安徽省2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期中试题答案(pdf) 人教新目标版.pdf

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《安徽省2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期中试题答案(pdf) 人教新目标版.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《安徽省2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期中试题答案(pdf) 人教新目标版.pdf(3页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 安徽省 2017-2018 学年度第二学期期中教学质量检测八年级英语参考答案及评分标准第 1 页(共 3 页) 安徽省 2017-2018 学年度第二学期期中教学质量检测 八年级英语参考答案及评分标准 第第一一部部分分 听听力力理理解解(共共五五大大题题,满满分分 30 分分) - 1-5. BABCB 6-10. ABCAC 11-15. ABCBC 16-20. BCAAC 21-25. CBACA 26. chores 27. first 28. agree 29. money 30. school 第第二二部部分分 英英语语知知识识运运用用(共共两两大大题题,满满分分 45 分分)

2、.单单项项填填空空(共共 15 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 15 分分) 31-35 BCADB 36-40 BAADC 41-45 BACDB .完完形形填填空空(共共 20 小小题题;每每小小题题 1.5 分分,满满分分 30 分分) 46-50 CACBA 51-55 DABDC 56-60 BDBAA 61-65 ABDDC 第第三三部部分分 阅阅读读理理解解(共共两两大大题题,满满分分 45 分分) .补补全全对对话话(共共 5 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 5 分分) 66-70 BDFGE .阅阅读读理理解解(共共 20 小小题题;每每小小题题 2

3、分分,满满分分 40 分分) 71-74 DDBA 75-78 BBDC 79-82 ADDC 83-87 BDABA 88. Yellow/They are yellow. 89. They usually listen to music, talk on their phones or just sleep. 90. Because it can keep children safe. 第第四四部部分分 写写(共共两两大大题题,满满分分 30 分分) .单单词词拼拼写写(共共 5 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 5 分分) 91. accident 92. several 93

4、. dropped 94. completely 95. realized .书书面面表表达达(共共 1 小小题题;满满分分 25 分分) One possible version: Dear Kate, Glad to hear from you, and I know that youre worried about giving your friend a gift. In my opinion, gifts are just something to show our love. It is not necessary to buy expensive gifts. I think t

5、here is no need for you to be sad when you buy cheap gifts, although your classmates will buy expensive gifts for him. If you buy one expensive gift, you will need too much money. And if you dont have enough money, you have to ask your parents for money. And I dont think it is a good idea. Why dont

6、you buy some flowers and make a beautiful birthday card for your best friend? Thatll be enough to make him happy. Yours, Jack 附附:听听力力材材料料 安徽省 2017-2018 学年度第二学期期中教学质量检测八年级英语参考答案及评分标准第 2 页(共 3 页) 听听力力材材料料 . 关关键键词词语语选选择择(共共 5 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 5 分分) 你你将将听听到到五五个个句句子子。请请在在每每小小题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中

7、中选选出出一一个个你你所所听听到到的的单单词词或或短短语语。每每个个句句子子读读两两遍遍。 1. You need to sweep the floor of the classroom. 2. The owner of the dog was very pleased. 3. I dont feel lonely as Ive made new friends here. 4. She became a member of the volunteer group. 5. Jack is trying to give up smoking. . 短短对对话话理理解解(共共 10 小小题题;每每

8、小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 10 分分) 你你将将听听到到十十段段对对话话,每每段段对对话话后后有有一一个个小小题题。请请在在每每个个小小题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出出一一个个最最佳佳选选项项。每每段段对对话话读读两两遍遍。 6. M: Mom, I have a headache. W: Maybe you are ill. Ill take you to the doctor. 7. M: Could you please take out the rubbish? W: Sure, I can. 8. W: I have a sore throat. M:

9、You should drink some hot water with honey. 9. W: Where do you do your volunteer work every Saturday morning? M: I work at a childrens hospital every Saturday. 10. M: Could you help me with the cleaning, Mom? W: Sorry, Bob. Im cooking dinner. 11.W: Alan, you look so tired. Why? M: I feel sick. 12. W

10、: Hello, Tom! Now we need to come up with a plan for the city park clean-up day. M: There are still two weeks left. 13. M: I hate to do chores. What about you, Helen? W: Well, I hate some chores too, but I like doing the dishes. 14. M: My parents want me to study all day. W: Too bad,Dave, You could

11、tell your parents about your feelings. 15. M: Why were you late this morning? Helen? W: My alarm clock didnt go off,so I got up late. . 长长对对话话理理解解(共共 5 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 5 分分) 你你将将听听到到两两段段对对话话,每每段段对对话话后后有有几几个个小小题题。请请在在每每小小题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出出一一个个最最佳佳选选项项。每每段段对对话话读读两两遍遍。 听听下下面面一一段段对对话话,回

12、回答答第第 16 和和第第 17 两两小小题题。 M: Hi, Lucy! W: Hi, Tom! M: Are you free next Sunday? W: Yes, I am. M: Im going to the animal hospital. Can you go with me? W: OK, I like animals very much. M: Me,too. I want to be an animal doctor when I grow up. W: That sounds nice. 安徽省 2017-2018 学年度第二学期期中教学质量检测八年级英语参考答案及评

13、分标准第 3 页(共 3 页) 听听下下面面一一段段对对话话,回回答答第第 18 至至 20 三三个个小小题题。 M: Sue,its Saturday today. You should feel happy,but W: But, Tony, Im really tired. M: Whats the matter? W: I did too much homework till 11: 00. M: When did you start to do it? W: At 8:00. M: Oh, it is long enough. Maybe you should have a rela

14、x. W: But my parents want me to study all day. M: You could tell your parents about your feelings. W: But they hope I can have good grades. M: You should tell them that studying for a long time has nothing to do with studying well. W: I will have a talk with them. . 短短文文理理解解(共共 5 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满

15、分分 5 分分) 你你将将听听到到一一篇篇短短文文,短短文文后后有有五五个个问问题题。请请根根据据短短文文内内容容,在在每每小小题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳选选项项。短短文文读读两两遍遍。 Dear Mom and Dad, Please dont feel surprised that I am writing to you. Last week, you argued with each other about my English test. I failed again. You two didnt talk to each other. I kn

16、ow you are worried about my studies. But dont you know I want a warm family and I want both of you. So please get on well with each other, OK? Dad, Mom works in an office. She has a lot to do in the office. After work, she has to do the housework. I think you shouldnt be angry with her. Mom, you sho

17、uld understand Dad. He is a reporter. He has to talk with lots of people. Sometimes, he has to work late into the night. He works very hard for our family. He is too tired. As for my studies, please do not worry. I will work harder. Im sure Ill pass the next English test! Yours, Jenny . 信信息息转转换换(共共

18、5 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 5 分分) 你你将将听听到到一一篇篇短短文文。请请根根据据短短文文内内容容,写写出出下下面面表表格格中中所所缺缺的的单单词词,每每空空仅仅填填一一词词。短短文文读读两两遍遍。 Mr. Green is asking his students how they should spend their weekends. Some students are giving their answers. Gina says students should help parents do some chores at home. Alice tells he

19、r class that as students, study is first, so they should do their homework and learn something on weekends. But Bill doesnt agree. He says students should relax on weekends. They should go out to play games with their friends. However, Mike says that students should find part-time jobs to make some money. Finally, Nicole says students should take part in some school activities.


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