英语7下-Unit 4知识点语法写作背默(默写版).docx

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1、Unit 4知识点,语法,写作背默语法精讲冠词a/an/the冠词分为不定冠词a/an和定冠词the。1.不定冠词的用法。不定冠词有a和an。a用于以辅音音素开头的单词前,an用于以元音音素开头的单词前。用法举例泛指人或事物的某一类别,以区别于其他种类。A plane is a machine that can fly.飞机是一种能飞的机器。首次提到某个单数可数名词。 in the tree.树上有一只鸟。表示数量,但数的概念没有one强烈。I have .我有一个姐姐/妹妹。用于固定短语中。a little一点儿;wait a minute等一会儿2.定冠词的用法。用法举例特指某些人或物。

2、are coming.孩子们就要来了。用于上文提到过的事物或双方都知道的事物前。Mr Li works in a factory. is far from his home.李先生在一家工厂上班,那家工厂离他家很远。用于世界上独一无二的事物前。The Moon the Earth.月亮绕着地球转。用于序数词或形容词最高级前。Who is in your class?谁是你们班年龄最小的女孩?用于姓氏复数名词前,表示一家人。 are going for a picnic next Sunday.格林一家打算下周日去野餐。用于乐器名称前或方位名词前。play the guitar 弹吉他;the

3、east 东方用于固定搭配中。in the morning在上午;at the end of在的尽头方位介词方位介词用来表示地点、方位和位移。介词是一种虚词,不能单独使用,它必须与后面的名词或代词构成介词短语在句中充当句子成分。常用的方位介词可分为以下几组。1.at与in。at后常接小地点,in后常接大地点。例如:I often stay at home the weekend.周末我常待在家里。When will you arrive Shanghai?你什么时候到达上海?2.between与among。between一般指在两者之间,among表示在三者或三者以上之间。例如:I sit D

4、aniel and Amy.我坐在丹尼尔和埃米中间。Look!Mr Li is standing his students.看!李老师正站在他的学生们中间。3.beside,next to与 near。beside意为“在旁边”,next to意为“紧挨着,紧靠着”,near意为“在附近”。例如:Come and sit me.过来坐在我的旁边。The pretty girl is standing the window.那个漂亮的女孩正站在窗户旁边。Do you live here?你住在这附近吗?4.above,below,over,under与on。above“在上方”,反义词是belo

5、w“在下方”;over“在正上方(垂直)”;under“在正下方”;on“在(物体)的上面”,指物体之间相互接触。例如:Theres a bridge the river.河上有一座桥。Shall I write my answer the line?我应该把答案写在线的下方还是上方?There are some apples the table.桌上有些苹果。5.in front of与behind。in front of 意为“在前面”,表示在一定距离的前面,也可理解为在物体范围外的前面,其反义词是behind。例如:Theres a park the house.在那座房子的前面有一个公

6、园。Who sits you?谁坐在你后面?语法精练.根据句意用a,an或the填空1.What do you want to be in the future,Nick? I want to be pilot.It is exciting job.2.There is big supermarket in centre of our city.3.Will you get there by bus? No,Ill ride bike.4.Theres apple on the table. apple is for my little brother.5.His brother is eng

7、ineer.He works in big company.根据句意用适当的方位介词填空1.You must ride your bike the right side of the road.2.Mr Smith lives that building.His house is the fifth floor.3.There is an exciting moment in our class when a large bird flies our heads. 4.The girl is taller than her friend Henry,so she sits him in the

8、 classroom.5.Beijing is the north of China.6.Before 2000,there was no airline the two cities.知识点精讲Comic strip&Welcome to the unit1. Follow me, Eddie.跟着我,埃迪。Follow me. 跟我来。/跟我学。The boy his father out of the room.男孩跟着他父亲走出了房间。May April.五月在四月之后。following 下列的,接着的learn the new words 学习以下新单词2.Theres a pat

9、h between the hills.山间有一条小路。between 在 之间between meals 在两餐之间between classes 在课间between A and B 在A和B之间Please keep the secret between you and me. 这个秘密不要让第三个人知道。among在 之间 The teacher is standing among all of the students. 老师正站在所有学生之间。3. Are you sure, Hobo?你确定吗,霍波?be sure to do sth. 一定做某事be sure of/about

10、 (doing) sth. 对(做)某事有把握be sure+(that)从句 一定.We the game.=We are sure (that) we will/can win the game.我们一定会赢得比赛。Are you the answer to the question? 你对这个问题的答案有把握吗?Are you sure of/about finding the way to the theatre?= (that) you can find the way to the theatre? 你有把握找到去剧院的路吗?4.Lets go down here.让我们从这儿下去

11、。go down/up the hill go down/up the river go down/along sp. Is this lift going down ?这部电梯是向下的吗?Go down this street, and then turn right.沿着这条街道走,然后右拐。5. Dont be afraid.不要害怕。be afraid of sth. be afraid of doing sth.=be afraid to do sth. The child is not afraid of skating.=The child is not afraid to sk

12、ate. 这个孩子不害怕溜冰。be afraid+(that)从句 恐怕.Im afraid (that) I cant go with you. 恐怕我不能和你一起去。Im afraid not. 恐怕不是。 Im afraid so. 恐怕如此。6.I think we have to go up again.我认为我们得再次上去。have to 人称、数、时态的变化We have to stay at home because its raining hard outside.We have to stay at home because of the epidemic. 由于疫情我们不

13、得不待在家里。因为外面在下大雨,我们不得不待在家里。must必须(强调主观意愿),无人称、数、时态的变化As a student,you must study hard.作为一名学生,你必须努力学习。have to的否定形式:dont/doesnt have to=dont/doesnt need to=needntYou get up so early. The lessons on the Internet will begin at 8 a.m. 你不需要起这么早。网课上午八点开始。7. Lets go on a trip!咱们去旅行吧!go on a trip to sp.=go to

14、 sp. for a trip=have a trip to sp. Where are we going for our class trip? 我们去哪里进行班级旅行?a/the trip to sp. 8. Sunshine Zoo is north of Sunshine Middle School.阳光动物园在阳光中学的北面。A is (to the) north/south/east/west of B. A在B的北/南/东/西(A在B范围之外,不接壤)A is on the north/south/east/west of B. A在B的北/南/东/西(A在B范围之外,接壤)A

15、is in the north/south/east/west of B. A在B的北/南/东/西(A在B范围之内)Wuxi is of Shanghai. 无锡在上海的北面。Wuxi is the north of Suzhou. 无锡在苏州的北面。Wuxi is the southeast of China. 无锡在中国的东南部。The museum is about forty kilometres (to the) southwest of the bank.那家博物馆在这个银行的西南面,约40公里远。north/south/east/west对应的形容词分别为northern/sou

16、thern/eastern/westernin the south of.=in the southern part of. 在.的南面Reading1. everybody pron. “每人,人人”=everyone在句中作主语时,谓语用单数。Is here?人齐了吗?2. Here were in front of the South Gate.现在我们在南门的前面。in front of. in the front of. in front of the school gate 在学校大门前There is a car in front of the bus. 公交车前面有辆小轿车。T

17、he driver is sitting in the front of the car. 司机正坐在小轿车的前面。3.Go straight on, and youll find the Panda House.一直往前走,你们就会看到熊猫馆。straight adv. “径直地”常与动词come,go,walk等连用。go straight on a straight road 注意本句句型:祈使句,and/or(否则)+句子(将来时)Walk past the supermarket, and you will find the bookshop.=If you walk past th

18、e supermarket, you will find the bookshop走过那家超市,你就会找到书店。Study hard, or you will not pass the exam. =If you dont study hard, you will not pass the exam. 好好学习,否则你通不过考试。4. They like to eat bamboo and lie down all day long.他们喜欢吃竹子和整天躺着。1)bamboo泛指竹子或表示竹子材料时,为不可数;Bamboo is pandas favourite food.竹子是熊猫最喜欢吃的

19、食物。bamboo 特指某些竹子或指竹子的种类时,是可数名词,复数形式是bamboos。2)all day long=the whole day=all the day 一整天3)lie down lie-lied-lied lie-lay-lain Dont tell a lie to me.不要对我撒谎。Lying in bed after supper is not good for your health.晚饭后躺在床上对你健康不利。5. Remember that theyre dangerous.记住他们是危险的。短语含义用法remember to do sth. 强调事情还未做r

20、emember doing sth. 强调事情是以前做过的1)remember to do sth. 记得去做某事(未做)Remember to close all the windows before you leave. 你离开之前记得关上所有的窗。remember doing sth. 记得做过某事(已做)remember+(that)从句I remember seeing you last time.=I remember (that) I saw you last time. 我记得上次见过你。2)It is dangerous for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事

21、是危险的。be in danger be out of danger It is dangerous for children to run across the road. 对于孩子们来说跑着过马路是危险的。We should try our best to help the animals in danger. 我们应该尽全力帮助濒危动物。6. Birds make beautiful sounds when they sing.当鸟唱歌时,鸟儿发出愉悦的声音。注意区分sound, voice, noise:sound make a sound/sounds 发出声音sound作感官系动词

22、,表示“ ”,后面加形容词;sound like加名词The idea sounds good.=It sounds like a good idea. 这主意听起来不错。voice The singer has a good voice. 这个歌手有一副好嗓子。7. They jump around and make people laugh.他们跳来跳去使人们大笑。1)jump around 跳来跳去 walk around 走来走去 look around 环顾四周2)make people laugh 逗人们大笑make sb. (not) do sth. make sb./sth.+

23、adj. make me happy make the classroom clean 8.Cross the bridge,and youll see the elephants.穿过桥,你将看见大象。辨析:cross与acrosscrossv. “ ”独自作谓语,直接跟宾语acrossprep.“ ”要和表示移动的动词walk, run, fly, jump等连用。cross the street=go/walk across the street 穿过街道9. Their large ears are like open fans.他们的大耳朵像打开的扇子。like作介词,表示“像”,反

24、义词为unlike;作动词,表示“喜欢”,反义词为dislikebe like. 像. look like 看起来像Unlike his elder sister, he dislikes jogging. 不像他的姐姐,他不喜欢慢跑。What is sb. like? What does sb. look like?=How does sb. look? What is sth. like?=How is sth.? What is the weather like today?=How is the weather today? 10. There are also birds, aren

25、t there?也有鸟,不是吗?反义疑问句,表示说话人没有把握,需要对方证实。反义疑问句由陈述句和一个简短的疑问句组成,前后的人称和时态应保持一致。注意:前肯后否,前否后肯,回答按照实际情况。11.quite adv. “相当,非常” ,修饰adj./adv.的原级。如:The film is quite interesting. 这部电影相当有趣。类似quite只修饰原级的副词还有:very, too, so等。辨析:quite与very.quite程度副词,可修饰adv./adj./v. 1)与表示程度的词连用,“相当,非常”; 2)与表示没有程度差距的词连用,“完全”very程度副词,“

26、很,非常”,可修饰adj./adv.,但不可直接修饰v.如:You are quite right. 你完全正确。注:与adj.连用修饰n.时,quite置于冠词前,very置于冠词后。如:Its quite a long way.=Its a very long way. 那是一段很长的路。Grammar1. Are the lions in an/the open area?狮子们在开放区域吗?in an/the open area 此处open为形容词,表示“打开的,开着的,开放的,营业的”,反义词为 Many shops are not open/closed during the e

27、pidemic. 疫情期间很多商店不营业。2. The food is above the drinks.食物在饮料的上面。over, above, on区别:都可表示“在上面”,但具体含义不同。over表示在某物的正上方或从正上方越过,表面不接触,反义词为under,over/under也可表示年龄的上下。There is a bridge the river. 河上有座桥。Its dangerous to jump the wall. 翻过这堵墙是很危险的。The people under 12 or 60 can visit the museum for free. 12岁以下或60岁以

28、上的人可以免费参观这个博物馆。above表示在斜上方,表面不接触,反义词为below,above/below也可表示立体建筑的上下层,还可表示温度的上下。We flew the clouds. 我们在云层上飞行。He lives two floors above me.=I live two floors him. 他住得比我高两层楼。Its so cold today. The temperature is zero. 今天太冷了。气温在零度以下。on指两个物体表面接触。They put some flowers the teachers desk. 他们把一些花放在老师桌上。3.表示地点的

29、介词at, in, onat一般指小地方They arrived a small village before dark.天黑前他们到达了一个小村庄。in一般指大地方或某个范围之内He arrived Shanghai yesterday.他昨天到达了上海。 on 往往表示“在某个物体的表面”There is a big hole the wall. 墙上有个大洞。The teacher put up a picture the wall.老师在墙上挂了一幅画。Integrated skills1. Walk past the house, turn left and walk along t

30、he path next to the river.走过房子,向左转,沿着河边的小路走。walk past the house=pass the house 走过,经过那栋房子run past sb. The teacher is walking past/passing our desks. 老师正走过我们的课桌。turn left/right on the left/right on sbs left/right 2.Cross the bridge, turn right and walk straight on.穿过桥,向右转,一直往前走。cross the bridge=walk/g

31、o across the bridge across, through都可表示“从一边到另一边”,across表示从表面上穿过The dog ran across the grass. 狗在草地上奔跑。The boy swam across the river. 这个男孩游过了河。through表示从内部空间穿过They walked through the forest. 他们步行穿过森林。The river goes through the town. 这条河流经这个城市。3.Which way should I go at the traffic lights?在红绿灯处我应该走哪条路?

32、和way相关的短语:on the/ones way to sp. on ones way home/here/there by the way in the/ones way in this/that way in different ways the way to do sth.=the way of doing sth. 4. Then youll see Sunny Garden at the corner of the street.然后你将在街道的拐角处看见阳光花园。辨析:at the corner of, in the corner of, on the corner of.at

33、the corner of在.的拐角处一般指路、街道的拐角in the corner of在.的角落里一般指室内的角落on the corner of在.的角落上一般指物体的表面或边缘Study skills1. all right “行了,可以”表示同意对方的建议或要求。还可指身体好。 Thats right. “对的”表示赞同对方的意见。Thats all right. “ ”,用来回答对方的致谢或道歉。Task1. My parents will prepare plenty of food and drinks for us.我的父母亲将为我们准备充足的食物和饮料。prepare fo

34、r.=get ready for. prepare sth. for.=get sth. ready for. plenty of “大量的,充足的”修饰可数+不可数名词,一般用语肯定句中,相当于a lot of或lots of,在否定句中多用many/much替代。The medical workers in our community centre prepare plenty of masks for us.=The medical workers in our community centre get plenty of masks ready for us.我们社区中心的医疗工作者们

35、为我们准备了充足的口罩。 “plenty of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词的数要与名词的数保持一致。如:Plenty of students like the film.许多学生喜欢这部电影。 There is plenty of time to do the homework.有大量的时间做家庭作业。2. 问路的常用表达:Excuse me. Where is.?Which is the way to.?How can I get to.?Can/Could you tell me the way to.?=Can/Could you tell me which is the way to.?

36、=Can/Could you tell me how to get to.?=Can/Could you tell me how I can get to.?3. 指路的常用表达:walk along/down the road 沿着这条路走cross the road=walk/go across the road 穿过这条路on each side of the road 在马路的每一边on both sides of the road 在马路的两边at the end of the road 在马路的尽头at the traffic lights 在红绿灯处go through a/th

37、e red light 闯红灯at the corner of the street 在街角walk past the supermarket 走过这家超市单元话题写作写作要求本单元的话题是“问路及指路”。在日常生活中,我们经常碰到需要描述某个地方的具体位置的情况。在具体的写作中,学生应做到以下几点:1.能正确运用一些表述方位的单词和短语;2.能掌握问路及指路的常见句型;3.能根据图示或文字提示简单描述去某地的路线。词汇积累along 沿着opposite 对面的straight 径直地far 远地near 近地next to 靠近cross 穿过turning 转弯处crossing 十字路

38、口follow 遵守,跟随dangerous 危险的traffic lights 红绿灯traffic rules 交通规则in front of 在前面the way to 去的路go/walk along 沿着走turn right/left 向右/左拐get off 下车get on 上车on the left/ right在左边/右边句型积累1.Go along this street,and turn left at the second crossing.沿着这条街一直走,在第二个十字路口向左转。2.Its a little far from here,so youd better

39、 take a bus.那里离这里有点远,所以你最好坐公交车。3.Id like to know about your courses.我想了解你们的课程。4.Im looking forward to getting there soon.我期望能早点到那里。5.My home is not far from here.我家离这里不远。句式训练根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.它在邮局的对面。Its the post office.2.你会看见那座新楼房在你的右边。You will see the new building .3.它离这里大约五百米远。 five hundred metres

40、 from here.4.我们学校在动物园的北面。Our school the zoo.5.走过这座花园,向右转,沿着河边的小路走。 the garden,turn right and walk along the path the river.语段训练提供信息假如你是王雪,你的朋友Mary这个周末要去你的新家玩。请你根据以下要点给她发一封电子邮件,告诉她如何从学校到你家。要点:1.从学校门口坐7路公交车,在第七站下车;2.顺着街走看到花店右转,第三家就是;门前有个花园;3.如果找不到,请电话联系;电话号码是8763 3289。要求:1.词数70左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2.文中不得出现真实的人名和校名。 14 / 14学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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