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《关于高中英语课堂提问策略的研究_王红敏.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《关于高中英语课堂提问策略的研究_王红敏.docx(53页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 分类号 : 密级 : 学校代码: 10165 学 号: 201120062 逢窣坪总大學 教育硕士专业学位论文 关于高中英语课堂提问策略的研究 作 者 姓 名 : 王 红 敏 专 业 方 向 : 学 科 教 学 ( 英 语 ) 导师姓 名 : 王 脣 教 授 2 0 1 3 年 06 月 Wang Hongmin A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS School of Foreign Languages LIAONING NORMAL UN

2、IVERSITY 2013 学位论文独创性声明 本人承诺:所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下所取得的研究成果。论文 中除特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含他人 in 其他机构已经撰写或发表过的 研究成果,其他同志的研究成果对本人的启示和所提供的帮助,均已在论文中做 了明确的声明并表示谓 J 意。 本学位论文作者完全了解辽宁师范大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,及 学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交复印件或磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借 阅。本文授权辽宁师范大学,可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库 并进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文,并且 本人电子文档的内容

3、和纸质论文的内容相一致。 保密的学位论文在解密后使用本授权书。 学位论文作者签名: 丄 钇 it 学位论文版权的使 用授权书 摘 要 作为课堂中教师用的常策略之一,课堂提问在 ESL/EFL 课堂教学中起着至关重要 的作用。此外,课堂提问对于考查学生知识的掌握情况、锻炼学生语言的表达能力、提 高学生思维的水平、调动学生的学习积极性、学习的主动性和独立性、激发师生之间感 情的交流和知识信息的交流等方面都有很大的帮助。因此,课堂提问的质量与课堂教学 的有效性之间有着直接的联系。然而,在高中英语课堂,很多误区和问题仍存在于教师 对课堂提问策略的运用中。核心问题不突出、反馈信息不充分、难度不恰当等问题

4、或多 或少地出现在高中英语课堂教学中。基于已有的课堂提问的相关理论和研究为基础,笔 者提出运用美国两位教授 MarylouDantonio 和 PaulC. Beisenherz 的 Qu:Est 提问策略 (Questioning for Understanding: Empowering Student Thinking 的首字母缩写,为理解而 提问:让学生开动脑筋)能帮助高中生提高英语学习成绩和调动他们英语学习兴趣的假 设。本论文以己有的课堂提问的相关理论和研究为基础,旨在探讨MarylouDantonio 和 Paul C. Beisenherz 的 Qu:Est 提问策略用能否激发高

5、一学生学习英语的兴趣和提高高一 学生的成绩,为高中英语教师在 教学过程中如何运用课堂提问策略来提高课堂教学效率 和学生的学习积极性提供参考。在调查之前,笔者提出三个主要的研究问题: (1) Qu: Est 提问策略的运用能否激发高中生学习英语的兴趣? (2) Qu:Est 提问策略在何种程度上可以提高学生的英语成绩? 针对这三个研究问题,本论文采取以实验法为主,辅之以问卷调查法 研究于 2012 年 9 月16 号一 2013 年 1 月 11 号在辽宁省盘锦市盘山县高级中学高一两个平行班的英语 课上进行的。高一 ( 10)班为实验组,高一 ( 9)班为控制组。实验组采用 Qu:Est 提问

6、策略教学模式,控制组采用传统教学方法。对实验组的学生在实验前和实验后各进行一 次问卷调查,并进行对比。实验前通过前测了解两个组的英语水平。实验后再次进行英 语测试。运用 SPSS.19.0 对前、后测成绩进行分析比较。 本研究得出以下结论:在 Qu:Est 提问策略的运用下,实验组学生的学习成绩比控 制组学生的学习成绩有了很大提高。问卷结果表明 Qu:Est 提问策略的运用能够激发高 中学生学习英语的兴趣,提高他们学习英语的积极性 . 针对以上研究结果,笔者得出课堂提问策略对高中英语课堂教学的启示。 关键词 : Qu: Est提问策略;高中英语教学;课堂提问 Abstract As one o

7、f the most frequently used strategies, Questioning in ESL/EFL class actually makes a difference in classroom teaching. In the meantime, classroom questioning can evidently influence on inspecting the knowledge of every part how students learn, training leamers, capacities to express themselves throu

8、gh the target language, improving students5 level of thinking, giving the guidance to the students as to think, learn and actively participate in learning process, and stimulating the students to interact with their information and make the communication among teachers and students. Therefore the qu

9、ality of classroom questioning has a direct impact on the effectiveness of teaching. Nonetheless, in senior school, the English teachers still have many erroneous zone and problems to the application of the questioning strategies. The core question is not salient; the difficulties of the questions a

10、re not appropriate; the feedback is not noticeable. These problems will be more or less practically in the high school English classes. With the former theories and research literature on classroom questioning strategies as its theoretical basis, the author puts forward assumption that the applicati

11、on of Marylou Dantonio & Paul C. Beisenherz Qu: Est questioning strategies (Questioning for Understanding: Empowering Student Thinking) can improve the English scores of students and their interest in studying English. The thesis aims at investigating how the utilization of Marylou Dantonio & Paul C

12、. Beisenherzs Qu: Est questioning strategies impacts on the studentsEnglish study of Grade 1 in Senior school, which provides a reference for the English teachers in the high school and helps them adopt questioning strategies to sharpen the efficiency of classroom and students, learning initiative.

13、The thesis attempts to explore the following research questions: (1) How is the students5 interest in English learning after the application of Qu: Est questioning strategies? . (2) To what extent can Qu: Est questioning strategies improve students, achievement on English learning? In order to answe

14、r the three questions, the thesis employs experiment as the main method supplemented by questionnaires. This research was taken in Liaoning province, Pan Shan senior middle from from 16th September, 2012 to 11th, January, 2013. Two classes in Grade 1 in senior school were chosen to make the experime

15、nt. In the experiment, Class 9 is regarded as the control group and class 10 as the experimental group. The experimental class was taught with Qu: Est questioning strategies by the author and the traditional way of teaching English was conducted in the control class by the same person. Before the ex

16、periment, the author designed questionnaires to measure students7 attitudes towards learning English in experimental class. After the experiment, the author measured again. What more, before the experiment the author tested the students in two classes. After the utilization of Qu: Est questioning st

17、rategies, students were required to make a test again. Through data analysis and research results, it can thus be concluded: The results of questionnaires demonstrated that Qu:Est questioning strategies can improve the students9interest in studying English. After the utilization of QurEst questionin

18、g strategies, the achievements of the students in the experimental group were better than the control group 5s. Based on the findings, the author makes recommendations for solving the existing problems in English classroom questioning. Key Words: Qu: Est questioning strategies; Senior middle school

19、level; Questioning Contents Abstract in Chinese . I Abstract in English . II Chapter One Introduction . . . . . . 1 1.1 Background of the research . 1 1.2 Purpose of the research . 3 1.3 Structure of the thesis . 4 Chapter Two Literature Review . 5 2.1 The basic concept of question . . . .5 2.2 Purp

20、oses of teacher questioning . . 5 2.3 Functions of teachers questioning . 6 2.4 The effective questioning . 8 2.4.1 The criterions of effective questioning . 9 2.5 Research of teacher questioning. 10 2.5.1 Research abroad . 10 2.5.2 Research in China . 12 2.6 Questioning for understanding: Empowerin

21、g student thinking (Qu: Est) . . . 13 2.6.1 Core questions in Qu: Est . . . 15 Chapter Three Research Methodology . . . . 17 3.1 Research questions . . 17 3.2 Subjects . 17 3.3 Instruments . . .18 3.3.1 Experiment design . .18 3.3.2 Experiment procedure . . 19 3.33 Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . .

22、. 25 3.4 Data collection and data analysis . . . . . . * . . . 26 Chapter Four Results and Discussion . 27 4.1 The analysis on the experiment and research, . 27 4.2 The analysis on the data of questionnaire . 30 4.3 The scores of the experimental groupand control group in the semester. . 35 Chapter

23、Five Conclusion . 36 5.1 Conclusion of the study. . . 36 5.2 Implications of the study . 37 53 Limitation of the study . 38 References . 39 Appendix . 42 Acknowledgements . 44 List of Tables Table 2-1 Table 3-1 Table 4-1 Table 4-2 Table 4-3 Core questions aiming at individual thinking Operations in

24、Conceptualizing . 16 The examples of processing questions . . . . * . ,.24 Descriptive statistics on the scores of pre-test in the experimental group and the control group . . . . . 27 Descriptive statistics on the scores of pre-test and post-test in the experimental group . . . 28 Descriptive stati

25、stics on the scores of pre-test and post-test in the control group . . 29 Table 4-4 Descriptive statistics on the scores of the experimental group and the control group in the post test. . . . 29 Table 4-5 Descriptive statistics on the data of the experimental group and the control group in pre-ques

26、tionnaire . 30 Table 4-6 Descriptive statistics on the students9 habits of learning English in the experimental . . . .31 Table 4-7 Descriptive statistics on the experimental group9 attitudes to questioning in the class . . . 32 Table 4-8 Descriptive statistics on results of the experimental groups

27、attitudes to Qu: Est questioning strategies . .33 Table 4-9 Descriptive statistics of post-questionnaires between the experimental group and the control group . 34 Table4-10 The scores of the experimental group and control group in the semester. . 35 Table 4-11 All classes racking in Grade One . . .

28、*. . 35 Chapter One Introduction LI Background of the research It has been known that it is possible for the process of asking questions to transfer knowledge from teachers to students. Besides, though the act of questioning may greatly enhance the learning process, it also has the disadvantages whi

29、ch can make a learner have no interest in learning if done incorrectly. For the past few years, the emphasis of English class were on teachers teaching and students5 learning, the authentic teaching and learning environment. Also, Classroom questioning, which has played an indispensable role in educ

30、ation, is frequently used in classroom interaction. Questions which provide information assist learners in connecting the new knowledge with previous and subsequent knowledge. And questions are able to help learners access to the highest levels of learning, in which they take advantage of knowledge

31、in a variety of situations in their daily life. The attention teachers pay to designing questions will determine how well the educational goals which the teachers and the learners achieve are (Chuskal995:7). With a long history and demonstrated effectiveness, because of the widespread use as a conte

32、mporary teaching technique of classroom questioning, researchers and practitioners also give more attention to it. According to the ancient Greek scholars, 4The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled, the classroom questioning is the spark. It is shown that classroom questioning

33、is one of the most commonly used methods of techniques. With the rapid development of science and technology, the methods of teaching have undergone great changes. And a lot of new educational technology and methods are applied in the classroom teaching. But classroom questioning lies at the very he

34、art of teaching as usual, which shows its unique educational vitality. As Postman (1979:140) pointed out that all our knowledge results from asking questions. Regardless of stage our education is. questions are the core element which takes place in the exchange of information between teachers and students. As the fundamental tool of teaching, questions lies at the centre point of developing students abilities of critical thinking. Teachers questions can be available to encourage the learners to participate in the conversation and even modify it so that the lang


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