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《高中英语2024届新高考读后续写主题升华高分万能句分类汇总(共15大类).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2024届新高考读后续写主题升华高分万能句分类汇总(共15大类).doc(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、新高考英语读后续写主题升华高分万能句一、家庭生活1.Through his loyalty to his friends and family, the young boy discovered the true meaning of friendship and the power of a strong bond.通过对朋友和家人的忠诚,这个小男孩发现了友谊的真谛和牢固联系的力量。2.From my fathers words, I have realized that family matters the most in the world.从父亲的话中,我意识到家庭是世界上最重要的。3

2、.From my mothers kindness, I have felt the warmth of our family.I will treasure/value/cherish it with all my heart.从母亲的善意中,我感受到了家的温暖。我将全心全意去珍惜它。4.It was Mom who taught me we should never take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.(强调句)是妈妈教会我,我们永远不要把最值得我们感激的事情视为理所当然。5.Mothers Da

3、y is a heartfelt reminder to honor and appreciate the selfless sacrifices and boundless love that mothers give, shaping our lives with unwavering dedication.(非谓语)母亲节是一个衷心的提醒,提醒我们要尊重和感激母亲们无私的牺牲和无限的爱,她们以坚定不移的奉献精神塑造了我们的生活。6.With gratitude in their hearts, they realized that the true treasure of a paren

4、t-child relationship lies in the moments of connection, creating a lifelong bond that goes beyond words.(非谓语)怀着感激之情,他们意识到亲子关系的真正宝藏在于联系的时刻,创造了一种超越语言的终身纽带。二、友善与同理心1.By showing kindness to others, the young boy learned that he could make a positive impact on the world around him.通过对他人表现出善意,这个小男孩学会了他可以对

5、周围的世界产生积极影响。2.By putting herself in others shoes, the young girl learned to be more empathetic and understanding towards those around her.通过设身处地为他人着想,这个年轻女孩学会了对周围的人更有同理心和理解力。3.I made up my mind to pass on love to others.Just as a saying goes,“Roses given, fragrance in hand.”我下定决心要把爱传递下去。正如俗语所说:“赠人玫瑰

6、,手有余香。” 三、人与自然1.Lets cherish the beauty of nature and strive to live in harmony with the environment, for it is our home and our heritage.(for 引导的原因状语从句)让我们珍惜大自然的美丽,努力与环境和谐相处,因为它是我们的家园和遗产。2.They discovered the wisdom of living in harmony with nature, developing a deep appreciation for the delicate b

7、alance between humans and animals.(非谓语)他们发现了与自然和谐相处的智慧,对人与动物之间微妙的平衡产生了深刻的理解。3.Their compassion and empathy taught them the invaluable lesson that treating animals with kindness and respect creates a world of love and harmony.(同位语从句)他们的同情心和同理心教会了他们宝贵的教训,即以善良和尊重的态度对待动物会创造一个爱与和谐的世界。4.At that moment, ha

8、ppiness and touch mixed, welling up into my heart, tears rolling down my cheeks.Only then did I realize that animals also know how to extend their appreciation.(非谓语+独立主格+倒装句)那一刻,幸福和感动交织在一起,涌上心头,泪水顺着脸颊滚落。直到那时,我才意识到动物也知道如何表达它们的感激之情。四、团结与协作 1.Only by working together can we build a harmonious society w

9、here everyone can contribute and thrive.(Only放在句首的倒装+定语从句)只有共同努力,我们才能建设一个人人都能贡献力量、茁壮成长的和谐社会。2.From the unforgettable experience, I have realized that this random act of kindness has a great influence on me.If possible, I always give a helping hand to other people.从这次难忘的经历中,我意识到这种随意的善举对我有很大的影响。如果可能的话

10、,我总是向别人伸出援手。3.Even small acts of love/kindness can make a big difference./ Love/kindness is one thing that really deserves to be passed on from one to another.(定语从句)即使是小小的爱/善举也会产生很大的影响/爱/善良是一种真正值得从一个人传递给另一个人的东西。五、勇气与坚持类1.Thanks to the power of perseverance, I understand that I, even an ordinary pers

11、on, can create wonders.多亏了毅力的力量,我明白了即使是一个普通人,我也能创造奇迹。2.It was hard work and determination that made me the master of my own destiny, despite our appearance.(强调句)不管我们的外表如何,正是努力和决心让我成为了自己命运的主人。3.Courage and perseverance are the keys to unlocking our potential.Only by standing firm can we reach our goa

12、ls.(Only 放在句首倒装)勇气和毅力是释放我们潜力的关键。只有立场坚定,我们才能实现目标。4.Actually, every individual possesses talent.Be brave when you find it and also make efforts.You can create miracles in the end.事实上,每个人都有天赋。当你发现它时要勇敢,也要努力。你最终可以创造奇迹。5.Determination and optimism are what it takes to conquer your fear and accomplish you

13、r goal.(what 引导的表语从句)决心和乐观是克服恐惧和实现目标所必需的。六、生命与健康1.Health is our most valuable asset.Lets adopt a healthy lifestyle and cherish our well-being.健康是我们最宝贵的财富。让我们采取健康的生活方式,珍惜我们的幸福。2.The story shows that everyone should have a good knowledge of first aid, for every second will count in an emergency.(for 引

14、导的原因状语从句)这个故事表明,每个人都应该有良好的急救知识,因为在紧急情况下,每一秒都很重要。3.The accident made them appreciate the fragility of life, prompting them to cherish every moment and treasure meaningful connections.(非谓语)这场意外让他们意识到生命的脆弱,促使他们珍惜每一刻,珍惜有意义的联系。七、成长与改变1.In the journey of life, growth and progress are our constant companio

15、ns.Lets embrace challenges and make every step count.在人生的旅途中,成长和进步是我们永恒的伙伴。让我们拥抱挑战,每一步都走得有意义。2.As the old saying goes, “Honesty is the best policy./No pains, no gains./A promise is a promise.”俗话说:“诚实是上策。/没有付出就没有收获。/言出必行。”3.If you work hard, your efforts will pay off sooner or later.如果你付出努力,迟早会获得回报。4

16、.Opportunities always come to those who are prepared.机会青睐有准备的人。5.The unforgettable experience has totally changed me, giving me a new life and hope.(非谓语)这次难忘的经历彻底改变了我,给了我新生和希望。6.There is no doubt that it has become the most unforgettable experience, which I will cherish for ever in the rest of my li

17、fe!毫无疑问,这已经成为我一生中最难忘的经历,我余生将永远珍惜。八、友谊与信任1.As an old proverb goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”俗话说:“患难见真情。”2.They realized that true friends are always there for each other, supporting and celebrating one another, creating a bond that lasts a lifetime.他们意识到,真正的朋友总是在彼此身边,彼此支持,互相庆祝,建立一种维持一生的纽

18、带。3.Their friendship grew stronger as they embraced each others imperfections and stood by each others side.(时间状语从句)当他们拥抱彼此的不完美,站在彼此的一边时,他们的友谊变得更加牢固。九、爱与感恩显真情1.It suddenly hit me: my fathers love is the sunshine that brings me firmness and enthusiasm to pursue my dream.父亲的爱就像阳光,带给我坚定和热情去追逐我的梦想。2.It

19、was then that a truth found its way to me: mothers love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.从那时起,我突然意识到一个真相:母爱是让一个普通人做到不可能的事的动力。3.Only then did it dawn on me that we should never take love for granted, which urged me to be grateful.直到那时我才明白,我们永远不该把爱视为理所当然,这催促我去感恩。4.Fam

20、ily is a life jacket in the stormy sea of life.家庭是波涛汹涌的生命海洋中的救生衣。5.Family is a unique gift that needs to be appreciated and treasured.家庭是一份独特的礼物,需要被欣赏和珍惜。6.Friendship is like the light of fireflies.The darker it is, the brighter the light will be.友谊就像萤火虫的光。越暗,光就越亮。7.The light of the setting sun shon

21、e on the boys, witnessing the start of a new friendship.夕阳的余晖洒在孩子们的身上,见证了一段新友谊的开始。8.I knew that all this was due to the encouragement from my teacher, enabling me to restore the confidence to succeed.我知道这一切都归功于老师的鼓励,让我得以重振成功的信心。十、经一事,长一智1.Never before in my life have I so firmly believed honesty is

22、the best policy.在我的一生中,我从未如此坚定地相信诚实是最好的为人之道。2.It turns out that theres always a way out of any plight as long as we stay calm.事实证明,只要我们保持冷静,就总有办法摆脱困境。3.It struck me: with a cellphone, we can do a lot.But without a cellphone, a lot more are waiting to be explored.我明白了:我们可以用手机做很多事。但放下手机,还有更多事物等待我们探索。4

23、.Everyone should be treated equally no matter how special he or she is.每个人都应该被平等对待,无论他或她多么特别。5.Only if we stay calm when confronted with difficulty, are we more likely to find the solution!只有在面对困难时保持冷静,我们才更有可能找到解决方案!6.It was the efforts in the process rather than the results that mattered.重要的是过程中的努力

24、,而不是结果。十一、永不言弃希望见于坚持,梦想圆于不懈1.Never give up no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless.无论发生什么,无论多么绝望,都不要放弃。2.Every cloud has a silver lining./ There is always light at the end of the tunnel./ Somebody sometime somewhere will shine a lamp of hope.黑暗中总有一线光明。/ 隧道尽头总有光明。/ 某时某地某人会点亮一盏希望之灯。3.There are

25、no shortcuts to any place worth going./ There is no elevator to success, only stairs.任何值得去的地方都没有捷径。/没有直达成功的电梯,只有一步步走楼梯。 4.As long as you have a dream, just go for it, and never give it up easily.只要你有梦想,就去追求它,不要轻易放弃。5.Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. 当准备遇到机会时就会有好运。6.Be the flo

26、wer that blooms, and butterflies will come.你若盛开,蝴蝶自来。 十二、面对挫折世界以痛吻我,要我报之以歌1.Life is full of smiles and tears.Only by accepting them both can we enjoy our life.生活充满了微笑和泪水,只有接受他们两者,我们才能享受生活的美好。2.Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing well those you hold.人生不在于拿到好牌,而在于打好手中的牌。3.You canno

27、t control the behavior of others, but you can always choose how you respond to it.你无法控制他人的行为,但你可以随时选择如何回应。4.The more you feed your mind with positive thoughts, the more you can attract great things into your life.你越是用积极的想法来充实你的头脑,你就越能把美好的事物吸引到你的生活中。5.Embrace every possibility in your life and believ

28、e in yourself.把握住你生命中的一切可能,相信自己。6.Where there is a life, there is a hope.生命不息,希望不止。十三、成长类1.(2022年新高考I卷)It was his brave heart and strong faith that could make something unusual happen finally.(强调句)正是他勇敢的心和坚强的信念,最终会让一些不寻常的事情发生。2.Through him, I learned having an unflagging spirit could overcome challe

29、nges and David truly had that.(动名词短语做主语)通过他,我学会了拥有一种不屈的精神可以克服挑战,大卫确实做到了这一点。3.It is not intelligence alone that brings success, but also the drive to succeed, the commitment to work hard and the courage to believe in yourself.I am proud of her, and I am lucky to have learned so much in helping her.带来

30、成功的不单是智慧本身,而且还要有想要成功的动力、对工作的投入和相信自己的勇气。我为她感到骄傲,我很幸运能从帮助她中学到很多东西。4.If it had not been for this event, they wouldnt have realized that they should cooperate and cultivate team spirit to achieve their goals.(虚拟语气)如果不是因为这次活动,他们就不会意识到他们应该通过合作和培养团队精神来实现自己的目标。5.Put your imperfections out of your mind and c

31、oncentrate on what you value within yourself, and your beauty will shine through.把你的不完美从脑海中抹去,专注于你内心珍视的东西,你的美就会闪耀。6.There was no doubt that I succeeded in becoming a member of the basketball team.It was my determination and efforts that helped me achieve my dream.(同位语从句+强调句)毫无疑问,我成功地成为了篮球队的一员。是我的决心和

32、努力帮助我实现了梦想。十四、助人类1.From then on, I would try my best to help others.Only in this way could more and more people help each other in the future.从那时起,我会尽力帮助别人。只有这样,将来才能有越来越多的人互相帮助。2.From then on, he made up his mind to help someone who needs help.Only in this way could more and more people help each ot

33、her in the future.从那时起,他就决定去帮助那些需要帮助的人。只有这样,将来才能有越来越多的人互相帮助.3.Sometimes, a small act of kindness may be powerful enough to make a huge difference.有时候一个小小的善举可能足以产生巨大的影响。4.When awkward situations happen to others, we should put ourselves in their shoes.当别人遭遇尴尬的情况时,我们应该设身处地地为他人着想。5.Helping others to re

34、alize their dreams gave me more pleasure.帮助别人实现他们的梦想让我感觉更快乐。6.She felt warmth in the cold day, and believed there was kindness in every corner.她在寒冷的日子里感受到了温暖,她相信每个角落都有善意。7.Without her in my life, I would have no idea whether I could be a famous dancer.如果我的生活中没有她,我就不知道我能否成为一名著名的舞蹈家。8.When I am older

35、and have children of my own, I hope I can be just as great a parent as my mom.当我长大并有了自己的孩子时,我希望我能像我妈妈一样做一个伟大的母亲。9.It occurred to me that the precious lesson taught by my Dad would definitely guide the way of my future.我突然想到,爸爸教我的宝贵的一课肯定会指导我的未来。十五、学习知识促“改变”Its never too late to learn.Each individual

36、should take the opportunity to accept more challenges and make more attempts.学习永远为时不晚。每个人都应该抓住机会去接受更多的挑战,做更多的尝试。individual: 个人,个体make more attempts: 做更多尝试发挥天赋促“改变”Actually, every individual possesses talent.Be brave when you find it and also make efforts.You can create miracles in the end.事实上,每个人都有天

37、赋,发现它的时候要勇敢,也要付出努力,最终你会创造奇迹。possess: 拥有create miracles: 创造奇迹追逐梦想促“改变”Its never too late to go for your dream.As long as you grasp every opportunity and take full advantage of it, you will stand a chance to realize your dreams.追梦永远不晚,只要你抓住机会并充分利用它,你就有机会实现梦想。go for dream: 追求梦想take full advantage of: 充

38、分利用stand a chance: 有机会克服困难促“改变”The journey to success is not smooth.It is full of challenges and difficulties.We should be brave to face them.As long as we dont give up hope and make every effort to overcome all the difficulties, we will surely achieve our goals finally.通往成功的旅程不会一帆风顺,充满挑战和艰辛。我们要勇敢面对

39、。只要不放弃希望并竭尽全力克服所有困难,我们终将实现目标。smooth: 平坦的,顺利的as long as: 引导条件状语从句make every effort to do sth.: 竭尽全力做某事战胜恐惧促“改变”Determination and optimism are what it takes to conquer your fear and accomplish your goal.战胜恐惧并实现目标,需要决心和乐观。what: 引导表语从句conquer: 战胜,征服战胜自卑促“改变”I smiled as I eventually realized the real sou

40、rce of confidence.Now, I am proud of what I look like and much happier, because I have realized it is your personality that decides who you truly are.我笑了,因为我最终意识到了自信的真正来源。现在,我为我的样子感到骄傲,而且更快乐,因为我已经意识到,决定你真正是谁的是你的人格。as: 引导原因状语从句what: 引导宾语从句it is.that: 强调句战胜消极促“改变”Attitude is more important than facts for us.We cannot change our past; we cannot change the fact.However, the only thing we can do is to hold a positive attitude.态度对我们来说比事实更重要。 我们不能改变我们的过去;我们不能改变事实。然而,我们唯一能做的就是保持积极的态度。7


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