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《2015-2016初二英语期末试卷试卷(共8页).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2015-2016初二英语期末试卷试卷(共8页).doc(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两大题,满分45分) VI. 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 31. The young girl is a violinist of great_. She has been good at playing the violin since she was young. A. value B. taste C. luck D. talent 32. Be quiet! Listening! Can you hear steps outside in

2、the hallway? Yes, I can. _ is coming close to our room. But Im here. Dont be afraid. A. Anybody B. Someone C. Nobody D. Everyone 33. Can you come to the opening of my company, Becky? _. A. It doesnt matter B. Sure, Id love to C. Youre welcome D. Its up to you 34. Will you take part in the speech con

3、test? They will offer the winners a _ trip to Bali Island. We neednt pay for it. A. rich B. main C. Free D. true 35. In summer milk can easily go bad_ it is put into the fridge. A. though B. unless C. because D. when 36. What is Alans hobby? I dont know. But Im sure it has to _ art. A. do with B. he

4、lp with C. agree with D. talk with 37. What do you think of soap operas on TV? I like them. Because I like to _ the story and see what happens next. A. wonder B. appear C. touch D. follow 38. Can you bring Mona to my party _ telling her so that she can be surprised. No problem. Shes sure to come to

5、your party. A. against B. between C. without D. through 39. This silk dress is much_ than the cotton skirt. A. angrier B. cheaper C. easier D. faster 40. Do your family often exercise? _ of us. My parents are busy with their work, and my sister and I are busy with our study. A. Both B. None C. All D

6、. Neither 41. Please speak a little louder. I cant hear you _. Its noisy outside. A. truly B. quietly C. clearly D. simply 42. Could you _ the computer for me, dear? I want to check my e-mail. Certainly, Ill do it right now. A. turn on B. turn down C. turn off D. turn up 43. _ does your uncle go on

7、vacation? Once a year, often on summer holiday. A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How much 44. I cant _ soap operas on TV. They are too boring. I dont mind them. I think they are OK. A. stand B. face C. plan D. Close 45. Lets make Spanish beef noodles today. _. I like them very much. A. Good i

8、dea B. Have fun C. Me neither D. Never mind VII. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 A My uncle and aunt have a lovely daughter, Jessica. Shes four years old. Shes too 46 to understand anything in life. Once, my aunt asked Jessica to a nearby store in the neighborhood to buy

9、 some 47 . An hour later, she didnt come back. We were all so worried that I went to 48 her. I saw her standing in the sun at the gate of the yard, and 49 the ice melting (融化). “Whats the matter?” I asked Jessica. “I see the ice was 50 and I am afraid that my mother would scold (责骂) me, so Im making

10、 it dry in the 51 .” she answered. One evening, she went into my bedroom alone 52 I was watching TV in the living room. She stood at my desk with a pencil in her hand. There was a big piece of paper on my desk. She wanted to 53 a picture of herself. She drew some lines and then cleared them out, the

11、n drew more and cleared them out again. “What are you drawing, Jessica?” When I looked at her 54 , she was a little unhappy. Well, she 55 me at last, Ill put a tail on it and make it a monkey. She began to add the tail. What a girl! 46. A. old B. short C. young D. tall 47. A. milk B. ice C. juice D.

12、 fruit 48. A. look for B. look after C. look like D. look through 49. A. showing B. watching C. breaking D. Following 50. A. fat B. soft C. tidy D. Wet 51. A. moon B. earth C. sun D. world 52. A. unless B. though C. while D. since 53. A. listen B. read C. write D. draw 54. A. article B. picture C. p

13、lan D. homework 55. A. said B. spoke C. told D. talked B I have a classmate from a rich family in Shanghai. We all come from poor families, so he always feels superior (优越) 56 us. He always tells us loudly in the classroom his family is 57 rich that they have a large farm with a lot of rich 58 in th

14、e countryside. There are so many golden crops, strong horses, sheep, goats and cows, 59 flowers, and beautiful houses on their farm. You can also 60 blue sky, white clouds, green hills, and blue waters there. We all need a quiet classroom. So we dont like him to make 61 in the classroom when we are

15、relaxing or studying. One of our classmates 62 a map of the world. “Wheres Asia, Rick?” the classmate asked Rick. “Here and here.” he answered happily. “Wheres China?” the classmate asked Rick again. “Here, of course.” he answered excitedly. “Wheres Shanghai?” another classmate asked Rick. Rick look

16、ed for Shanghai on the map for a while. “It is here. It is a beautiful city.” he answered 63 . “Then, where is your huge farm with endless rich fields?” some classmates asked. Rick looked at the map and said 64 . Of course, he couldnt find their farm on the map. So, no matter 65 wealth we have, or w

17、hatever we have, we should learn to be modest (谦虚). 56. A. after B. before C. without D. through 57. A. so B. too C. very D. quite 58. A. forests B. gardens C. rivers D. fields 59. A. helpful B. colorful C. careful D. peaceful 60. A. waste B. design C. enjoy D. protect 61. A. excuses B. mistakes C.

18、habits D. noises 62. A. took out B. paid for C. grew up D. fell off 63. A. widely B. bravely C. deeply D. proudly 64. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything 65. A. how far B. how much C. how old D. how many 第三部分阅读理解(共两大题,满分45分)VIII.补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两个为

19、多余选项。A:Canyoucometomyhousewarming,Mona?B:Yes,Idliketo.Whenisit?A:ThisSundayevening. B:ImfreeonSunday.66 A:Atsixoclock. B:67 A:Ofcourse.Weregoodfriends. B:68 A:AttwelveMingguangRoad. B:69A:YoucantaketheNo.168bustotheBankofChina.ThenturnleftintoJiulongRoad.MyhouseisbehindAnhuiUniversity.Pleasetakeyour

20、familytomyhousewarming.70B:OK.Illarriveatyourhouseontime.A. HowcanIgetthere?B.AreyoufreeonSunday?C.Themapisontheinvitation.D.WillHelengo,too?E.Whattimedoesitstart?F.Shewillhaveagreattime.G.Whereisyournewhouse?IX.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AItwasthetimeoffamine饥荒)inChin

21、a.Everyonewasinhunger.Weevenlookedforsweetgrassroots(根)toeatonthebankofrivers,justlikethehungryAfricans.Atthattime,Iwaseightyearsold,studyingatGradeTwoinasmallvillageprimaryschoolinmyhometown.Oneafternoon,theheadteacheraskedustopickstrawberriesintheschoolstrawberryfields.Itwaslateafternoon. We felts





26、onforJackatlast.D.IntheendJacksfathergothimbackfromschool.76.WhatsthetopicofschoolEnglishspeechcontest?A.WesternCulture.B.YouthandDreams. C.PeacefulCountryside.D.CharityActivities.77.IfMonaordersahamburger,abagofpotatochips,aMexicofruitsaladandacupofcoffee,sheshouldpay_forherlunch.A.2B.2.5C.3D.3.578

27、.HowwillthegroupoftravelandstudyactivitygotoScotland?A.Byship.B.Bybus.C.Byair.D.Bytrain.79. WhichofthefollowingstatementsisNOTtrueaccordingtotheposters?A. CharityactivitiesforpoorchildrenareonthesecondThursdayofMay.B.WeshouldenterfortheEnglishspeechcontestbeforeApril1st.C.AcupofcoffeeatSpecialKFCSqu










37、loneliness(独)?Lonelinessisthatyoucantfindthewaytoothershearts.84.Whatdoestheunderlinedword“fences”inthepassagemean?A. 牛舍B.栅栏C.草坪D.果园85.Whatdidtheoldmanprovideforthevillagersfreelyinautumn?A.Foodsanddrinks.B.Fruitandvegetables.C.Snacksandbooks.D.Farmtools.86.Theoldmansvillabecamea_forthevillagersonfr


39、hothers.E阅读下列短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)Theresalovelygirllivingnextdoortome.Iseldomseeherplaywithotherkidsintheneighborhood.Itseemsthatshesalwaysbusy,evenonweekends. EverytimeIgoouttoexerciseintheearlymorning,Ialwaysseethelightinherbedroombeon.Sheisapupilnow.Sheoftengetsupearlierthanmeonschooldays.“C



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