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《高中英语2024届高考读后续写高频主题分类指导(范文模板+情节分析+写作步骤+高分词汇+高分句型)(生活故事类).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2024届高考读后续写高频主题分类指导(范文模板+情节分析+写作步骤+高分词汇+高分句型)(生活故事类).doc(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语读后续写高频主题分类指导(生活故事类)1(2023广东阳江统考一模)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。One morning, Anns neighbor Tracy found a lost dog wandering around the local elementary school.She asked Ann if she could keep an eye on the dog and she planned to find its owner.Ann agreed, but she said that she could watch

2、it only for the day because she needed to take care of her son.At the time, her son Thomas was 10 years old, who was recovering from a heart operation.Later, Tracy took photos of the dog, printed off 400 FOUND fliers, put them in mailboxes and began to find the dogs owner.Meanwhile, Ann bought some

3、pet supplies, warning her son not to fall in love with the dog.However, her son was filled with excitement as he knew that his mother got a dog back home.He planned to provide the dog with some food everyday.Four days later, Ann and her son were still looking after the dog, whom they had started to

4、call Riley.During the four days, they took care of the dog carefully, provided some food, took a shower and played with it, and they had already become the best friends.The evening of the fifth day, when Ann arrived home from work, the dog threw itself against the door and barked madly at her.As soo

5、n as she opened the door, Riley dashed into the boys room where Ann found Thomas suffering from a heart attack.Riley ran over to Thomas, but as soon as Ann bent over to help him, the dog went silent.The doctor said if it hadnt come to get his mother in time, Thomas would have died.Luckily, with the

6、doctors help, Thomas could go home tomorrow morning.“Mum, can we keep it if we cant find its owner? Even we can ask for permission if we find the owner,” Thomas asked his mother when they came back home.“Well, since no one has called to claim it, we decide to keep it,” his mother replied.Hearing tha

7、t, Thomas was excited.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。However, the next day, Ann was told a man named Peter recognized his lost dog._Peters car came and Thomas stood silently beside his car._【范文模板】 However, the next day, Ann was told a man named Peter recognized his lost dog.Tracy said Peter ca

8、lled the number on the flier.Ann told Tracy what had happened during these days and even started crying.At the same time, Ann showed great gratitude to the dog.And Tracy told Ann that Peter would drive to her house to pick up his dog this afternoon.Later, Ann told Thomas the owner had called to clai

9、m Riley, they needed to return it to the owner.Hearing that news, Thomas put his hands over his mouth.His eyes were wide open for he couldnt believe what had happened.However, he had to face the truth.Peters car came and Thomas stood silently beside his car.Ann took Riley from her home.Seeing that,

10、Thomas tears were rolling down his cheeks.Riley sat beside Thomas, sometimes ran around him and shouted: wom wom, which clearly showed that Riley didnt want to leave his friend, Thomas.At last, Thomas asked Peter, “Can we keep Riley?” Knowing this point, Peter thought about it for a moment, and then

11、 said, “Maybe my dog was supposed to find you, maybe you should keep it.” Hearing that, Thomas ran around after Riley, obviously, they were full of joy.【情节分析】本文以狗为线索,讲述了一只迷路的小狗被Ann收留并救了Ann儿子一命的故事。【写作步骤】1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“然而,第二天,安被告知一个名叫彼得的人认出了他丢失的狗。”可知,第一段可描述Peter看到传单上的狗并打电话询问。Ann对这只狗表达了感谢,Peter开车去接狗回家

12、。Thomas知道这个消息后很难过,但也得面对现实。由第二段首句内容“彼得的车来了,托马斯静静地站在他的车旁边。”可知,第二段可描述Thomas的难过,最后Peter看到狗也不愿意离开。最终让Thomas留下了狗。2.续写线索:认出狗接狗回家难过,不舍留下狗开心【高分词汇】行为类流下:roll down/stream down归还:return/give back充满:be full of/be filled with/be overwhelmed with情绪类感激:show great gratitude to/express appreciation乐趣:joy/pleasure【高分句

13、型1】Hearing that news, Thomas put his hands over his mouth.(运用了现在分词作状语)【高分句型2】Riley sat beside Thomas, sometimes ran around him and shouted: wom wom, which clearly showed that Riley didnt want to leave his friend, Thomas.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)2(2023重庆巴南联考模拟预测)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。“You

14、signed us up for what?” Lus eyes widened as Jamie grinned at her.“A charity bike ride.Itd be fun!” She stared at him open-mouthed.“Fun? But I havent ridden a bike for years, Jamie.And I hate exercise! How long is this ride?” Lu could feel her muscle shrinking at the mere thought of it.“Only 20 kilom

15、eters.”Lucinda swiped the brightly coloured leaflet advertising the bike ride from her husbands hand.“Twenty kilometres? Thats a half marathon, Jamie!”She tossed the leaflet back at him.“Well you can count me out.Im not fit enough to run five minutes round the block, let alone hours on a bike.”“But

16、you will be in a couple of months.I thought we could train for it together.” Jamie patted his beer belly.“Im not exactly in great shape at the moment.And you re always saying we dont get to spend enough time together!” He gave her his best winning grin.A smile fell across Lucindas lips.It was true,

17、she was always saying that lately.Though spending her weekends cycling was not exactly what shed had in mind.A wave of sadness spun through her heart.The past few months had been.difficult.She had lost her job and was struggling to find a new one.Being at home, scrolling through job adverts and wait

18、ing for interview replies, had left her feeling stuck.Jamie had been working extra hours to support financially, but that only added to her guilt.Despite trying to stay positive, life had somehow skidded to a stop.“Im not sure,” Lu sighed.“Its not a race, but a joy ride, Lu.” Jamie reassured her, nu

19、dging her playfully.“Plus, Ive already rented us a tandem bike(双人自行车)!”“A tandem?” Lus eyes flashed with horror.“Are you mad?” She stared at him.“Youre not even joking, are you?” Doubts crept into her mind as she imagined the challenges of coordinating their movements on a shared bike.注意:1.续写词数应为150

20、左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Actually, the first training session did not go well._It seemed cycling had truly got their lives moving forward again._【范文模板】 Actually, the first training session did not go well.The moment they picked up the bicycle, the sky filled with drizzle and Lucindas mood turned dark.

21、“This is stupid, Jamie,” she scowled, “What on earth are we doing here?” Jamie, however, beamed brightly and held the bicycle steady for her to climb on.Along the track, they were greeted with friendly greetings and cheers from Sunday morning walkers.And there was Jamie, always by her side, softly e

22、ncouraging and cheering her.As the hours passed, they were both sweating buckets.Gone with the sweat were Lucindas groans and concerns.Weeks slipping by, Lucinda found herself actually looking forward to their weekend rides.Her muscles grew stronger and their progress became evident, instilling a ne

23、wfound sense of hope and optimism.It seemed cycling had truly got their lives moving forward again.Jamie was in quite good shape, his belly tight now.Last week Lucinda received happy news out of the blue -a job offer from one of her many applications and interviews! Finally, the big day came.Lucinda

24、 was surprised by the bustling scene: friends, families, spectators and a crazy collection of cyclists - some in fancy dress, others in serious cycle gear.As they waited, Jamie glanced over his shoulder.“Im really proud of you, you know.” Lucinda grinned.“For the job offer, or this?” Jamie smiled.“B

25、oth.You never gave up, even when things seemed impossible.” “And you never gave up on me.Now look at us!” she laughed.With the whistle buzzing and horns blaring, they joined the stream of enthusiastic cyclists and flew along amidst the thunderous cheers of the crowd.In that moment, Lucinda felt her

26、heart spinning with happiness.【情节分析】本文以人物为中心展开,主要讲述丈夫杰米悄悄地帮妻子露辛达和他自己报名参加慈善自行车骑行,但是露辛达不想去,她想找工作,不想成为家庭的负担。【写作步骤】1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“事实上,第一次训练并不顺利。”可知,第一段可描写他们训练遇到的困难和进步。由第二段首句内容“骑自行车似乎真的让他们的生活再次向前发展。”可知,第二段可描写他们在生活和工作中取得的收获。2.续写线索:训练磨合进步获得工作参加比赛心情愉悦【高分词汇】行为类怒视:scowl/glare眉开眼笑:beam/be all smiles情绪类担心:conc

27、ern/worry吃惊的:surprised/amazed【高分句型1】The moment they picked up the bicycle, the sky filled with drizzle and Lucindas mood turned dark.(由The moment引导的时间状语从句)【高分句型1】As the hours passed, they were both sweating buckets.(由As引导的时间状语从句)3(2023重庆巴蜀中学校考三模)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。One afternoon, Av

28、a drove to her 4-year-old sons kindergarten to pick him up.When she arrived, as usual, her son Noah came running and said, “Hi, Mom!” It brought a big smile to Avas face.“Did you have a good day, sweetie?” she asked.“Yes,” Noah replied.“Alright, lets get your things and go home,” Ava said.Noah sat d

29、own on one car seat in the back, carrying his school bag which contained books, candies, etc.Then, Ava started the car.“So tell me about the PE class today.Did you have fun?” Ava asked.Noah said he did and explained happily.Ava watched traffic while listening to him.The mother and son were quiet for

30、 a couple of minutes.And Ava started to think about what to make for dinner.“How about having some pizza when we get home?” Ava asked Noah.When he didnt answer, Ava wondered what he was thinking.She knew her son liked pizza, but maybe he wanted something else this time.“You like pizza, dont you?” Av

31、a asked.Still, Noah didnt answer.Ava looked over her shoulder, seeing Noahs face turning red.He couldnt speak at all.“Oh, my God! What happened?” Ava asked.She had just passed a four-ways top, and there was a wide, grassy shoulder on the road where she pulled off and jumped out of the car, She ran t

32、o the other side of the car and freed Noah from the car seat.His face was still bright red and he couldnt speak, Clearly, he was choking (噎住)!Ava cried out for help and called 911 while pounding her hand against Noahs back, trying to save her son.But nothing was changing.Suddenly sat all man appeare

33、d next to them and took Noah from Avas arms.His truck was parked behind them.He held Noah with the boys back against his stomach.And, the man thrust (猛推) his hands into Noahs abdomen (腹部), trying to remove whatever was choking him.Still, nothing happened.Then another family pulled over ahead of them

34、.注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右。2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph l:A woman ran towards them, saying she was a nurse and could help._Paragraph 2:That day, Ava realized the importance of first aid._【范文模板】 A woman ran towards them, saying she was a nurse and could help.She repeated the tall mans actions, but her actio

35、ns appeared more skillful and proper.Suddenly, a piece of candy flew from Noahs mouth.And Noah cried, showing he could breathe, which made all the people smile with relief.Ava expressed sincere gratitude to both the nurse and the man.Then she held Noah in her arms.Soon, Noahs face returned to normal

36、 color.The nurse was there and rubbed his back to help calm the child as here covered.That day, Ava realized the importance of first aid.Before the nurse left.Ava asked her to teach her and the other people how to properly rescue a person from choking.They all listened to her instruction carefully.L

37、ater, Ava posted her experience online to remind more people to pay attention to first aid.Now she is attending a first aid course that can equip her to deal with more.【情节分析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了一天下午,艾娃开车去幼儿园接4岁儿子回家途中,儿子突然被东西噎住,大家伸出援助之手也没让她儿子好转,这时一位护士的出现,用专业急救手法拯救了她儿子,艾娃感谢护士和帮助的人,并向护士学习正确的急救方法。【写作步骤】1.段落续写

38、:由第一段首句内容“一位女士向他们跑来,说她是一名护士,可以帮忙。”可知,第一段可描写护士用专业急救手法拯救了艾娃的儿子,艾娃感谢护士和帮助的人。由第二段首句内容“那天,艾娃意识到急救的重要性。”可知,第二段可描写艾娃向护士学习正确的急救方法并在网上发布自己的经历,提醒更多人注意急救。2.续写线索:护士出现护士用专业急救手法拯救了艾娃的儿子艾娃感激艾娃意识到急救的重要性艾娃向护士学习正确的急救方法艾娃参加一个急救课程【高分词汇】行为类表达:express/convey注意:pay attention to/take notice of参加:attend/take part in情绪类哭泣:cr

39、y/sob/weep感激:gratitude/appreciation【高分句型1】And Noah cried, showing he could breathe, which made all the people smile with relief.(运用了现在分词作状语,省略that的宾语从句和which引导的非限制性定语从句)【高分句型2】Now she is attending a first aid course that can equip her to deal with more.(运用了that引导的限制性定语从句)4(2023河北张家口高三统考期末)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Dave had loved basketball for as long as he could remember and he had never had a day without playing it.At primary school and junior high school he joined basketball clubs, attended training progra


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