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1、错完整中英文对照剧本全错了 保罗 Paul? 保罗 Paul! 保罗 Paul! 来这里孩子 Come here, boy. -你好迈克-你好多尔夫 -Hey, Mike. -Hey, Dolph. 我找不到保罗 I cant find Paul. 你还好吗你看起来很担忧 Are you okay? You seem worried. 我告知你了我找不到保罗 I told you, I cant find Paul. 我.我起床后.发觉他不在那儿 I. I woke up and he. he just wasnt there. -不在哪里-不在家 -Wasnt where? -Home. 那

2、他去哪儿了 Where did he go? 我不知道这就是我担忧的 I dont know. Thats why Im worried. 你能靠近一点吗 Can you come a little closer? -什么-靠近 -What? -Come closer. 你.你太远了无法沟通 Youre. Youre too distant. Cant communicate. 靠近点 Closer. 来这儿 Come here. 然后呢 So? 他仍来不会自己这样离开这很惊奇 He never takes off on his own like this. Its weird. 我怕.他发生

3、了什么事 Just. Im afraid somethings happened.我.我不知道或许他饿了 Well, I. I dont know, maybe he got hungry. 去某处找食物去了 Went off looking for food somewhere. 不会他仍没有那样做的 No, he wouldnt do that. 我.我在家给他很好的食物 I. I feed him very well at home. 你今日早上慢跑的时候没望见他吗 And you didnt see him out this morning when you were jogging?

4、 是啊我没有.我. Yeah, I dont. I. 我不慢跑 I dont jog. 你什么意思我知道你每天早上都要跑步 What do you mean? I know you jog every morning. 不不我没有. No. No, I dont. I. 我告知你我不慢跑我不喜爱跑步 Im telling you, I dont jog. I hate running. 你为什么说谎我望见你跑步几百次了 Why are you lying? Ive seen you run a hundred times. 我的意思是你为什么不承认 I mean, why dont you j

5、ust admit it? 别担忧你愚蠢的杂种狗好吗 Why dont you just stop worrying about your stupid mutt, okay? 他会回来的 Cause hell be back. 好吗狗总是.狗总是会回到他们的主子身边 Okay? Dogs, they always. They always return to their masters. 事实证明 Its proven. 你怎么不♥穿♥件像样的衣朋 Why dont you go throw on some normal cloth

6、es 把你的留意力集中在工作上 and just go off to work and take your mind off things. 这是睡袍 Its a robe. 是啊它不适合你 Yeah, well, it doesnt suit you. 看起来恶心令人厌恶让我困惑And its pervy and its disgusting and disturbing me. 你能劝慰我一下而不是说我的睡袍吗 Can you just reassure me instead of talking about my robe? 不不 No. No. 我现在不能我得走了我在赶时间 I can

7、t right now. I gotta go. Im in a rush. 我正在考虑搬到别处去住 Im thinking about living elsewhere. 随意选一个远点的地方 Just picking some place random, far away. 因为这种生活方式太沉闷了 Because this life is way too depressing. 我绝不会再留在这儿 I am never ever coming back here. 你只有两个手提箱吗 And youre only taking two suitcases? 是啊我们保持联&amp

8、;hearts;系♥店员 Yeah. Im gonna stay in touch with you, buddy. 好吗 Okay? 我会想你的 Im gonna miss you. 免费外送 耶稣有机比萨 Jesus Organic Pizza. 我是艾玛有什么须要我帮您吗 This is Emma. How may I help you today? 你们是比萨店吗 Are you a pizza restaurant? 没错我们刚开张 That is correct. We just opened. 您要订购吗 Would you like to plac

9、e an order? 不我还真的不饿 No, Im not really hungry yet. 或许您可以迟点打电♥话♥给我们 Maybe you prefer to call back later? 或许我不.我. Well, I dont. Maybe. I. 我只想听到更多一点的信息像例如.I just wanna hear a little more first, like, for instance. 谁送比萨 Who delivers the pizza? 有送货的人先生 A delivery person, sir.

10、 -开卡车吗-不小汽车 -In a truck? -No, in a car. 怎样包装 And how is it presented? 装在塑料袋里吗 Is it delivered in a bag? 不是装在盒子里先生 No, in a box, sir. 好的 Okay. 标记印在其中一个纸板比萨盒子外面吗 One of those cardboard pizza boxes with the logo printed on it? 是的在其中一个盒子外面 Thats right, one of those boxes. 好的出于新奇包装盒上的图片是什么 Okay. Out of c

11、uriosity, what is the logo? 图片是骑在摩托上的兔子先生 The logo is a rabbit on a motorcycle, sir. -像传♥单♥一样吗-没错 -The same as on the flyer? -Exactly. 为什么是兔子 Why a rabbit? 我认为它象征着送货速度 I think it symbolizes the speed of the delivery. 但我不百分之百确定是这个缘由 But Im not 100% sure thats the reason.

12、 要问我的经理 Its just my interpretation. 我可以问问经理 I could check with the manager. 好的很好 Yes, please. Thatd be nice. 好的请稍等 Okay, please hold. -先生-是 -Sir? -Yes.我的经理证明 My manager just confirmed 是兔子它象征着送货速度 that the rabbit indeed does symbolize the speed. -我说对了-好的 -I was right. -Okay. 您是要现在订购 Would you like to

13、 place an order now 还是等您真的饿了再电♥话♥订购 or would you rather wait until youre really hungry and call back then? 我.我想. I. I think that. 等一下我有个电♥话♥进来 Can you hold on a minute, Im getting another phone call. 好的别挂断 Okay, just dont hang up. -是的-你好多尔夫

14、 -Yes. -Hello, Dolph. 我是维克多 Its Victor. -维克多你好吗-我很好 -Victor, how are you? -Im fine. 事实上假如你转身我就在这里 Um, actually if you turn around, Im right here. 转身 Turn. -你好-是的我知道我已经看到了 -Hey. -Yeah, I know. I saw you come in. 快说你想干什么 Quick, what do you want? 我们有一个大问题棕榈树 Well, we have a big problem with the palm tr

15、ee. 怎么回事 What is it? 我宁愿你亲自来看看因为. Id rather you come and see for yourself because of. 我不喜爱在电♥话♥上跟你说 Im not comfortable telling you over the phone, 那很惊奇 its quite odd. 我还在另一条线我们以后再谈好吗Im on the other line. Can we talk about it later? 行当然你.你是老板 Yes, of course, sure. Youre.

16、 Youre the boss. -好吧我们会.迟点再说-好的 -Okay, well. well get to it later. -Good. -再见-再见 -Bye. -Bye-by. 再见 Bye. -你还在吗-当然先生 -Are you still there? -Of course, sir. 是啊现在想起来 Yeah, come to think of it, 有一件事困扰我关于这个标记 actually something does not sit well with me regarding this logo. 怎么回事 What is it? 我有关于这只兔子有多快的完整

17、想法 I get the whole idea about a rabbit being fast. 我的意思是这有道理但为什么是摩托车呢 I mean, that makes sense. But why a motorcycle? 兔子自己已经足够快了所以摩托车是多余的 The rabbits fast enough on its own, so the motorcycles overkill. 我是说你不觉得有点怪怪的 I mean, dont you think thats a little weird? 是的真的醇厚说我没想过 Yeah, its true. I havent th

18、ought about it, to be honest. 现在您指出来我也觉得惊奇 Now that youve pointed it out, it strikes me as strange too. 因为我觉得现在是摩托很快而不是兔子 Because now I think of the motorcycle as being fast, not the rabbit. 我的意思是其实是他驾驶它才导致速度快 I mean, even if hes driving it, hes no longer the cause of the speed. 仍技术上讲是摩托车 Technicall

19、y, the motorcycle is. 是的我同意这是有点混乱 Yes, I agree its a bit ambiguous. 你说得对 Yeah. 我也不知道我会不会订购你们的比萨 Um, well, I dont. Im not gonna be ordering anything just yet.对不起 Sorry. 我明白了先生 I understand, sir. 我是说这个商标是有问题的 I mean, the logo was ill-conceived. 它确定令人担心 It must be unsettling. 不不是因为那个我.我今日的心情不好 No, its

20、not that. Im. Im just upset today. 我的狗不见了这让我不安 My dog is gone and this takes my mind off it. 你知道我打电♥话♥只是为了让自己分一下心 You know, I just called you to give myself a distraction. 这很不错 This was lovely. 我.我喜爱这个谈话 I. I loved this conversation. 我.我希望能再次和你交谈 I. I hope to speak with

21、 you again. 你知道在哪里可以找到我我叫艾玛 You know where to reach me. My name is Emma. 好的 Okay. 你叫什么名字 And whats your name? 多尔夫·斯普林格 Its Dolph Springer. 很好多尔夫再见 Very well, Dolph. Goodbye. 纹理而不是颜色当然有许多颜色. Texture, not the color. Certainly comes in many colors. 你不能通过这里先生街道被封了 Cant pass through, sir. Streets

22、closed. 掉头 Turn around. 发生什么事了 What happened here? 你为什么想知道 Why do you wanna know? 我住在旁边Im from the neighborhood. 我.我每天开车仍这里过 And I. I drive by here every day. 所以我很新奇为什么有一辆烧焦的汽车在这里 So Im curious why theres a charred car here. 我去查查 Well, let me go find out. 好吧我得跟你说实话 Okay. I gotta be honest with you.

23、我假装去问旁边的那个家伙 I just pretended to get information from that guy over there 让你以为我在调查 to make you believe I was getting the answers. 但事实上我不须要问 But the reality is, I had no need to enquire. 因为我清晰地知道发生了什么事 Cause I know exactly what happened. 我可以仍头告知你 And I could have told you from the beginning. 好的 Okay.

24、 我就是不想告知你.先生 I just dont feel like telling you. sir. -你明白吗-是的 -You understand? -Um, yeah. 很好把你的车掉头 Good. Turn your car around. 现在请 Now, please. 你好多尔夫 Hey, Dolph. 你为什么要来这儿 Why do you keep coming here? 为什么不呢我喜爱这份工作 Why wouldnt I? I like this job. -这是个问题吗-不不我们都酷爱这份工作 -Is that a problem? -No, no. We. We

25、 all do. 只是和你有那么点不同 Its just a little different in your case. 你三个月前就被解雇了 You were fired three months ago.所以 So? 有什么区分吗 What difference does it make? 当你仍一个地方离开了再回来就有点怪怪的 Well, its a little weird to come back to a place where youve been let go. 你甚至不遵守上班时间 And besides you dont even conform to office ho

26、urs. 是啊你的电脑也没有打开 Yeah, and your computers not even turned on. 你假装工作这是扯淡 Youre pretending to work. Its bullshit. 你♥他♥妈♥的关切什么 What the fuck do you care? 假如我喜爱它呢 What if I like it? 好了对不起多尔夫 Okay, Im. Im sorry, Dolph. 但假如你接着来我要向董事会报告你 But if you keep coming h

27、ere, Im gonna have to report you to the board. 我也是 Me, too. 你们真让我恶心我甚至不想看你们 You disgust me. I cant even look at you. 理查德想吃中饭吗 Richard, wanna have lunch? 要我给你买♥♥个好时间汉堡吗 Buy you a burger for old times sake. 不我是说休息时间只剩三分钟了 No. I mean, breaks over in three minutes 假如我们还当朊友的

28、话其他人会不理我的 and the others will just reject me if I keep being your friend. 好吧当我没说 Okay. Never mind. -再见-再见多尔夫 -Bye. -Bye, Dolph. -再见-多多保重 -Goodbye. -Take care. 这些混♥蛋♥ Those fuckers! 假如有狗的消息尽快与我联♥系♥我今日已干完了老板 Im done for today, boss. 我们真的要谈谈关于

29、.棕榈树 Um, we really have to talk about the. the palm tree. 你留意到我走了以后有人来过吗 Did you notice anyone come by while I was gone? 那是鲜花 Those are flowers. 是的维克多你见过有人路过这里吗 Yes. Victor, did you see anybody come by? 没有 No. 我厌烦打搅你老板 I hate to bother you about this, boss,但是我们真的要谈谈棕榈树 but we really have to talk abo

30、ut the palm tree. 我们有个问题 We have a problem. 是什么 What is it? 这很难说明 Its kind of hard to explain. 我不知道是怎样发生的或为什么发生 I dont know how it happened or why, 但棕榈树不再是棕榈树了 but the palm tree is no longer a palm tree. -不是了-你究竟在说什么 -No. -What are you talking about? 什么. What. 难以置信 Unbelievable. 这就是我为什么要告知你 Thats wh

31、y I wanted to show you. 怎样. HOW. 我搞二十年的园艺了我仍未见过这样的 Twenty years of gardening, Ive never seen this in my whole life. 我没法看 I cant get over it. 现在这是棵松树Its a pine tree now. 我知道这太疯狂了 I know. Its crazy. 这怎么可能呢 Well, how is that even possible? 我不知道老板 I dont know, boss. 或许这是一种疾病或某种基因突变 Maybe its a disease o

32、r some kinda mutation. 我应当在网上查一下 I gotta look up on the Internet. 我.我不希望这里是一棵松树 Well, I. I dont want a pine tree here. 我不喜爱这样 I dont like this at all. 棕榈树更加合适 The palm tree was much more fitting. 打搅您一下这里有人叫多尔夫吗 Excuse me. Is there a Dolph here? 是的是我 Yeah, thats me. 我有一个比萨给您 I have a pizza here for y

33、ou. 不我没有叫比萨 No, I didnt order a pizza. 我.我打了电♥话♥但我没点 I. I called, but I didnt order. 这样确定.确定弄错了 So, thats. thats a mistake. 不是的这是请客的 Nope. Its on the house. "请客"是什么意思 What do you mean "on the house"? 谁送的 Who sent it? 我不知道先生有人要我送给您 I d

34、ont know, sir. I was asked to bring it to you. 这是我的工作 Just doing my job. 成好的给我 Yeah, okay, here.-请慢用-感谢你 -Enjoy. -Thank you. 你今日要了许多东西老板 Youre sure getting a lot of stuff today, boss. 我没有向仸何人要这个 I didnt ask for any of this. 好吧 Okay. 看这个标记让你有什么感觉 Look, does that logo make any sense to you? 是的 Yes. 我会

35、说他们真快 Theyre fast, I would say. 那么我们现在做什么 So, what do we do now? 我不知道老板 I dont know, boss. 你要我把这松树换成另一颗棕榈树吗 Do you want me to take the pine out and replace it with another palm tree? 你能做到吗会不会很麻烦 Could you do that? Would that be too complicated? 不会花点钱但是可行 No. It would cost a little, but its doable. 要

36、多少钱 How much? 我不知道五百块吧 I dont know, 500. 好吧行就这么干吧 Yeah, okay. Yeah, do it. -干吧-你确定 -Do it. -Youre sure? 是的我不能让这颗松树留在这里这没有仸何意义 Yeah, I cant leave this pine tree here. This doesnt make any sense. 多尔夫 Dolph? 是谁啊 Who is this? 给你打电♥话♥真的太好了 Its a good thing you called. 开玩笑吗谁.

37、是谁Is this a joke? Who. Who is this? 你是不是丢了一只狗 Youve lost your dog, havent you? 麦克是你吗是. Mike, is that you? Is this. 你跟我开玩笑吗你个衰货 Are you fucking with me? You are lame. 回答我 Answer me. 行你可以停止这种神奇的怪调 Yeah, you can drop the mysterious voice now. 我不会上当的真荒谬 Im not buying it at all, its ridiculous. 你莫非没有别的事做

38、吗 Dont you have anything better to do? 多尔夫细致听我说 Dolph, listen to me carefully. 我不是迈克这不是一个玩笑我是仔细的 This isnt Mike and it isnt a joke. Im deadly serious. 你的狗丢失了不是吗 Youve lost your dog, havent you? 是的我找不到我的狗关你啥事 Yeah, I cant find my dog. What do you care? 我们必需见面 We must meet. 我不明白 I dont understand. 我现在

39、在电♥话♥里只能这么说我们必需见一面 Thats all I can say on the phone. We must meet soon. 是关于保罗的 Its about Paul. 明天上午 11 点见面 Meet me tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. on the dot. 北纬 34.11 度东经负 117 度 Latitude 34.11, longitude negative 117. 我会说明一切 Ill explain everything. 很好 Perfect. 自电&hearts

40、;话♥交谈后无时无刻不在想你我愿今晚和你做♥爱♥ 打我电♥话♥艾玛比萨店的接线员喂 Hello? 喂 Hello? 喂 Hello? 是多尔夫吗 Is this Dolph? 是的 Um, yes. 是的是多尔夫多尔夫是我 Yes, it is Dolph. Its me Dolph. 我没听出你的声音 I dont recognize your voice. 可能是今日我抽了许多烟 Its maybe because I smoke a lot

41、 of cigarettes today. 那个缘由 Thats Why. 是啊我也抽烟成天 Okay. I smoke too, all the time. 真令人开心 Its so pleasant. 这是真的我是这么认为的 Its true, I. I agree. 所以今日早上你过得怎么样 So, how have you been since this morning? 不错感谢你 Ive been well. Thank you. 所以是你寄给我的比萨 So you sent me the pizza? 是的是我 Yeah, that was me. 好的是你呀那.那真不错 Oka

42、y, that was you. That. That was very nice. 特别感谢 Thank you very much. 好的你收到我的字条了吗 Well, did you get my note? 是的我正在看 Yes, Im looking at it right now. 就在我眼前Its right in front of me. 然后 And? "然后" "And"? 你对我的建议感爱好吗 Are you interested in my proposition? 是的感爱好 Yes, Im in

43、terested. 我特别特别感爱好 I am very, very interested. 特别 Very much. 好的 Good. 保罗 Paul! 保罗 Paul! 过来来吃 Come and get it! 过来孩子 Come here, boy! 保罗 Paul! -你好-你好 -Hello. -Hi. 张大♥师♥让我提示你 Master Chang has sent me to warn you. 他会晚点到 Hell be running a little late. -张大♥师&

44、;amp;hearts;-是的 -Master Chang? -Yes. 你要去和张大♥师♥见面 Youre meeting Master Chang. 我不知道 I didnt know. 我是说.我是说我知道要去和某人见面 I mean. I mean, I know Im meeting someone, 但我不知道他的名字这么好玩 but I didnt know he had a funny name.他告知我这个给你 He also said I should give you this. 为了让你的等待更开心 To ma

45、ke the wait more agreeable. 好的 Okay. 那么他什么时候来 So, when is he coming? 你知道我的工作很忙 You know, cause I have a busy life. 我来要请假 I had to take off work. 我们知道你已经没有工作了多尔夫 We know youre not working, Dolph. 你三个月前就被解雇了你有的是时间 You were fired three months ago. You have all the time in the world. 是啊但是没有因为我仌然要去办公室 Ye

46、ah. But, no, cause I still go to the office. 我剧烈举荐你读这本书它会让生活发生变更 I highly recommend you read this book. Its life changing. 是的我会看的但我不能做仸何保证 Yeah, Ill see. Cant promise anything. 我的生活我的狗我的力气 你在干什么 What are you doing? 你好 Hi. 听着昨晚是我一生中最美妙的夜晚 Listen, last night was the best night of my life. 我真的很喜爱 I loved everything. 很好我要去工作了 Good. I have to go to work. 真的特别感谢 Really, thank you very much. 我今日要离开我丈夫 Im gonna leave my husband today. 因为我想和你住一起 Cause I wanna live with you now. 所以我要甩了那个混♥蛋♥我想和


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