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1、ear ringshandbaghair (yellow)be dressed in redIt is a photo which was taken five years ago. The place is the university campus where I studied for four years.基础回顾基础回顾 1 1 基本概念基本概念定语从句的定义定语从句的定义先行词先行词关系词关系词定语从句定语从句作为定语修饰作为定语修饰名词或代词名词或代词的的从句从句先行词先行词被被定语从句定语从句修饰的名词或代词修饰的名词或代词关系词关系词关系代词:关系代词:who, whom,

2、which, that, whose关系副词:关系副词:when, where, why关系词的关系词的三个作用三个作用引导定语从句引导定语从句在从句中充当一个句子成分在从句中充当一个句子成分(主、宾、定、表、状语)(主、宾、定、表、状语)在从句中代替先行词在从句中代替先行词位于先行词位于先行词_,定语从句定语从句_先行词在从句中先行词在从句中不能不能_后面后面开头开头再一次出现再一次出现人,作主语人,作主语人,作宾语人,作宾语物,作主语物,作主语物,作宾语物,作宾语基础回顾基础回顾 2 2 选择关系词的基本规则选择关系词的基本规则who,thatwho,whom,that,/which, t

3、hatwhich,that,/人,作定语人,作定语whose+n物,作定语物,作定语whose+n= of which the + n= the+n of which先行词在限制性定语从句中,指先行词在限制性定语从句中,指.作地点状语作地点状语作时间状语作时间状语作原因状语作原因状语wherewhen=at/on/in/during/by.which= at/in/on. whichwhy=for which一一. 基础题基础题1. The boy _ is playing on the grass is her brother.2. Do you know the teacher _ we

4、met at the gate?3. A dictionary is a book _ gives the meaning of words.4.Here is the book _ our teacher mentioned yesterday. 5. Whats the name of the boy_ father is a railway worker?who / thatwho/whom/that / /which / thatwhich / that/whose6. Do you like the book _ cover is red?7. I still remember th

5、e night _ Shanghai was liberated(解放).8. Shanghai is the place _ my father lived before liberation.9. This is the reason _ he was late.1.1.找出先行词及定语从句找出先行词及定语从句2.2.判断先行词在从句中的成分(主,宾,表,状)判断先行词在从句中的成分(主,宾,表,状)3.3.根据上述基本规则选出正确的关系词根据上述基本规则选出正确的关系词whosewhen=at which=of which the cover=the cover of whichwher

6、e=in whichwhy=for which步步骤:骤:二二.典型错误典型错误 11. Some of the boys I invited them didnt come.2. Those have finished may leave the classroom.3. The wolves hid themselves in the places where couldnt be found.4. This is the bag what Mary bought yesterday.5. The girl you saw whom in the street is Mary.whowhi

7、ch/thatwhich/that/注意点总结注意点总结1:在定语从句中不能再一次出现先行词。在定语从句中不能再一次出现先行词。注意点总结注意点总结2:先行词在从句中作主语,关系词不能省略。先行词在从句中作主语,关系词不能省略。注意点总结注意点总结3:一定要判断先行词在从句中的成分。一定要判断先行词在从句中的成分。注意点总结注意点总结4:定语从句中,没有先行词定语从句中,没有先行词what!注意点总结注意点总结5:先行词的位置位于先行词的后面,定先行词的位置位于先行词的后面,定语从句的开头。语从句的开头。基础回顾基础回顾 3 that3 that的特殊用法的特殊用法找出只能用找出只能用that

8、的题号:的题号:1. All _ can be done has been done.2. This is the man_ I learned the news from.3. Is this the man _ you are looking for?4. There are many cars and soldiers _ made the boys excited.5. A plane is a machine _ can fly.6. The most beautiful park _ we will visit is in Beijing.7. Is oxygen the only

9、 gas _ helps fire burn?8. The man _lives next to us sells vegetables.9. Which was the hotel _ was recommended to you? 当先行词是当先行词是all,little,much,everything,nothing,anything时时当先行词中既有人又有物时当先行词中既有人又有物时当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰当先行词被当先行词被all,little,no,any,some, the very,the only修饰修饰以以Who/Which开头的

10、疑问句中开头的疑问句中不能用不能用that的的2种情况:种情况:1.介词后面不用介词后面不用that2.逗号后面不用逗号后面不用that人:介词人:介词+whom(不能用不能用who)物:介词物:介词+which基础回顾基础回顾 4 4 非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句在非限制性定语从句中在非限制性定语从句中(有逗号有逗号):1. 作作宾语宾语的关系代词的关系代词_2. 不能使用关系词不能使用关系词_3. 关系词关系词_可以在非限制性定语从句中指代可以在非限制性定语从句中指代前面整个句子,译为前面整个句子,译为_,不能位于,不能位于_不能省略不能省略thatwhich“这这”4. who不能代

11、替不能代替_whom5. 也可以由也可以由as引导,解释为引导,解释为_正如正如句首句首正如被报道的:正如被报道的:正如被期盼的:正如被期盼的:正如以上提到的:正如以上提到的:正如经常发生的那样:正如经常发生的那样:As is reported,As is expected,As is mentioned above,As is often the case,典型错误典型错误 21. He hasnt got enough money that he can buy the computer.2. He was very rude to the customs officer(海关官员), w

12、ho of course made things even worse.3. I dont know the person from who he borrowed all the money.4. Bamboo is hollow, that makes it very light.5. This is the only example which I can give you.6. In the dark street, there wasnt a single person from whom she could turn for help.with whichwhichwhomwhic

13、hthatto三三. .易混淆题目易混淆题目1. This is the factory _ a lot of students visited yesterday? A. the one B. which C. who D. whom 2. This is the factory _ my father works. A. at which B. which C. that D. where3. October 1, 1949 is the day _well never forget. A. when B. on which C. that D. where4. October 1, 19

14、49 was the day _the Peoples Republic of China was founded. A. when B. that C. where D. in whichBDCA第一类第一类,相同先行词,不同关系词:相同先行词,不同关系词:5. That was the reason _ Mac gave me the other day. A. why B. for which C. which D. for that 66. That was the reason_ Mac was late for the meeting. A. why B. for that C.

15、which D. of whichCA总结:相同先行词,不一定用相同关系词。总结:相同先行词,不一定用相同关系词。关键是把关键是把_代入代入_中,中,判断成分,然后选出正确的关系词。判断成分,然后选出正确的关系词。先行词先行词定语从句定语从句1. Is this factory_we visited last year? A. whereB. in which C. the one D. at which2. This is the factory _we visited last year. A. where B. whichC. the one D .at which第二类:有无先行词第二

16、类:有无先行词BC总结:没有先行词,则总结:没有先行词,则_补上先行词补上先行词第三类:并列句和定语从句第三类:并列句和定语从句1. Mr. Smith has three sons, _ is a scientist.A.all of whom B. none of whom C. all of them D. none of them A.2. Mr. Smith has three sons, but _ is a scientist.B.all of whom B. none of whom C. all of them D. none of themDB总结:要分清并列句和定语从句总

17、结:要分清并列句和定语从句第四类第四类: :单复数问题单复数问题1. This is one of the most interesting films _ shown last week. A. which was B. that was C. which were D. that were2. This is the only one of the most interesting films _ shown last week.A.which was B. that was C. which were D. that wereDB第五类:第五类:suchas/that; the same

18、 as/that 问题问题1.She is such a lovely girl _ everybody likes her. (as/that)2.She is such a boss _ everybody described. (描述) (as/that)3.Here it is! This is the same pen _I lost yesterday. (as/that)4.She is wearing the same dress _ I wore yesterday. (as/that)thatasthatassuch.that.:that后面的句子完整,不缺成分后面的句子完

19、整,不缺成分such.as.: as后面的后面的“句子句子”不完整,需要不完整,需要asas充当其充当其主语或宾语。主语或宾语。 the same that 指指同一个同一个人或物人或物 the same as 表示表示同一类同一类人或物人或物第六类:强调句和定语从句第六类:强调句和定语从句1. It was in the stone house _ was built as a school by local villagers _the boy finished his primary school.2. It was in the garden of his old house _ he

20、 grew up _ he dug up a pot of gold.that / whichthatwhere / in whichthat the same that 指指同一个同一个人或物人或物 the same as 表示表示同一类同一类人或物人或物On the train I saw a student _ I thought was your sister.A. who B. whom C. which D. that第七类:碰到插入语第七类:碰到插入语A碰到定语从句中的插入语如,碰到定语从句中的插入语如,sb think, sb suppose, sb believe, sb g

21、uess等,一律去掉再判等,一律去掉再判断断Dear Mary, How are you getting along these days? Yesterday, I found a photo _ reminded me of the happy time _we spent together. Do you still remember the lake _ _ we took the photo? How are those friends _ we once played with? Last night I had a dream _ _ we were in the cinema

22、_ we went last time. Last week, I won the first prize in the maths contest, _ was unexpected. My parents were satisfied with me and gave me more pocket money _ _ I bought an English book. I guess you will like the English book _ cover is red. So, I post it to you as a birthday present. Yours, Jane w

23、hichwhichbesidewhominwherewhichwith whichwhosewhichwhich四四.Consolidation.ConsolidationDear Jane, 我已经收到了你上个礼拜寄给我已经收到了你上个礼拜寄给( (send)我的信。谢谢我的信。谢谢你送给我一本我需要的英语书。你送给我一本我需要的英语书。(Thank you for.)And congratulations on your success! 我认为你赢得第我认为你赢得第一名的原因是你总是一名的原因是你总是(be always doing)很努力学习。很努力学习。众所周知众所周知(as),成功

24、的关键是努力,成功的关键是努力(hard work)。 在这个离我家不远在这个离我家不远(not far away from)的新学校,的新学校,我已经认识很多新朋友了我已经认识很多新朋友了,其中三分之一住在我的小区其中三分之一住在我的小区(neighbourhood)。Next time Ill introduce them to you. Yours, MaryI have received the letter you sent me last week.Thank you for sending me the English book which I need.you won the

25、first prize is that you are always studying hard.I think the reason whyIn this new school which is not far away from my home, I have known many new friends, one third of whom live in my neighbourhood. As we all know, the key to success is hard work. Homework 1. Review 2. Finish the related exercisesThank you!By Lyn


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