八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you exercise Section B(1a-2e) (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you exercise Section B(1a-2e) (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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《八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you exercise Section B(1a-2e) (新版)人教新目标版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you exercise Section B(1a-2e) (新版)人教新目标版.ppt(45页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Jim/once a weekLi Ming/twice a weekTony/3 or 4 times a weekBob/every dayLi Lei/hardly everPeter/neverHow can we be healthy?Exercise often and eat healthy food.Could you tell us some healthy food?Well.Fruit,vegetables,milk,rice and meat.1._ junk food 3._ fruit 5._ sleep2._ milk 4._ vegetables 6._ cof

2、fee afcdeb1aMatch the words with the picture below.abcdefhealthy:unhealthy:cola,salad,soup,hot dog,milk,hamburger,dumpling,fruit,chicken,onion,potato,tomatoFindFindhealthy:unhealthy:salad,soup,milk,dumpling,onion,fruit,chicken,potato,tomatocola,hot dog,hamburger be good for 对对有好处有好处be bad for 对对有坏处有

3、坏处e.g.Hot dog is bad for our health.热狗对我们的健康有坏处。热狗对我们的健康有坏处。e.g.Milk is good for our health.牛奶对我们的健康有好处。牛奶对我们的健康有好处。1bAsk and answer questions.Use the words from 1a.How often do you drink milk,Liu Fang?I drink milk every day.Do you like it?No.But my mother wants me to drink it.She says its good for

4、my health.How often do you eat junk food?I eat it once a week.Do you like it?Yes.But my mother doesnt let me eat it.She says its bad for my health.How often do you drink/eat?I eat Do you like?Listen to an interview about two peoples daily habits.Circle your answers to each question.Does Tina have go

5、od habits?Yes.No.I dont know.Does Tina have good habits?Yes.No.I dont know.1cQuestions1.How often do you exercise?2.How often do you eat fruit?3.How many hours do you sleep every night?4.How often do you drink milk?5.How often do you eat junk food?6.How often do you drink coffee?Tina Bill_ _ _ _ _ _

6、 _ _ _ 1dListen again.Fill in the blanks in the survey.every day1.How often do you exercise?2.How often do you eat fruit?3.How many hours do you sleep every night?Tina:every day Bill:hardly everAnswers Tina:every day Bill:neverTina:nine Bill:nine4.How often do you drink milk?5.How often do you eat j

7、unk food?6.How often do you drink coffee?Tina:every day Bill:neverTina:two or three times a week Bill:three or four times a weekTina:never Bill:four times a dayStudent A is the reporter.Student B is Tina or Bill.Ask and answer questions.Then change roles.1eHow often do you exercise?I exercise every

8、day.And how often do you How often do you exercise?I never exercise.How often do you eat fruit?I never eat fruit.I.Rank these activities according to how often you think your classmates do them(1=most often,6=least often).2awatch TV go to the movies play computer gamesexercise or play sportsuse the

9、Internetgo camping in the countrytelevisionbodyonlinemindtogetherLets do a survey.What do you do in your free time?Doing exercise,use of the Internet or watching TV?What activities do you think is healthy for the mind and the body?2bRead the passage quickly and find the answer to the questions below

10、.1.How many kinds of free time activities are mentioned in the passage?_2.What is the best way to relax?_Three.The best way to relax is through exercise.Read the passage carefully and complete the pie chart below._%every day Exercise_%3 or 4 times a weekUse of the Internet_%every day _%4-6 times a w

11、eek_%1-3 times a week_%no exercise102015204590_%4-6 times a weekWatch TV_%1-3 times a week_%every day 851322cRead the article again and answer the questions.1.How many percent of the students do not exercise at all?_2.How many percent of the students use the Internet every day?_Ninety percent studen

12、ts.Twenty percent students.3.How often do most students watch TV?_ What do they usually watch?_ 4.What does the writer think is the best way to relax?_ Why?_Most students watch TV every day.They usually watch sports,game shows.Its healthy for the mind and the body.Exercise.5.Do you think the student

13、s in No.5 are healthy?_ Why or why not?_ _ _No,I dont think so.Because most students use Internet or watch TV on their free time.They dont like exercising.Its unhealthy.2dAccording to the article and the pie charts,write sentences with the percentages using always,usually or sometimes.1.90%:_ _ 2.85

14、%:_ _ 3.45%:_ _Eighty percent of the students always watch TV.Ninety percent of the students always use the Internet.Forty-five percent of the students usually exercise.4.10%:_ _5.13%:_ _ 6.2%:_ _Ten percent of the students sometimes use the Internet.Thirteen percent of the students usually watch TV

15、.Two percent of the students sometimes watch TV.1.We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day.percent 名名词词,意,意为为“百分之百分之”e.g.Eighty percent of the students in our class exercise every day.我我们们班里班里80%的学生每天都的学生每天都锻锻 炼炼。【注意注意】percent做主做主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词的数要根据的数要根据其后面的名其后面的名词词来确定。来确

16、定。e.g.Fifty percent of the apples are bad.50%的苹果都坏了。的苹果都坏了。Twenty percent of the meat is in the fridge.20%的肉都在冰箱。的肉都在冰箱。2.And twenty percent do not exercise at all!not at all 意意为为“一点也不一点也不”,not应应和和be动词动词、助、助动词动词或情或情态连态连用。用。e.g.The story isnt interesting at all.那个故事一点也没有趣。那个故事一点也没有趣。They didnt enjoy

17、the vacation at all.他他们们根本不喜根本不喜欢欢那次旅行。那次旅行。The old man cant use the computer at all.那位老人一点也不会用那位老人一点也不会用电脑电脑。3.Although many students like to watch sports,game shows are the most popular.although 连词连词,“尽管,尽管,虽虽然;即使然;即使”e.g.We went fishing although it was cold.尽管天气很冷,但是我尽管天气很冷,但是我们还们还是去是去钓钓 鱼鱼了。了。注意

18、:注意:although引引导导的从句不能与的从句不能与but连连用。用。e.g.尽管他离家很早,但是他尽管他离家很早,但是他还还是是迟迟到了。到了。Although he left home early,but he was late.()Although he left home early,he was late.()中考中考链链接接 My cousin knows a lot about geography,_ he is only four years old.A.because B.soC.although C4.the best way to relax is through e

19、xercise.through 介介词词,课课文中意文中意为为“以,凭借以,凭借”e.g.He found the job through an advertisement in the newspaper.他通他通过报纸过报纸上的一个广告找到上的一个广告找到这这份份 工作。工作。拓展拓展 through 还还有有“穿穿过过”之意。表示之意。表示“从从内部穿内部穿过过”。e.g.They went through the forest yesterday.昨天他昨天他们们穿穿过过了森林。了森林。5.Exercise such as playing sports is fun such as意为

20、意为“像像这样这样”,表示列,表示列举举。结结构常构常为为:名:名词词+such as +例子例子 e.g.She likes animas such as rabbits and birds.她喜她喜欢欢像兔子、小像兔子、小鸟这样鸟这样的小的小动动 物。物。注意:其后面不可列注意:其后面不可列举举出所有的事物。出所有的事物。如:如:我了解四种我了解四种语语言,例如英言,例如英语语、汉语汉语。I know four languages,such as,English and Chinese.()I know four languages,such as,English,French,Japan

21、ese and Chinese.()6.Old habits die hard.旧旧习难习难改。改。这这是英是英语语中的一句中的一句谚语谚语,表示,表示习惯习惯一一 旦养成,并非朝夕即可改旦养成,并非朝夕即可改变变,多用来多用来 描述人描述人们们一一时难时难以改以改变变的固有的固有观观念及念及 做法做法。e.g.Its the age of new technology,but my grandpa still goes everywhere with his old radio.Old habits die hard,you see.现现在都已在都已经经是新技是新技术时术时代了,可我代了,可

22、我爷爷爷爷仍然到哪儿都仍然到哪儿都带带着他的收音机。你瞧,着他的收音机。你瞧,老老习惯习惯可真可真难难改呀。改呀。7.So start exercising before its too late!its too late 为时为时太晚;来不及了太晚;来不及了 e.g.Now you know youre wrong,but its too late.现现在你知道你在你知道你错错了,但是已了,但是已经经太晚太晚 了。了。its too late与与before共同共同组组成从句,表示成从句,表示“不要等到不要等到为时为时已晚;不要等到来不及的已晚;不要等到来不及的时时候;趁着候;趁着还还来得及

23、来得及”。e.g.You should work harder before its too late to catch up.你你应应当更加用功,当更加用功,别别等到等到为时过为时过晚而赶晚而赶不上了。(你不上了。(你现现在用功在用功还还赶得上。)赶得上。)2eChoose one of these free time activities or think of your own.Then ask your classmates how often they do this activity and make a pie chart.1-3 times a week.How often do you play sports?Every day.How often do you read books?How often do you?Numbers of classmates(总总40)1-3 times a week4-6 times a weekevery day201010_%4-6 times a weekPlay sports_%1-3 times a week_%every day 5025251.读读2b中的短文。中的短文。2.根据根据2e的调查结果写一个报告。的调查结果写一个报告。


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