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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 薄冰初中英语语法 介词主 编 薄 冰 执行主编 秦桂枝 王 璐 孙晓芳山西教育出版社2014年第四版出 版 人 雷俊林 出版策划 苗补坤责任编辑 仇小燕ISBN 978-7-5440-5629-8 语法学习交流微平台 纸介图书京东旗舰店 纸介图书天猫旗舰店 百度阅读手持媒体免费读丨学英语,凭什么让我学语法吗?不时听到一些青年问道:学英语一定要学语法吗?语法应该怎么学呢?我们就这两个问题简单地谈一点个人意见。对中国学生来说,尤其是成年人,我看是学点语法好。语法,顾名思义,乃是语言的法则和规律。学习语法,尤其是一些基本法则,至少有下列几个好处:第一可以使你学得快些,因为


3、较难的语法项目进行相互比较,效果就比较好。 第四要将语法法则与习惯用法分开。碰到习惯用法,就不必钻牛角尖,进行徒劳的分析。而习惯用法在英语中则是大量地存在着的。第五将一本语法书通读一遍,当然也不无好处。但最好将它作为工具书,像词典一样地经常查阅,始能学得比较细致牢靠。第六实用英语语法只应是入门的向导,像一根拐棍一样。英语达到一定水平之后,就应将它扔掉。起码不要让许多语法条条充斥头脑,影响你说和写的流利性。最后可能还会有人说,语法应该学,就是太枯燥。我的感觉是:开头有点枯燥,过些时候,就会像嚼橄榄似的,越学越有味了。如若不信,请试试看。 薄冰初中英语语法之介词目 录1 常用介词的用法2 介词的搭

4、配 形容词与介词 名词与介词 副词与介词 动词和介词3 成语介词4 介词短语的句法功能5 常用介词的用法区别 表示时间 表示位置关系 表示运动方向6 单元练习Unit 6 介词 介词又叫做前置词,通常置于名词之前,在句中不单独作句子成分,只表示其后的名词或相当于名词的词语与其他句子成分的关系。介词是虚词,通常在句子中不重读,也不能单独充当句子成分。介词虽然是虚词,但它用得很多,一些常用介词可以与许多词搭配,表达许多种意思。常用的介词有:about,above,across,after,against,along,among,as,at,before,behind,below,beside,be

5、tween,by,except,for,from,in,into,like,near,of,off,on,outside,over,round,since,to,under,until,with,without. 但应注意,有些介词如on,in,over,down等还可以作副词;有些介词如after,since,till,for等还可以作连词。61 常用介词的用法about(1) 表示“关于”、“论及”。如:He is worried about his son. 他为儿子担忧。Are you reading a book about animals? 你读的是一本关于动物的书吗? Where

6、 are you from? Im from the USA. What_you?A. forB. aboutC. inD. on【答案选B】译文:你来自于哪儿?我来自美国,你呢? (2) 表示时间、数量、年龄的大小,意为“大约”、“前后”。如:The river is about 6,000 metres long. 这条河大约6 000米长。There are about forty students on the playground. 操场上大约有40个学生。(3) 表示地点,意为“在附近”、“在周围各处”。如:He wants to travel about the world. 他

7、想周游世界。Dont leave waste paper and empty bottles about in the park. 不要在公园里乱扔废纸空瓶。above(1) 表示位置高出或在斜上方。如:In the daytime the temperature will stay above zero. 在白天,温度将保持在零度以上。(2) 数目大于,价钱高于,重量超过,年龄超过。如:The old man is above ninety. 那位老人年逾90岁。(3) 抽象地超越、胜于。如:This book is above me. 这本书对我来说太难了。across(1) 与动作性动词

8、连用,表示从一边到另一边,强调表面接触,也可指水面以下的动作。如:Can you swim across the river? 你能横渡那条河吗?My house is just across the street. 我的房子就在街对面。(2) 与表示状态的动词连用,表示“在的另一边”、“横过”。如:Go across the bridge, and take the first turning on the left. 过了桥,在第一个拐弯处向左拐。after(1) (指时间)在以后。如:After a few days I felt much better. 几天以后,我觉得好多了。(2)

9、 在后面。如:The policeman ran after a thief. 警察在小偷后面追。The Kings went to bed after supper. 金一家人晚餐后上床睡了。(3) 用于n. after n. 句型,表示连续。如:day after day 日复一日year after year 年复一年against(1) 反对。如:Who is against the proposal? 谁反对这项提议?(2) 与动词连用表示碰撞。如:He hit against a tree. 他撞到一棵树上。He hit his head against the wall. 他把头

10、碰到了墙上。(3) 衬托或依着,靠着。如:Put the ladder against the wall. 把梯子靠着墙放置。I think blue looks good against my skin. 我认为蓝色很衬我的皮肤。along We walked along the road. 我们沿着路走。Come along with me. 跟我一起来吧。among(1) (表示位置)被环绕,在中间。如:There is a house among the trees. 绿树丛中有一座房屋。She is sitting among her children. 她坐在她的孩子们中间。(2)

11、 与反身代词连用表示彼此间,相互间。如:You should settle that matter among yourselves. 那件事应该由你们自己彼此协调解决。(3) 表示三个以上之中。如:It is difficult to find her among the people. 在人群中很难找到她。They divided his money among his sons. 他们把他的钱分给他的儿子们。as(1) 像,似,如。如:We are friendly as fish and water. 我们友好相处,亲如鱼水。Today some newly-produced mobi

12、le phones can take pictures_a camera.A. asB. forC. likeD. of【答案选C】译文:现在,许多新产的手机跟照相机一样可以拍照。 (2) 作为,当做。如:As a student, you must work hard. 作为学生,你必须努力学习。Most people think him as a fool. 大多数人认为他是个愚人。He worked as a teacher. 他从事教师的工作。at(1) 指(人或物)所在之处。如:He will get off at the next bus stop. 他将在下一站下车。The si

13、gn“”in tzjoyhotmail. com means_ .A. aB. toC. atD. on【答案选C】译文:符号在tzjoy 中的意思是at。(2) (表示动作的方向或对象)朝,向,针对着。如:There are many patients at the doctors yesterday. 昨天诊所有许多病人。He threw a stone at the car. 他向汽车扔石头。Its not good to laugh at other people. 取笑别人是不好的。(3) 指时间、年龄。如:Shall we meet at about 8 oclock? 我们8点钟

14、集合好吗? At the age of fifteen, he was sent away from the school. 在他15岁时,被赶出了学校。1. His mother gets up_six_the morning every day.A. at; in B. on; in C. by; on D. at; at【答案选A】译文:他母亲每天早上六点起床。2._8:00 of August 8,2008, Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games.A. At B. InC. OnD. By【答案选A】译文:2008年8月8日8时,北京将举行第

15、29届奥运会。(4) 指状态。如:At first, the baby fell asleep. 起初,那个婴儿在熟睡。We chose a Christmas tree at last. 我们终于选中了一棵圣诞树。The people at war hoped to be peace. 战争中的人民期盼和平。(5) 指速度或价钱。如:The train runs at seventy kilometres an hour. 火车以每小时70千米的速度行驶。I bought the house at a high price. 我以高价买下了这幢房子。before(1) 指时间在以前。如:He

16、 heard from his daughter the day before yesterday. 他是前天收到女儿来信的。(2) 指顺序在之前。如:Ladies before gentlemen. 女士优先。Her uncle will be back before long. 她的叔叔不久会回来的。(3) 指位置在之前,与面对。如:I have never seen him before. 我以前从未见过他。Well never drop any hope before failure. 在失败面前,我们决不放弃任何希望。behind(1) 在的后面。如:What are you doi

17、ng behind the tree? 你在树后干什么?Can you see the brooms behind the door? 你能看到门后的扫帚吗?They arrived ten minutes behind time. 他们晚10分钟到达。(2) 较落后。如:I am behind him in English. 我在英语方面不如他。He is never behind with his work. 他工作从不拖拉。My watch runs behind. 我的表慢了。below(1) 与above相对应,在下面,低于。如:The temperature will fall b

18、elow zero in the night again. 夜间温度又将降至零度以下。(2) 数量低于,官衔低于。如:He is below the average at school. 他在学校的成绩是平均以下。I heard the noise from the room below. 我听到噪音来自楼下的房间。beside(1) 在旁边(近旁)。如:Who is the man beside your mother? 你妈妈身边的那个人是谁?She would like to live beside the sea. 她很想住在海边。(2) 与比较起来。如:My shoes are to

19、o dirty beside yours. 与你的比较起来,我的鞋太脏了。between在两者之间(指位置、官衔、时间、数量、距离、关系等)。如:Please find out the differences between the two pictures. 请找出两幅画之间的不同点。The child between my father and mother is me. 在我父母之间的那个孩子就是我。Sometimes it is difficult to make a distinction between right and wrong. 有时候很难区别是非。The letter B

20、 comes between A and C. 字母B在A和C之间。Lets make it between six and seven oclock in the morning. 我们把时间定在六点和七点之间吧。注意(1) 只能说between you and me,不能说between you and I。(2) between可以用来表示3个或3个以上的人或物每两个之间。3个或3个以上的名词用and连接。如:There is no difference between three countries. 这3个国家之间没有很大的区别。Laos lies between China,Bur

21、ma,Thailand,Cambodia and Vietnam. 老挝位于中国、缅甸、泰国、柬埔寨和越南之间。1. Im sure you know the difference_“look for”and“find”.A. fromB. forC. toD. between【答案选D】译文:我确定你知道look for 和find的区别。2. Dont tell anybody about it. Keep it_you and me.A. amongB. betweenC. inD. with【答案选B】译文:不要告诉任何人这件事。这是你我之间的秘密。 by(1) 靠近。如:My hou

22、se is by the sea. 我的家靠近海。(2) 从旁经过。如:He hurried by without a word. 他匆匆经过年,未说一句话。(3) 靠、用、通过。但要注意by car = in ones car。 如:What time is it by your watch? 你的手表几点钟?(4) 不迟于。如:She will be back by three. 她将于3点前回来。(5) 表示增减程度。如:Mother is taller than I by 2 cm. 妈妈比我高2厘米。注意(1) 与besides区别We all went besides our te

23、acher.除了老师我们也都去。(2) except for 只是,除之外Your composition is good except for the spelling.你的作文甚好,只是拼写有误。except 除之外,但不包括在内。如:I looked everywhere except in the bedroom. 除卧室之外我到处都找了。We are all here except Ma Lili. 除马丽丽之外,我们都在。for(1) 表目的,向进行或努力,与动词连用。如:Mr and Mrs Green will leave for New York next week. 格林夫

24、妇下周将去纽约。(2) 表示目的或志向,由后面名词指出。如:Here are some flowers for the teacher. 这些是给老师的花。The childs father is the man for the job. 那个孩子的父亲是做此事的恰当人选。The picture is too beautiful for words. 那幅画美得无法言传。1. In England, people usually call me Tom_short. A. forB. toC. onD. at【答案选A】译文:在英格兰,人们常常简单地喊我汤姆。2. He usually has

25、 an egg and a bottle of milk_breakfast.A. toB. onC. forD. of【答案选C】译文:他早餐通常只吃一个鸡蛋,喝一瓶牛奶。(3) 表示时间长度。如:The P.E. teacher has been at this school for 10 years. 体育老师已在这个学校呆了10年了。Mrs King has been a teacher_this school_fifteen years. A. at; forB. in; sinceC. in; for D. on; by【答案选C】译文:15年来金夫人一直是这个学校的老师。 fro

26、m(1) 自、从,表示起点。如:Lucy and I go to school from Monday to Friday. 露西和我从周一到周五去上学。(2) 表示距离,间隔。如:Their home is about ten minutes walk from the school. 他们家离学校大约10分钟的路程。(3) 出于,由于,因为。如:He worked overnight from a sense of duty. 他出于责任心而彻夜工作。The child cried from hunger. 这孩子饿得直哭。(4) 由,表示来源,出处。如:I received a lett

27、er from my sister. 我收到我姐姐的来信。Please take your dirty clothes away_here. A. from B. offC. of D. at【答案选A】译文:请把你的脏衣服从这里拿开。 in(1) 在里面,表示地点。如:There are a lot of nice kites in the sky. 天空中有许多漂亮的风筝。These computers are made_Japan. A. in B. fromC. ofD. by【答案选A】译文:这些计算机产于日本。 (2) 指方向。如:Please go in this directi

28、on,you will find the post office. 请朝这个方向走,你就会找到邮局。(3) 指运动或动作的方向。如:Could you help me put these apples in the big basket? 请你帮我把这些苹果放进那个大筐里好吗?(4) 指时间。如:My son was born in 1997. 我儿子出生于1997年。Her sister will come back in half an hour. 她妹妹半小时后就回来。My father will be back from Beijing_a week. A. forB. in C. a

29、fterD. since【答案选B】译文:我父亲在一周内将返回北京。(5) 用某种语言。如:Whats this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?1. More and more people in Shanghai are able to talk and write_English these days.A. forB. with C. inD. to【答案选C】译文:如今,越来越多的人在上海能够说和写英语了。2. Please retell the story_English. A. withB. by C. in D. at【答案选C】译文:请用英语重述这个故事。(6) 穿着

30、。如:The girl in red is my cousin. 穿红衣服的那个女孩是我的堂妹。The boy_a white jacket is waiting at the bus stop.A. on B. in C. ofD. for【答案选B】译文:穿白夹克的那个男孩在车站等车。into(1) (与out of相反)表示向内的动作或方向,进入之内,向内。如:The students ran into the classroom as soon as the bell rang. 铃一响,学生们都跑进了教室。(2) 变成状态(状况的变化或结果)。如:The snow changed i

31、nto ice. 雪变成了冰。Can you translate the sentence into Chinese? 你能把这个句子译成汉语吗?like(1) 像、如、似。如:What does the man look like? 那个人长什么样?Is she like her dad or mum? 她长得像她的爸爸还是妈妈?(2) 像一样。如:Dont throw it like that. 不要像那样扔。near在附近(空间、时间、关系)。如:There is no shop near the school. 在这所学校附近没有商店。My mother is near 40. 我妈妈

32、近40岁。of(1) 的(表示所属关系)。如:Beijing is in the north of China. 北京在中国的北部。The twin sisters come from the City of New York. 这对双胞胎姐妹来自于纽约市。This is a friend of mine. 这是我的一个朋友。Who sits_the middle_the classroom?A. at; of B. in; of C. on; in D. at; for【答案选B】译文:谁坐在教室的中间? (2) 表示特征。如:We need a man of ability to do t

33、he work. 我们需要一个能干的人做这项工作。We are of the same age. 我们是同龄人。(3) 表示范围。如:The child has eaten some of that cake. 孩子已将那块蛋糕吃掉了一些。One of the three questions was beyond me. 那三个问题中有一个我答不出来。A group_boys and girls are dancing in the park.A. withB. ofC. forD. to【答案选B】译文:一群男孩和女孩在公园里跳舞。(4) 表示构成的材料。如:The knife is mad

34、e of wood and metal. 这把小刀是由木头和金属制成的。This chair is made of wood. 这把椅子是木制的。off(1) 不在上,从下来,离开。如:The girl fell off the bike. 那个女孩从车上摔了下来。I am off duty today. 今晚我不值班。The Young Pioneer helped the old man to get_the bus.A. of B. out C. off D. about 【答案选C】译文:少先队员扶老人下车。 (2) 离一些距离。如:The factory is 100 metres

35、off the building. 工厂离这幢楼有100米远。There is a lighthouse just off the coast. 离海岸不远有座灯塔。on(1) 支承在,靠在,放在上面。如:There were many books on the floor. 地板上有许多书。You used to have a picture on that wall, didnt you?以前你在那面墙上挂了一幅画,对吗?(2) 指时间。如:Children usually enjoy themselves on Childrens Day. 在儿童节,孩子们通常玩得很开心。On Sund

36、ay evening we are going to see the film. 星期天晚上我们打算去看电影。1. It is reported that a small plane from South Africa crashed(坠落)northwest of Changsha_May 28, 2004.A. onB. inC. toD. at【答案选A】译文:据报道2004年5月28日一辆来自南非的飞机在长沙西北部坠落。2. A tsunami(海啸) happened in some southern Asian countries_December,2004.A. atB. on

37、C. in D. by【答案选C】译文:2004年12月在南亚的一些国家发生了海啸。3. When did you come back from Beijing?_the morning of April 18th.A. At B. Within C. On D. In【答案选C】译文:你什么时候从北京回来?4月18日清晨。(3) 关于、论及。如:He gave a talk on computers. 他作了一个关于计算机的报告。I bought a book on gardening. 我买了一本有关园艺方面的书。(4) 接近,靠近。如:Weve got a nice little hou

38、se on the river. 我们在河边有一所漂亮的小房子。1. Please turn_all the lights in the room, or Im afraid. A. downB. onC. forD. down【答案选B】译文:请打开房间里所有的灯,否则我害怕。2. It was raining, but the farmers still went_working in the fields. A. forB. onC. withD. from【答案选B】译文:天下雨了,但农民们仍然在田里工作。 outside(1) 在的外边。如:Shall we meet outside

39、 the school gate? 我们在校门外集合好吗?(2) 除了(口语)。如:No one agreed with him outside one or two. 除了一两人外,没人同意他的建议。inside在里面,在之内。如:I would like to see what is inside their house. 我想看看他们房子的内部结构。It may be inside your pocket. 它也许在你的口袋里。over(1) 在上面,强调覆盖或未接触。如:There is a stone bridge over the river. 河上有一座石桥。(2) 遍及各部分。

40、如:The sky is over our heads. 天在我们的头顶上。The people all over the world love peace. 全世界的人都热爱和平。(3) 从一边到另一边,不指水面以下的动作。如:Who lives in that house over the way? 谁住在路对面的房子里?The old man swam over the river soon. 那个老人很快游过了那条河。(4) 越过,通过,溢出。如:He is talking to Lily over the phone. 他正和莉莉通过电话交谈。I learn English over

41、 the radio every day. 我每天通过收音机学英语。round(与around同义)(1) 在周围,环绕。如:The earth moves round the sun. 地球围绕太阳转。What do you do round the house on Sundays? 星期天你做什么家务?(2) 在范围内。如:They were sitting round the table. 他们正围桌而坐。They looked round the island. 他们环顾岛屿四周。Let me show you around the factory. 让我带你参观工厂。since自从

42、,自以后。如:It is nearly two years since we met last. 自从我们上次见面后将近两年了。She hasnt been to the Great Wall since 1983. 她自1983以后未曾去过长城。to向,对,朝,到。如:I walk to work every day. 我每天步行上班。Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国以东。The little boy can count from one to one hundred. 这个小男孩能从1数到100。I prefer singing to dancing. 我喜欢唱歌胜过跳舞。Its five minutes to six. 现在是差5分6点。Do you have the key to the front door? 你有前门的钥匙吗?Japan lies_ the east of China.A. to B. on C. in D. at【答案选A】译文:日本在中国以东。under(1) 在之下。如:There is a little dog under the table. 桌子下面有一只小狗。He hid his face under the bedclothes. 他


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