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《初中情态动词讲解PPT课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初中情态动词讲解PPT课件.ppt(63页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Learning goals: 复习部分情态动词的用法复习部分情态动词的用法12情态动词的新用法情态动词的新用法情态动词表示推测情态动词表示推测3对物品的归属进行猜测对物品的归属进行猜测 思考?思考? 你记得学过哪些主要的情态动词吗?你记得学过哪些主要的情态动词吗?12情态动词有哪些语法特征呢?情态动词有哪些语法特征呢? can. could, may, must,might, have to3情态动词如何使用呢?情态动词如何使用呢?1. 情态动词有具体的词义。情态动词有具体的词义。2. 情态动词没有人称和数的变化。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。3. 情态动词情态动词后后必须跟必须跟动词原形动词

2、原形,两者,两者 一起构成谓语动词。一起构成谓语动词。4. 一般疑问句提前边,一般疑问句提前边, 否定句在后直接加否定句在后直接加 not.can / can not1. 表示能力表示能力 (会会) 1) Mary can speak English, but she can not speak French. 2) Can you lift this heavy box? 3) Can you skate? 2. 表示允许表示允许 (可以可以) 1)Can I use your dictionary? 2)- Can I go home now? - Yes, you can. / No,

3、you cant. 1. 是是can 的过去式;的过去式; 表示过去的能力;表示过去的能力; He could ride a bike at the age of five. 2. 用于婉转语气用于婉转语气,多用于问句。多用于问句。“能,可以能,可以” Could you please clean the room? - Could I come to see you tomorrow? - Yes, you can. ( No, you cant. ) 此处此处 could 不是过去式,只是语气更委婉,不是过去式,只是语气更委婉,答语中不能用答语中不能用could和和 couldnt,要用要

4、用can 和和 cant。 couldmay / may not1. 表示请求和表示请求和允许允许 (可以可以), 比比can 正式正式. May I come in? He may come if he likes. may的用法的用法:may / may notmay的的一般一般疑问句,其否定回疑问句,其否定回答答用用 cant 或或 mustnt。1. -May I go home now? -Yes, you may. / Sure. / Yes, please. No, you cant./ mustnt.2. -May I use your washroom now? -No, y

5、ou _. Theres something wrong with the toilet. A. neednt B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. didnt Bmust / must notmust 必须必须 ,表示说话人的表示说话人的 主观意志。主观意志。 You must do your homework first.must 的用法的用法:must / must not mustnt 表示禁止表示禁止 ,不准,不允许。,不准,不允许。 You mustnt smoke here. You mustnt play with fire. must not的用法的用法:must

6、 / must not 以以must开头的开头的疑问句疑问句, 肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes , must. 否定回答否定回答: No, neednt. 或或 No, dont have to. - Must I clean the classroom now? - Yes, you_ . - No, you _ . / No, you _ . mustneedntdont have toneed作作情态动词,情态动词,主要用于主要用于疑问句疑问句和和否定句否定句中中 need 一般疑问句一般疑问句: 肯定回答用肯定回答用 Yes, must, 否定回答用否定回答用 No,neednt . 或或

7、 No,dont have to.如:如: Need I do it now? Yes, you _。 No, you _ . need 作作行为动词行为动词,有人称、数和时态的,有人称、数和时态的 变化后接变化后接to do, 即即 need to do sth. needmustneednt / dont have tomight / maymight 1. 是是 may 的过去式。的过去式。 2. 表示推测表示推测, 可能性较小。可能性较小。 1) He might be very busy now. 2) Your mother might know the truth. may 也表

8、示猜测,意为也表示猜测,意为“可能可能”。 3) Where is my English book? It might / may be in your desk. .用适当的情态动词填空:用适当的情态动词填空:1. I can play football. _you swim?2. I cant play with you. I _finish my homework first.3. I_ get up early tomorrow. because I have a meeting. 4. Nobody _live without air.Canmustmustcan 5._I come

9、 in ?Yes ,please.6. _you please tell me where the station is ?7. Must I finish the work now ? No, you _.8. -Need I take this book out? -Yes , you _ .A. can B. may C. need D. must9. _ the girl read before she went to school? A. Can B. Must C. Can D. Could May Could neednt D D Whose dog is this?It mig

10、ht/ could be_. He is a singer and actor, he is known by everyone.Whose dog is this?It must be Liu Dehuas.It might/ could be_. He is a singer and actor, he is known by everyone.An actor, he is tall, cool and popular. Whose dog is this?It might / could be_.An actor, he is tall, cool and popular. Whose

11、 dog is this?It might / could be_.It must be Zhang Hans.He is a basketball player.Whose car is this?It might / could be _.He is a basketball player.Whose car is this?It might / could be _.It must be_. It cant be _.mineYao MingsHe is rich but helpful.Whose car is this?It might/ could be _. It cant be

12、 _. It must be_.He is rich but helpful.Whose car is this? It might/ could be _. It cant be _. I must be _. mineBill Gates 情态动词表推测讲解情态动词表推测讲解 must 表示推测表示推测must 表示非常肯定的或有把握的推测,表示非常肯定的或有把握的推测, 意为意为“一定,必定一定,必定”。 只用在肯定句中,不能用于否定句中。只用在肯定句中,不能用于否定句中。Eg. You have worked hard all day. You must be tired. might

13、, could 表示推测表示推测语气更委婉,表示的可能性较小,说话中留语气更委婉,表示的可能性较小,说话中留有余地,意为有余地,意为“可能,也许,或许可能,也许,或许”。 1. The football might / could be Jacks. He likes all kinds of ball games. 2. Liu Mei isnt here today. She might / could be ill.cant 意为意为“不可能不可能”, 必用在否定句中。必用在否定句中。 - The man cant be Mr. Green. - He has gone to Ameri

14、ca. 情态动词情态动词must, might, could, cant 表示推测表示推测的含义与用法。的含义与用法。 情态动词情态动词must, might, could, cant 后面都接后面都接动词原形动词原形,都可以表示对现在情况的揣测或推断,都可以表示对现在情况的揣测或推断,但他们的含义有所不同:但他们的含义有所不同:must 一定,肯定(一定,肯定(100%的可能性)的可能性)might, could 有可能,也许(有可能,也许(20%80%的可能性)的可能性)cant 不可能,不会(可能性几乎为零)不可能,不会(可能性几乎为零)活动探究活动探究 意思意思推测程度推测程度must

15、一定,肯定一定,肯定用于非常确定的推测用于非常确定的推测maymight/could有可能,有可能,也许也许用于不确定的推测用于不确定的推测can/cant不可能,不可能,不会不会在疑问句和否定句中在疑问句和否定句中表推测表推测 情态动词表示推测 常考的有: 对某事判断的程度:对某事判断的程度: must could might cantmust, could, might, cant Choose must , might, could, cant , can to fill in the blanks.1.The storybook_ be hers. It has her name on

16、 it.2.The beautiful trousers _ be Lilys. Because theyre too long.3.I cant find my key. It_ be left at home.4.The volleyball_ be Sallys or Anns. They both like playing volleyball.5.The piano_ belong to Alice. She often plays the piano.mustcantcould/mightmight/couldmight/could7.The pen_ belong to him.

17、 Its on his desk.might/ could8.My mother _ be at home. She left home with me. She has gone to go to work.cant9.This basketball _ be Nings. He plays basketball every day.could/ might10.This school uniform _ be Nicks. Its too small for him.cant6. _that wallet yours? -No, it _be mine. Mine is here.Canc

18、ant用用must, could, cant, might填空。填空。 1. -Excuse me, whose book is this? - It _ be Johns. It has his name on it.2.The man _ be my English teacher. He has gone to Canada.3. It _ be Jims football. He likes playing football very much. must cant might /could【例例1】 - Jim is reading a book under that tree. -

19、 It _ be Jim. He has gone to Hainan. A. may B. mustnt C. cant D. could C 典型例题解析典型例题解析【例例2】 - Where are you going this month? - We _ go to Xiamen, but were not sure. A. neednt B. must C. might D. mustnt C 典型例题解析典型例题解析【例例3】 Wheres Mr Li? I have something important to tell him. You _ find him. He _ Jap

20、an. A. may not, has gone to B. may not, has been to C. cant, has gone to D. cant, has been toC 典型例题解析典型例题解析【例例4】 Could I look at your pictures? Yes, of course you _. A. could B. can C. will D. mightB 典型例题解析典型例题解析【例例5】Where is Jack,please? He_be in the classroom.2013 杭州杭州 A. can B. need C. would D. m

21、ustD 典型例题解析典型例题解析(可能是Mary。)(不可能是Mary。) Mum: Who is it ? J: It must be Tom. M: It might/could be Mary. J: It cant be Mary. She is in China.(一定是Tom。)(可能是Kate。)(绝对不是Marry。) Mum: Who is it? Jim: (一定是Tom。)It must be Tom.It might/ could be Kate.It cant be Marry.She is in China.-It_ belong to Mark or Lili

22、Because they both play football.-Whose football is this ? might could mustLiliMark-It_ belong to Bush. Because_Bush-Whose red bicycle is this ?cant his bike is white and blue.Can this T-shirt beJims?It cant be Jims. Because its too small for him.JimLiu xiang-It_ be Liu Xiangs. -Whose exercise book i

23、s this ?mustIt must belong to Liu XiangBecause it has his name on it. 语言点:whose 谁的1.Whose truck is that ? (同义句同义句) _ is that _ ?2. I think that is my fathers shirt. (就划线部分提问)(就划线部分提问) _ shirt do you think _ _ ?3. By _ the car was invented?Whose that isWhosetruck whomWhose is this ?It cant be xxs. It

24、 must be xxs. It could /might be xxs. belong to xxx.belong to xxx.belong to xxx.It is mine/yours/hers/his/ours.= It belongs to me/you/her/him/us. Its Li Pings.= It belongs to Li Ping. belong to sb (名词/代词的宾格)= be sbs (名词所有格/ 名词性物主代词) belong to 属于属于1. 不能用于进行时态不能用于进行时态2. 不能用于被动语态不能用于被动语态3. belong to +名

25、词名词或代词的或代词的宾格宾格。4. 常与名词性物主代词或名词所有格进行常与名词性物主代词或名词所有格进行 句型转换句型转换, 即:即: belong to + sb. / 代词宾格代词宾格 = be + sbs / 名词性物主代词名词性物主代词。 1. Who is the owner of the black box? (同义句转换同义句转换) _ does the black box _ _ ?2. Would you like to have a _ (野餐野餐) with us this weekend? 课时训练课时训练Who/Whom belong to picnic belongs to cant be B 小结:情态动词归纳 must be having must have knownThank you!


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