高二英语-知识讲解 Unit 2 Highlights of My Senior Year 语言点.doc

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1、Unit 2 Highlights of My Senior Year 语言点编稿:王春霞 审稿:陈玉莲 学习目标重点词汇highlight, innocent, enormous, suit, issue, polish, likely, dynamic, multiply 重点短语look back (at / to / on / upon), a sense of, in my view, as far as sb. / sth. is concerned, be with sb. (on sth.)重点句型It is / was not until that it表示抽象的事物make

2、的复合结构知识讲解重点词汇highlight【原句回放】But I have to say, the highlight of the year was the senior prom. 但是我得说,本年度最精彩的时刻是毕业舞会。【点拨】highlight n. 最好(最精彩,最激动人心)的部分;v. 突出,强调One of the highlights of the trip was seeing the monument这次旅行中,最激动人心的事之一是参观纪念碑。The highlights of the match will be shown later this evening比赛最精

3、彩的片断将于今晚播出。The report highlights the major problems facing society today报告特别强调了当今社会所面临的主要问题。innocent【原句回放】I was shown to the dormitory where I would sleep with five other innocent boys. 我被带到寝室,在那里我将与其他五个少不更事的男孩子们一块儿住宿。【点拨】innocent adj. 无罪的,清白的,无害的,天真的,单纯的(常与of连用),阅历不深的Can you provide any evidence th

4、at he was innocent of the crime?你能提供证据证明他没有犯这罪吗?Do you call these innocent amusements?你把这些叫做无害的娱乐吗?They seemed so young and innocent.他们看起来如此少不更事。All those wounded were innocent victims.所有伤者都是无辜的受害人。It was a perfectly innocent question.那是个完全没有恶意的问题。【拓展】innocently adv. 天真地The baby gurgled innocently o

5、n the bed.床上的婴儿天真地咯咯笑着。enormous【原句回放】Afterwards, we went and had an enormous breakfast in a nearby hotel it was a perfect ending to a perfect school year. 后来,我们到附近旅馆吃了一顿丰盛的早餐为我们这个完美的学年划上了圆满的句号。【点拨】enormous adj. 庞大的、巨大的(它既可以表示具体的体积大、数量多,也可以表示程度的大,有时表示超出常规的想象。)There is, of course, an enormous amount t

6、o see.当然有很多可看的。It was an enormous disappointment.真是让人万分失望。【拓展】enormously adv. 巨大地、极大地;huge 广大的、巨大的,一般指体积的大。This book was enormously influential.这本书极有影响力。To win that team was a huge success.战胜那支球队是一个巨大的成功。suit【原句回放】I found a dress that suited me perfectly. 我找到一件非常适合我的晚礼服。【点拨】suit v. 对(某人)方便;满足(某人)需要,

7、合(某人)心意;相配,合身;n一套衣服常用搭配:suit sth. to sb. 让适合于某人sth. be suited to / for sb. 适合于某人suit oneself 随自己的意愿行事;自便a suit of 一套/副This diet is suited to anyone who wants to lose weight fast.这一食谱适合每一个希望迅速减肥的人。You dont want to join the club? Oh well, suit yourself.你不愿意参加俱乐部吗?那好,随便你吧。If we meet at 2, will that sui

8、t you?我们两点钟见面,你方便吗?If you want to go by bus,that suits me fine要是你想坐公共汽车走,那也合我意。It suits me to start work at a later time对我来说,最好晚一点儿再开始工作。I dont think this coat really suits me我觉得这件大衣不大适合我穿。Blue suits you. You should wear it more often你适合蓝色,你应该多穿蓝色衣服。【拓展1】suitable adj. 适宜的,适合的,恰当的;suited adj. 适合于(某人)

9、,对(某人)方便,合(某人)心意,对(某人或某事物)合适或有利;fit v. & adj. 适合(的)be suitable for / to 适合于This kind of books is not suitable for children.这类书不适合孩子看。The dress fits you well, but its colour and style doesnt suit you.这件裙子大小非常适合你,但是颜色和样式不大适合。Its hard to suit everybody. 使每个人都满意是很困难的。She is fit for the job.她很称职。【拓展2】表示“

10、合适”的词汇辨析:fit表示服装鞋帽等大小、尺寸“合适”;后常接人作宾语,即sth. fit sb.。suit强调款式、颜色等“合适”;还可用于表示某时间、安排、状况、条件、需要、口味等对某人“合适”。用法:sth. suit sb.match go with意为“与匹配”,强调一物与另一物相配,多指颜色、款式、风格、材料等方面相协调、匹配;be equal 与相匹敌go with match 与某物相配(或协调、和谐)agree with表达“合适”时,其主语多为食物或天气,用法:(sth.) not agree with sb. 使难受,不适合issue【原句回放】The last iss

11、ue of the magazine was excellent. 最后一期的杂志非常棒。【点拨】issue n. 重要议题,争论的话题;(有关某事的)问题,困扰;(报刊、杂志)期号;发行,使熟知;vt. 公布,发出;(正式)发给,供给;(刊物)出版,发表a bigkeysensitivecontroversial issue 重大关键敏感有争议的问题the July issue 七月号take / join issue with sb. on sth. 就某事与某人争论issue an order 发布命令issue passport / visas 发护照发签证issue a set of

12、 stamps 发行一套邮票issue in 导致issue from 由产生She usually writes about environmental issues她通常写环境方面的题材。Money is not an issue钱不是问题。Im not bothered about the costyoure the one whos making an issue of it我不在乎花钱是你一直在拿钱大做文章。The article appears in Issue 25该文发表在第25期。They issued a joint statement denying the charge

13、s他们发表联合声明否认指控。New members will be issued with a temporary identity card新成员将配发临时身份证。polish【原句回放】Everyone had to polish their shoes every day. 每天大家都得把鞋擦亮。【点拨】polish v. & n. 擦亮;文饰a highly polished floor 擦得锃亮的地板He removed his glasses and began polishing them with his handkerchief.他摘下眼镜,开始用手帕擦拭。They just

14、 need to polish their technique.他们只是需要改进一下技巧。He gave his counter a polish with a soft duster.他用软抹布擦亮了自己的柜台。The opera lacks the polish of his later works.这部歌剧不及他晚期作品娴熟。【拓展】polish up = polishPolish up your writing skills on a one-week professional course.上为期一周的专业课,提高你的写作技能。likely【原句回放】Older teenagers

15、are more likely to get summer jobs or go camping with a group of friends年龄较大的青少年更有可能找到暑期工作或者是跟一群朋友一块儿宿营。【点拨】likely adj. & adv. 可能(发生某事)(1)likely作表语,用于以下三种句式结构之中:句式一:It + be + likely that 可能句式二:It + be + likely for sb. to do sth. 某人可能做某事。句式三:sb.sth. + be + likely to do sth. 某人或某物可能做某事。Its not likely

16、that I would accept such an offer我不大可能接受这样的提议。Are you likely to be in London this year?今年你有可能去伦敦吗?(2)likely可以作定语,意思是:可能的;可信的What is his most likely shopping place?他很有可能在哪儿买东西?He tells a likely story他说的像真的一样。合适的;有希望的The park is a likely spot for the picnic这个公园适合野餐。He seems a likely young fellow for t

17、he job那个年轻人好像是这份工作的合适人选。(3)likely作副词时,多与most或very连用。We will most likely be late我们很有可能会迟到。I shall very likely be at home all day我很有可能整天待在家里。【拓展】辨析:probable, possible, likely 三者都表示“可能性”,区别如下:(1)程度上的区别:probable主要用来指“有根据、合情理、值得相信的事物”,带有“大概,很可能”的意味,语气比possible强。possible强调客观上“有可能”,但也常暗示“实际上希望很小”。likely侧重从

18、表面上看“某事很可能发生”,与possible意思相近,既可用人也可用物作主语。(2)用法上的区别:It is probable that 很有可能 It is possible that 有可能It is possible for sb. to do sth. 对于某人来说,做某事是有可能的。dynamic【原句回放】We had a dynamic English teacher 我们有一个充满活力的英语老师【点拨】dynamic adj. (人)精力充沛的,有干劲的,富有创新思想的;动态的,发展变化的;活跃的,充满活力的;n. 动态,活力He seemed a dynamic and e

19、nergetic leader.他似乎是一个富有干劲、精力充沛的领导。Marcus was handsome, dynamic and ambitious.马库斯仪表堂堂,精力充沛且雄心勃勃。South Asia continues to be the most dynamic economic region in the world.南亚仍然是世界上经济最活跃的地区。Political debate is dynamic.政治辩论是不断发展变化的。【拓展】dynamically adv. 活跃地;发展变化地Hes one of the most dynamically imaginative

20、 jazz pianists still functioning.他是当下仍旧活跃的最有闯劲、最具想象力的爵士乐钢琴师之一。Germany has a dynamically growing market at home.德国国内市场持续增长。multiply【原句回放】My first task was to multiply seven by three. 我的第一个任务是把七乘以三。【点拨】multiply v. 乘;成倍增加;繁殖What do you get if you multiply six by nine?9乘以6得多少?Five multiplied by five is

21、twenty-five. 5乘5得25。(multiplied by five是过去分词作定语)Efficiency would be multiplied several times. 效率将提高好几倍。The vigorous, the healthy, and the happy survive and multiply. 强壮的、健全的和幸运的总会生存,还能够繁殖。【拓展】其他“加减乘除”的表示法:介词:plus, minus, times;动词:add, subtract, divideFour times six is 24.4乘以6等于24。They will pay about

22、 $673 million plus interest.他们将支付约6.73亿美元再加上利息。One minus one is zero.1减1等于0。If you subtract 3 from 5, you get 2.如果你从5减去3,你得到2。Measure the floor area of the greenhouse and divide it by six.量一下温室的建筑面积再将它除以 6。重点短语look back (at / to / on / upon)【原句回放】Meanwhile, I find myself looking back at my senior ye

23、ar. 同时我发觉自己在回顾高中最后一年的时光。【点拨】look back at / to / on / upon 回顾、回想Looking back, I am staggered how easily it was all arranged.回头一想,我惊异地发现这一切的安排竟是如此简单。I like to look back on my high school days.我喜欢回顾我在高中的日子。【拓展】由look构成的短语:look after 照料,关心look down on / upon 轻视,看不起look for 寻找look forward to 盼望,期待(后接名词或动名

24、词)look in on sb. / at sth. 顺便拜访look into 调查look on 旁观look out 小心,留神look over 把看一遍,检查look through 浏览,核查look up 向上看;好转;查字典;拜访look well 看上去不错look up to 尊重某人a sense of【原句回放】 but for me, at eighteen, all I felt was a sense of liberation. 但是对于十八岁的我来说,所感受到的只是一种解脱感。【点拨】a sense of 感(sense表示“理解力,判断力”)a sense

25、of rhythm / timing/ relief 节奏感/时机感/ 解脱感One of the most important things in a partner is a sense of humour作为一个生活伴侣,最重要的素质之一是有幽默感。He has a very good sense of direction他的方向感很强。She has lost all sense of direction in her life她完全丧失了生活的方向。Always try to keep a sense of proportion对事情随时都要把握好孰轻孰重。in ones view

26、【原句回放】In my view, its a great activity. 我认为,这是一项很棒的活动。【点拨】in ones view (in ones opinion) 某人认为,在某人看来,以某人的观点看In my view, you should make a study plan.依我之见,你应该制定一个学习计划。In my view things wont change.依我看,事情不会改变。There is, in my view, a simple explanation.在我看来,有一个简单的解释。Its not cheating in my view.按我的看法,这不是

27、欺骗。温馨提示:in ones opinion 依某人看来在此短语中,opinion用单数形式,也可用in the opinion of sb.。have a good/bad/high/low opinion of 对的评价很好/坏/高/低opinion可用复数形式,political opinions 政见Those are my opinions about the affair. 那些就是我对这件事的看法。【拓展1】相关短语:in ones opinion 在看来in ones eyes 在看来in view of 鉴于;考虑到with a view to doing sth. 为了的

28、目的;打算做on view 陈列着;展览着【拓展2】view n. 观点、看法、态度;考量、思量;景观、景色、美景;视线、视野;v. 考虑、看待;查看;收看;认为I take the view that she should be stopped as soon as possible.我认为应该尽快阻止她。The drama takes an idealistic, even a naive view of the subject.这部戏在对待这一主题上有些理想化,甚至是天真。First-generation Americans view the United States as a lan

29、d of golden opportunity.第一代美国人认为美国是一个充满了机遇的国度。The view from our window was beautiful green countryside.从我们的窗口能看见一片美丽的绿色田园风光。He stood up to get a better view of the blackboard.为了更清楚地看到黑板上的内容,他站了起来。as far as sb. / sth. is concerned【原句回放】As far as Im concerned, 就我所知【点拨】as far as sb. / sth. is concerned

30、 就某人/某事而言As far as Im concerned, it sounds like a great idea.就我而言,这听起来是个很好的主意。As far as starting a family is concerned, the trend is for women having their children later in life.在要孩子方面,目前的趋势是女性要孩子要得比较晚。【拓展】含有far的短语:so/as far as 与一样远,远至;就(某一范围、程度)而言as far as it goes 达到一定程度(通常并未如愿)as far as the eye c

31、an see 就视力所能及as / so far as I know 据我所知far from 远非far from it (口)远不是so far 到目前为止Ill walk with you as far as the post office.我会陪你走到邮局。Its a perfectly good law as far as it goes,but it doesnt deal with the real problem.就其本身而言,这完全是一项好的法律,但它没有涉及到实际的问题。be with sb. (on sth.)【原句回放】Im with you on that. 我同意你

32、的说法。【点拨】be with sb. (on sth.) 理解、明白、懂得;支持,与在一起;同意说的话We are really with you on this one在这个问题上我们都支持你。Im with Harry all the way on this point在这一点上我完全支持哈里。Yes, I know who you mean. Yes, now Im with you.是的,我知道你说的是谁。是的,我现在明白你的意思了。Im not with you. Tell me what you mean.我不明白你说的话,告诉我你是什么意思。Im with you all th

33、e way.Thank you.我会一直支持你。谢谢!【拓展】be through with sb. 与某人断绝关系重点句型It is / was not until.that.【原句回放】It was not until the 1920s that pompoms began to play an important part in cheerleading. 直到20世纪20年代,彩线球在拉拉队队员的表演中才发挥重要作用。【点拨】not until表示“直到才”,引导时间状语从句,其强调句型是It is/was not until.that.,其倒装句型是“Not until从句did/

34、do/does/have主语”。It was not until I had received his letter that I understood how anxious he was to see me.Not until I had received his letter did I understand how anxious he was to see me.直到收到他的信,我才明白他是多么渴望见到我。 I watched them until they disappeared from sight in the distance.我一直看着他们在远处消失。I didnt man

35、age to do it until you had explained how.直到你解释怎么做之后我才会设法去做这件事。it表示抽象的事物【原句回放】I can hardly believe it,but my school life is almost over我简直不敢相信,我的学校生活几乎就要结束了。【点拨】该句中代词it指代抽象的事物,这里指的是my school life is almost over。it在英语中常用来表示一般的笼统的情况:Take it easy不要紧张。How is it going with you?你近来如何?Its awfulIve got so mu

36、ch workI dont know where to start糟透了有这么多工作要做,我不知道从哪里开始。It really surprised me when they came together on a cold November day十一月的寒冷的一天,他们一块儿来了,这真让我大吃一惊。make的复合结构【原句回放】This was so unexpected,and l cant tell you how good this made me feel!【点拨】make+宾语+名词不定式形容词过去分词介词短语从句,构成复合结构。(1)make+宾语+名词All work and

37、no play makes Jack a dull boy只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻。此句型可用于被动结构:Newton was made President of the Royal Society牛顿被选为皇家学会会长。此句型中可用it作形式宾语:Wherever he is,he makes it a rule to do his morning exercise无论在哪儿,他总是坚持进行晨练。(2)make+宾语+不带to的不定式What makes you tremble so?你为什么如此发抖?在被动结构中,不定式to要还原:People who wont work shoul

38、d be made to work要强制那些不愿劳动的人去劳动。(3)make+宾语+形容词Praise makes good men better and bad men worse赞美让好人变得更好,让坏人变得更坏。此句型可用于被动结构:Details of the proposal have not yet been made public该方案的有关细节尚未公开。可用it代替后面的从句或不定式:They will make it clear that science and business can and must work together to build the future他们将明白一个事实,那就是只有将科学和商业有机结合才能创建未来。(4)make+宾语+过去分词You must make yourselves respected你们必须自己赢得尊重。(5)make+宾语+介词短语We were asked to make ourselves at home during the brief absence of our hostess女主人离开了一会儿,她叫我们随意。(6)make+宾语+从句You have made me what I am我现在这个样子都是你教出来的。


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