2020同步外研英语必修1新突破(课件+讲义+精练):Module 2Section Ⅴ Writing——描写人物.doc

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2020同步外研英语必修1新突破(课件+讲义+精练):Module 2Section Ⅴ Writing——描写人物.doc_第1页
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《2020同步外研英语必修1新突破(课件+讲义+精练):Module 2Section Ⅴ Writing——描写人物.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020同步外研英语必修1新突破(课件+讲义+精练):Module 2Section Ⅴ Writing——描写人物.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1Section Writing描写人物描写人物文体指导本模块的主要写作话题是你最喜欢的老师。这类作文一般分为三部分。开头部分:点出文章主题,对人物进行简单概述;主体部分:根据写作要求,详细介绍所描述人物的特点;结尾部分:概括人们的评价。亮点句式1段首常用语: (1)Mr.Wu, our physics teacher, is excellent.He enjoys teaching physics.(2)Mrs.Zhang, our history teacher, is good at teaching.(3)We all like Mrs.Wang, our maths teacher.

2、2对优秀老师的特点的描述: (1)He is very patient and has a way to make the class interesting.(2)She makes things interesting and exciting to learn.(3)She varies her lessons to make them more interesting.(4)If you succeed in working out a problem, she will praise you in class.(5)She makes us believe we can learn

3、maths well.(6)We have various afterclass activities, such as singing, English corner, and having talks and discussions on our subjects.(7)But his best quality is that he likes all his students.写作任务最近来自加拿大的外教史密斯先生担任你们班的口语老师。请你根据提示信息, 用英语写一篇短文, 介绍这位新老师。外貌戴眼镜; 年轻、英俊; 中等身材性格对人有耐心; 乐于助人教学方面知识丰富; 课堂生动有趣与学

4、生的关系与学生关系融洽; 在学习方面要求严格参考词汇: 中等身材 be of medium height要求:1.可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯; 22词数 100 个左右。审题谋篇体裁记叙文时态一般现在时主题介绍老师人称第三人称和第一人称结构第一部分:外貌和性格特点第二部分:师生关系第三部分:教学风格遣词造句.对接模块词汇1respect v&n. 尊敬;尊重2patient adj. 耐心的3strict adj. 严格的;严厉的4have problems with 在方面有麻烦 5make progress 取得进步.巧用模块句式、语法(一)完成句子1他是一个帅气的戴着眼镜的年轻老师,

5、中等身材。He is a handsome young teacher with glasses and is of medium height.2他对我们很耐心,而且乐于助人,因此我们学生都喜欢他。He is very patient with us and always ready to help others, so he is very popular with us students.3每当我们在学习和生活上有麻烦,我们喜欢向他求助。Whenever we have problems with our study or life, wed love to turn to him fo

6、r help.4我们大家都喜欢他的课,因为他知识丰富,能够使他的课生动有趣。All of us like his lessons because he has much knowledge and can make his classes lively and interesting5尽管他容易相处,但他对我们很严格。Although he is easy to get along with, he is strict with us.6我们相信,在史密斯先生的帮助下,我们一定能取得很大的进步。We believe that with the help of Mr.Smith, we are

7、sure to make great progress3(二)句式升级7用 thats because .改写句 2He is very popular with us students, and thats because he is very patient with us and always ready to help others.8用 with 复合结构改写句 6We believe that with Mr.Smith helping us, we are sure to make great progress.妙笔成篇【参考范文】Our new teacher, Mr.Smit

8、h, comes from Canada.He is a handsome young teacher with glasses and is of medium height.He is very popular with us students, and thats because he is very patient with us and always ready to help others.Whenever we have problems with our study or life, wed love to turn to him for help.All of us like his lessons because he has much knowledge and can make his classes lively and interesting.Although he is easy to get along with, he is strict with us.We believe that with Mr.Smith helping us, we are sure to make great progress.


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