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1、2024年高考英语终极押题密卷2(浙江卷)一完形填空(共1小题)1 I found a brown bag outside after our move. Grass Seed,it said in big letters.My husband and I (1) the seeds all over the dirty yard in front of our new house.I have no idea if they will (2) ,I told him,but its worth a shot.Just like our (3) to move to the rural Ari

2、zona.Near our new house sat a charming cottage,which was (4) to tourists.I got a job offer to (5) the cottage.Id worked in hotels for years,so when offered the (6) ,I jumped at it.Still,it was a big change.I (7) that it would be a right move.While we waited for our grass to growor notwe (8) settled

3、into our new house through our efforts.We made it a cozy home,despite the (9) in the front yard,which was still bare now.Meanwhile,many of the cottage guests became (10) ,and I got to know them well.I felt (11) to make their stays memorable.Perhaps I was better at that than (12) .But after a monsoon

4、(季风) swept through,I woke up to a beautiful morning and looked out the window.There was no grass growing in the sunlight. (13) ,our yard was covered in a rainbow of zinnias(百日菊)!The front yard turned out even better than I could have(14) ,just like our new life.And it remains a powerful (15) of the

5、beauty that awaits us in our new chapter.(1)A.soughtB.spreadC.collectedD.removed(2)A.remainB.lastC.dryD.root(3)A.needB.intentionC.decisionD.agreement(4)A.rentedB.givenC.soldD.introduced(5)A.greenB.advertiseC.fill upD.look after(6)A.helpB.chanceC.serviceD.accommodation(7)A.pretendedB.decidedC.underst

6、oodD.prayed(8)A.naturallyB.hardlyC.graduallyD.temporarily(9)A.uncertaintyB.potentialC.dangerD.untidiness(10)A.localsB.employersC.regularsD.gardeners(11)A.proudB.gratefulC.curiousD.stressed(12)A.house rentingB.yard cleaningC.keeping houseD.growing grass(13)A.OtherwiseB.InsteadC.BesidesD.Therefore(14)

7、A.imaginedB.designedC.rememberedD.appreciated(15)A.testB.memoryC.reminderD.choice二阅读理解(共4小题)2 In 1975,a San Diego homemaker named Marjorie Rice came across a column in Scientific American about tiling(瓷砖).There is a problem which has interested mathematicians since ancient Greek times.After Rices ch

8、ance encounter with tiling,family members often saw her in the kitchen constantly drawing shapes.I thought she was just drawing casually(随意),her daughter Kathy said.But Rice who took only one year of math in high school,was actually discovering neverbeforeseen patterns.Born in Florida,she loved lear

9、ning and particularly her brief exposure to math,but tight budget and social culture prevented her family from even considering that she might attend college.For Rice,math was a pleasure,her son David once said.Rice gave one of her sons a subscription to Scientific American partly because she could

10、read it carefully while the children were at school.When she read Gardners column about tiling as she later recalled in an interview:I thought it must be wonderful that someone could discover these beautiful patterns which no one had seen before.She also wrote in an essay,My interest was engaged by

11、the subject and I wanted to understand every detail of it.Lacking a mathematical background,I developed my own symbol system and in a few months discovered a new type.Astonished and delighted,she sent her work to Gardner,who sent it to Doris,a tiling expert at Moravian College.Doris confirmed that R

12、ices finding was correct.Later,Rice declined to lecture on her discoveries,citing shyness,but at Doriss invitation,she attended a university mathematics meeting,where she was introduced to the audience.Rice still said nothing of her achievements to her children,but they eventually found out as the a

13、wards mounted.(1)Why did Rice often draw shapes in the kitchen? A.To become a mathematician.B.To explore the secret of tiling.C.To fill her leisure time.D.To show her passion for drawing.(2)What can we learn about Rice from Paragraphs 2 and 3? A.She longed to start a column.B.She was rejected from a

14、 college.C.She was good at designing patterns.D.She succeeded in developing a system.(3)What is the text mainly about? A.The magic of math.B.The efforts of Rice.C.The humility of Rice.D.The patterns of tiling.(4)What can we learn from the Rices experience? A.Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.B

15、.Actions speak louder than words.C.Every cloud has a silver lining.D.Practice makes perfect.3 Im always cautious of the tired saying, If it doesnt kill you,itll make you stronger. I mean,what about polio (小儿麻痹症)?Or loads of other horrible things that if you survive,youre left scarred in one way or a

16、nother.For many years I worked in a specialist NHS clinic for people with eating disorders,which are greatly misunderstood and connected with vanity (虚荣) when instead its usually about control or even profound trauma (精神创伤).Eating disorders have the highest mortality of any mental illness,with one i

17、n five of those with an eating disorder dying from it.Treatment for it is long,tough and tiring.So,its fair to say its not something to be taken lightly.Yet I was often surprised by how many patientspatients with all sorts of other conditions too,from depression to cancer would tell me how the exper

18、ience had changed them for the better after receiving treatment.Its not so much that what doesnt kill you makes you stronger;more,it might make you more understanding of yourself and more sensitive to the battles and struggles of others.It can also give people a sense of determination and perseveran

19、ce they never had before.I had one patient who was an addict and alcoholic besides suffering eating disorder.She was frequently rushed into hospital and was sometimes at a real risk of dying.However,after years of hard work,she stopped drinking,stopped using drugs and her eating disorder improved.Sh

20、e got back into work and started doing several courses to get promoted.Actually,she had gone through numerous intense and exhausting interviews before landing a job,but she said whenever she felt she couldnt handle it or doubted her capabilities,she reminded herself that nothing would ever be worse

21、or harder than what she had already gone through.She managed to make the most of her life and turn her life around.(1)What does the author think of the old mantra? A.Always applicable.B.Totally absurd.C.Partially right.D.Quite misleading.(2)What does the underlined word in paragraph 2 possibly mean?

22、 A.The number of deaths.B.The possibility of being cured.C.The rate of getting mentally hurt.D.The chance of having mental illness.(3)How does the experience influence patients according to paragraph 3? A.It leads to a changeable attitude.B.It makes no noticeable difference.C.It builds up their phys

23、ical strength.D.It fosters selfawareness and sympathy.(4)What can we learn about the patient mentioned in the last paragraph? A.She continued harmful habits.B.She relied only on medication.C.She always believed in herself.D.She became stronger and tougher.4 Have you ever lost something in a hardtore

24、ach space,like behind a couch or a cupboard?Wouldnt it be nice to just be able to squeeze in and out?New innovations in the field of robotics will soon be able to make this nice idea into a reality.In a study published on Jan.25 in the science journal Matter,engineers from The Chinese University of

25、Hong Kong and Carnegie Mellon University in the US have developed small robots that can quickly change back and forth from liquid to solid states.According to the website Mashable,the scientists were inspired by sea cucumbers (海参).They are able to change the stiffness of their body or reduce the pot

26、ential for physical damage.The robots in the study were made from gallium,a soft metal with a low melting point of 30.The scientists then used changes in the magnetic field to handle the magnetic particles (粒子) inside the gallium material to provide heat.This heat then allowed the robots to change b

27、etween solid and liquid states as well as to move around.As the website Tech Xplore pointed out,other similar materials require external heat sources such as heat guns and electrical currents to bring a change of states;but now,the robots can use a heat source inside itself to change states independ

28、ently.During the robots experimental trials,the scientists conducted a number of tests.These tests included having the robots melt into liquid and reform to escape a prisonlike cage.It can remove a foreign object from and deliver medicinal drugs to a model stomach.The robot is also able to build and

29、 repair hardtoreach circuits.The robots ability to switch between states of matter allows for a number of possible uses and advancements in different fields,such as the biomedical and circuit assembly industries.Still,in the words of senior author Carmel Majidi at Carnegie Mellon University,for now

30、these are all just proofs of concept which show the abilities of these new kinds of robots.(1)What can we learn about the small robots? AThey were produced by British scientists.BThey came from inspiration of sea cucumbers.CThey can help people squeeze in and out freely.DThey were made from a newly

31、invented material.(2)How did scientists change the state of the robots? ABy employing a heat source.BBy using electrical currents.CBy controlling the magnetic particles.DBy building hardtoreach circuits.(3)What can be inferred about the robots from Majidis words? ATheir abilities are overstated.BThe

32、y have great market potential.CProof is needed to understand the concept.DIt will take time for them to be widely used.(4)What might be the best title of the passage? AOngoing Challenges the New Robots FaceBAmazing Features the New Robots PossessCPotential Limitations the New Robots HaveDNew Melting

33、 Robots Switching between Different States5Buccleuch Place/ Buccleuch Place LaneOverviewBuccleuch Place/Buccleuch Place Lane,16&;713,Buccleuch Place,Edinburgh,EH89 LWBuccleuch Place provides a mix of standard study bedrooms within flats,each with shared kitchen/living spaces and bathroom facilities.

34、Standard single ensuite roomStandard room with ensuite bathroom 10,377 per yearBATHROOM:EnsuiteCATERING:Selfcatered propertyBILLS:All utility( bills included there is an average allowance of electricity but overuse can result in additional charges.Twin roomTwin room with shared bathroom facilities 5

35、,215 per yearBATHROOM:SharedCATERING:Selfcatered propertyBILLS:All utility bills included there is an average allowance of electricity but overuse can result in additional charges.Standard single roomStandard single room with shared bathroom facilities 8,651 per yearBATHROOM:SharedCATERING:Selfcater

36、ed propertyBILLS:All utility bills included there is an average allowance of electricity but overuse can result in additional charges.Cleaning and housekeeping Staff on site will regularly clean the laundry,common room,common room toilets,stairs and lifts. Staff will visit your flat weekly and assis

37、t you in keeping common areas clean (kitchens,any shared bathrooms and hallways).However,residents should also clean between visits. Residents should clear rubbish and remove al recycling to the designated areas:you are also responsible for keeping your own bedrooms and ensuite bathrooms clean. Plea

38、se note that al our accommodation is nonsmoking,this includes ecigarettes.(1)Which of the following might be true about a standard single ensuite room? A.It is the cheapest choice.B.It provides a private bathroom.C.Food is included in the bill.D.Residents do not need to pay any bills.(2)A resident i

39、n the Buccleuch Place .A.can have ecigarettes in his room.B.only needs to clean his own bedroom.C.has staff visits on a daily basis.D.should remove recycling to specific areas.(3)Which of the following section could this passage be possibly found? A.Accommodation.B.Jobs.C.Finance.D.Courses.三书面表达(共2小

40、题)6假定你是李华,你校英语报将以最美中国节为主题举办学生征文活动,请你写一篇短文投稿介绍一个你喜欢的中国传统节日,内容包括:(1)主要节日习俗;(2)节日意义。注意:(1)词数80左右;(2)可适当增加细节,使内容充实,行文连贯。An Amazing Chinese Festival 7 I have been blessed by many act s of kindness throughout my life.But the one that stands out the most was the one that happened at the blacksmith (铁匠) sho

41、p at Old Sturbridge Village.When my son was little,it was very clear to me that there was something different about him.After countless trips to different specialists and the completion of extensive testing,a diagnosis of a particular chromosomal (染色体的) disorder was made.He was constantly in motion

42、and had no sense of danger,requiring his caregivers watch his every move to prevent him from running away or heading into traffic.He also loved strangers,thinking that everyone was his potential best friend.He greeted everyone with a hug.However,no one was willing to accept my sons wellintended embr

43、ace,especially given that he looked much older than his actual age yet acted much younger.Although my son was still too young to recognize when he was being rejected,every hurtful word,unkind refusal,or look of pity broke my heart.I had started to be afraid of taking him out in public.One day,at the

44、 village,I walked around holding my sons hand,ready to protect him from being hurt.As we strolled along,we passed by a blacksmith shop.The rhythmic pounding of the hammer and the sparks that flew in all directions caught my sons attention.The process of turning seemingly worthless materials into val

45、uable and visually stunning pieces through heating,hammering,and forging (锻造) seemed like magic to him.As the blacksmith paused his work and wiped the sweat from his brow,my son couldnt contain his curiosity anymore.He ran straight over to the blacksmith,wrapped his arms around the mans legs,and ask

46、ed if he could have a try.My heart stopped at that moment.I expected that he,like almost everyone else that we had encountered,would push him away,muttering something about this not being possible.注意:(1)续写词数应为150左右;(2)请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1:What he did next,though,brought me to tears. Paragraph 2:When that hour was up,my son proudly walked away,with the pride of iron medal. 四信息匹配(共1小题)8Discovering Your True Self Is Vital to Happiness!Have you found focusing on yourself is at the bottom of the todo list,because you feel everyone else in your life comes first?(1) Now is exact


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