2023年人教版新目标七年级英语上册unit 7 How much are these socks同步测试题.docx

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1、2023年人教版初中英语七年级上册unit 7同步测试题(含解析) 听力部分(共20分)I.听句子,选择与之相符的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)A.B.C,D.E.I . 2. 3. 4. 5.II .听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)()6. A. Black. B. Yellow. C. Blue.()7. A. 8 dol lars. B.()8. A. Her son.C. Her sister.()9. A. A pair of shoes.C. A jacket.()10. A. In a library.16 dollars. C. 80 do

2、llars.B. Her daughter.B. A pair of trousers.B. At a fruit store.C. At a shoe store.in.听短文填空。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)% 诲T-shirtTrousersShoesColorPriceColorPricePriceFor girlsYellow Green White11.$White BlueBlack12.$15.$For boys13. In14.$colors笔试部分(共80分)IV.单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。)16. 一are the c

3、lothes?62. I need to buy a notebook.63. The boy in blue is Jack. / Jack is the boy in blue.64. Are the clothes Marys?65. Sally looks cool this morning.B) One possible version:My friend Alice is a nice girl. She likes to go to the clothes store very much. She often buys some different kinds of clothe

4、s in many colours. She 1 ikes green, orange, purple dresses and blue, black trousers. She often gets nice and cheap clothes at a store. 课堂笔记参考答案 1. (1) How much (2) How much 2. (1) Can; help (2) B 3. (1) very good prices(2) Whats the price of 4. in; for 词语点津 look1. Look 2. looks 3. Look at need1. ne

5、eds 2. to go 3. doesn, t need 语法攻关three; eight; eleven; twelve; fifteen; sixteen; twenty; twenty-three; thirty; fifty; sixty-two; eighty-one; ninetyThey are eighty yuan.A. HowB. What colorC. How muchC. How muchD. Where()17. 一WhereOn the bed.()17. 一WhereOn the bed.my trousers, Mom?A. amB. is C. are D

6、. have()18. They can buy the pens very good prices at this store.A. atB. inC. forD. on()19. The clothes red are on sale 50 dollars.A. in; withB. in; forC. at; forC. at; forD. with; for)20. We can books the bookstorenear our school.A. sell; toC. sell; from()21. r m hungry.A. to eat B. eatB. buy; from

7、D. buy; toI need some bread.C. eats D. eating()22. A pair of pants on the bed, and the pants Jack,s.A. is; areB. are; isC. is; isD. are; are()23. Mom, my sweater is too . I want to buy a long one.A. long B. short C. good D. nice()24. 一Can I help you?. I want a sweater.A. You are welcome B. Yes, plea

8、seC. No, you cantC. No, you cantD. Here you are()25. Sarah, you look very nice in your new dress.A. That,s right.B. No problem!C. Thank you. D. You re welcome.V.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出 最佳选项。lllello! 11 m Kelsey. 1 26 a clothes shop. 27name is Hongjia Clothes Shop. Do you

9、1 ike T-shirts? We have T-shirtsC. Comesat a very good price 一2810 yuan. We have29blackshoes for sports. EveryWould you like 31pair 30 about 8 yuan.? We have coats32white, red andgreen.33are 36 yuan. Oh, we have pants for34.35 to my shop and have a look!()26. A. 1 ikeB. haveC. amD. know()27. A. Its

10、B. ItsC. ShesD. Heronly 36yuan,()28.A.too B.so()29.A.any B.no()30.A.are B.is()31.A.coatsC. red shoes()32.A.on B.in()33.A.TheseC. They()34.A.toC. so()35.A.To comeC. veryD. onlyC. someD. notC. amD. hasB. sports bagsD. pantsC. atD. forB. ThoseD. TheB. tooD. rightB. ComingD. ComeVI.阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分

11、) 阅读A、B两篇材料-,然后按要求答题。A Come to TRENDYs big sale of clothes, school things and things for your lovely room. We have jackets for boys. They are thirty-five dollars. Sweaters for girls are twenty-five dollars. Bags, earrings, and pants are eight dollars.See our great dressers, beds and chairs. Get a ne

12、w bookcase for al 1 your school books and notebooks. At TRENDY* s big sale, they,re only twenty dollars! And we have schoolbags in all colors, pencils, pens and notebooks - everything for school! They are popular with the kids. Come into TRENDY and get your favorite things today!根据短文内容,()36. How muc

13、h aiA. $ 25. B. $35.()37. SchoolbagsA. only redC. in all colors()38. The boys* _A. beltsC. jackets()39. TRENDY hasA. teachersC. babiesD.()40. We know itA. a survey (调查)C. a report选择正确答案。re the girls sweaters?C. $ 8. D. $20.are .B. very expensiveD. thirty dollars are on sale for $35.B. sweatersD. tro

14、users many things on sale forB. adults (成年人) childrenis from the passage.B. an ad (广告)D. a letterB Kids Home is a club. Kids can play sports there. But many kids cant play sports. Tom doesnt know how to hold (拿住)a basebal 1 bat and David can, t play basketball. But the teachers there don, t mind (介意

15、)it. They are kind to the kids and teach them well.Parents like their kids to go to the club. If (如果)the kids don, t go there, they only watch TV at home. Watching TV too much is not good. Kids Home is free (免费的)for all the kids. Parents think the club is good for their kids.Every kid has fun there.

16、 They play soccer, basketbal 1 and volleyball. They also make lots of friends there.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。41. What is Kids* Home?42. Who can* t play baseball in the passage?43. Why (为什么)do the parents like the kids to go to the club?44. How much money do you need if you go to the club?45. What can the kids

17、do in the club?VII.词汇(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)A)根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。46. All the (男孩)in my class are Chinese.47. My (袜子)are lost. Can you help me find them?48. There are(十二)months in a year.49. I have a (大号的)T-shirt. What about you?50. 一Who are those (女人)?一They,re my aunts.B)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。51. The p of this blac

18、k pen is $4.52. OK. F 11 t this blue skirt.53. This pair of shoes 1 very nice.54. Lets b these black trousers. They are very cheap.55. Look! That is a big c store. I want to buy a jacket. VIII.按要求完成下列句型转换,每空一词。(共5小题,每小题2分,计 10分)Can I help you?(同义句转换) you?56. This white shirt is 30 yuan.(就划线部分提问)this

19、 white shirt?57. Here you are.(写出答语)How much are the shorts?(同义句转换) the shorts?58. This is a yellow sweater.(变为复数句子) yellow.IX.基础写作(共20分)A)连词成句(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)根据所给单词完成句子,要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单词 不得重复使用,标点己给出。(要注意65题的变化哟!)the, how, are, sports, much, shoes?59. notebook, I, to, buy, need, athe, in, Jack,

20、 blue, is, boy60. are, the, Marys, clothes ?61. look, Sally, this, cool, morningB)书面表达(10分)根据下面的提示,写一篇短文。提示:1. Alice是你的同学,非常喜欢去衣服店。2 .她经常买多种颜色、款式不同的(different kinds of)衣服。3 .她会买些漂亮、便宜的(cheap)衣服。要求:语法正确,语句通顺,不少于40词。Unit 7同步测试题听力材料I.听句子,选择与之相符的图片。1. The skirt is on sale.2. I want a long sweater.3. Loo

21、k! This pair of shoes is very nice.4. Lets go to the store to buy some fruit.5. The boy in a red T-shirt is my brother.II.听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。6. M: What color are your trousers?W: They are yellow.Q: What color are the girl* s trousers?7. M: How much is this pair of shorts?W: Eight dollars. OK. 1, 11 take

22、 two pairs.Q: How much are the two pairs?8. M: Can I help you?W: Yes, please. I want to buy a pair of socks for my daughter.Q: Who does the woman want to buy a pair of socks for?9. M: Can I try on that pair of shoes?W: Sure. Here you are.Q: What does the man want to buy?10. W: Excuse me. Can I have

23、a look at the sports shoes?M: How about this pair of sports shoes? They are only 15 dollars.W: I like them and V 11 take them.Q: Where are they?HI.听短文填空。Hey, boys and girls! Would you like some new clothes? We have nice trousers and T-shirts in our shop. These nice T-shirts in yellow, green and whit

24、e are only 20 dollars. Do you need trousers? For girls, we have trousers in white, blue and black for only 15 dollars. For boys, we have nice trousers in al 1 colors for 25 dol lars. We also have shoes for only 30 dollars. Come and see for yourself.Unit 7同步测试题参考答案I. 1-5 CEDAB IL 6-10 BBBACHI. 11. Tw

25、enty / 2012. Fifteen / 1513. all14. Twenty-five / 2515. Thirty / 30TV. 16-20 CCABB21-25 AABBCV. 26-30 BADCB31-35 ABCBD36-40 ACCDB41. Its a club for kids to play sports.42. Tom.43. The kids only watch TV at home if they dont go to the club.44. The club is free.45. They can play sports and make friends there.VII. A) 46. boys47. sockstwelve49. big50. womenB) 51. price 52. take 53. looks54. buy 55. clothesVIIL 56. What can I do for57. How much isThank you58. Whats the price ofThese are; sweatersIX. A) 61. How much are the sportsshoes?


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