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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上考试范围:语法填空,共9篇阅读下面每篇短文或对话,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在相应位置。一With a backpack full of medicine, LaBrot set up under a tree in a 1 (desert)village in the Serengeti. A line of 50 2 (patient)formed, all of them 3 a variety of illnesses from tuberculosis(肺结核)to lion

2、wounds to common colds. It was not long, 4 , before the supplies in his backpack were used up and the line had only grown 5 (long). Heartbroken and driven to tears by the fact that he would have to leave patients untreated, he decided then and there that he would never leave a patient untreated, 6 t

3、he circumstance is.In 2008, the group was established with the mission 7 (bring)medical relief to remote coastal communities around the world. The group decided to buy a 76-foot sailboat, 8 (call)“The Southern Wind.” LaBrot now had“a much bigger backpack”and would never run out of supplies again. Th

4、ey 9 (load)“The Southern Wind”with 25,000 pounds of medical supplies and set sail for their first medical mission in 2010. In 10 (rough)three months they facilitated 35 mobile clinics and treated 2,500 patients.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 二The Andes Mountains are the 1 (long)and one of the highest mountain

5、 ranges in the world. 2 climate is not the same throughout the area 3 there are places nearer to the equator(赤道)than others. The Andes 4 (separate)into three natural regions: the southern, central, and northern regions. In the northern region, it is hotter because it is closest to the equator. There

6、 are rain forests in this region, 5 the more rainy climate. In the southern region, the mountains are nearer to the Antarctic and it is much colder. In the 6 (center)region, the weather is milder because it is not near 7 the equator or the cold Antarctic. Many of the plants which grow in the Andes M

7、ountains are small in size 8 (keep)energy. The Andes Mountains supply many 9 (bird)with homes like the Condor and the Hillstar Hummingbird. Types of land animals include the Mountain Lion, the Red Perll, and so on. The Andes Mountains are hurt by humans because they cut down trees which shelter many

8、 unique animals. Man also mines for gold, silver, and copper which 10 (gradual)destroys the soil and hurts the plants of the Andes.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 三A study looked for any association between 1 (change)in weather and blood pressure rates. The researchers focused on whether changes in patients bl

9、ood pressure were 2 (relate)to changes in the weather. They found that decreases in temperature and sunshine, 3 increases in rainfall and frost, were associated with 4 slight increase in blood pressure.In the longer term, individuals 5 blood pressure seemed sensitive 6 decreases in temperature and s

10、unshine had slight increases in blood pressure. The study 7 (perform)by researchers from the University of Glasgow. One of the study authors was 8 (strong)supported by a Wellcome Trust Capacity Strengthening Strategic Award to the Public Health Foundation of India and a consortium of UK universities

11、. It was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. The quality of the Daily Mails reporting of this study is mixed. On the negative side, it presents a simple 9 (conclude)that cannot be drawn from the complex analysis 10 (use)in this study. On the positive side, its story does cont

12、ain useful advice.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 四The easiest and quickest ways 1 (reduce)stress is to smile. Whatever is going on in your mind is reflected in your body. Thus as you stretch your facial muscles 2 a big wide smile, your entire bodily system will be 3 (positive)affected. If you are in low spiri

13、ts, stand tall and hold your head high, and that will lift your spirits 4 your muscles. Our breath is also an incredibly powerful source. If you are feeling 5 (stress), it is very easy to turn your attention to your breathing and to focus upon lengthening each breath. Different breathing techniques

14、can be used to produce different 6 (result). You can heat your body 7 cool your mind simply through your breath, and many other effects in between! To learn more about 8 (breathe)is a very worthwhile goal. There are many different ways a person can learn to relax. Some proper exercise in your daily

15、routine 9 (allow)you to feel more in control of your body and this also benefits your mind. Eating 10 healthy diet also benefits your mind as well as your body.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 五Most of the time I do what my parents expect 1 me: I work hard in school 2 I can get into a good college and create a

16、life that others want for me rather than that I think I want. It looks something like 3 (become)a doctor, or a lawyer, getting married, having some kids, moving into a nice apartment in the city, preparing my kids 4 (do)it all over again. Lately, 5 , Im not sure if this is the life I actually want.

17、I know that I want to be happy, that I want to leave the world 6 (well)than how I found it, and that I want to feel what I am doing is 7 (mean). But I dont know if this path will get me there.This makes me doubt the way I act, and have always acted, always following the 8 (rule). I really like schoo

18、l; I enjoy learning about the way the world works and Ive always had great 9 (curious). Learning about history makes me understand the way the world got to be the way it is today. Reading literature helps me understand the human condition, 10 (me), and my own emotions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 六Once a m

19、an was walking along a beach. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. Off in the distance he could see a person 1 (go)back and forth between the surfs edge 2 the beach. Back and forth this person went. As the man approached, he could see there were hundreds of starfish stranded(搁浅)on the san

20、d as the result of the natural 3 (act)of the tide. The man 4 (stick)by the apparent uselessness of the task. There were far too many starfish. Many of them were sure to die. As he approached, the person continued the task of 5 up starfish one by one and throwing them into the ocean. As he came up to

21、 the person, he said:“You must be crazy. There are 6 (thousand)of miles of beach 7 (cover)with starfish. You cant 8 (possible)make a difference.”The person looked at the man. He then bent down and picked up one 9 (many)starfish and threw it back into the ocean. He turned back to the man and said:“It

22、 sure made a 10 to that one!”1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 七Andrew: Wow, so many students are crowding in more than I expected. Were lucky to arrive an hour 1 (early). Or else we would absolutely have problems 2 (get)good seats. Heather: I 3 (get)my lesson from the last experience. I didnt arrive early enoug

23、h, so I ended up 4 a terrible seat all the way up in the front row! It was one of my worst movie 5 (experience)ever. Andrew: Yeah. I hate sitting in the front row。Heather: By the way, it was 6 (real)considerate of you 7 (get)me the ticket. I really appreciate 8 . Ill buy some popcorn and a drink for

24、 us.Andrew: That would be great!Heather: Hold my place, 9 Ill be back as soon as possible. Oh, I almost forgot. Id better hold on to my ticket 10 they wont let me in.Andrew: OK. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 八Mary: Good morning. NTT Co John: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Ira Black, head of the Export Section, pl

25、ease? Mary: Im sorry. Mr. Black 1 (go)out. May I ask whos calling? John: This is John Carter from Ace Consultant. Would you please tell me 2 I could get a hold of him? Mary: I 3 (real)have no idea when Mr. Black could be available in the office. Could you call back later or would you mind 4 (leave)a

26、 message? John: I think its better for me to leave 5 message. But its important and urgent. Please make sure he 6 (get)this message. Mary: I see. Im sure 7 (pass)your messages to Mr. Black. John: Good. Would you mind telling him that due to certain sudden 8 (change), do not fill out any orders for N

27、NC Corporation 9 further notice? Its very important. Ill explain 10 (late).Mary: Okay, let me repeat your message to see if Ive got it all. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 九Anchor: You orbit roughly every 90 minutes and travel the distance from the earth to the moon on a daily basis. There is no sense of 1 or

28、motion at 17,000-plus miles an hour?Mike Hopkins: Yeah, that is correct. You really dont get the sense of the speed 2 you look out the windows and see just how fast the earth is going by below you.Anchor: 3 is it like being up there for the holidays? Rick Mastracchio: The way we think about it, if y

29、ou have to be away from home during the holidays there are not many places 4 (good)to be than here. We have opportunities 5 (call)home almost every day and as far as football goes, we both enjoy it and the ground is very happy to send us football events every now and then.Anchor: What is it 6 you wo

30、uld like people 7 (know)and understand about the 8 (internation)space station ?Rick Mastracchio: I think the most important thing to know is NASA never went out of business. The shuttle program ended but the space station program is going strong. Were up here doing research 365 days a year, and 9 (d

31、o)so for many, many years and NASA has a bright 10 ahead of it.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 新课标语法填空专题答案一【解题导语】LaBrot和他的同事们致力为那些偏远地区的人们提供医疗援助。1【参考答案】deserted2【参考答案】patients3【参考答案】with4【参考答案】however5【参考答案】longer6【参考答案】no matter what/whatever7【参考答案】to bring8【参考答案】called9【参考答案】loaded 10【参考答案】roughly 二【解题导语】安第斯山

32、脉不仅是美洲最长的山脉,也是世界最长的山脉。1【参考答案】longest 2【参考答案】The 3【参考答案】because/since/in that 4【参考答案】are separated 5【参考答案】due to/because of 6【参考答案】central 7【参考答案】either 8【参考答案】to keep 9【参考答案】birds 10【参考答案】gradually 三【解题导语】天气寒冷、下雨的天气不但会影响人的心情,而且可能会使血压升高,对健康十分不利。1【参考答案】changes 2【参考答案】related 3【参考答案】or 4【参考答案】a 5【参考答案】

33、whose6【参考答案】to/about7【参考答案】was performed 8【参考答案】strongly 9【参考答案】conclusion 10【参考答案】used四【解题导语】在你心情不好、意志消沉时,要学会自我放松,尽快的摆脱压抑的心情,可以采用微笑、深呼吸等方式使你达到好的心情。1【参考答案】to reduce/of reducing/ that reduce/which reduce 2【参考答案】into 3【参考答案】positively4【参考答案】as well as/and 5【参考答案】stressed 6【参考答案】results 7【参考答案】or 8【参考答

34、案】breathing 9【参考答案】allows 10【参考答案】a 五【解题导语】作者总在为了别人的想法活,现在他开始想自己的梦想、自己的生活了。1【参考答案】of 2【参考答案】so/ so that/ in order that 3【参考答案】becoming 4【参考答案】to do 5【参考答案】though/however 6【参考答案】better 7【参考答案】meaningful 8【参考答案】rules 9【参考答案】curiosity 10【参考答案】myself 六【解题导语】本文是一篇极富哲理的寓言故事。有人看到一个人把冲到海滩的海星一条一条捡起扔回到大海而产生质疑

35、:怎么多的海星救得过来吗?殊不知这样至少对扔回到大海的海星来说是生与死的差别。1【参考答案】going 2【参考答案】and 3【参考答案】action 4【参考答案】was stuck 5【参考答案】picking 6【参考答案】thousands 7【参考答案】covered 8【参考答案】possibly 9【参考答案】more 10【参考答案】difference 七【解题导语】Andrew和Heather去看电影,因为吸取以前的经验教训,提前到达,所以找到了好位置。为了感谢Andrew,Heather决定给Andrew买爆米花喝饮料。1【参考答案】earlier 2【参考答案】got

36、 3【参考答案】learned 4【参考答案】with 5【参考答案】experiences 6【参考答案】really 7【参考答案】to get 8【参考答案】it 9【参考答案】and 10【参考答案】in case 八【解题导语】本文是一段电话语言交流。John打电话找Black先生,因此让Mary给Black传个信。1【参考答案】has gone 2【参考答案】when 3【参考答案】really 4【参考答案】leaving 5【参考答案】a 6【参考答案】gets 7【参考答案】to pass 8【参考答案】changes 9【参考答案】until 10【参考答案】later 九【解题导语】此对话选自对两位在国际空间站宇航员的即时电视联线采访内容,宇航员的回答让我们对太空站的生活有了一定的了解。1【参考答案】speed 2【参考答案】until/before 3【参考答案】What 4【参考答案】Better 5【参考答案】to call 6【参考答案】that 7【参考答案】to know 8【参考答案】international 9【参考答案】have done/have been doing 10【参考答案】future 专心-专注-专业


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