Unit 7 It’s raining! 教案 新人教版2014七年级英语下册.doc

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1、Unit 7 Its raining! Section A (1a-2d) 第一课时主备人:武新华 授课人: 签字: 日期:教学目标:词汇:rain,windy,cloudy,sunny,snow,weather句型:-Hows the weather in Shanghai? -Its cloudy.-What are you doing? -Im watching TV 学会谈论天气及描述你正在做的事Step1预习导航1.单词闯关下雨 下雪 有风的 阴天的 晴朗的 公园 信息 回来cook(现在分词) study(单数第三人称)天气 困难,难题2短语闯关:给某人回电话 打篮球 捎口信 在北

2、京3.句型闯关1.天气怎么样?很好。2. Sally在做什么?她在做饭。3. 听起来你玩的很开心。4.你能告诉他给我回个电话吗?5.情况怎么样?还不错Step2 Presentation(一)预习筛查(小组合作,反馈结果)(二)展示交流、精讲点拨【合作探究一】:询问天气状况的句型:Hows the weather Whats the weather like ? 例如 :Hows the weather in Beijing ? = Whats the weather like in Beijing ?描述天气的句型:Its + adj 或Its+ving( ) _ is the weathe

3、r _ in Feicheng ? A How like B What like C What / D What like【合作探究二】:打电话用语1 在西方国家,接电话时先报自己的号码。Eg Hello! 7543212.2. 打电话问某人在不在时,常用: Hello! May I speak to ?Hello! Is that .?3.问对方是哪位用Whos that ? 回答对方或自我介绍时用 This is4.若对方找的正是你,一般说Yes, this is speaking. .若对方找的人不在电话旁,可说Hold on please./ Wait a moment ,please

4、. 若对方找的人不在现场,可说Can I take a message ? / Would you like to leave a message ?对方愿意留言,可说Yes, please.不愿意可说 No, thanks. Ill call back later,.5.电话挂断之前要说告别的话 Good bye./ Byebye.【合作探究三】Hows it going ? 表达对朋友、家人的关怀的常用语,“情况怎么样 ?进展如何?近况如何?“也可说How is everything going ? Great! /Not bad !/Pretty good. / Just so so !

5、【合作探究四】have a good time的同义短语:Step3听力风暴1.1b-2c(独立完成,小组核查)2. 2b黑板展示。三 听力汇报1.2c句型操练(pairwork)A: How is the weather ?B: Its sunny.A: What are you doing ?B: I am playing basketball.2.2d表演展示(role-p lay)Step 达标检测翻译下列句子。Moscow 的天气怎么样? 多风。他们在公园里踢足球吗?你姑姑在做什么?她在家里洗衣服。近况如何?很糟。我能为他捎个口信吗?可以。Step 6 Homework用所给词的适当

6、形式填空1、Hows the weather there? Its _ (rain).2、The _ is shining. Its_ .(sun)3、There are a lot of_ in the sky. Its _ .(cloud)4、It often _ (rain) in summer in my hometown.5、The weather is_ (wind)and cold.6、-What_ he _(do)? -He is playing computer games.7、-What are you doing? -Im_ (watch)TV.选择填空。( )1._ J

7、eff like oranges? A. Is B. Do C. Does( )2. Aunt Sarah _ every day. A. play computer games B. plays computer games C. is playing computer games( ) 3.-Hows the weather in Harbin? -Its _. A. snow B. snowing C. snows( ) 4. Tom is _ lunch. A. have B. having C. having任务型阅读Dear Mike,We got your letter yest

8、erday. Yes, we can visit you at Christmas. We thought to spend(度) Christmas at home, but now we are going to be with you. Jack will not be in school then.The weather in Chicago is cold, but is doesnt matter. Sometimes we like the snow.We got our plane tickets. We will get to your city on the 18th. W

9、e will stay with you for two weeks. Is that all right with you?Well take our favorite recipes(食谱), so we can have a nice Christmas dinner.See you soon.LoveMom and Dad根据短文内容用适当的单词完成下面句子:1. This letter is from Mikes.2. In Chicago, it isnow.3. Mike has a brother called. He is in school now.4. Mikes par

10、ents will go to his city by.5. His parents will come back on31st.6. Mike and his parents willa nice dinner on Christmas Day.Unit 7 Its raining! 第三课时Period 3(P41-P42)主备人:梁丽丽 授课人: 签字: 日期:一、教学目标:.知识目标 1、词汇:visit Canada summer sit juice soon vacation, on vacation, hard, Europe, mountain, country, skate,

11、 snowy, winter, Russian, snowman, rainy. 2、掌握如何谈论天气、谈论某人正在做什么;能力目标:1、阅读短文,摘录关键信息,提高阅读能力。2、谈论假期生活,写一篇关于你假期生活的笔记。二、预习导航1、单词、短语闯关:Canada_ Europe _ Russian_ snowman_暑假_橙汁_努力学习_玩得开心_冬季_温暖而晴朗_凉爽且多云_拜访朋友_滑冰_给你写信_带回家_拍照_我想你_2、句型闯关我在加拿大愉快地拜访我的姑姑。她在这里上班,而我在上暑期学习班。你的暑假进行的如何?我和我的家人在山区度假。_我想给你打电话,但电话现在不能用,所以我给你写

12、信。我正坐在游泳池边冰喝着橙汁。这里天气凉爽而且多云,非常适合散步。人们穿着毛衣戴着帽子,但是她们很高兴。一个女孩在河上滑冰,一个男孩在给雪人照相。困惑展板:_三、小组合作1、Read the article of 2b and fill in the blanks.2、完成3a, 3b四、交流展示以小组形式进行交流展示,并提出困惑与质疑。困惑展板:_五、释疑精讲:(归纳提升)1、Im studying English and Im learning a lot.我正在学英语,而且学会了许多。辨析:study与learn。在这里都是动词,以为学习,但两者用法不同。Study意为“学习研究”强调

13、学习的过程,指深入系统的学习。带有努力勤奋的意味。例如:学习科学:study science学习绘画study painting. 学习医药:study medicine。Learn意为学习学会。侧重学习的成果。指从不知到知,从不会到会的学习。强调通过学习去获取知识和技能。例如:学习音乐 learn music 向雷锋学习learn form Lei Feng 学习滑冰learn to skate。学习新单词learn new words在指某学科的学习时,或在不需要强调两者的区别是,两者可以换用。How long do you learn/study English?2、Im sitting

14、 by the pool and drinking orange juice.我正坐在游泳池旁喝橙汁。Sit是动词,意为“坐;处于某位置”其现在分词是sitting。By是介词,意为“靠近,在旁边”。 juice.是名词,意为果汁,饮料。是不可数名词。当表示种类时为可数名词。如a glass of orange juice(一杯橙汁)different kinds of juices(不同种类的果汁)汉译英:你想要来点苹果汁吗?Do you want _?3、Its warm and sunny, and its very relaxing here.这里既温暖又晴朗,非常令人放松。辨析:re

15、laxing与relaxed的用法与区别。Relaxing令人放松的,愉悦的,主语一般是物,指事物的性质。Relaxed放松的,得到休息的。主语一般是人,指人的心理、生理的感受。类似的成对词语还有interested/interesting. surprised/surprising 等。The music is _all the students are _.4、It is hot in your country now, isnt it?你们国家现在很热,对吧?这是一个反意疑问句。它由“陈述句+简略的附加疑问句”构成,原则是前肯定后否定,前否定后肯定,陈述部分用逗号结尾。哪儿很冷,是吧?I

16、t is very cold there, isnt it?5、I want to call you but my phone isnt working, so Im writing to you .我想给你打电话,但电话坏掉了,所以我就给你写信了。 Work用来表示仪器.设备的运作、运行,工作。The clock isnt working now. 现在钟停掉了。Write to 表示给某人写信。例如:My friend often writes to me, now Im writing to him.Please write to me and tell me about your le

17、ssons.请尽快回信,告诉我你的学习情况。五、达标检测汉译英:1、这台电脑不运转了2、我和我的家人在山里度假3、此刻你在做什么?4我正在拜访我的好朋友,我玩的非常开心。5他正坐在窗台边看书。6你的暑假情况怎么样?六、反馈讲评七、课后作业1、用所给词的适当形式填空write take sit play swim fly sun have study drawDear Bob, My name is Tom. Im fourteen years old. Im in a middle school. My school is nice and clean. There are 30 studen

18、ts in my class.Its today. My classmates and I are a good time on the beach. Its a nice place. The water is blue and clean. Many birds are over the sea. Many people are .Some boys are Football. Some people are on the beach. A girl is pictures on a chair. Another girl is photos. Im to you. What are yo

19、u doing ? I hope you can write to me soon. What are you doing? I hope you can write to me soon. Best wishes, Tom2、阅读理解: We often talk about the weather. If we want to know about the weather, We can turn on the radio and listen to the weather report. We can also turn on the TV。and watch Weather Forec

20、ast. And we can ask other people in two different ways:” Whats the weather like today?” or “Hows the weather today?” Sometimes we can call at 121 for the weather. When its cold, we shiver and need to wear warm clothes and scarves. When its hot, we need a cool place and want a cold drink.( ) 1. You c

21、an watch Weather Forecast _.A. by radio B. on TV C. at 121( ) 2. You can ask other people”_” to know about the weather. A. What does the weather like? B. Whats the weather?. Hows the weather?( ) 3. The telephone number 121 is for _. A. the address B. the fire C. the weather( ) 4. The underlined word “shiver” means _in Chinese.A. 颤抖 B. 出汗 C. 避暑( ) 5. We want a cold drink when its _. A. cold B. warm C. hot9、写作:Write a composition : “ image you are on vacation, write notes about your vacation ”_._按住Ctrl键单击鼠标打开视频动画教学播放5


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