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《文化价值观视角下中美家庭教育差异_省略__家有儿女_和_成长的烦恼_为例_许婷.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《文化价值观视角下中美家庭教育差异_省略__家有儿女_和_成长的烦恼_为例_许婷.docx(91页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、硕士学位论文 文化价值观视角下中美家庭教育差异探析 -以家有儿女 和成长的烦恼为例 专业名称: 英语语言文学 作者姓名: _ 指导老师: 刘德君 A STUDY ON THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN AMERICAN AND CHINESE PARENTING FROM GROWING PAINS AND JIA YOU ER NV By XU TING A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Xian International Studies University in partial fulfillment of the

2、requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS in INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION Xian, China 2013 本论文由许婷在其导师刘德君的指导下撰写而成,经论文答辩委员会评审、 答辩,该论文达到英语语言文学专业硕士学位论文水平。 导师 : 答辩主席 : 曰期 研究生部主任 : ORIGINALITY RESEARCH STATEMENT In light of the universitys academic morals and ethics, I hereby declare that this thesis r

3、epresents the original research effort that I have made on the advice of my academic supervisor. To the best of my knowledge, no portion of this thesis has been copyrighted previously unless properly referenced, and whoever has contributed to this study is explicitly identified and appreciated in th

4、e Acknowledgements section of this thesis. If there is a breach of the copyright law, I indemnify Xian International Studies University and hold it harmless for any legal actions that might arise. Signature Date 独创性声明 秉承学校严谨的学风与优良的科学道德,我声明所呈交的论文是我本人在导 师指导下进行的研究工作所取得的成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致 谢的地方外,论文中不包含

5、其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,不包含本人或他 人已申请学位或其他用途使用过的成果。他人对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论 文中作了明确的说明并表示了致谢。 申请学位论 文与资料若有不实之处,本人承担一切相关责任。 作者签名 : INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY STATEMENT I hereby declare that I fully understand the rules and regulations of Xian International Studies University on intellectual property rights, stipulating th

6、at the intellectual property of the graduate students MA degree thesis shall reside exclusively with the university. I pledge that Xin International Studies University will be represented as ever if this thesis is entirely or partially published in the forthcoming five years as of the date of my gra

7、duation. The university is granted the right to keep the photocopy and disk file of this thesis for reference and borrowing, publish the thesis wholly or partially and store it in any form by any means, including photocopying or photomechanical printing in original or reduced format. Signature Date

8、V 知识产权声明 本人完全了解西安外国语大学有关知识产权的规定,即:研究生在校攻读硕 士学位期间论文工作的知识产权单位属西安外国语大学。本人保证毕业离校后 5 年以内(自办理离校手续之日起),发表论文或使用论文工作成果时署名单位 仍然为西安外国语大学。学校有权保留送交论文的复印件和磁盘文件,允许论 文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印 或其他复制手段保存论文。 作者签名 : ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor, Dr.

9、 Liu Dejun, for his patient guidance, never-ending encouragement, and support for this study. Secondly, I would like to thank my professors in the School of English Language and Literature at Xian International Studies University. With their inspiring and thought-provoking teaching on intercultural

10、communication, I have built up the knowledge and competence for conducting this research. Thirdly, I want to acknowledge the support and encouragement from my parents and my friends throughout this project. ABSTRACT This is a study on some differences between American and Chinese parenting from two

11、sitcoms, Growing Pains from America and Jia You Er Nv from China. In order to achieve this objective, the author adopts the methods of content analysis and comparative analysis to make a comparative study of the differences between American and Chinese parenting on parenting goals and expectations,

12、parent-child relationships as well as parenting strategies embodied in the events collected from Growing Pains and Jia You Er Nv. While comparing the differences between American and Chinese parenting, the author employs the individualism-collectivism dichotomy and Confucianism as the theoretical fr

13、ameworks for this analysis. The results show that: Chinese parents have higher expectations and goals both on academic performance and social achievement of their children than their American counterpart do. Apart from honesty and politeness, American parents tend to cultivate virtues like independe

14、nce and respect for others for their children, while Chinese parents are more likely to foster their children the virtues of harmony and obedience. Chinese parents and their children are in a hierarchical relationship whereas American children are in an equal one. Chinese parents give praise and rew

15、ards to their children when they perform well both in and out of school, while American parents give compliment to the good things their children achieve and hardly offer them material reward. Chinese parents criticize and reprimand their children more than American parents do when their children ma

16、ke mistakes, and they even give them physical punishment. Sometimes they take responsibility for their children. However, American parents mostly ask their children to take their own responsibility and rarely give them physical punishment; American parents interfere with their childrens conflicts mo

17、derately and handle them fairly, but Chinese parents interfere with their children conflicts unduly sometimes for achieving harmonious relationships in their families. All these differences are mainly related to American value of individualism and Chinese values of collectivism and Confucianism. Key

18、 Words: American and Chinese parenting; differences; individualism and collectivism; Confucianism 本文旨在以美国情景剧成长的烦恼和中国情景剧家有儿女作为研 究对象来探析这两部情景剧中存在的中美家庭教育的差异。为了实现这一研究 目标,作者采用了内容分析法和比较分析法。从教养目标与期待,亲子关系以 及教养策略对家有儿女和成长的烦恼中所表现出来的中美家庭教育差 异进行了比较研究。本文也运用了个人主义 -集体主义理论范式和儒家关于家庭 教育的学说作为分析中美家庭教育差异的理论框架并探讨了形成这些差异的主

19、要原因。 研究结果发现:在对子女的教养目标和教养期待方面,中国父母比美国父 母设有更高的目 标和期待。两国父母都注重培养孩子诚实礼貌的品德,但中国 父母更注重培养孩子谦让和睦,而美国父母却更注重教养孩子独立自主和尊重 别人;在亲子关系方面,中国孩子和父母关系不平等,而美国孩子和父母的关 系较平等;在教养策略方面,当孩子学习成绩优异或表现好的时候,中国父母 习惯对他们赞扬并给予奖励,而美国父母则倾向于对该事的口头赞扬却并不给 予物质奖励。当孩子学习成绩差或者表现不好的时候,中国父母经常批评训斥 孩子,而美国父母习惯于将孩子的不妥之处平和地陈述出来并提出自己的看法 和意见。中国父母常常会替孩子承担

20、责任 ,有时会体罚孩子,美国父母大多时 候让孩子自己承担责任,没有体罚现象。当孩子之间发生冲突时,美国父母会 适当干涉并公平解决冲突,而中国父母经常会过度干涉并为了求和而不公平地 解决冲突。这些差异与美国崇尚个人主义价值观而中国崇尚集体主义价值观以 及儒家学说有很密切的关系。 关键词:中美家庭教育;差异;个人主义;集体主义;儒家学说 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION . 1 1.1 Background of the Study . 1 1.2 Objectives of the Study . 2 1.3 Structure of the St

21、udy . 2 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW . 4 2.1 Previous Studies on the Differences between American and Chinese Parenting Abroad . 4 2.2 Previous Studies on the Differences between American and Chinese Parenting in China . 6 2.3 Previous Studies on Growing Pains and Jia You Er Nv . 8 CHAPTER III METHO

22、DOLOGY AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKS. 10 3.1 Research Methods . 10 3.1.1 Content Analysis . 10 3.1.2 Comparative Analysis . 11 3. 2 Research Materials . 11 3.2.1 Growing Pains. 11 3.2.2 Jia You Er Nv . 12 3.3 Reasons for Choosing the Two Sitcoms . 13 3.4 Event Selecting . 13 3.5 Research Questions . 14

23、 3.6 Theoretical Frameworks of the Study . 14 3.6.1 The Individualism-Collectivism Dichotomy . 15 3.6.2 Confucianism . 18 CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION . 19 4.1 Differences between American andChineseParenting Goals and Expectations . 19 4.1.1 Academic and Social Achievement Expectations . 20 4.

24、1.1.1 Academic Expectation Striving for Excellence vs. Try Your Best20 X Social Achievement Expectation Social Elites vs. Ordinary People . 28 4.1.2 Moral and Virtue Expectations . 30 4.2 Differences between American and Chinese Child-Parent Relationship . 34 4.2.1 Trust and Respect . 35 4.2

25、.2 Over-protection . 39 4.3 Differences between American and Chinese Parenting Strategies . 42 4.3.1 Differences Related to Childrens Academic Performance . 45 4.3.2 Differences Related to Childrens Interest and Wish . 46 4.3.3 Differences Related to Childrens Frustration . 50 4.3.4 Differences Rela

26、ted to Childrens Improper Behaviors . 51 4.3.5 Differences Related to Children Good Deeds and Extracurricular Accomplishments . 57 4.3.6 Differences Related to Conflicts between the Children . 60 CHAPTER V . 64 CONCLUSION . 64 5.1 Major Results of This Study . 64 5.2 Limitations of This Study . 66 5

27、.3 Suggestions for Future Study . 67 WORKS CITED . 68 APPENDIX . 72 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study The accelerated globalization has been making the exchange of different cultures increasingly frequent and significant. Cultural study has become an important research area in moder

28、n society. Family education has always been a major concern for people from all over the world with all kinds of cultural backgrounds. Therefore, studying family education of diverse cultural backgrounds meets the needs of the time and has both academic and practical significance. The publication of

29、 The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom by Chinese American Amy Chua, a law professor at Yale University, on January 8, 2011, has caused a sensation in America. In this book, Amy Chua tells her stories about how she raises her two daughters by using traditional Chinese parenting strategies: She calls her

30、daughters “garbage” ; she demands her daughters to get As for almost all their classes; her daughters are never allowed to watch TV or play computer games; no dinner if they do not have a good practice of their music. The child-rearing practices of Amy Chua have astonished the American educational f

31、ields and brought up a heated discussion about Chinese and American child-rearing. In America, some people think that Chinese people emphasize education and attach great importance to the development of intelligence and skills of their children, which is a remarkable advantage of Chinese child-reari

32、ng. However, the majority of Americans hold negative opinions. They believe Chua9s parenting approach is too strict and demanding, which will hinder the childrens natural talents from fully developing and is harmful to childrens self-esteem. What9s worse, some even accuse Chua of child abusing and c

33、all her a fascist. The autocratic and authoritarian style of parenting of “tiger mom” makes a sharp clash with the democratic and free American educational idea. With the nurture l of progressive educational thoughts for as long as half a century, the democratic and free educational ideas have ingra

34、ined into American peopled inner heart. Within this context, the uten prohibitions99 Chua makes for her daughters as well as her calling her daughters garbage99 go against the grain of their American counterpart. Nevertheless, the clash of Chinese and American child-rearing practices and ideas arous

35、ed by uThe Battle Hymn of Tiger Mom is only superficial, and the real reason lies in that China and America are two different societies with different cultures. We cannot simply judge which one is better because childrens education is just a kind of superficial phenomenon, but rather it is influence

36、d profoundly by a countrys historical background, religion, social economic realities as well as cultural values. Then what kind of differences are there between Chinese and American parenting? And in what ways do cultural values relate to those differences? 1.2 Objectives of the Study The main obje

37、ctive of the study is to focus on the differences of Chinese and American parenting from Growing Pains and Jia You Er Nv. Based on the cases in American sitcom Growing Pains and Chinese sitcom Jia You Er Nv, the paper exams the distinctions of Chinese and American parenting in terms of parenting goa

38、ls and expectations, child-parent relationships, and parenting strategies with careful interpretations of the cases in the TV shows. And it analyzes those differences through Individualism-Collectivism Dichotomy and Confucianism ideologies on parenting. Through such exploration, the paper aims to find out the differences between American and Chinese parenting in Growing Pains and Jia You Er Nv and how do culture values rel


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