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《2024年高考英语终极押题密卷1(全国乙卷)含答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2024年高考英语终极押题密卷1(全国乙卷)含答案.doc(31页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2024年高考英语终极押题密卷1(全国乙卷)一完形填空(共1小题)1 British Marathon runner Luke Greenfield Shaw realized his dream of cycling from Bristol to Beijing.When he was 24,he felt a (1) pain in his left shoulder and was (2) with cancer,a very rare and aggressive sarcoma(肿瘤).Born in a loving and supportive family,the young

2、 athlete gradually (3) and found the strength to (4) his adventures.Luke、in order to conquer the continual ache,accepted the painful treatment and was (5) to live to the fullest while receiving chemotherapy(化疗).Halfway through the chemotherapy,he (6) the Bristol HalfMarathon in one hour 20 minutes a

3、nd 8 seconds,and he (7) his eyes farther away.He (8) a cycling campaign from Bristol England and all the way to Beijing China to raise the (9) about cancer.The journey was round 30,000 kilometers and across approximately 30 countries and regions through all kinds of landscape and weather,from snowfi

4、eld to grassland,(10) over 800 followers.During this (11) ,cancer patients from other countries (12) him,telling the world that they can live with the (13) .It was a school of hard knocks,but Luke has learned to (14) for today and let the future take care of itself.At that time,the dream remained(15

5、) due to COVID19,a pandemic that trapped everyone at home.But this year with no(16) on travelling,Luke could (17) continue his schedule,Before,China was just the endpoint and the destination.Now,China has become his real focus of the trip,Landing in China,Luke found it was not the destination but th

6、e exploration through life that(18) .What Luke was really hoping to do was something a bit (19) ,and inspire as many people as he can to (20) life.(1)A.slightB.temporaryC.constantD.bearable(2)A.infectedB.engagedC.concernedD.diagnosed(3)A.gave upB.set upC.made upD.cheered up(4)A.continueB.experienceC



9、9)A.importantB.carefulC.differentD.successful.(20)A.loadB.cherishC.protectD.consider二阅读理解(共4小题)2 Here are 4 museum exhibitions that are worth traveling for in 2024.The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic ModernismMetropolitan Museum of Art(the Met),New York CityOn view:February 25June 28,2024The hi

10、ghly anticipated show reflects the Mets efforts to place the work of Black artists in a new light.Expect works by Harlem Renaissance artists largely drawn from the collections of historically Black colleges and universitiesto hang alongside those of European contemporaries such as Henri Matisse,Edva

11、rd Munch and Pablo Picasso.New Worids:Women to Watch 2024National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA),Washington DCOn view:April 14August 11,2024As the only museum in the country dedicated to the work of female artists,the NMWA has network of committees across the world keeping tabs on new talent,so

12、you can count on it for an exhibition that brims with creativity,ideas and buzz.This years roster features two dozen artists,from Germany to Arkansas to Peru.Georgia OKeeffe:My New YorksArt Institute of Chicago(AIC),ChicagoOn view:June 2September 24,2024This show will explore how Georgia OKeeffean a

13、rtist deeply associated with the Southwest and naturespent her crucial years in the USAs biggest city.Before she turned her eye to flowers,skulls,and desert sunsets,Georgia OKeeffe captured the vertiginous(令人眩晕的) perspectives of New York City livingboth looking up at skyscrapers from street level an

14、d down from her 30thfloor apartment.Paris 1874:The Impressionist MomentNational Gallery of Art(NGA),Washington,DCSeptember 8,2024January 19,2025A moment that changed the course of culture took place in 1874,when an exhibition of art focusing on the effects of light;on painting outside,in nature;and

15、on rejecting establishment conventions opened inParis.This important show provides the visual and social contextbefore,during and afterfor a turning point in Western art.(1)Which exhibition may help you learn more about New York City? A.The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic ModernismB.New Worlds:

16、Women to Watch 2024C.Georgia OKeeffe:My New YorksD.Paris 1874:The Impressionist Moment(2)Which museum can James visit if he stays in Washinton,DC for 15 days in July? A.Metropolitan Museum of ArtB.National Museum of Women in the ArtsC.Art Institute of ChicagoD.National Gallery of Art(3)What can we i

17、nfer from the passage? A.The Met exhibits works of Black artists only.B.Georgia OKeeffe preferred living in New York.C.Paris 1874:The Impressionist Moment will last for one year.D.NMWA is the only museum in USA that focuses on works of female artists.3 Mattel has announced the latest release in its

18、Inspiring Women series,releasing a doll on Tuesday dedicated to conservationist Dr.Jane Goodall.Goodall,88,began her groundbreaking research on chimpanzees in East Africa more than 60 years ago.My entire career,Ive wanted to help inspire kids to be curious and explore the world around them, Goodall

19、said in a statement. Im thrilled to partner with Barbie and encourage young children to learn from their environment and feel a sense that they can make a difference.The new dolls launch coincides with the 62nd anniversary of Goodalls first visit to Tanzanias Gombe National Park,where she conducted

20、groundbreaking research on wild chimpanzees.It also comes just ahead of World Chimpanzee Day on July 14.Her figurine (小雕像) wears a khaki shirt and shorts,a pair of binoculars and holds a notebook.It also comes with a miniature replica of David Greybeard,the first ma le chimp Dr.Goodall named and dis

21、covered making tools out of sticks.Goodalls doll is made from oceanbound plastic and is part of Mattels Inspiring Women Series,which pays tribute (致敬) to courageous and risktaking women.Prior dolls in the collection include Ida.B.Wells,Dr.Maya Angelou and Eleanor Roosevelt.Kids need more role models

22、 like Dr.Jane Goodall,because imagining they can be anything is just the beginningseeing it makes all the difference, Lisa McKnight,executive vice president and global head of Barbie and Mattel dolls,said in a statement.Barbie has also teamed up with the Jane Goodall Institute to launch its 2022 Bar

23、bie Career of the Year EcoLeadership Team,a line of dolls with green careers such as a Chief Sustainability Officer and Renewable Energy Engineer.The company hopes the collection can inspire kids to learn more about green careers.(1)When did Goodall begin research on chimpanzees? A.In her twenties.B

24、.In her forties.C.In her sixties.D.In her eighties.(2)Why did Mattel release its Inspiring Women series? A.To increase its sale of Barbie.B.To collect money for national parks.C.To give young people role models.D.To raise peoples awareness of wild life protection.(3)Which of the following can best d

25、escribe Dr.Jane Goodall? A.Kind and creative.B.Brave and strongwilled.C.Friendly and kind.D.Generous and hardworking.(4)What is the best title of the text? A.Jane Goodall Was Highly RespectedB.Jane Goodall Is an Influential ResearcherC.Kids Need Great People to Inspire ThemD.Mattel Released a Barbie

26、 Toll of Jane Goodall4 Meeting people is the first step to make friends.But how do you actually become friends with someone?Here are some useful tips.1.Make small talk even if you dont feel like itSmall talk can feel false and meaningless.But it does have a purpose.By making small talk,you show that

27、 youre friendly and open to communicating.In that way,small talk helps you to make the first connection with potential new friends.If someone doesnt make any small talk,we might assume that they dont want to make friends with us,that they dont like us,or that theyre in a bad mood.2.Figure out what y

28、ou might have in commonWhen you talk to someone new and realize that you have things in common,the conversation usually goes from stiff to fun and interesting.Therefore,make it a habit to find out if you have any mutual interests or something in common.You can do this by mentioning things that inter

29、est you and seeing how they react.3.Dont write people off until you know themDont judge people too quickly.Try not to assume that they are shallow,boring,or that you have nothing to talk about.If everyone seems uninterested,it might be because you keep getting stuck in small talk.If you only make sm

30、all talk,everyone sounds shallow.4.Make people like being around youWhen you try to make people like you,it will become easier for you to make friends.When you make sure that people like being around you,they will like you.If we are with someone with a positive experience,we like that person more.(1

31、)What is the purpose of small talk? A.To show that you are in a good mood.B.To show you have something in common.C.To show you are friendly and want to talk.D.To show you are a potential new friend.(2)According to the passage why do you think people around you are boring? A.Because you dont have a d

32、eep chat with them.B.Because they have nothing in common with you.C.Because you dont make a small talk with them.D.Because you dont like to make friends with them.(3)What will you do if you want to make it easier to make friends? A.To avoid being stuck in small talk.B.To judge people by what they do

33、.C.To stay with people with a positive experience.D.To make people willing to stay with you.5 Desert s could be the best places on Earth for harvesting solar power.They are spacious,relatively flat,and never short of sunlight.So researchers imagine it might be possible to transform the worlds larges

34、t desert,the Sahara,into a large solar farm,capable of meeting four times the worlds current energy demand.While the black surfaces of solar panels absorb most of the sunlight that reaches them,only around 15%of that incoming energy gets turned into electricity.The rest is returned to the environmen

35、t as heat,affecting the climate.If these effects were only local,they might not matter in a thinly populated desert.But the area of the installations(安装) in the Sahara would be vast,covering thousands of square miles.Heat released from an area this size will be redistributed by the flow of air in th

36、e atmosphere,haying regional and even global effects on the climate.A 2018 study used a climate model to assess the effects of building massive solar farms in the Sahara.The model revealed that when the size of the solar farm reaches 20% of the total area of the Sahara,the heat released by the darke

37、r solar panels creates a big temperature difference between the land and the surrounding oceans that ultimately lowers surface air pressure and causes wet air to rise and condense(凝结) into raindrops.With more rainfall,plants grow and the desert reflects less of the suns energy since vegetation absor

38、bs light better than sand and soil.With more plants present,more water is evaporated(蒸发),creating a better environment that causes vegetation to spread.So,a large solar farm could generate enough energy and at the same time turn one of the most abominable environments on Earth into a habitable place

39、.Sounds perfect,right?Not quite.In a recent study,we used an advanced Earth system model to closely examine how Saharan solar farms interact with the climate.It showed there could be unintended effects in remote parts of the land and ocean.We are only beginning to understand the potential consequenc

40、es of establishing massive solar farms in deserts.Solutions like this may help society reduce the use of fossil(化石) energy,but Earth system studies like ours underscore the importance of considering the numerous coupled responses of the atmosphere,oceans,and land surface when examining their benefit

41、s and risks.(1)What can be learned about solar farms? A.They can affect the local climate.B.They are mainly located in deserts.C.They can make the best use of incoming energy.D.They satisfy the worlds current energy demand.(2)What will happen if 20% of the Sahara is covered with solar panels accordi

42、ng to the2018 study? A.It might reflect more sunlight.B.It might become greener.C.Its surface air pressure will increase.D.Its temperature difference between day and night will decrease.(3)What does the underlined wordabominablein paragraph 4 mean? A.Dynamic.B.Sensitive.C.Unpleasant.D.Competitive.(4

43、)What does the author think of turning the Sahara into a solar farm? A.It is an impossible task.B.It calls for more consideration.C.It will do more good than harm.D.It might be the solution to fossil fuel pollution.三书面表达(共1小题)6 根据以下图画,写一篇英语短文,描述今昔通讯方式的变化,以及这些变化给人们生活带来的影响。注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)参考词汇:通讯comm

44、unicate (with sb.) vi./communication n.互联网the Internet四短文改错(共1小题)7假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:(1)每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;(2)只允许修改10处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。As a senior 3 student,I have been busy

45、 with my study and seldom does any housework.I decided to give the rooms a thoroughly cleaning to surprise my parents on last Sunday.Firstly,I collected newspapers,books,and snacks scattered in the rooms and put it in place.Then I wiped the dust off all the furnitures.After that,I sweep and mopped t

46、he floors.My parents were quite surprise to see all the rooms were neat and tidy.Tired as I was,I felt sense of achievement when I saw satisfaction in their eyes.Doing these chores can help me not only improve some basic life skills and understand my parents daily efforts better.五信息匹配(共1小题)8Before w

47、e even realize its happening,slowly but surely,we start losing confidence in who we are,what we do,and pretty much everything we ever thought we knew.Youre not alone.(1) .Below are simple steps that it offers to help you restore confidence quickly.Figure Out the Root Cause.Knowing why youre losing confidence is key to reversing that downward spiral.Not only will it get your confidence back but also it will strengthen it in the process.So,take the time to become a ware of your env


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