点:教师教学-学生学习教学成果:被动学习者-主动学习者,Stages of instructional design,Analyzing course content (教学内容分析)Analyzing learner factors (学生情况分析)Setting the objectives (设定目标)Designing

4、activities(设计教学活动)Using teaching aids (运用教学资源)Assessment (评价),Analyzing course content,What is it that students should know by the end of the course? What exams are students required to take after completing the course? What professional requirements does this course satisfy?,Analyzing course conten

5、t,Task 1: Study Unit 6 and think about the content of the unit.(5mins)Task 2: Work in group and try to answer the following questions:What content is covered here?Do you think our students can use this to do things in English now? How well can they do?Do you think our students can learn to do these

6、things in English?How is the material presented?,Example from the coursebook,Tick () the restaurant lexis to see what you know about restaurants. ( ) food ( ) ball ( ) chicken ( ) waiter ( ) waitress ( ) menu ( ) teacher ( ) sunny ( ) delicious ( ) cloudy ( ) juice ( ) book ( ) tomato ( ) manager (

7、) meat,Example from the coursebook,14. Look at the prices of the items and guess the meaning of the underlined words. Coca-cola is cheap.Orange juice is cheaper than Coca-cola.Sprite is the cheapest among the drinks.Tomato & Onion Salad is expensive.Mixed Leaf Salad is more expensive than Tomato & o

8、nion salad.Fruit Salad is the most expensive among the salads.,Example from the course book,Unit task:Make a survey to compare three restaurants near your school.Unit task: Make a name card for yourself in 2030.Unit task: Work out an application form for yourself in 2015.,Stages of instructional des

9、ign,Analyzing course content Analyzing learner factorsSetting the objectivesDesigning activitiesUsing teaching aidsAssessment,Analyzing learner factors,While learning is the goal of teaching, it is not necessarily the mirror image of teaching. Learners bring to learning their beliefs and their learn

10、ing styles, which influence how they approach their learning.,Task:,Think about your students and write your analysis of learner factors. Share your analysis with your group members and see how informative and instructive is your analysis?,Example,学生构成为小学英语基础几乎为零的百分之百借读生,学习习惯和学习能力很差。学生学习上最大的特点是“学一个忘

11、一个”。但有没有积极的一面?学生对动词be的is, am, are的三种形式及其相应的主语形式有较好的掌握。但在何种情况下去使用动词be,学生对此体会和理解的不好,做句子时经常丢掉动词be。什么句子容易丢?有原因吗?,Learning Interests&Learning Motivation,Learning for fun: 10%Learning for work: 90%,being relevant to the Ss major,Analysis on Learners,Levels of the Students,Analysis on Learners,sitting in g

12、roups of mixed levels,Three levels of learning objectives:,For Ss A,For Ss B,For Ss C,Fill in an application form with basic information,Design and fill in an application form,Design and fill in an application form Interview,Analysis on Learners,Questions to consider,Q1: What do they already know?Q2

13、: How do they know?,What do they already know?,They already know what you want them to know. -or- They have the background knowledge or experiences you can bring into your course to make it easier for them to learn the content of your course.,Example from the course book,Tick () the restaurant lexis

14、 to see what you know about restaurants. ( ) food ( ) ball ( ) chicken ( ) waiter ( ) waitress ( ) menu ( ) teacher ( ) sunny ( ) delicious ( ) cloudy ( ) juice ( ) book ( ) tomato ( ) manager ( ) meat ( )beef,How do they know? (Learning strategies),Learning strategies are the specific actions taken

15、 by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, and more transferable to new situations.,Learning strategies,Memory strategies -creating mental linkage (e.g. placing new words into a context) (Act.2,19)Cognitive strategies- Practicing (e.g. using formulas and pat

16、terns) (Act. 17)Compensation strategies-Guessing intelligently (e.g. using contextual clues to guess meaning) (Act.14),Stages of instructional design,Analyzing course content Analyzing learner factorsSetting the objectivesDesigning activitiesUsing teaching aidsAssessment,Setting the objectives,教学目标是

17、通过某一具体的教学活动所要达到的某一具体的、可见的行为结果。,Different types of the objectives,The students will be able to carry on short conversational exchanges involving greeting and leave taking.To teach the language of greeting and leave taking.To cover the first section of Unit 6.To develop students confidence in speaking

18、 English.,课程目标,帮助学生进一步学习英语基础知识,培养听、说、读、写等语言技能,使学生初步形成职场英语的应用能力;激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生学习的自信心,帮助学生掌握学习策略,养成良好的学习习惯,提高自主学习能力;引导学生了解、认识中西方文化差异,培养正确的情感、态度和价值观 。,语言能力学习策略情感态度文化意识,课程目标小结,Aspects of the objectives,Language abilitiesStrategiesAffect factorsCultural awareness,Writing instructional objectives,Spe

19、cificOperableObservable,Describing the objectives,The students as the subjectAn action verb to define behavior or performance to be learned,Example,Students will be able to write a short paragraph about themselves using verbs in the present tense, including the verbs live, go, study, like, be, and h

20、ave.,Blooms Cognitive Taxonomy,evaluation - judge value of ideas, appraise, predict, assess, select, rate, choose synthesis - put together parts, compose, construct, formulate, manage, prepare, design, plan analysis - dissect parts, detect relationships, diagram, compare, differentiate, criticize, d

21、ebate application - use methods, concepts, principles, apply, practice, demonstrate, illustrate, operate comprehension - understand information, discuss, explain, restate, report, tell, locate, express, recognize knowledge - recall information, define, repeat, list, name, label, memorize,Task,Study

22、Unit 6 and set the objectives of this unit.,A possible version,语言知识目标:学生能够理解并运用与饭店相关的词汇及形容词的比较级和最高级从不同方面谈论并比较餐厅。 语言能力目标:听 能够听懂有关饭店及外出就餐的谈话。 说 能够用用简单的句式询问并提出建议。 读 能够读懂菜单。 写 能够简单介绍饭店的基本情况,如路程 远近、 饭菜价格及质量等。学习策略:学生能够运用阅读表格的策略对餐厅进行比较。文化意识:学生能够了解西方国家的就餐习惯以及中西餐饮文化的不同。情感态度:学生能够体验餐厅服务及就餐的基本礼仪。,Teaching objec

23、tives,After listening to the conversations several times, the students will be able to make a list of the useful expressions on offering food and drinks as well as the responses;,After the speaking practice, the students will be able to offer food and drinks and give responses in the given situation

24、;,During the course of the speaking practice, the students will realize the importance of good manners.,Stages of instructional design,Analyzing course content Analyzing learner factorsSetting the objectivesDesigning activitiesUsing teaching aidsAssessment,Language learning activities,An activity is

25、 described as a task that has been selected to achieve a particular teaching/learning goal.,Types of language learning activities,Presentation activitiesPractice activitiesMemorization activitiesComprehension activities Application activitiesStrategy activitiesAffective activitiesFeedback activities

26、Assessment activities,V. Teaching procedure教学步骤,Lead-in战前热身,I. Look and match,Look and match (warm-up 个人抢答).,Bus stophospitalPost officeTrain stationPolice stationsupermarket,I. Look and match,Go cross the roadTurn rightTurn left at the crossroads.Go along the roadTake the second turn on the rightF.

27、 Turn left at the traffic light,全班分四组, 现场抢答,最终获胜组每人得2分,第二名每人得1分,后两名不得分。(Brain Storm),II. Group PK 两军对垒,每两组进行PK,每组派出两名同学进行游戏,先得三分者将对方选手淘汰,换另一选手上台,直至决出胜方。 游戏规则如下: 两名选手面朝对方,分列讲台两侧,老师念出单词,如 hospital,选手最快速度在黑板上写出该单词,正确并快速者得分。选手并排站立于讲台前方,听老师指令,如老师念出“turn left or go to the door”,最快做出正确动作者得分。,In-class pictu

28、res,2. Listen and speak 实战演习,A. Listen and Tick 现场抢答,( ),Listen and tick. 听第一遍录音选出提到的地点。,( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),返回,Click,B. Listen and complete练听力,学句型,A: Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest ?B: go along the road and turn at the first traffic lights. Then take the turn on the right.A: is it by the r

29、oadside?B: yes, its just beside a .A: how will it take me to get there?B: about minutes. You cant miss it.A:I see, thank you!,bank,left,second,post office,long,15,Click,听第二遍录音填空。,Excuse me, where is the nearest bank?Go straight on, and turn left at the traffic light.Pardon me, can you please tell me

30、 how to get to the Zhongshan Hospital?It is just beside the post office.,趁热打铁:Sentence Patterns,听录音,学句型,夯实语法基础。,返回,C. Act and practice 活学活用,老师先示范,同学再上台表演,可看提示对话,也可自编对白,原创者额外加分(Bonus Points)。,Question:The hospitalAnswer: turn left at the first traffic lights,Question:Dr. Li, Room 304Answer: go upstai

31、rs to the third floor,C. Act and practice 仿真模拟,模拟医院内导诊台,根据提示演示,同学自愿组合,依据评价体系-10分制打分,原创者额外加分。,Information childrens blood x-rayDesk doctor test roomscene:根据提示词,两人一组,一人导诊,指示另一人去以上三个地点:儿科,验血,X光室。,C. Act and practice 角色扮演,大厅导诊台 儿科诊室 208,Information x-ray desk roomHints:go upstairs, to the second floor,

32、turn left,Role play video,Role Play 1,On stage 上台表演,返回,Role Play 2,紧急任务:目前甲流形式严峻,为防疫情蔓延,须给以下几个单位人员注射甲流疫苗,任选一个地点,写出行走路线,越多越好(分组讨论,代表发言,团队合作)。,C. Emergent tasks,Nurse,school,Post office,Police station,抗击甲流:至少选择一处 ,写出路线,越多越好,同一地点可有不同路线,最后评选最佳路线。,Phone box,Types of language learning activities,Presentat

33、ion activitiesPractice activitiesMemorization activitiesComprehension activities Application activitiesStrategy activitiesAffective activitiesFeedback activitiesAssessment activities,Stages of instructional design,Analyzing course content (教学内容分析)Analyzing learner factors (学生情况分析)Setting the objecti

34、ves (设定目标)Designing activities(设计教学活动)Using teaching aids (运用教学资源)Assessment (评价),Thank you!,Objectives of the lesson,ActivitiesTime Purpose Comments,Which part of the lesson impresses you most? Why?What technique is used in this part? How can you apply it in your teaching? ( Copy it? Adapt it? Or apply it in other situation?),Using the coursebook,S:A:R:S:,Select ( keep, omit)AdaptRe-ordersupplement,Format of Instruction Design,Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3,Samples of Instructional Design,Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3,


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