七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section A(1a-2d) (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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1、What did you do last weekend?Unit 12第一课时:第一课时:Section A(1a2d)课文课文呈现呈现知识知识讲解讲解第一课时:SectionA(1a-2d)课课堂堂导导入入1a1a1b1b课课堂堂小小结结课课后后作作业业课课堂堂练练习习T:I was kind of tired last weekend.Do you know what I did?Can you describe these activities?Match the activities with the Match the activities with the pictures af

2、pictures af1 1did my homework did my homework a a 2 2went to the cinema _went to the cinema _3 3went boatingwent boating _ _4 4camped by the lake_camped by the lake_5 5went to the beach_went to the beach_6.played badminton _6.played badminton _What did you do last weekendWhat did you do last weekend

3、,LucyLucy?WellWell,on Saturday morningon Saturday morning,I played badminton.I played badminton.1aLanguage Goal:Talk about past eventsadefbcgo boating去划船去划船考向【重点重点】“godoing”形式表示形式表示“去做某事去做某事”,常用于常用于表达从事某一体育活动或休闲活动表达从事某一体育活动或休闲活动。eg:go bike riding 骑自行车旅行 go climbing去爬山go skating去滑冰 go hiking去远足go sig

4、htseeing去观光 go fishing去钓鱼go swimming去游泳 go camping去野营go surfing去冲浪知识点1 1Please dont go _(swim)on your own.Its too dangerous.(淮安)典例典例swimmingWhat did you do last weekend,Lucy?你上周末干什么了,露西?你上周末干什么了,露西?考向一【重点重点】此句是一般过去时的特殊疑问句,由特殊此句是一般过去时的特殊疑问句,由特殊疑问词疑问词what引导,一般用来询问他人在过去干了引导,一般用来询问他人在过去干了什么,结构为什么,结构为“Wh

5、atdid主语主语do表示过去表示过去的时间状语?的时间状语?”,其中,其中do为动词原形。注意回答为动词原形。注意回答时动词用过去式。时动词用过去式。eg:What did you do last night?你昨晚做什么了?I watched TV.我看电视了。知识点2 2 What did you do for your dad on Fathers Day this year?I_a beautiful tie for him.(来宾)AbuyBboughtCbuysDbuying典例典例B【点拨点拨】本题用本题用前后照应法前后照应法解答。由问句中的解答。由问句中的What did y

6、ou do?可知询问过去的事情,所以答语用过去时。故答案为?可知询问过去的事情,所以答语用过去时。故答案为B。last表示时间的词,如:表示时间的词,如:night,weekend,month,year,Sunday,week 等,构成句中的时等,构成句中的时间状语时,间状语时,其前通常省略其前通常省略at,on,in等介词等介词。eg:He went to the beach last Sunday.上个星期天他去海滩了。考向二Listen and write the Listen and write the dayday,morningmorning,afternoonafternoon

7、or or night below each picture.night below each picture.1b Saturday afternoonnightafternoonSundaymorningBob:Hey,Lucy.Lucy:Hi,Bob.Bob:How was your weekend?Lucy:It was great.Bob:So,what did you do?Lucy:Well,on Saturday morning,I played badminton.In the afternoon,I went to the beach,and at night,I went

8、 to the cinema.Bob:Cool.What about Sunday?Lucy:In the morning,I camped by the lake with my classmates.In the afternoon,we went boating,and at night,I did my homework.1b1cRoleplay.Student A is Lucy.Student B asks Lucy about her weekend.B:What did you do last weekend,Lucy?A:Well,on Saturday morning,I

9、played badminton.2aListen and underline the words you hear.1 11_ I visited my(aunt/grandma)2_ I did(my homework/sports)3_ I studied for the(English/math)test.4_ I went to a(farm/beach)5_ I fed some(sheep/cows)._ B _ _ _ Teacher:So,did everyone have a good weekend?Students:Yeah,we did,Ms.Clark!Teache

10、r:Good.What did you do last weekend,Becky?Becky:I visited my grandma,and I did my homework.Teacher:Great.And how about you,Carol?Did you go out?Carol:No,I stayed at home.I studied for the English test.Teacher:Wow,good for you.Jack,how about you?Where did you go?Jack:I went to a farm,and I fed some c

11、ows.Teacher:Sounds like you had fun.2asheep/ip/n.羊,绵羊羊,绵羊考向sheep是可数名词,单复数同形是可数名词,单复数同形。eg:one sheep一只羊 many sheep许多羊知识点3 3 eg:How many sheep are there on the farm?农场里有多少只羊?How many_can you see in the picture?Two.(广安)Adog Bchild Csheeps D.sheep 典例典例D常见的单复数同形的名词:Chinese 中国人Japanese日本人fish 鱼 deer鹿拓展拓展

12、2bListen again.Write C for Carol,J for Jack or B for Becky next to the statements in 2a.1_ I visited my(aunt/grandma)2_ I did(my homework/sports)3_ I studied for the(English/math)test.4_ I went to a(farm/beach)5_ I fed some(sheep/cows)._ B C J J B _ _ _ Teacher:So,did everyone have a good weekend?St

13、udents:Yeah,we did,Ms.Clark!Teacher:Good.What did you do last weekend,Becky?Becky:I visited my grandma,and I did my homework.Teacher:Great.And how about you,Carol?Did you go out?Carol:No,I stayed at home.I studied for the English test.Teacher:Wow,good for you.Jack,how about you?Where did you go?Jack

14、:I went to a farm,and I fed some cows.Teacher:Sounds like you had fun.2b2cStudent A asks questions with who,what or where and Student B answers.Then change roles.Who visited her grandma?Becky did.Becky did.贝姬看望了。贝姬看望了。考向该句是一个省略句,用该句是一个省略句,用did代替了上句中的行为动作,代替了上句中的行为动作,完整回答应为完整回答应为“Becky visited her gr

15、andma.”。该结构。该结构是为了避免重复上文中的行为动作。英语中常用是为了避免重复上文中的行为动作。英语中常用do的的适当形式适当形式(do,does,did)来代替上文出现的动作。来代替上文出现的动作。eg:Did you make a wish?你许愿了吗?No,but my friend Lily did.没有,但是我的 朋友莉莉许了。(did等于made a wish知识点4 4Who got to the station on time?I _!In fact,I arrived there 5 minutes earlier.(兰州改编)Awas Bgot Cdid Ddo典例

16、典例C 【点拨点拨】用用前后照应法前后照应法做此题。考查助动词。问句是一般做此题。考查助动词。问句是一般 过去时,故答语中用助动词过去时,故答语中用助动词did代替问句中的行为动作。代替问句中的行为动作。2dRoleplay the conversation.Paul:Hi,Lisa.How was your weekend?Lisa:Great,thanks.Paul:What did you do?Lisa:I worked as a guide at the NaturalHistory Museum.Paul:Really?How interesting!Lisa:Yeah,it wa

17、s fun.They have a butterfly house with over 200 kinds of butterflies!I told the visitorsabout them and their living habits.Did you have a good weekend?Paul:Yeah,it was good,but Im kind of tirednow.I stayed uplate to watch the soccer game.work as从事从事工作工作考向一【重点重点】work as从事从事工作,工作,as后接职业名词后接职业名词。eg:Her

18、 son is working as a math teacher.她的儿子是一位数学老师。知识点5 5 work for为工作eg:My uncle works for the government.我叔叔在为政府工作。work on从事;忙于eg:He is working on his homework.他正在做家庭作业。work out算出;做出eg:The math problem is too difficult.I cant work it out.这道数学题太难了,我不能算出来。拓展拓展【难点难点】Miss Li,could you please help me _ this

19、math problem?OK.Let me try.(威海)Alook upBwork outCset up典例典例B【点拨点拨】本题用本题用辨析法辨析法。look up查阅;查阅;work out算出;算出;set up搭建。句意:搭建。句意:李老师,你能帮我算出这道数学题吗?李老师,你能帮我算出这道数学题吗?好的,让我试一试。好的,让我试一试。考向二【重点重点】as在此处用作介词,意思是在此处用作介词,意思是“作为,作为,当作当作”。eg:He works as an actor.他是一名演员。As a student,you should study hard for our moth

20、erland.作为一名学生,你应当为我们的祖国而努 力学习。as还可以作连词,其用法为:表示“当时”,引导时间状语从句。eg:We sing as we walk.我们边走路边唱歌。表示“因为,由于”,引导原因状语从句。eg:I cant go with you as I have too much homework to do today.我不能和你一起去,因为今天我有许多的 家庭作业要做。拓展拓展【难点难点】表示“像一样,按照”,引导比较或方式状语从句。eg:My bag is as big as yours.我的书包和你的一样大。Please do as your teacher say

21、s.请按照你老师所说的去做。natural/ntrl/adj.自然的自然的考向natural用作形容词,意为用作形容词,意为“自然的,天生的自然的,天生的”。eg:natural disasters 自然灾害 natural resources 自然资源 She is a natural singer.她是个天生的歌手。知识点6 6nature n.大自然,自然界naturally adv.自然地eg:We all love nature.我们都爱大自然。拓展拓展 really/rili/adv.真正地;确实真正地;确实考向一really可意为可意为“的确;真正地的确;真正地”,常用来修饰形容

22、,常用来修饰形容词、副词或动词,其对应的形容词为词、副词或动词,其对应的形容词为real“真实的真实的”。eg:I really like your songs.我的确喜欢你的歌曲。知识点7 7The movie covers(覆盖)all of Chinese history.It is _ worth(值得)seeing again.(河北改编)Areal Breally Chard Dhardly典例典例B【点拨点拨】real“真实的真实的”;really“真正地真正地”,确实;,确实;hard“努努力的力的”;hardly“几乎不几乎不”。根据上句。根据上句“这部电影涵盖了全这部电影涵

23、盖了全部中国历史部中国历史”,可以推测本句应为,可以推测本句应为“它确实值得再看一遍。它确实值得再看一遍。”故选故选B。考向二口语中口语中“really”常用于在听到对方的话语常用于在听到对方的话语后表示疑问、惊讶或恼怒,意思是后表示疑问、惊讶或恼怒,意思是“真的吗真的吗”或或“是吗是吗”。eg:Tom passed the exam.汤姆通过了考试。Really?真的吗?该句为一个省略了主语和谓语动词的感叹句,该句为一个省略了主语和谓语动词的感叹句,其完整结构应为其完整结构应为“How interesting it was!”。考向【重点重点】How interesting!多有趣呀!多有趣

24、呀!知识点8 8How形容词/副词(主语谓语动词)!How tall the tree is!这棵树多么高啊!What(a/an)形容词名词(主语谓语动词)!What a beautiful flower it is!多么漂亮的一朵花啊!感叹句的两种结构:感叹句的两种结构:Id like to have some more soup._delicious it is!(凉山)AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a典例典例C【点拨点拨】本题用本题用固定句式法固定句式法解答。解答。how引导的感叹句,其引导的感叹句,其结构为:结构为:How形容词或副词形容词或副词(主语谓语主语谓语)!故选!

25、故选C。visitor/vzt(r)/n.游客,访问者游客,访问者考向【易错点易错点】动词动词or变为名词变为名词(从事动作的从事动作的人人)visitorvisitor知识点9 9eg:The visitor wants to come in.那名游客想进来。常见的动词or构成的名词actor(男)演员professor 教授inventor 发明家 collector 收集者,收藏家conductor 售票员 director 导演常见的动词er构成的名词writer 作者,作家 singer 歌手waiter(男)服务员 player 运动员拓展拓展 About 200,000 _(游客

26、)came to Taierzhuang Ancient Town during May 1 holidays.Its difficult to believe.(枣庄)典例典例visitorsliving habits生活习惯生活习惯考向【重点重点】living在此处为动词在此处为动词live(活,居住,活,居住,过着过着)的动名词形式,表示用途。的动名词形式,表示用途。eg:You have to think of your living habits.你不得不考虑一下你的生活习惯。That is a big living room.那是一间很大的起居室。知识点1010 living作形容

27、词,意为“活着的”,all living things所有生物。eg:Is the fish still living?鱼还活着吗?They didnt find any living things on the moon.他们在月球上没有发现任何生物。living作名词,意为“生计,生存之道”,make a living谋生。eg:He made a living by writing.他靠写作谋生。拓展拓展【难点难点】tired/ta(r)d/adj.疲倦的疲倦的考向一【易错点易错点】辨析辨析 tired 与与 tiring知识点1111 eg:If you are tired,youd

28、better stop to have a rest.如果你累了,你最好停下来休息一下。tired疲倦的,用来描述人tiring,令人困倦的,用来描述事或物一语辨异:Climbing was tiring,and we felt kind of tired on the top of the mountain.爬山很累人,到山顶后我们感觉有点儿累。魔法魔法 记忆记忆It was a _ day and she felt very_.(河源)Atiring,tired Btiring,tiring Ctired,tiring Dtired,tired典例典例A【点拨点拨】第一空修饰第一空修饰“d

29、ay”,应用,应用tiring;第二空指;第二空指“她感她感觉很累觉很累”,应用,应用tired。故选。故选A。考向二be tired of.对对感到厌倦感到厌倦eg:Im tired of the boring show.我对这无聊的演出感到厌烦。stay up 深夜不睡,熬夜深夜不睡,熬夜考向stay 当不及物动词时,意为当不及物动词时,意为“停留,逗留停留,逗留”,后,后常接介词短语表示停留的地点。常接介词短语表示停留的地点。eg:Its raining outside,so we have to stay at home.外面正在下雨,因此我们不得不呆在家里。知识点1212 eg:Ma

30、ny students want to stay up to watch the show.许多学生想熬夜看这个节目。stay 可以作连系动词,意为“维持,保持”,其后常接形容词作表语。eg:The weather will stay fine for several days.天气将持续晴朗几天。stay 可以作名词,意为“停留、逗留(时间)”。eg:During my stay in Beijing,I had a good time.我在北京逗留期间玩得很高兴。拓展拓展 Tom,whats wrong with you?You look tired.Oh,I _ late to watc

31、h a football game last night.I slept for only two hours.(荆门)Agave up Blooked up Cset up Dstayed up 典例典例D【点拨点拨】give up放弃;放弃;look up查阅;查阅;set up建立;建立;stay up熬熬夜。句意夜。句意“汤姆,你怎么了?看上去很累。汤姆,你怎么了?看上去很累。哦,哦,昨晚我熬到深夜看足球赛,我只睡了两小时。昨晚我熬到深夜看足球赛,我只睡了两小时。”故选故选D。本节课主要练习了听力,学习了用一般过本节课主要练习了听力,学习了用一般过去时谈论上个周末活动的句型及知识点去时谈论上个周末活动的句型及知识点go boating,sheep,work as,natural,really,visitor,living habits,tired,stay up及感叹句等的用法。及感叹句等的用法。


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