2022初中教案北师版初二(下)英语第2讲:unit 1语法篇 (原卷版).docx

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1、Unit 1 语法篇_学生通过本讲学习,能够掌握本单元的重点词汇句型,并在综合能力上有一定的拓展。宾语从句:引导词 宾语从句的引导词常常有以下三种:由陈述句转化而来的宾语从句,引导词为that,that在口语或非正式文体中可省略;由一般疑问句转化而来的宾语从句,引导词为if或whether;由特殊疑问句转化而来的宾语从句,引导词为句子本身的特殊疑问词,即what,when,where等。如: I think(that)he will come here by train. 我认为他会坐火车来这儿的。 He asked me if / whether I know his new address

2、. 他问我是否知道他的新地址。 I want to know when you got back home yesterday. 我想知道你昨天什么时候到家的。:语序 宾语从句的语序为陈述句语序,即“主语+谓语+宾语+其他”。也就是说,将疑问句转化成宾语从句时,一定要将疑问句语序转变成陈述句语序。如: Can you tell me what he will do tomorrow? 你能告诉我他明天将要做什么吗?当疑问句在宾语从句中做主语时,语序不变。如: Do you know what makes him so excited? 你知道什么事使他如此兴奋吗? I dont know wh

3、at is wrong with him. 我不知道他出什么事了。 时态 主句为一般现在时态,则宾语从句根据实际情况用任意的时态;但主句为一般过去时态时,宾语从句则要用过去的相对应的某种时态。例如: She tells me that she will come by bus. 她说她将要坐公交车来。 She told me that she would come by bus. 她说她将要坐公交车来。 如果宾语从句表示的是客观真理或是科学事实,其谓语动词仍用一般现在时态。如: Our teacher told us that the sun is much bigger than the m

4、oon. 老师告诉我们说太阳比月球大得多。 1. Please tell me_ _. I have some good news for him. A. where Robert lives B. where does Robert live C. where Robert lived D. where did Robert live Tom2. We dont know_ It is said that he was born in CanadaA what he is Bwhen he was born Cwhere he comes from Dif he lives here3 Ma

5、y I come in? Im sorry I am late. Come in, please. But could you please tell me _? A why you are late again B. what were you doing then C. who you talked with D. how do you came to school 4. Could you tell me_? A When will Mary come back B. When Mary comes back C. When Mary will come back D When will

6、 Mary comes back 5.what did you say just now?I asked _. A that I could open the door B. could I open the door C. how could I open the door D. how I could open the door解析:1. 本题B.D为疑问语序,C为过去时,原句为一般时故选A。2. 本题依据回答可知他出生在加拿大所以D选项排除,A B选项疑问词不对,由此可知答案为C。3.本题依据题意为询问迟到原因,故疑问词为why,故选A。4.本题A D为疑问语序,B为一般时,依据题意可知

7、询问何时回来,故选C。5.本题B C为疑问语序,由句意可知应选疑问词,故选D。基础演练一、 根据句意和首字母填写单词1. It is not a_ to use mobile phone in class.2. I b_ all the rooms of the hotel five days ago.3. Can you i _ what life will be like in 100 years?4. I r_ two children to help me.5. I cant e_ my feelings, because I am too happy.6. How will you

8、d_ with those old shoes?7. There are many kinds of plastic p_ in the department store.8. I think the most useful i_ is computer.9. _ will help to do most of the work, so human beings will have nothing to do.10. Youd better c_ prices in another store, before you want to buy something expensive.二、用单词正

9、确形式填空1. Computers can _ ( store) lots of information.2. First, _(connect) the screen to the computer.3. The backboard is used for_ (guide) the ball into the basket.4.When he was fourteen, he _(set) up a small chemistry lab.5. Let me help you _(develop) new skills.6. His job is _(sell) vegetables.7.

10、They _(plan) to have a picnic a few days ago.8. There are altogether about 600 people in the small village, _(include) the old people and children.9. His father _(teach) English in No. 13 Middle School.10. The little boy always_(imagine) traveling to space some day.巩固提高1我想我应该和她谈一谈。I think _ with her

11、.2杰克说他有重要的事情要做。Jack said that he_ to do.3他问我这本书是否值得读。He asked me _.4我只知道她当时在西方一个国家学习。I only knew she _country.5我认为玛丽赢不了比赛。I_ Mary_ the match.6有时这位母亲不知道她的儿子最需要什么。Sometimes the mother doesnt know ._7抱歉我迟到了。Im sorry._8她告诉我说她可以自己完成这项工作。She told me she_ herself.9我不知道你对不对。I dont know _or not.10你能告诉我你怎样解决这

12、个问题吗?单选1.- Do you remember _he came?- Yes, I do, he came by car.Ahow Bwhen Cthat Dif2.- Could you tell me _the school leavers party is?- In the school hall.Awhere Bwhen Cwhat D how3.- Do you know _the Smiths left Shanghai?- Im not sure. I only remember it was a Sunday.Aif Bwhen Chow Dwhy4.Daddy and

13、Mummy, you are back from the supermarket. Can you tell me _?Ahow you go there Bhow many pieces of bread you buy Chow much milk did you buy Dif you bought my favorite ice cream5.- Could you tell me _?- Sure. No.5 bus.Awhen the zoo is open Bwhere the zoo is Cwhich bus can take me to the zoo Dhow far t

14、he zoo is6.I was told to meet Mr. White at the airport. But I dont know _he will arrive.Awhen Bhow Cwhere Dwhy7.Well plant trees tomorrow, and I dont know _Tom will come and join us.Aif Bwhich Cwhat Dwhere8.Could you tell me_ tomorrow morning?Aif it would rain Bif it will rains Cif it is going to ra

15、in Dif it was going to rain9.He told us that the earth _round.Awas Bis Cto be Dbeing10 I dont know _.Awhat he is doing now Bwhat is he doing now Che is doing what now Dis he doing what now二、完型(2015年四中期中考试)I am going to a two-day holiday next week. I plan 1 he mountain with my classmate, Hector. We a

16、re riding our 2 there because it is not far(遥远的) from our houses. We are 3 at eight in the morning. 4 we get there, we are going to put our bikes at the 5 of the mountain, and then we are going 6 on the top(顶部) of the mountain. There are some small lakes there. We are going to 7 in one of them. We a

17、lso want to draw pictures about plants and birds. We can only stay there 8 one day. I am also 9 some photos. Ill 10 them to you when I get back.1 Avisit Bvisiting Cto visit Dvisits2 Abus Bbikes Chorse Dtaxi3 Aleaving Bcoming Cseeing Dwalking4 AWhere BWhen CWhat DWho5 Afront Bcenter Cbeginning Dfoot6

18、 Ahike Bto hikes Chiking Dto hiking7 Aswim Bswimming Cstay Dstaying8 Aon Bfor Cat Dwith9 Ataking Btake Ctook Dtakes10 Abuy Bmake Cshow Dread答案:CBABD CABAC_APeople have been traveling by car for 100 years. My invention is not done by the time expected. Who hasnt had an emergency while traveling? Some

19、times youre miles from the nearest gas station or McDonalds. Everyone knows that when you have to go, you have to go, said Phil Bole.Phil has invented a chemical toilet for cars. One size fits all cars and people. It is made from recycled materials. It never smells bad, he says. Before uses, it can

20、be stored in the trunk(后备箱). When the toilet is full, an adult or child can compress(挤压) it into the size of a bowling ball. The waste matter in the toilet is continuously being taken in by chemicals. All the waste matter even turns into a lot of dry crumbs. The toilet can be dropped into any trash

21、can at any time.Phil tested his invention while on a two-week vacation with his wife and four young kids. He said that the kids loved it. His wife didnt.Nothing on earth could make me use that disgusting thing! she told him. He said to her sincerely that he had invented the toilet mainly for women a

22、nd kids. He needed a womans encouragement so the toilet would sell. No women would ever use this thing! she answered.My wifes kind of a prude(拘守礼仪的人), Phil said one day to Bret, his workmate. After much thought, Phil finally figure out how to make his wife love his invention: he made a pink toilet c

23、overed with yellow flowers. What more could a woman want? he asked while showing it to Bret. Bret said it was a beautiful and practical gift. And since his wifes birthday was the following week, Bret ordered a toilet. Your wife will remember this birthday forever! Phil promised Bret.1 Who invented a

24、 chemical toilet for cars?APhil. BBret. CPhils wife .DBrets wife.2 What is the toilet made from?AChemicals. BRecycled materials. CWaste matter. DDry crumbs.3 Where can the toilet be stored before it is used?AIn the trash can. BIn the trunk. CUnder the seat. DIn the traveling bag.4 Which of the follo

25、wing is true according to the passage?APhils wife encouraged him to sell the toilet.BPhils four young kids refused to use the toilet.CPhil was sure that Brets wife would like the toilet.DPhil felt disappointed at the invention after the vacation. BLooking for an original way to raise money for chari

26、ty? Has your school run out of clever and fun ideas? Dont give up. There are several ways to support your favorite charity and enjoy yourselves at the same time.How about holding a bean bath competition? How does this help? you may ask yourselves. Well, its very simple reallyyou agree to sit in a ba

27、th full of baked beans, then for every minute you stay in it, people pay money! The longer you stay in the bath, the more money you collect for the charity your school has chosen! Its extremely messy, but its good fun! Just a piece of advice, though. Let your parents know what youre doing. Wear old

28、clothes because theyre going to need washing after the competition!Heres another idea that we used at my school: organize a car wash. Everybody who has a car sooner or later washes it or has it washed. So why dont you and your classmates do the job? The money the car owners pay for having their cars

29、 washed will go towards your charity. When we did it, we had an amazing time! At first, some of us were worried about getting wet or dirty and its true. But we also had fun, and at the end of the day it was really worth it!On the other hand, if you dont feel like getting wet or messy, but have some

30、musical talent, how about organizing a street concert? Street musicians can make a lot of money and so can you if youve got the talent and courage it takes to play in front of an audience. You just need to find a suitable place (make sure youre allowed to play music in that public place), practise f

31、or a few hours with your friends first, and give it a try!I hope all these ideas have helped you a bit, and if youve got any other great suggestions, we would love to hear them. We can publish them, so other people can use them, too. Good luck!5 Holding a bean bath competition, you would .Aask yours

32、elves many questionsBsit in a bath full of baked beansCput on old clothes after the bathDask your parents to wash the clothes6.What did the writer think of the car wash?AHe thought they could have fun.BHe was upset about getting wet.CHe thought many students were too worried.DHe thought it was an ea

33、sy way to collect money.7.From the passage we can know the writer is a .parent Bstudent Cdriver Dsinger8.The writer writes this passage to .Aask readers to do something funny for charityBtell readers about charity events they can go toCsuggest fun ideas for people to raise money for charityDshow som

34、e ways for people to organize charity eventsCFor me, Facebook is about staying in touch with friends, whether that means writing on someones wall or sending them a private message. Its a useful website for finding long-lost friends, arranging parties and sharing photos. But thats not all: Facebook i

35、s now being used by all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons!Do you want to play computer games? Log on to Facebook. There are now thousands of entertaining games and puzzles to help you pass the time. Do you want to find cafs, cinemas and bowling alleys in your area? Log on to Facebook pages th

36、at you can join and like, which makes it very easy to search for fun things to do near you. I think its brilliant to have all the information that you want on just one website!People are now joining Facebook to make professional connections too, either with people who do the same kind of work, or wi

37、th businesses that are looking for new people to work for them.Its a pretty good idea since so many people use Facebook these days, especially young people! Even students log on to Facebook to look for summer or part-time jobs.And thats not all! Now there are hundreds of pages about sports teams, TV

38、 programmes and pop stars to look at on Facebook. However, I believe the main reason most young people use Facebook is because its so easy to let the world know what you think about different things or people, whether its about a new film at the cinema or whether you prefer Rihanna with long or shor

39、t hair. You can even write comments directly on other peoples Facebook pages including some stars pages. But you have to be careful because giving your opinion online can be dangerous.We mustnt forget that Facebook is meant to be fun and shouldnt be used for saying bad things about people around us.

40、 I recently read a news article about a student who had to leave school because she made rude and unfair comments about a teacher on her Facebook wall. Several other school students have been in trouble for similar comments and opinions. In fact, it really annoys me when I see somebody has written n

41、asty things about another person!Its true that Facebook is becoming more and more part of our daily lives for many different reasons, and it can be really helpful as well as being a lot of fun. But, as with all websites, we must be careful about how we use it.10.What does the writer think of the Fac

42、ebook?AIt is easy for finding a long-lost friend.BIt is dangerous for giving ones opinion.CIt is mainly used for business reasons these days.DIt is useful for finding entertainment information.11.Why does the writer think young people like Facebook so much?AIts a good place to read TV programmes rev

43、iews.BThey can have conversations about their interests.CIts the best place to find information about sports.DThey like having the chance to give their opinions.11 The underlined word nasty in Paragraph 6 probably means .Acritical Bprivate Cunpleasant Dimpolite12.What is the best title of the passage?AThe Use of Facebook BThe Information on FacebookCThe Reasons of Using Facebook DThe Suggestions for Using Facebook


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